Alchemy C Code compilation - c

I am using alchemy to compile the C code.
This is the way I am compiling
gcc oggvorbis.c -O3 -Wall -swc
oggvorbis.swc -lvorbis
I am getting an error
llvm-gcc: oggvorbis.swc: No such file
or directory.
But the command works fine when i don't use any shared library.

Your command line invocation should probably read (untested)
gcc oggvorbis.c -O3 -Wall -swc -o oggvorbis.swc -lvorbis


What are compiler flags for?Why won't my code compile?

I wrote a code in C in Ubuntu which checks for balanced brackets in the input given.I compiled it using gcc compiler and I am getting the correct output.This is actually a part of an online course and they are asking me to use the compiler flag
gcc -pipe -O2 -std=c11 filename -lm
I don't think I understand what I am supposed to do so I tried compiling using this flag and my code is not compiling. My question is if my code compiles when I do
gcc filename.c
why isn't it compiling when I do
gcc -pipe -O2 -std=c11 filename -lm
The error message I am getting is :
cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-std=c11’ is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
The reason is the file ending. A capital C is interpreted as a C++ file. The solution is to just rename the file like this:
mv filename.C filename.c
My question is if my code compiles when I do gcc filename.C why isn't it compiling when I do gcc -pipe -O2 -std=c11 <filename> -lm
See above. But there are some situations where it would not solve everything. While C11 gives some extensions to previous versions, it's not 100% backwards compatible.
-std=c11 is a correct option
however you need at least gcc 4.7 or higher to have this option
By "<filename>" they mean to substitute in the name of the file you want to compile. Including the literal string "<filename>" will not work.

Compiling C code in Linux terminal

I am using Linux mint 16. I had a code that I change it a bit.
I use two following commands in terminal in order to run the code. The problem is that it does not give me any error but the changes are not applied, which means it runs the previous version of code.
gcc -std=c99 -c Code.c -o Code.o
gcc -std=c99 -c Code.c -o Code.o will put the compiled object file in Code.o, not ./Code as you expect it to be..
Also, -c tells do not run the linker. So effectively you end up with an object file which cannot be run.
gcc -std=c99 Code.c -o Code will produce what you need.
For a complete list of gcc flags either use man gcc or see
gcc -std=c99 -c Code.c -o Code

gcc makefile won't compile

My final executable (this is in unix though) will be proj07.
proj07: /user/cse320/Projects/project07.driver.o
gcc -Wall /user/cse320/Projects/project07.driver.o
gcc -c
This creates but no proj07 exists after compilation. I don't get an error so my mistake must be simple but I can't seem to figure it out.
Here's the output:
gcc -c
gcc -Wall /user/cse320/Projects/project07.driver.o
Also I am to use a static driver to test my file which is why the path is like that
You probably do have an a.out executable. Add -o $# to your first gcc occurrence and you should be fine.

compiling cuda with gcc results in: error: ‘threadIdx’ undeclared

How can I force GCC to compile with threadIdx lines in my code?
I'm attempting to compile my cuda application with a c wrapper.
To generate the .so file I run:
nvcc -arch=sm_11 -o --shared -Xcompiler -fPIC
Then I attempt to compile the c wrapper with:
gcc -std=c99 -I/usr/local/cuda/include -o main -L. -ltest main.c
This results in the following error a few layers down in my code(an include to an included file):
error: ‘threadIdx’ undeclared
Note: Everything does compile and run just fine as a GPU application without any C wrapping.
Gcc has no capability to compile the cuda part of the code. You need nvcc to compile the code. gcc does not know what to do when it came across threadIdx is.

compiling a c program to use in python code

I have a c program that I need to compile and use in the middle of a python code. it is not c++ program so I assume I should change this syntax for compiling because I get a lot of errors related to not having "main()" in the program which is just because it is a c (not c++)for a x86_64 Mac system?
how should I change this syntax for a program.c code?
g++ -o program.x program.c
Your C code should be compiled into a shared library:
gcc -shared -o -Wall -Wextra -fPIC -O2 -DNDEBUG program.c
And then you can use ctypes module to invoke functions in your library from Python.
