Modeling A Food Recipes Database - database

I'm trying to design a "recipe box" database and I'm having trouble getting it right. I have no idea if I'm on the right track or not, but here's what I have.
recipes(recipeID, etc.)
ingredient(ingredientID, etc.)
recipeIngredient(recipeID, ingredientID, amount)
category(categoryID, name)
recipeCategory(recipeID, categoryID, name, etc.)
So I have a couple of questions.
How am I doing so far? Is this design okay from what you all know?
How would I implement the preparation steps? Should I create an additional many-to-many implementation (something like preparation(prepID, etc.) and recipePrep(recipeID, prepID)) or just add the directions in the recipes table? I would like this to be an ordered list in the UI (webpage).
Thank you for your help.

Have you looked at any of the existing schemas out there, such as this one at DatabaseAnswers?

some thoughts:
You might want to use the same table for Recipe and Ingredient, with a type indicator column. The reason is that Recipes can contain sub-recipes. Let's call the combined table "Item". Then your RecipeIngredient table would look like
RecipeIngredient (RecipeId, ItemId, Amount).
I'd expect that the table would also have a sequencing column.
If you want to do any calculations with these recipes (e.g., scaling, nutritional analysis, production planning) then your quantities will need to specify a unit of measure. You can do that explicitly (by having a separate column for uofm) or you can use a text field for quantity and expect the user to enter values like "1 cup", or "2 tbs". If you take that approach, you'll need to make sure that what they enter is recognizable, and parse it every time you need to use it. This can become surprising complex, especially if you want to represent recipe yields in a formalized manner.
Assuming you want 1:M from recipe to category, I'm still not sure why your RecipeCategory table would have a Name column. I'd think that the name comes from the Category definition.
I agree with Dave that it's unlikely that you'd reuse preparation steps from recipe to recipe, and so a RecipePreparationSteps table (or something like it) would be more appropriate.
However, recipes are often presented with ingredients and instructions intermixed. eg.
Intro text
some ingredients.
prep instructions
some more ingredients
baking instructions.
To accomodate that, you need to cleverly set sequencing values in the RecipeIngredient and RecipePreparation step tables so that you can combine data from both in the proper order for presentation. Another approach would be, instead of these two tables, use a "RecipeLine" table such that each row can represent either an instruction OR an ingredient. I think that may be what you were suggesting. Purists would frown on this kind of table overloading, but I'm not a purist.
This is a topic I happen to know a lot about, so ask anything.

Looks like a good start. A few thoughts:
Don't see a need for a recpieCategory table. One-to-many between recipe and category should do fine.
A PreparationSteps table should contain 1-n steps for each recipe. I wouldn't try to reuse steps between recipes.


Parent child design to easily identify child type

In our database design we have a couple of tables that describe different objects but which are of the same basic type. As describing the actual tables and what each column is doing would take a long time I'm going to try to simplify it by using a similar structured example based on a job database.
So say we have following tables:
These tables have no connections between each other but share identical columns. So the first step was to unify the identical columns and introduce a unique personId:
Now we have the "header" columns in person that are then linked to the more specific job tables using a 1 to 1 relation using the personId PK as the FK. In our use case a person can only ever have one job so the personId is also unique across the Taxi driver, Programmer and Construction worker tables.
While this structure works we now have the use case where in our application we get the personId and want to get the data of the respective job table. This gets us to the problem that we can't immediately know what kind of job the person with this personId is doing.
A few options we came up with to solve this issue:
Deal with it in the backend
This means just leaving the architecture as it is and look for the right table in the backend code. This could mean looking through every table present and/or construct a semi-complicated join select in which we have to sift through all columns to find the ones which are filled.
All in all: Possible but means a lot of unecessary selects. We also would like to keep such database oriented logic in the actual database.
Using a Type Field
This means adding a field column in the Person table filled for example with numbers to determine the correct child table like:
So you could add a 0 in Type if it's a taxi driver, a 1 if it's a programmer and so on...
While this greatly reduced the amount of backend logic we then have to make sure that the numbers we use in the Type field are known in the backend and don't ever change.
Use separate IDs for each table
That means every job gets its own ID (has to be nullable) in Person like:
Now it's easy to find out which job each person has due to the others having an empty ID.
So my question is: Which one of these designs is the best practice? Am i missing an obvious solution here?
Bill Karwin made a good explanation on a problem similar to this one.
We've now decided to go with the second option because it seem to come with the least drawbacks as described by the other commenters and posters. As there was no actual answer portraying the second option as a solution i will try to summarize our reasoning:
Against Option 1:
There is no way to distinguish the type from looking at the parent table. As a result the backend would have to include all logic which includes scanning all tables for the that contains the id. While you can compress most of the logic into a single big Join select it would still be a lot more logic as opposed to the other options.
Against Option 3:
As #yuri-g said this one is technically not possible as the separate IDs could not setup as primary keys. They would have to be nullable and as a result can't be indexed, essentially rendering the parent table useless as one of the reasons for it was to have a unique personID across the tables.
Against a single table containing all columns:
For smaller use cases as the one i described in the question this might me viable but we are talking about a bunch of tables with each having roughly 2-6 columns. This would make this option turn into a column-mess really quickly.
Against a flat design with a key-value table:
Our properties have completly different data types, different constraints and foreign key relations. All of this would not be possible/difficult in this design.
Against custom database objects containt the child specific properties:
While this option that #Matthew McPeak suggested might be a viable option for a lot of people our database design never really used objects so introducing them to the mix would likely cause confusion more than it would help us.
In favor of the second option:
This option is easy to use in our table oriented database structure, makes it easy to distinguish the proper child table and does not need a lot of reworking to introduce. Especially since we already have something similar to a Type table that we can easily use for this purpose.
Third option, as you describe it, is impossible: no RDBMS (at least, of I personally know about) would allow you to use NULLs in PK (even composite).
Second is realistic.
And yes, first would take up to N queries to poll relatives in order to determine the actual type (where N is the number of types).
Although you won't escape with one query in second case either: there would always be two of them, because you cant JOIN unless you know what exactly you should be joining.
So basically there are flaws in your design, and you should consider other options there.
Like, denormalization: line non-shared attributes into the parent table anyway, then fields become nulls for non-correpondent types.
Or flexible, flat list of attribute-value pairs related through primary key (yes, schema enforcement is a trade-off).
Or switch to column-oriented DB: that's a case for it.

