Code Analysis CA2000: Is this code okay? - winforms

Have a look at this code, I believe it solved CA2000 but I want to make sure I'm not overlooking something. Basically this code loads a new Control based on what is selected in a TreeView. That Control is then displayed and is visible/usable until another Node in the TreeView is selected.
private void Something(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
ProjectTreeNode node = (e.Node as ProjectTreeNode);
foreach (Control c in optionsPlaceholderPanel.Controls)
if (node != null)
//ProjectOptions inherits from Control and is therefore IDisposable
ProjectOptions options = new ProjectOptions(node.Project);
private void ShowOptionsPanel(Control control)
control.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
So basically the Control is in scope always, until a new Control is loaded in place of it. When I do that, I'm disposing the prior-loaded Control so I think it's safe to ignore CA2000 in this case. Also, when the Form finally closes and optionsPlaceholderPanel is disposed, this will also dispose the child controls, right?

foreach (Control c in optionsPlaceholderPanel.Controls)
No, this code has a bug. Which in itself is triggered by a bug in the ControlCollection class. Your foreach loop is modifying the panel's Controls collection. This normally produces an InvalidOperationException, "Collection was modified, enumeration operation may not execute", but the class forgets to do this.
The Dispose() call on the control removes it from the collection. In effect, you'll only dispose every other control. This should have a side-effect, they remain visible on the panel. Ymmv. Fix:
for (int ix = optionsPlaceholderPanel.Controls.Count - 1; ix >= 0; --ix)
Or less efficient, although you'd never see the difference:
while (optionsPlaceholderPanel.Controls.Count > 0)
Otherwise the code is okay, CA2000 tends to produce false warnings.


WPF ListBox - Detect Scrollbar Up/Down Button click

I'm using a listbox to display a list of numeric values where the selected value get applied to an object and is saved. I had the idea to set the height on on the listbox to be just enough to display a single row. Of course this causes the vertical scollbar to appear, and without a scroll body, which is exactly what I was looking for.
When I click the up/down arrow on the list box scrollbar, it scrolls the next item into view correctly. However, the item is not selected. I immediately had problems with the actual selected value being saved and not the value that is in view. This is because it requires a click on the number after the scrollbar button to actually select the value, which is not very intuitive.
So, after some intel-sense hunting, I began search for possible ways to increment the selected value with clicks on the listbox scrollbar buttons, but I can't find anything that actually uses them.
I have found posts that describe actions when clicking on the scroll bar body, and still others that use designer added buttons to perform the index change on the listbox. However, the scroll bar body is not visible do to the short height of the list box and it seems silly to add more buttons when I already have those two available and doing most of the work.
I have also found a post that described something similar, but using a listview. But, I would hate to have to swap the control out at this point for one feature I really think should be available somewhere on the control I'm currently using.
So, I guess what I'm looking for is a way to address the click event handler of the vertical scrollbar buttons on a listbox control.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(Thanks all, for the 1000 other things I didn't have to post to solve here!)
I had heard about that Phil, and your right. I'm doing a replacement for the numeric up-down.
I just figured that there was probably a viable alternative, since that specific control was not originally part of the framework. I had also gotten much of it working and really like the results, and the way it picked up the theme.
Since the core of this application will become a start point for future applications, I wanted to include this functionality and was prepared to do a little work for it.
What I ended up doing was a little complicated that it was worth, but made easy with a useful helper function. I needed to search the 'Visual Tree' for my target type. From there I was able to access enough functionality to finish up.
Using a helper function I found here (Thanks Bruno) I was able to add this to my Loaded event:
private Double currentVerticalOffset;
private void Page_Loaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ScrollViewer sv = Helpers.ViewHelpers.ListBoxHelper.FindVisualChild<ScrollViewer>(listbox);
sv.ScrollChanged += HandleRankScrollChange;
currentVerticalOffset = sv.VerticalOffset;
Then, I handle the scroll changed event:
private void HandleRankScrollChange(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
ScrollViewer sv = Helpers.ViewHelpers.ListBoxHelper.FindVisualChild<ScrollViewer>(listbox);
if (sv.VerticalOffset > currentVerticalOffset)
if (sv.VerticalOffset < currentVerticalOffset)
currentVerticalOffset = sv.VerticalOffset;
The helpers I call here are pretty simple, but again, this will become a foundation kit, so having the methods will probably come in handy again.
public static void SelectNextItem(ListBox lb)
if (lb.SelectedIndex < lb.Items.Count)
public static void SelectPreviousItem(ListBox lb)
if (lb.SelectedIndex > 0)
Bruno's helper function
public static childItem FindVisualChild<childItem>(DependencyObject obj) where childItem : DependencyObject
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); i++)
DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);
if (child != null && child is childItem)
return (childItem)child;
childItem childOfChild = FindVisualChild<childItem>(child);
if (childOfChild != null)
return childOfChild;
return null;
Thanks again.

