Silverlight 4: Upload file control? - silverlight

I'm looking for a simple control that will allow the user to upload an image (or any file, really.) However, I'm not seeing it in the VS 2010 control toolbox. Is there something I'm overlooking? What's the idiomatic way to do file upload?
I am developing a Silverlight app hosted in a ASP.NET page from Windows Azure.
Thanks. I'm new to Silverlight.

The most widely used file upload control suggested by Tim Huer is the sl file uploader. It allows you uploading through wcf or handler. It supports multiple files, a lite version for single file uploads.

I have developed a control that should help you in your effort: Parallel upload to Azure via Silverlight Control


SimpleMembershipProvider in mobile app ASP.NET MVC 4

I'm trying to use SimpleMembershipProvider to manage the authentication process of my mobile application.
I generated the project using Mobile template, but this doesn't generated the same files of the Internet application template. It doesn't created the folder Filters with InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs file and the web.config, AccountController and AccountModel are different.
Can I use SimpleMembershipProvider with mobile applications? If yes, how should I do this? If not, what is the alternative?
You can use the SimpleMembershipProvider in your mobile application. This article provides complete instructions on how to do this and provide links to an example VS project that can be downloaded.

How to use a Silverlight Solution

I have a Silverlight app made in Visual Studio 2010 and I want to put it on a website but I don't have the slightest clue how.
I've looked at all the msdn documentation and they all mention a .xap file that is the file you use on the website but there is no .xap and I can't find out how to compile my code into a .xap file.
Also, when I run the App and look at the source in the browser, it has my code compiled into the .xap file, but there is no .xap file!
So my question is simply how do you go about getting a Silverlight app on a website because I've been trying for hours and I can't figure it out.
A sample html or aspx page is included when you create the solution. This is the page that the browser navigates to when you hit F5. You can take that page as a basic example of how to embed a Silverlight app in a page. You should find it in the project folder.
Silverlight projects are commonly built into a XAP file when you hit "Build" in VS. This file lives in the bin/Release or bin/Debug folder and basically contains your whole application.
Steps to create a silverlight application Hosted in a web site,
Select Silverlight Application Template while adding new project in VS2010
When you click Ok, ensure that Host the Silverlight application in a new web site is Checked.(It will create a new ASP.Net web application to host the Silverlight)
If you haven't checked the Host the Silverlight application in a new web site option, you can add a new ASP.Net Web application project and then go to its properties and select Silverlight Applications option in left pane. Then Click Add, select your Silverlight Application to be hosted and click ok. You are done now.
But If haven't selected the Silverlight Application Template, then you might have created a Silverlight Class Library. It wont generate any xap file. It just gives a dll. So you need to recreate a project as mentioned above.
I believe that in Silverlight whenever you create a project, right at the beginning, it will ask you if you want to create a web app automatically. If you chose yes, something like YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.web will be created, go into that folder, you will find a folder called ClientBin.
The .xap file will be inside that folder.

Screen scraping silverlight browser application info

I'm registered to a site which uses a silverlight application that shows some personal information.
My goal is to be able to read some data from the silverlight application.
Is it possible?
I know that this could be done to a regular web page using curl.
but, what about silverlight application?
Does it store the information to a file or something like that?
You can use White, a tool for automating windows applications, to get information out of a running Silverlight application. White is mainly used to perform functional testing of applications, but it should allow you to extract information from the application as well.
Look here for an example of White and Silverlight:

MS CRM and silverlight

Is it possible to use a Silverlight control inside a CRM form? Either versions 4.0 or 2011.
Yes. 2011 allows you to embed silverlight controls via web resources directly in the page. The canonical hello world version of that is here:
You can also use Silverlight w/ CRM 4.0 via IFrames, using the URL of the iframe to pass in the necessary GUIDs to your app.

Using ActiveX with Silverlight

I would really like to use Silverlight for a project I'm working on but I will need to interact with an application running on the user's desktop. Is it possible to do this with Silverlight, or am I stuck with ASP.NET + ActiveX?
You can use Silverlight as an ActiveX component in a standard windows application... See alternate hosting:
If you have to do this via a Web application, you could write a custom signed ActiveX component and interact with it from Silverlight (via JS bridge)
Silverlight applications run in a sandbox on the client and cannot communicate outside except through sockets or ports. You'll probably have to go ActiveX.
