Good way to save data when writing a text editor - c

I am planning to do a text editor in c. So just wanted to know what data structure is good to save the text. I read using linked list was one way to do it, but not efficient. Please point me to some references where I can get a good idea of what need to use. I am planning to use ncurses library for getting the user input and capturing keys and UI.
Using the source code of existing editors is kind of too complex, all the text editors are huge, even console only editors. Any simple console editor source code for reference?

You will benefit by reading about Emacs buffers. Also see this blog, especially the last comment, quoted here for easy reference:
Many versions of Emacs, including GNU, use a single contiguous character array virtually split in two sections separated by a gap. To insert the gap is first moved to the insertion point. Inserted characters fill into the gap, reducing its size. If there’s insufficient space to hold the characters the entire buffer is reallocated to a new larger size and the gaps coalesced at the previous insertion point.
The naive look at this and say the performance must be poor because of all the copying involved. Wrong. The copy operation is incredibly quick and can be optimized in a variety of ways. Gap buffers also take advantage of usage patterns. You might jump all over the window before focusing and inserting text. The gap doesn’t move for display – only for insert (or delete).
On the other hand, inserting a character block at the head of a 500MB file then inserting another at the end is the worst case for the gap approach, especially if the gap’s size is exceeded. How often does that happen?
Contiguous memory blocks are prized in virtual memory environments because less paging is involved. Moreover, reads and writes are simplfied because the the file doesn’t have to be parsed and broken up into some other data structure. Rather, the file’s internal representation in the gap buffer is identical to disk and can be read into and written out optimally. Writes themselves can be done with a single system call (on *nix).
The gap buffer is the best algorithm for editing text in a general way. It uses the least memory and has the highest aggregate performance over a variety of use cases. Translating the gap buffer to a visual window is a bit trickier as line context must be constantly maintained.

If you want it to scale, you should use a form of balanced binary tree. It's possible to make it so basically all operations - insert, delete, seek to character, seek to line, etc. - are O(log n). If you only care about "sane" file sizes for text (a few megs maximum) it doesn't really matter what structures you use.

The (very old) book Software Tools in Pascal implements a complete ed-style (think vim) text editor, regexp search/replace included. It uses arrays to hold the edited text.

You should "save" the data as plain text. If you mean how to store the data in memory, I recommend a simple linked list.
If it's just a text editor (not a word processor), the approach I took was to store each line in it's own link node.
This is a nice simple approach that makes it easy to insert and delete lines. And inserting or deleting text is efficient because only the data within the current node needs to be shifted around when inserting or deleting text.
You said you don't want to look at source code but, nonetheless, you can download the version I wrote many, many years ago at by downloading to see a simple text editor.

This link provides good information - A case study in the design of a "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get" (or "WYSIWYG") document editor


Fortran: How do I allocate arrays when reading a file of unknown size?

My typical use of Fortran begins with reading in a file of unknown size (usually 5-100MB). My current approach to array allocation involves reading the file twice. First to determine the size of the problem (to allocate arrays) and a second time to read the data into those arrays.
Are there better approaches to size determination/array allocation? I just read about automatic array allocation (example below) in another post that seemed much easier.
array = [array,new_data]
What are all the options and their pros and cons?
I'll bite, though the question is teetering close to off-topicality. Your options are:
Read the file once to get the array size, allocate, read again.
Read piece-by-piece, (re-)allocating as you go. Choose the size of piece to read as you wish (or, perhaps, as you think is likely to be most speedy for your case).
Always, always, work with files which contain metadata to tell an interested program how much data there is; for example a block
header line telling you how many data elements are in the next
Option 3 is the best by far. A little extra thought, and about one whole line of code, at the beginning of a project and so much wasted time and effort saved down the line. You don't have to jump on HDF5 or a similar heavyweight file design method, just adopt enough discipline to last the useful life of the contents of the file. For iteration-by-iteration dumps from your simulation of the universe, a home-brewed approach will do (be honest, you're the only person who's ever going to look at them). For data gathered at an approximate cost of $1M per TB (satellite observations, offshore seismic traces, etc) then HDF5 or something similar.
Option 1 is fine too. It's not like you have to wait for the tapes to rewind between reads any more. (Well, some do, but they're in a niche these days, and a de-archiving system will often move files from tape to disk if they're to be used.)
Option 2 is a faff. It may also be the worst performing but on all but the largest files the worst performance may be within a nano-century of the best. If that's important to you then check it out.
If you want quantification of my opinions run your own experiments on your files on your hardware.
PS I haven't really got a clue how much it costs to get 1TB of satellite or seismic data, it's a factoid invented to support an argument.
I would add to the previous answer:
If your data has a regular structure and it's possible to open it in a txt file, press ctrl+end substract header to the rows total and there it is. Although you may waste time opening it if it's very large.