wpf BackgroundWorker - Regarding updating UI

I use a browse for files dialog to allow a user to select multiple images. If a lot of images are selected, as expected it takes a bit. Below is an example of what I do with the selected images. I loop through the filepaths to images and create an instance of a user control, the user control has an Image control and a few other controls. I create the instance of this control then add it to a existing stackPanel created in the associating window xaml file. The example just below works fine, but I'm trying to understand BackGroundWorker better, I get the basics of how to set it up, with it's events, and pass back a value that could update a progress bar, but because my loop that takes up time below adds the usercontrol instance to an existing stackPanel, It won't work, being in a different thread. Is BackGroundWorker something that would work for an example like this? If so, what's the best way to update the ui (my stackpanel) that is outside the thread. I'm fairly new to wpf and have never used the BackGroundWorker besides testing having it just update progress with a int value, so I hope this question makes sense, if I'm way off target just let me know. Thanks for any thoughts.
Example of how I'm doing it now, which does work fine.
protected void myMethod(string[] fileNames) {
MyUserControl uc;
foreach (String imagePath in fileNames) {
uc = new MyUserControl();
progressBar.Value = ++counter;
below this class i have this so I can have the progressBar refresh:
public static class extensionRefresh {
private static Action EmptyDelegate = delegate() { };
public static void Refresh(this UIElement uiElement) {
uiElement.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, EmptyDelegate);
Check out this article on
Building more responsive apps with the Dispatcher
Now that you have a sense of how the Dispatcher works, you might be surprised to know that you will not find use for it in most cases. In Windows Forms 2.0, Microsoft introduced a class for non-UI thread handling to simplify the development model for user interface developers. This class is called the BackgroundWorker
In WPF, this model is extended with a DispatcherSynchronizationContext class. By using BackgroundWorker, the Dispatcher is being employed automatically to invoke cross-thread method calls. The good news is that since you are probably already familiar with this common pattern, you can continue using BackgroundWorker in your new WPF projects
Basically the approach is
BackgroundWorker _backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
// Set up the Background Worker Events
_backgroundWorker.DoWork += _backgroundWorker_DoWork;
_backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += _backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted;
// Run the Background Worker
// Worker Method
void _backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
// Do something
// Completed Method
void _backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
// Doing UI stuff
if (e.Cancelled)
statusText.Text = "Cancelled";
else if (e.Error != null)
statusText.Text = "Exception Thrown";
statusText.Text = "Completed";
Using a BackgroundWorker alone won't solve your issue since elements created during the DoWork portion will still have originated from a non-UI thread. You must call Freeze on any objects you intend to use on another thread. However only certain UI objects will be freezable. You may have to load in the images as BitmapImages on the background thread, then create the rest of your user control on the UI thread. This may still accomplish your goals, since loading in the image is probably the most heavyweight operation.
Just remember to set BitmapImage.CacheOption to OnLoad, so it actually loads up the image when you create the object rather than waiting until it needs to be displayed.