I'm unable to normalize my Product table as I have 4 different product types

So because I have 4 different product types (books, magazines, gifts, food) I can't just put all products in one "products" table without having a bunch of null values. So I decided to break each product up into their own tables but I know this is just wrong (
I also tried creating an EAV model for this (, but I got stuck as I'm not sure how to link the publishers and authors tables.
I know this question has been asked a lot but I don't understand ANY of the answer's I've seen. I think this is because I'm a very visual learner and this makes it hard to understand what's being talked about when not a lot of information is given.
Your model is on the right track, except that the product name should be sufficient you don't need Gift name, book name etc. What you put in those tables is the information that is specific to the type of product that the other products don't need. The Product table contains all the common fields. I would use productid in the child tables rather than renaming it giftID, magazineID etc. It is easier to remember what things are celled when you are consistent in nameing them.
Now to be practical, you put as much as you can into the product table especially if you are going to do calculations. I prefer the child tables in this specific case to have what is mostly display information. So product contains the product name, the cost, the type of product, the units the product is sold in etc. The stuff that generally is needed to calculate the cost of an order or to have a report of what was ordered. There may be one or two fields that can contain nulls, but it simplifies the calculation type queries so much it might be worth it.
The meat of the descriptive details though would go in the child table for the type of product. These would usually only be referenced when displaying the product in the shopping area and only one at a time, so you can use the product type to let you only join to the one child table you need for display. So while the order cares about the product number and name and cost calculations, it probably doesn't need to go line by line describing the book ISBN number or the megapixels in a camera. But the description page of the product does need those things.
This approach is not purely relational, although it mostly is, but it does group the information by the meanings of the data and how they will be used which will make the database easier to understand and query. I am a big fan of relational tables because database just work better when they hit at least the third normal form but sometimes you can go too far for practicality, so the meaning of the data and the way you are grouping to use the data (and not just for the user interface, but for later reporting as well) is almost always one of my considerations in design.
Breaking each product type into its own table is fine - let the child tables use the same id as the parent Product table, and create views for the child tables that join with Product
Your case is a classic case of types and subtypes. This is often called class/subclass in object modeling and generalization/specialization in ER modeling. It's a well understood pattern. There are known techniques for dealing with this pattern.
Visit the following tabs, and read the description under the info tab (presented as "learn more"). Also look over the questions grouped under these tags.
single-table-inheritance class-table-inheritance shared-primary-key
If you want to rean in more depth use these buzzwords to search for articles on the web.
You've already discovered and discarded single table inheritance on your own. Other answers have pointed you at shared primary key. Class table inheritance involves a single table for generalized data as well as the four specialized tables. Shared primary key is generally used in conjunction with class table inheritance.

