Why is Visual Studio 2010's solution explorer so friggin' jumpy? - silverlight

I am getting the following error on when I try to compile:
error MC6000: Project file must
include the .NET Framework assembly
'WindowsBase, PresentationCore,
PresentationFramework' in the
reference list.
This project is the Web backend for a Silverlight Business Application with very little modification. When I do add these references, everything breaks. I've tried removing every single reference from my references until all I had left was a reference to System. I still get the error though. In fact it is the only error that shows up.
Figured it out, and I have a new question: I accidentally moved (dragged) a XAML file from my Silverlight front-end project. Visual Studio is very finicky and will drag something at the drop of a hat. When I click an item, even if I release the mouse right away, sometimes it will drag the item following the mouse. Is there a way to make it less jumpy?

If you copied or moved an item from another project, its "Build Action" property might be set to "Page". This happened to me, and changing it to "Resource" (because that's what the item was) fixed the problem.
I've copied this answer from another site. It was the problem I was facing.


Visual Studio toolbox custom controls only visible once

I know there are a lot of problems like that and you all might think this is a duplicate but NO... this problem is different.
When I add a custom user control to a project and rebuild it, the control is added to the toolbox. If I try to add another one it does not show up in the toolbox. If I close visual studio and reopen it the first control also was removed from the toolbox and will never appear again. From now on the project is broken and no control added, remove + readded will ever show up in the toolbox. So I create a new project and it starts from the beginning.
Before this tip appears I'll say it: Automatically Populate Toolbox is True. Nothing helps against this problem. Build Project/Solution, Rebuild, Clean+Rebuild, Restart of VS, Restart of Computer, Unload and reload the project, set toolbox back to default. Nothing works.
Any ideas??
You have to remember that the designer call your code constructor and some other methods at design time.
If you build the code and the control does not appears and it has not been hidden by an attribute, then probably the code you wrote is not compatible with the designer. For example, the control might throw an exception in design mode because of incorrect code.
The attribute is [ToolboxItem(false)]. If you have a base class that hide it, it will also be hidden in derived class if not specified otherwise.
You will have the same problem if that control is used in another component. You won't see it if it does not compile and run correctly.
The trick to debug that kind of problem, is to attach a debugger from a second instance of Visual Studio to find where in your code you throw an exception.
If the control does not work at run-time, better to fix that first as if it also fix design problem, it is simpler to debug that way.
Otherwise, you have to ensure that your project dependencies are correct. The toolbox will only shows component from DLLs that are referenced by the current project (or from itself I think).

WPF migrating backwards to vs2010

I have a WPF application I've been working on for about a month at work, but because of licensing issues I have to convert it back to vs2010 from a vs2013 project. I'm none too thrilled, but what can you do. I can only find material on upgrading from 2010 to 2013, not downgrading (which makes perfect sense).
Unfortunately but understandably, you can't open vs2013 projects in 2010, so I'm starting a new WPF project in 2010, and adding files in.
One of the things I've noticed is that 2010 doesn't seem to have App.config, or App.xaml and App.xaml.cs. I am using App.config to store connection strings, and App.Current.Properties to store data from window to window in the application although that functionality doesn't seem to exist.
I do not know what to do to make this work. Is there a major difference in how one is supposed to program WPF from VS2010 to VS2013? I don't know to get around these issues. I'm perfectly happy to rewrite code if I have to, but I don't know what the old way to do these things may have been.
It turns out I had accidentally created a Windows Forms project in vs2010, which was the source of most of the issues. However, when I switched it to a WPF project, I did still need to add a reference to System.Configuration, and add a couple of using statements. It turned out to be relatively painless. Then of course the other thing you have to do is make sure the startup uri is set to what you want. It's in App.xaml, and in my case I change it from
which is the default,
which is of course my login window, which I want to launch straight away.
The only other thing to do is move the data classes over, move the .xaml files over, and move the .xaml.cs files with them. Then just use 'Add Existing Item' to put them all in the project. Pretty straightforward.

