Accessing form's elements in controller without submit - cakephp

Is there any way I can access the form elements in view like textbox or selectbox(combobox) from controller without submitting form in view?

That is impossible. The only way data gets to the server is if its submitted, be it via normal means or ajax, post or get.
I think you are looking for a way to submit the form without reloading the page, which would be ajax. You can use something like jQuery that has a nice framework to do this easily. you can use the .post()/.get() and .serialize() methods


Structuring an angular app for server side filtering and pagination

What would be best approach for structuring an angular app which supports filtering and sorting on the server side using radio button filters on client side
Context of the app:
I have a sample movie list app, where movies have genre and style to categorize them. They can be sorted based on name, rating, year of release. The backend is very clear, I pass the filters to url in the form of query parameters and data is returned and pagination is also addressed. From the client side I create the url and attach the string params to it. However I have tried few implementations of filters and sorting on the client side and wasnt satisfied. every implementation involves using radio buttons for filters. The following approaches were used by me.
Approaches used:
Create few filters based on genres and styles of movies, launch an event when one radio button is clicked, pass the filter-radio model in the event. Listen for the event in a movieListDirective and then create the url followed by triggering the server call.
Create filters and pass the data in a service, launch an event whenever a radio button is clicked. Listen for the event and receive the data from the service. Create the url and initiate the server call.
Not yet used this approach but thinking of giving it a try
On click of radio button push the data in the browser url in form of query parameters. Listen for url change event inside the directive and trigger the server call
I'm also thinking of using UI router. Create an abstract state for filter and sort button. Put the movieListDirective inside the child state.
I'm just not satisfied with my 2 approaches and think that there's a huge room for improvement. Can anyone please suggest a very scalable approach or something to improve the existing approach which I'm using. Thanks in advance.
**I'm using IONIC. I would like to take advantage of the pull to refresh and infinite scroll features. These have to be put inside the ionic-content directive. Hence the approach used should satisfy this requirement **
Well, if I were you I would change a variable in my $scope and listen its changes to request again with your filters.
I made a Plunker to help you.
In this Plunker, I added the ng-model to my radio buttons. When these radio buttons are selected, they change my variable with their values.
<input type="radio" value="new" ng-model="area">
This radio button above change $scope.area value to "new". Then, my controller listen to this change event and call my $scope.requestAPI function.
$scope.$watch('area', function() {
$scope.requestAPI($scope.area, $scope.category);
This function use the values of $scope.area and $scope.category to make a request. Changing their values, you change the request.
It is exactly the feature that you need.

How to use $http.get for populating ng-admin choice field?

How would/can you populate a ng-admin "choice" field using angular $http.get method call?
Something like this would pull a list of companies from the '/companies' endpoint and populate the select field with it. It will also highlight the currently selected company. It won't be a "choice" kind of field.
nga.field('', 'reference')
.validation({required: true }),
You can try creating a custom directive, but you'll have to dig through the ng-admin internals to make sure you work with their API. And then you'll have to pray they don't change that api. Custom directives are easier to think about and manage if you're saving one field at a time and not filling out a huge form. But if you're saving one field at a time, you'll operating outside of ng-admin and if you do enough of those tricks, then you won't need ng-admin other than for basic listings and pagination.
You're probably looking for the 'reference' field (see documentation). If this doesn't fit your need, you'll have to use a custom directive using ui-select (already used by ng-admin) and a custom Restangular call.
ng-admin's ma-choice-field directive
a directive making custom HTTP calls on ng-admin-demo

Passing Data vs. Separate Request in AngularJS using ngResource

I'm new to angular and trying to figure out how best to accomplish this.
Say you have set up an ngResource factory to get a bunch of widgets . You return those widgets(GET /api/widgets) and display them on the page in a list.
Now say you can edit those widgets in a dialog box by clicking an edit button next to the object in the list. Is it better practice to pass the individual widget's data (that was already retrieved by the first $resource call) to the edit dialog, or simply pass an ID parameter to the dialog box and have it resolve it's own $resource call using a separate GET /api/widgets/:widgetID call.
The data wouldn't realistically change between loading the list and clicking the edit button, so it doesn't need to be synced to the exact second. Both of these requests would come from the same factory, but the question is if you should store the data and pass it, or execute a separate request.
I don't see a reason to fetch it again, I would just reuse the object.

Angular form - send only changed fields

I'm creating a web client that works with a settings web API with angular.
There are a lot of settings and they are all optional. If I send a setting, it should be saved. Settings that are not sent should not change.
The requirement is to have one Save Changes button for all the settings.
I wonder if there is some way in Angular to implement this.
I thought about not using HTML form and collecting the data and creating an ajax request by myself but then I will lose the validation mechanism (that is working well with Angular-UI validate).
I thought about splitting the form into little forms and submiting only the forms where ng-dirty is not false, but this can cause a partial save if some requests will fail (and this is against the requirement).
Any idea?
You can check if the form or any named field is modified before submission. If the form has a name and your inputs have names like:
<form name="myForm">
<input name="input1">
In the controller you will have access to the object $scope.myForm and $scope.myForm.input1, and these objects will have a $dirty property which is true if the original value was modified by the user.
In the Angular documentation there is an example that covers ng-copy to implement a reset function.
During submit you could compare your starting model(master copy) to the changed/submitted object (changed copy) and only submit the changed items (or just delete those that are the same/unchanged).
Diff the copy and master with
This needs extra work to handle arrays.
Or convert to JSON and diff the JSON

CakePHP dynamic element

I am trying to create a message-board type element in a CakePHP app. This element will be displayed on all pages and views that use a particular layout. I want it to display all the messages in the model, then show the add form when a link is clicked, then return to the updated message list when submitted. All this without affecting the current view/page.
I have my message model/controller/index set up, with a message board element that requests the index action. This works fine. However I am perplexed about how to return back to the original page/action from which the link was clicked. I can't use $this->referer() because that will link back to the add() action; what I want rather is to link to the page/view before that.
Any general pointers on how to achieve something like this?
I would approach this using Ajax, and use an ajax layout.
Then you would be able to setup a full stack for processing this, and pass various things in as parameters into the controller actions.
By using Ajax you will not need to worry about passing in the referrer controller / action pair. You can also use the return from this to update the list by calling out to the MessagesController. The added bonus of this is that you can just switch the layout in your actual controllers, thus not having to write any extra code at all.
In your controller, you can check for Ajax
return $data;