Better to store data in RAM, text file, or database

I am working on a project where I am using words, encoded by vectors, which are about 2000 floats long. Now when I use these with raw text I need to retrieve the vector for each word as it comes across and do some computations with it. Needless to say for a large vocabulary (~100k words) this has a large storage requirement (about 8 GB in a text file).
I initially had a system where I split the large text file into smaller ones and then for a particular word, I read its file, and retrieved its vector. This was too slow as you might imagine.
I next tried reading everything into RAM (takes about ~40GB RAM) figuring once everything was read in, it would be quite fast. However, it takes a long time to read in and a disadvantage is that I have to use only certain machines which have enough free RAM to do this. However, once the data is loaded, it is much faster than the other approach.
I was wondering how a database would compare with these approaches. Retrieval would be slower than the RAM approach, but there wouldn't be the overhead requirement. Also, any other ideas would be welcome and I have had others myself (i.e. caching, using a server that has everything loaded into RAM etc.). I might benchmark a database, but I thought I would post here to see what other had to say.
I used Tyler's suggestion. Although in my case I did not think a BTree was necessary. I just hashed the words and their offset. I then could look up a word and read in its vector at runtime. I cached the words as they occurred in text so at most each vector is read in only once, however this saves the overhead of reading in and storing unneeded words, making it superior to the RAM approach.
Just an FYI, I used Java's RamdomAccessFile class and made use of the readLine(), getFilePointer(), and seek() functions.
Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.
For more performance improvement check out buffered RandomAccessFile from:
Apparently the readLine from RandomAccessFile is very slow because it reads byte by byte. This gave me some nice improvement.
As a rule, anything custom coded should be much faster than a generic database, assuming you have coded it efficiently.
There are specific C-libraries to solve this problem using B-trees. In the old days there was a famous library called "B-trieve" that was very popular because it was fast. In this application a B-tree will be faster and easier than fooling around with a database.
If you want optimal performance you would use a data structure called a suffix tree. There are libraries which are designed to create and use suffix trees. This will give you the fastest word lookup possible.
In either case there is no reason to store the entire dataset in memory, just store the B-tree (or suffix tree) with an offset to the data in memory. This will require about 3 to 5 megabytes of memory. When you query the tree you get an offset back. Then open the file, seek forwards to the offset and read the vector off disk.
You could use a simple text based index file just mapping the words to indices, and another file just containing the raw vector data for each word. Initially you just read the index to a hashmap that maps each word to the datafile index and keep it in memory. If you need the data for a word, you calculate the offset in the data file (2000 * 32 * index) and read it as needed. You probably want to cache this data in RAM (if you are in java perhaps just use a weak map as a starting point).
This is basically implementing your own primitive database, but it may still be preferable because it avoidy database setup / deployment complexity.

How to represent a random-access text file in memory (C)