Visual studio 2012 XAML designer invalid markup

I've got a project that contains usercontrols. For some reason, the design view for the window which uses the said controls has stopped functioning and insists on "Invalid Markup" - the error given is that some members of the usercontrols are not recognized or not accessible. The project however compiles and executes just fine. Loading it up in VS2010, the editor works fine, no errors whatsoever - the same even in Expression Blend.
So far I have tried the typical clean, rebuild, manually deleting stuff from obj, updating the .xaml and rebuilding, tried starting VS2012 with /resetuserdata and /resetsettings - the problem persists. I even rolled back to a much older revision of my project, back when the designer was working just fine, no dice - same error. I also tried launching VS2012 as a new windows user to avoid any stored appdata that might be lingering, again a no go.
Is there some other sort of cache or something that I could manually delete?
There's also an issue with the ShadowCache (used for rendering designer) getting out of sync with your XAML in VS2012. I just found this out, as I was having a horrible time with the following error with derived user controls:
The local property XXXX can only be applied to types that are derived from YYYYY.
The shadow cache is located in your user profile directory:
app data\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\Designer\ShadowCache
You can delete everything in there and restart VS2012. After that, things worked much better (for at least a while!)
Delete everything in ShadowCache
Copy-pasteable paths
Just copy/paste one of these paths into Windows Explorer. %LOCALAPPDATA% is a Windows Environment Variable it will be replaced with the corresponding value when entered into Explorer (also works in Command Prompt)
If you develop ASP.NET also delete
I'm not sure this will fix all cases but this is what worked for me (all the time now).
I have VS2012, using the Blend designer in the IDE, building an x64 application, when I would define a new ICommand and add the Command attribute, I would get the designer isn't supported in x64 error (I forget the exact warning). If I switch to x86, I'd get invalid XAML markup errors complaining the the ICommand wasn't recognized or was not accessible, no matter how many times I rebuilt in x64. If I switch to x86, build, then switch back to x64, voila, not problems with the designer.
Now I recall similar issues with VS2008 and Blend version 3 and 4. From what I've read in other posts, using Any CPU might also resolve the issue.
May be you have added user controls which are not supported or you might have added some wrong parent-child relationship in your user controls . Try removing the suspected User Controls and rebuilding the project . It must fix the issue .
You need to re:encode your xaml, open bugged files in ide -> save as -> save encoded (choose UTF8)
I've the same problem while using controls with a custom (no param) Constructor.
Check if the Custom/User Control constructor doesn't require any data that the WPF designer doesn't have. A quick wait to check that is surrounding the whole thing with a try catch, cleaning, rebuilding and then check to see if the problem is solver.
If it is not, try commenting everything except the default WPF Init cod, clean, rebuild and test it out.
In Visual Studio 2013 this is a workaround I using for my Windows Phone Project, http://danielhindrikes.se/visual-studio/workaround-for-invalid-markup-problems-when-developing-for-windows-phone/. I guess it is the same designer that is used when you writing XAML for WPF.
Have tried to delete Shadow Cache but itjust work first time I start Visual Studio, above workaround is the only thing that helped me.
A little late, but something else to consider: If your no-parameter constructor is doing some other work, like getting data that doesn't exist because you are in the designer, add this at the start of your constructor:
if (DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new System.Windows.DependencyObject())) return;
// Do work.
This is necessary because the designer does execute your no-parameter constructor which may fail in design mode an give you the invalid markup.
And, regardless of what others are saying, this is not a VS or WPF XAML Parser bug. I ran into this issue today using VS 2015, .Net 4.5.2.
I just had the same problem (program compiling and running fine, XAML designer reporting invalid markup), the issue was that I had accidentally changed the assembly name of one of the projects in my solution, I changed it back and my XAML designer sprang back to life, so check the Properties page of each project in your solution, and ensure the Assembly Name is as you expect it to be.
I think there is no problem in your project, but it is problem in VS 2012. Try to install the latest update for VS 2012 (Update 2) and also check this answer.
I have the same Problem with VS 2015 and 2017 but only if I compile for x64 only.
Here it helps if I change compile target (Project properties - Build, its called Plattformziel in german) temporarily to x86, compile to project and switch back to x64.
Maybe this is a "solution" for anybody else.

Visual Studio crashes on opening XAML file

I try and open a XAML file in a silverlight project, VS crashes.
I can create a new Silverlight project, and open XAML files in that new project no problem. However even if I create a new XAML file in my existing project VS still crashes, so my hunch is that it's not the content of the XAML, but rather something else in the project.
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this further before I go down the laborious task of starting with an empty but working project, and adding the bits of the existing project until it crashes.
As it turns out my DesignTime ViewModel data was the source of the problem. I inject a design-time repository that populates various collections with suitable design-time data. After a bit of refactoring that was done around the same time as the Silverlight update was applied, I messed up one of the property setters. The validator throw the exception and these caused VS to crash.
In the end I debugged this by starting a second instance of Visual Studio attaching the debugger to the first instance, and setting a bunch of breakpoints in my view model locator and design-time repository.
I debated removing this question, but decided to leave it up, with this answer as I suspect I'm not the first person to have VS crash for no apparent reason.
Deleting the ngen cache worked for me. See What causes Visual Studio 2008 SP1 to crash when switch to Design View of a WPF application
Try deleting the .suo file. You will find it where your solution file is and it will have the same name as the solution file i.e.
I just had this problem and I solved it this way :
launch the project in debug mode, try then to look at you xaml.
It worked, after closing the program everything was alright.
It's quick and safe. (you don't delete any hidden files...)
Maybe it will work for you.

