MS CRM and silverlight - silverlight

Is it possible to use a Silverlight control inside a CRM form? Either versions 4.0 or 2011.

Yes. 2011 allows you to embed silverlight controls via web resources directly in the page. The canonical hello world version of that is here:
You can also use Silverlight w/ CRM 4.0 via IFrames, using the URL of the iframe to pass in the necessary GUIDs to your app.


WinForms WebBrowser control's JavaScript execution context

I am using the WinForms WebBrowser control in my C# application and I can interact with the JS code on the web page by setting a COM class in the ObjectForScripting property of the control.
Is it possible to get the JavaScriptContext object from the web browser control that I can use with the ChakraCore API?
No sir, ChakraCore is part of the Microsoft Edge JavaScript engine. It is literally a separate engine. The web browser control uses IE's engine. Although admittedly it doesn't help that the dev team at MS called The MS Edge Engine Chakra when they were calling the engine from IE 9 forward as Chakra also.
Anyway if you want to use/embed the ChakraCore engine from C# they did create a getting started page. I will link it here.
The API for the winforms Webbrowser control Engine is here. The is a wrapper around the COM API. If you need to get to the COM api to do advanced things, you will need MSHTML, which you add as a COM reference to Microsoft Html Object library. The reference for MSHTML is here.

Can DotNetOpenAuth be used within a Silverlight application

I have used DotNetOpenAuth previously in an website and it works fine. But now I wanted to create a Silverlight app. Unfortunately I can't reference DotNetOpenAuth.dll, since this is not compiled against the Silverlight CLR. Is there a solution to use open authentication from Silverlight?
DotNetOpenAuth currently has this as an open issue for the group. Here's the link for the post and here is the link for the tracked item. There is this control a third party created, however it appears to me like it is not very secure so use it at your own risk. I only mention it because it could be a potential band-aid depending on the needs of your project.

Can you use multiple app domains in silverlight?

Can you use multiple app domains in silverlight? If so, are there any special restrictions?
Depends on what you mean. By default, each Silverlight application runs in what is, effectively, a separate App Domain. But you can't programmatically control application domains like you do in the full .NET runtime. The System.AppDomain namespace is there, but all the "CreateXXXX" methods are missing. Compare the .NET 4.0 docs with the Silverlight docs to see what I mean.

Silverlight 4: Upload file control?

I'm looking for a simple control that will allow the user to upload an image (or any file, really.) However, I'm not seeing it in the VS 2010 control toolbox. Is there something I'm overlooking? What's the idiomatic way to do file upload?
I am developing a Silverlight app hosted in a ASP.NET page from Windows Azure.
Thanks. I'm new to Silverlight.
The most widely used file upload control suggested by Tim Huer is the sl file uploader. It allows you uploading through wcf or handler. It supports multiple files, a lite version for single file uploads.
I have developed a control that should help you in your effort: Parallel upload to Azure via Silverlight Control

Using ActiveX with Silverlight

I would really like to use Silverlight for a project I'm working on but I will need to interact with an application running on the user's desktop. Is it possible to do this with Silverlight, or am I stuck with ASP.NET + ActiveX?
You can use Silverlight as an ActiveX component in a standard windows application... See alternate hosting:
If you have to do this via a Web application, you could write a custom signed ActiveX component and interact with it from Silverlight (via JS bridge)
Silverlight applications run in a sandbox on the client and cannot communicate outside except through sockets or ports. You'll probably have to go ActiveX.