I'm working on a project in which I need to read text (source) file in memory and be able to perform random access into (say for instance, retrieve the address corresponding to line 3, column 15).
I would like to know if there is an established way to do this, or data structures that are particularly good for the job. I need to be able to perform a (probably amortized) constant time access. I'm working in C, but am willing to implement higher level data structures if it is worth it.
My first idea was to go with a linked list of large buffer that will hold the character data of the file. I would also make an array, whose index are line numbers and content are addresses corresponding to the begin of the line. This array would be reallocated on need.
Subsidiary question: does anyone have an idea the average size of a source file ? I was surprised not to find this on google.
To clarify:
The file I'm concerned about are source files, so their size should be manageable, they should not be modified and the lines have variables length (tough hopefully capped at some maximum).
The problem I'm working on needs mostly a read-only file representation, but I'm very interested in digging around the problem.
There is a very interesting discussion of the data structures used to maintain a file (with read/insert/delete support) in the paper Data Structures for Text Sequences.
If you just need read-only, just get the file size, read it in memory with fread(), then you have to maintain a dynamic array which maps the line numbers (index) to pointer to the first character in the line. Someone below suggested to build this array lazily, which seems a good idea in many cases.
I'm not quite sure what the question is here, but there seems to be a bit of both "how do I keep the file in memory" and "how do I index it". Since you need random access to the file's contents, you're probably well advised to memory-map the file, unless you're tight on address space.
I don't think you'll be able to avoid a linear pass through the file once to find the line endings. As you said, you can create an index of the pointers to the beginning of each line. If you're not sure how much of the index you'll need, create it lazily (on demand). You can also store this index to disk (as offsets, not pointers) if you will need it on subsequent runs. You can estimate the size of the index based on the file size and the expected line length.
1) Read (or mmap) the entire file into one chunk of memory.
2) In a second pass create an array of pointers or offsets pointing to the beginnings of the lines (hint: one after the '\n' ) into that memory.
Now you can index the array to access a specific line.
It's impossible to make insertion, deletion, and reading at a particular line/column/character address all simultaneously O(1). The best you can get is simultaneous O(log n) for all of these operations, and it can be achieved using various sorts of balanced binary trees for storing the file in memory.
Of course, unless your files will be larger than 100 kB or so, you're probably best off not bothering with anything fancy and just using a flat linear buffer...
solution: If lines are about same size, make all lines equally long by appending needed number of metacharacters to each line. Then you can simply calculate the fseek() position from line number, making your search O(1).
If lines are sorted, then you can perform binary search, making your search O(log(nõLines)).
If neither, you can store the indexes of line begginings. But then, you have a problem if you modify file a lot, because if you insert let's say X characters somewhere, you have to calculate which line it is, and then add this X to the all next lines. Similar with with deletion. Yu essentially get O(nõLines). And code gets ugly.
If you want to store whole file in memory, just create aray of lines *char[]. You then get line by first dereference and character by second dereference.
As an alternate suggestion (although I do not fully understand the question), you might want to consider a struct based, dynamically linked list of dynamic strings. If you want to be astutely clever, you could build a dynamically linked list of chars which you then export as strings.
You'd have to use OO type design for this to be manageable.
So structs you'd likely want to build are:
So it goes:
CharList(Gets Chars/Size) -> (SetSize)DynamicArray -> (AddArray)DynamicListOfArrays
If you build suitable helper functions for malloc and delete, and make it so the structs can either delete themselves automatically or manually. Using the above combinations won't get you O(1) read in (which isn't possible without the files have a static format), but it will get you good time.
If you know the file static length (at least individual line wise), IE no bigger than 256 chars per line, then all you need is the DynamicListOfArries - write directly to the array (preset to 256), create a new one, repeat. Downside is it wastes memory.
Note: You'd have to convert the DynamicListOfArrays into a 'static' ArrayOfArrays before you could get direct point-to-point access.
If you need source code to give you an idea (although mine is built towards C++ it wouldn't take long to rewrite), leave a comment about it. As with any other code I offer on stackoverflow, it can be used for any purpose, even commercially.
Average size of a source file? Does such a thing exist? A source file could go from 0 bytes to thousands of bytes, like any text file, it depends on the number of caracters it contains