WPF event that fires after element is fully parented, but before it's arranged

I'm writing a WPF control that dynamically changes its contents depending on what types of Window/UserControl descendants are in its parentage list (part of an experiment with convention vs. configuration).
As such, I need some code to run after my control is fully parented (i.e. all the way up to the Window that's being shown). Ideally, I'd also like my code to run before the first Measure/Arrange pass, since my code is going to change the control's contents and force another Measure/Arrange pass.
I've looked at EndInit, but it fires after the control is loaded from XAML, at which time it might not be fully parented. (For example, if my control was on a UserControl, then EndInit will fire once the UserControl is loaded -- but before it's parented to anything else. I want to wait until the UserControl is parented to something, and that's parented to something else, all the way up.)
Currently I'm just hooking the Loaded event from my control's constructor, and running my code there (oddly enough, WPF doesn't have an OnLoaded method to override):
public class MyControl
public MyControl()
Loaded += (sender, e) => { ... };
This works -- it fires when the parents are fully populated -- but it's slightly less than optimal, because there's a Measure/Arrange pass that happens before Loaded.
Is there a good place I can put my code so that it runs after the Parents are set all the way up, but before the first Measure/Arrange pass?
Extra coolness points for solutions that would also work in Silverlight, ElementHost, the Blend/VS designer, and VisualBrush (i.e., not assuming that the top-level parent is a Window, or in the case of VisualBrush, not assuming that there even is a parent -- just that it's as parented as it's gonna be before showing up on the screen, or being sent to the printer, or whatever).
I believe the parents are all set in a single dispatcher operation, so you should be able to get that behavior by putting your logic in a delegate and queuing it up as the next dispatcher operation after the parent is set:
protected override void OnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(OnReady));
private void OnReady()
// Element should be fully parented here
You could also do that from EndInit rather than OnVisualParentChanged if you want to handle the case of no parent, although EndInit appears to be called more than once so you will need to check for duplicates:
private bool readyQueued;
public override void EndInit()
if (!readyQueued)
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(OnReady));
readyQueued = true;
private void OnReady()
readyQueued = false;
// Element should be fully parented here

Winforms treeview, recursively check child nodes problem

The following code is taken direct from Microsoft at
// Updates all child tree nodes recursively.
private void CheckAllChildNodes(TreeNode treeNode, bool nodeChecked)
foreach (TreeNode node in treeNode.Nodes)
node.Checked = nodeChecked;
if (node.Nodes.Count > 0)
// If the current node has child nodes, call the CheckAllChildsNodes method recursively.
this.CheckAllChildNodes(node, nodeChecked);
// NOTE This code can be added to the BeforeCheck event handler instead of the AfterCheck event.
// After a tree node's Checked property is changed, all its child nodes are updated to the same value.
private void node_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
// The code only executes if the user caused the checked state to change.
if (e.Action != TreeViewAction.Unknown)
if (e.Node.Nodes.Count > 0)
/* Calls the CheckAllChildNodes method, passing in the current
Checked value of the TreeNode whose checked state changed. */
this.CheckAllChildNodes(e.Node, e.Node.Checked);
You put it in a form containing a treeview and call node_AfterCheck on (surprise, surprise), the treeview AfterCheck event. It then recursively checks or unchecks the child nodes on the treeview.
However if you actually try it, and click several times on the same treeview check box fast enough, the child nodes end up with their check out-of-sync with the parent. You probably need a couple of levels of children with perhaps 100 children in-total for the UI update to be slow enough to notice this happening.
I've tried a couple of things (such as disabling the treeview control at the beginning of node_AfterCheck and re-enabling at the end), but the out-of-sync problem still happens.
Any ideas?
The .NET TreeView class heavily customizes mouse handling for the native Windows control in order to synthesize the Before/After events. Unfortunately, they didn't get it quite right. When you start clicking fast, you'll generate double-click messages. The native control responds to a double-click by toggling the checked state for the item, without telling the .NET wrapper about it. You won't get a Before/AfterCheck event.
It's a bug but they won't fix it. The workaround is not difficult, you'll need to prevent the native control from seeing the double-click event. Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Compile. Drop the new control from the top of the toolbox, replacing the existing one.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class MyTreeView : TreeView {
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
if (m.Msg != 0x203) base.WndProc(ref m);
Using the solution above, I think it is need to paint more detailed steps, how to apply it for those who want to apply it to an already created TreeView. For example, for me, a beginner, this caused difficulties, but here is the solution:
Creating a class "NoClickTree.cs" in your project.
Include this code in new class:
public class NoClickTree : TreeView
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x203) { m.Result = IntPtr.Zero; }
else base.WndProc(ref m);
Go to Form1.Designer.cs or "yourWindowWithTreeView".Designer.cs
Find original initialization at the end of the file, something like private System.Windows.Forms.TreeView treeView;
Replace them on private NoClickTree treeView;
In function private void InitializeComponent() find original initialization, something like this.treeView = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeView();
Replace them on this.treeView = new NoClickTree();
This steps helped me for solve this problem.