Visual Studio 2010 Designer Error on Run

I am using using VS2010 and if I have a form open in designer mode and run my application the designer tab will no longer show the form designer but instead an error will be displayed (and it is only fixed by restarting the IDE) saying:
"To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the
following errors must be resolved:"
1 Error:
"The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the
classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the
following classes in the file: ##### --- The base class ##### could
not be loaded. Ensure the assembly has been referenced and that all
projects have been built"
I then shows the following call stack:
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomDesignerLoader.EnsureDocument(IDesignerSerializationManager manager)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomDesignerLoader.PerformLoad(IDesignerSerializationManager manager)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomDesignerLoader.PerformLoad(IDesignerSerializationManager serializationManager)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.BasicDesignerLoader.BeginLoad(IDesignerLoaderHost host)
Any help is greatly appreciated this is really annoying.
I get this visual studio bug too now and then, and I deeply ignore the error text, instead I do the following:
Close the Design-tab
Reopens the Design mode by double click in Solution Explorer, or by right clicking Source code tab and select View Designer
Suddenly everything works again!
If not helping, you may have to change bullet 2 into:
Close and restart Visual Studio.
Maybe this can help you out.
I usually close the visual form, rebuild the solution, right-click then select "view designer" in the form code.
Very, very annoying. I am thinking of dropping back to VS2008.
Close the form. Clean the solution. Rebuild the solution. Reopen the form. Worked for me when nothing else would.
I had this same issue and I was able to resolve this by creating new project and then compiled and run the project and then I imported all the files and ran the project again and automatically it was working again did nothing extra.
I'm able to avoid restarting VS by doing the following
Add a new user control
Drag and drop some of your custom user controls on to it (If it gives you an error, build the solution again).
Reopen your control.
In my case, I have a winforms project with several custom controls that are used by other custom controls. Whenever I open some of those custom controls, I get a the "The base class ..." error. Adding a new custom control, building the project and then adding some custom controls from my project to the new custom control allowed me to open the custom controls that were giving me the "The base class ..." error.
UPDATE: I think I found the problem. My controls were not 'added' properly to the csproj file. In the csproj file, the files for partial classes of UI controls/components need the 'DependentUpon' attribute.
<Compile Include="Windows\Forms\DataGridView.cs">
<Compile Include="Windows\Forms\DataGridView.Designer.cs" />
<Compile Include="Windows\Forms\DataGridView.cs">
<Compile Include="Windows\Forms\DataGridView.Designer.cs">
I had a situation where a custom user control appeared to be creating the error (not sure why) so I removed references to the user control from the form and the error went away.
It seems that after installing SP1 the problem has gone away.
Thanks for your help everyone.
I had the same problem using A control With Generics
MvpUserControl<Presenter,IViewMode> : UserControl
what I do it's Remove the Reference and Add again, Clean and Rebuild the Solution I Hope this can be useful for anybody else
I had the same problem with VS2010 SP1. Finally using Windows Update I saw some updates for Visual Studio and .Net, I installed them and is not happening any more.
Old post, but for those whom may find this...
Just ran in to this error and for me it was relatively simple fix.
Found that it may have something to do with the names of your classes, and renaming the problematic class to a higher order. That is the alphabetical order it appears in the assembly (Where A is higher than Z).
MSDN Article
Good luck.
This error occur if the Form class is not a first class in the file, for example if there is some helper class at the beginning of the file.
To solve this issue, move all other classes except Form class to the bottom of the file.
Don't code in Form1.Designer.cs. Move your logic to Form1.cs (hit F7 on Form1.cs [Design] tab).
"In the project file (.vcxproj), locate the entry for the target
Framework version. For example, if your project is designed to use the
.NET Framework 4.5, locate
v4.5 in the
element of the element. "
In my case the "v4.5" didn't exist so I add it, and everything is good now.
I tried clean solution and re-build solution and worked for me.
Hope this help!
This solution works fine, please follow these steps below to solve your problem:
Check the reference if load correctly
Clean the solution and rebuild again
Clean the project and rebuild again
Clean your project and open it again
I was login as administrator in visual studio . I just close my visual studio and again open it without run as administrator and my problem is solved
I ran into this today after upgrading VS2019. I went to properties, configuration tab, and set the projects to Configuration = Debug, Platform = Any CPU. Then it worked.
I faced this issue.
To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved:
I found solution for this problem:
Close all open tabs, and refresh (sync active documents) the solution.
For more information, you can see this video : https://youtu.be/Q3x2HBd7BDs