Truncate file at front

A problem I was working on recently got me to wishing that I could lop off the front of a file. Kind of like a “truncate at front,” if you will. Truncating a file at the back end is a common operation–something we do without even thinking much about it. But lopping off the front of a file? Sounds ridiculous at first, but only because we’ve been trained to think that it’s impossible. But a lop operation could be useful in some situations.
A simple example (certainly not the only or necessarily the best example) is a FIFO queue. You’re adding new items to the end of the file and pulling items out of the file from the front. The file grows over time and there’s a huge empty space at the front. With current file systems, there are several ways around this problem:
As each item is removed, copy the
remaining items up to replace it, and
truncate the file. Although it works,
this solution is very expensive
Monitor the size of the empty space at
the front, and when it reaches a
particular size or percentage of the
entire file size, move everything up
and truncate the file. This is much
more efficient than the previous
solution, but still costs time when
items are moved in the file.
Implement a circular queue in the
file, adding new items to the hole at
the front of the file as items are
removed. This can be quite efficient,
especially if you don’t mind the
possibility of things getting out of
order in the queue. If you do care
about order, there’s the potential of
having to move items around. But in
general, a circular queue is pretty
easy to implement and manages disk
space well.
But if there was a lop operation, removing an item from the queue would be as easy as updating the beginning-of-file marker. As easy, in fact, as truncating a file. Why, then, is there no such operation?
I understand a bit about file systems implementation, and don't see any particular reason this would be difficult. It looks to me like all it would require is another word (dword, perhaps?) per allocation entry to say where the file starts within the block. With 1 terabyte drives under $100 US, it seems like a pretty small price to pay for such functionality.
What other tasks would be made easier if you could lop off the front of a file as efficiently as you can truncate at the end?
Can you think of any technical reason this function couldn't be added to a modern file system? Other, non-technical reasons?
On file systems that support sparse files "punching" a hole and removing data at an arbitrary file position is very easy. The operating system just has to mark the corresponding blocks as "not allocated". Removing data from the beginning of a file is just a special case of this operation. The main thing that is required is a system call that will implement such an operation: ftruncate2(int fd, off_t offset, size_t count).
On Linux systems this is actually implemented with the fallocate system call by specifying the FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE flag to zero-out a range and the FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE flag to completely remove the data in that range. Note that there are restrictions on what ranges can be specified and that not all filesystems support these operations.
Truncate files at front seems not too hard to implement at system level.
But there are issues.
The first one is at programming level. When opening file in random access the current paradigm is to use offset from the beginning of the file to point out different places in the file. If we truncate at beginning of file (or perform insertion or removal from the middle of the file) that is not any more a stable property. (While appendind or truncating from the end is not a problem).
In other words truncating the beginning would change the only reference point and that is bad.
At a system level uses exist as you pointed out, but are quite rare. I believe most uses of files are of the write once read many kind, so even truncate is not a critical feature and we could probably do without it (well some things would become more difficult, but nothing would become impossible).
If we want more complex accesses (and there are indeed needs) we open files in random mode and add some internal data structure. Theses informations can also be shared between several files. This leads us to the last issue I see, probably the most important.
In a sense when we using random access files with some internal structure... we are still using files but we are not any more using files paradigm. Typical such cases are the databases where we want to perform insertion or removal of records without caring at all about their physical place. Databases can use files as low level implementation but for optimisation purposes some database editors choose to completely bypass filesystem (think about Oracle partitions).
I see no technical reason why we couldn't do everything that is currently done in an operating system with files using a database as data storage layer. I even heard that NTFS has many common points with databases in it's internals. An operating system can (and probably will in some not so far future) use another paradigm than files one.
Summarily i believe that's not a technical problem at all, just a change of paradigm and that removing the beginning is definitely not part of the current "files paradigm", but not a big and useful enough change to compell changing anything at all.
NTFS can do something like this with it's sparse file support but it's generaly not that useful.
I think there's a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem in there: because filesystems have not supported this kind of behavior efficiently, people haven't written programs to use it, and because people haven't written programs to use it, there's little incentive for filesystems to support it.
You could always write your own filesystem to do this, or maybe modify an existing one (although filesystems used "in the wild" are probably pretty complicated, you might have an easier time starting from scratch). If people find it useful enough it might catch on ;-)
Actually there are record base file systems - IBM have one and I believe DEC VMS also had this facility. I seem to remember both allowed (allow? I guess they are still around) deleting and inserting at random positions in a file.
There is also a unix command called head -- so you could do this via:
head -n1000 file > file_truncated
may can achieve this goal in two steps
long fileLength; //file total length
long reserveLength; //reserve length until the file ending
int fd; //file open for read & write
sendfile(fd, fd, fileLength-reserveLength, reserveLength);
ftruncate(fd, reserveLength);

Reuse of characters in compiled .exe file

Once long ago, out of curiosity, I've tried hex-editing the executable file of the game "Dangerous Dave".
I've looked around the file for any strings I could find, and made some random edits to see if it would actually change the text displayed within the game.
I was surprised to see the result, which I have now recreated using a hex-editor and DOSBox:
As can be seen, editing the two characters "RO" in the string "ROMERO" resulted in 4 characters being changed, with the result becoming "ZUMEZU". It seems as if the program is reusing the two characters and prints them at the start and end of that string.
What is the cause of this? My first guess would be trying to make the executable smaller but just the code that reuses the characters would probably require more space than those 2 bytes to be saved.
Is it just a trick done by the author, or just some compiler voodoo?
Tricky to say for sure without reverse-engineering, but my guess would be that a lot of the constant data in the program is compressed using an algorithm from the LZ family. These compression schemes work essentially in the way that you've observed: they encode repeated substrings as references to text that has previously been decoded.
These compression algorithms were probably used for more than just this one string, and not just for text either; it's quite possible that they were also used to compress other data, such as graphics or level layouts. In short, there were probably significant savings made by using this algorithm!
The use of these compression algorithms is common in older games as a way of saving disk space, but was not automatic - the implementation of this algorithm would likely have been something Romero added himself.