Onetomany with parent database design

Below is a database design which represents my problem(it is not my actual database design). For each city I need to know which restaurants, bars and hotels are available. I think the two designs speak for itself, but:
First design: create one-to-many relations between city and restaurants, bars and hotels.
Second design: only create an one-to-many relation between city and place.
Which design would be best practice? The second design has less relations, but would I be able to get all the restaurants, bars and hotels for a city and there own data (property_x/y/z)?
Update: this question is going wrong, maybe my fault for not being clear.
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes are subclasses of "place" (in both
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes must have the parent "place"
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes have there own specific data (property_X/Y/X)
Good design first
Your data, and the readability/understandability of your SQL and ERD, are the most important factors to consider. For the purpose of readability:
Put city_id into place. Why: Places are in cities. A hotel is not a place that just happens to be in a city by virtue of being a hotel.
Other design points to consider are how this structure will be extended in the future. Let's compare adding a new subtype:
In design one, you need to add a new table, relationship to 'place' and a relationship to city
In design two, you simply add a new table and relationship to 'place'.
I'd again go with the second design.
Performance second
Now, I'm guessing, but the reason for putting city_id in the subtype is probably that you anticipate that it's more efficient or faster in some specific use cases and this may be a very good reason to ignore readability/understandability. However, until you measure performance on the actual hardware you'll deploy on, you don't know:
Which design is faster
Whether the difference in performance would actually degrade the overall system
Whether other optimization approaches (tuning SQL or database parameters) is actually a better way to handle it.
I would argue that design one is an attempt to physically model the database on an ERD, which is a bad practice.
Premature optimization is the root of a lot of evil in SW Engineering.
Subtype approaches
There are two solutions to implementing subtypes on an ERD:
A common-properties table, and one table per subtype, (this is your second model)
A single table with additional columns for subtype properties.
In the single-table approach, you would have:
A subtype column, TYPE INT NOT NULL. This specifies whether the row is a restaurant, bar or hotel
Extra columns property_X, property_Y and property_Z on place.
Here is a quick table of pros and cons:
Disadvantages of a single-table approach:
The extension columns (X, Y, Z) cannot be NOT NULL on a single table approach. You can implement row-level constraints, but you lose the simplicity and visibility of a simple NOT NULL
The single table is very wide and sparse, especially as you add additional subtypes. You may hit the max. number of columns on some databases. This can make this design quite wasteful.
To query a list of a specific subtype, you have to filter using a WHERE TYPE = ? clause, whereas the table-per-subtype is a much more natural `FROM HOTEL INNER JOIN PLACE ON HOTEL.PLACE_ID = PLACE.ID"
IMHO, mapping into classes in an object-oriented languages is harder and less obvious. Consider avoiding if this DB is going to be mapped by Hibernate, Entity Beans or similar
Advantages of a single-table approach:
By consolidating into a single table, there are no joins, so queries and CRUD operations are more efficient (but is this small difference going to cause problems?)
Queries for different types are parameterized (WHERE TYPE = ?) and therefore more controllable in code rather than in the SQL itself (FROM PLACE INNER JOIN HOTEL ON PLACE.ID = HOTEL.PLACE_ID).
There is no best design, you have to pick based on the type of SQL and CRUD operations you are doing most frequently, and possibly on performance (but see above for a general warning).
All things being equal, I would advise the default option is your second design. But, if you have an overriding concern such as those I listed above, do choose another implementation. But don't optimize prematurely.
Both of them and none of them at all.
If I need to choose one, I would keep the second one, because of the number of foreign keys and indexes needed to be created after. But, a better approach would be: create a table with all kinds of places (bars, restaurants, and so on) and assign to each row a column with a value of the type of the place (apply a COMPRESS clause with the types expected at the column). It would improve both performance and readability of the structure, plus being more easier to maintain. Hope this helps. :-)
you do not show alternate columns in any of the sub-place tables. i think you should not split type data into table names like 'bar','restaurant', etc - these should be types inside the place table.
i think further you should have an address table - one column of which is city. then each place has an address and you can easily group by city when needed. (or state or zip code or country etc)
I think the best option is the second one. In the first design, there is a possibility of data errors as one place can be assigned to a particular restaurant (or any other type) in one city (e.g. A) and at the same time can be assigned to another restaurant in a different city (e.g. B). In the second design, a place is always bound to a particular city.
Both designs can get you all the appropriate data.
If all extending classes are going to implement the location (which sound obvious for your implementation) then it would be a better practice to include it as part of the parent object. This would suggest option 2.
The thing is that even-tough you can find out the type of each particular PLACE, it is easier to just know that a type (CHILD) is always a place (PARENT). You can think of that while you visualize the result-set of option 2. With that in mind, I recommend the first approach.
First one doesn't have more relations, it just splits them.
If bar, restaurant and hotel have different sets of attributes, then they are different entities and should be represented by 3 different tables. But why do you need the place table? My advice it to ditch it and have 3 tables for your 3 entities and that's that.
In code, collecting common attributes into a parent class is more organised and efficient than repeating them in each child class - of course. But as spathirana comments above, database design is not like OOP. Sure, you'll save on the repetition of column names by sticking common attributes of places into a "place" table. But it will also add complication:
- you have to join on that table whenever you want to reference a bar, restaurant or hotel
- you have to insert into two tables whenever you want to add a new bar, restaurant or hotel
- you have to update two tables when ... etc.
Having 3 tables without the place table is ALSO, PROBABLY, the most performance-optimal design. But that's not where I'm coming from. I'm thinking of clean, simple database design where a single entity means a single row in a single table. There are no "is-a" relationships in a relational DB. Foreign key relationships are "has-a". OK, there are exceptions I'm sure, but your case is not exceptional.