Increasing WPF ObservableCollection performance

At present I have two WPF listboxes imitating the following functionality
I am using 2 ObservableCollections to allow users to select whatever items they require (flexibility is the key here). The main issue is that I have thousands of items that are grouped in both listboxes. All in all the design works really well (with a few dozen items), but my stumbling block is when a user copies all the available items from the left to the right as the screen freezes (time to run on a different thread?).
Looking at ObservableCollection it lacks an AddRange method and there are various implementations available on the internet. I also know the CollectionChanged event is needlessly being fired as each item is copied over draining performance horribly.
It may well be that I have to allow users to choose from groups of over 10 000 items in the future, which sounds like a bad idea, but is non-negotiable as the grouping on the listbox (CollectionViewSource) works really well, but has the side effect of switching off the Virtualising of both the listboxes
What can I do to improve the performance when loading a listbox with thousands of items when databound to an ObservableCollection? Are there any AddRange type implementations that you would recommend? Is the only choice I have here to run this on a background thread which seems expensive because I am not loading data from a database?
I have removed the CollectionViewSource and the grouping and the items are copied over in 1/2 a second, but with the grouping on it can take up to a minute because virtualisation does not work with the grouping.
I will need to decide whether to use the CollectionViewSource
I couldn't resist answering this. I don't think you won't need this answer anymore, but maybe somebody else can use it.
Don't think too hard (do not approach this multithreaded (this will make things error-prone and unnecessary complicated. Only use threading for hard calculations/IO), all those different actiontypes will make it very difficult to buffer. The most annoying part is, that if you remove or add 10000 items your application (listboxes) will be very busy with handling the events raised by the ObservableCollection. The event already supports multiple items. So.....
You could buffer the items until it changes the action. So Add actions will be buffered and wil be raised as batch if the 'user' changes action or flushes it.
Haven't test it, but you could do something like this:
// Written by JvanLangen
public class BufferedObservableCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
// the last action used
public NotifyCollectionChangedAction? _lastAction = null;
// the items to be buffered
public List<T> _itemBuffer = new List<T>();
// constructor registeres on the CollectionChanged
public BufferedObservableCollection()
base.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(ObservableCollectionUpdate_CollectionChanged);
// When the collection changes, buffer the actions until the 'user' changes action or flushes it.
// This will batch add and remove actions.
private void ObservableCollectionUpdate_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
// if we have a lastaction, check if it is changed and should be flush else only change the lastaction
if (_lastAction.HasValue)
if (_lastAction != e.Action)
_lastAction = e.Action;
_lastAction = e.Action;
// Raise the new event.
protected void RaiseCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (this.CollectionChanged != null)
CollectionChanged(sender, e);
// Don't forget to flush the list when your ready with your action or else the last actions will not be 'raised'
public void Flush()
if (_lastAction.HasValue && (_itemBuffer.Count > 0))
RaiseCollectionChanged(this, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(_lastAction.Value, _itemBuffer));
_lastAction = null;
// new event
public override event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
Have fun!, J3R03N
You could probably inherit from ObservableCollection<T> (or directly implement INotifyCollectionChanged) to add BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods. Changes made between calls to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate would be queued, then combined into one (or several if there are separate ranges) NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs object that would be passed to the handlers of the CollectionChanged event when EndUpdate is called.
You can find a Thread safe observable collection here. Make your Observable collection thread safe and bind it to listbox.