Does this database model make sense?

I am new speaking about modelling databases. But I give my best to learn as much as possible by my own. Therefore I want to ask you, whether my first attemp make sense for the following example:
So I modeled the database as followed:
The databse is about medicine. There are several medicine items which should be dosed depending on the age of the patient. Every medicine item can belong to one ore more groups (or none).
This is just a test case to show what I learned so far. So every tip to improve my skills is welcome!
Thanks a lot!
The relationtable table name is just a placeholder, right? It should be more descriptive, maybe dosage?
Something tells me that age ranges will greatly vary. Some medicines have different rules for children under 3 years, other under 5, 10, and so on. Instead of creating a separate table, just include two extra columns (start and end) in relationtable. It will be much easier to query and I won't consider this a denormalization.
Talking about age and dose tables - get rid of unit column and use normalized, fixed unit. Years for age and mg for doses. This will make querying much simpler. Don't be afraid to use floating numbers, e.g. 0.5 to represent six months.
I agree with what Tomasz write and would like to add:
If the relationtable is the correct way to go depends on some knowledge not contained in the table. It sounds strange that one medicine can be part of different groups and that the dosage depends on that relation. I would expect that a medicine can belong to different groups (resulting in a medicine2group mapping table) and that their exist different dosages depending on the age for a medicine (so you get dosage4age table, combining the existing age and dose tables. That new table would directly reference the medicine)
Which version is correct can not be told from the table alone.
As a rule of thumb: I get skeptical when a table without a proper name and concept links more then two other table. It is possible but often hints at concept hiding somewhere.
In order to check if the proposed model is correct, ask the business experts if the table is still correct if you replace Antibiotika with Superantibiotika in one of the first three rows. If it is, this means that the dosage does not depend on the group and should not be linked to it, so the model proposed by me would be more correct.
If the altered table is not correct, your model might be the better one, but I would listen carefully about the explanation why it isn't correct.

Database Design without inheritance

I have a come up with the following schema for a client of mine. Does anything look off here especially the Order Line Items. Should i use inheritance. I'm pretty sure that this site will only allow you to order courses, lessons, and giftcards, and that's it
Any feedback would be appreciated
Just my thinking on the design:
You have Courses, Lessons and GiftCards tables for the possible purchase objects, and OrderLines contains IDs for each of the tables. But in case a customer will purchase a Lesson and a GiftCard, they should be shown as 2 lines in the order. Also, what you will do if your client will want to trade more objects?
Therefore I think it might be better to redesign this part, like this:
OrderLines rename to OrderItems;
add ItemType table with 3 rows: Courses, Lessons, GiftCards;
add Items table with (ItemId, ItemType, Title, Price, LanguageCode, SortOrder, etc.) fields.
This way it will also be possible to add reviews not only for Lessons, but for all possible items.
You will have to come up with the preferred way to keep fields for the Items details. Right now Courses and Lessons share a lot of fields, therefore it might be reasonable to move all of them into the new Items table, as such fields seems also to be valid for the GiftCards also. And in case you have some specific details, like for GiftCards, you might add specific tables, like GiftCardItems with and a set of special fields not shared with other Item types.
A minor note: I would split Users into a couple of tables, as I suppose that this table will contain both, customers and support stuff. This means that this table might grow big (depending on how many customers are expected). Maintaining so many fields in a single table might be problematic when table will grow in number of rows.
And I agree with Matt — it is difficult to tell anything without requirements.
It is really hard to tell without knowing the requirements from your client. Everything looks good but I can't really tell if it is all inclusive of what the client wants without their requirements documentation.
