kernel programming - c

Is there any other way to execute a program using kernel, other than shell and system calls?

It always used to be the case that there was really only one way to execute a program on Unix and its derivatives, and that was via the exec() system calls. The very first (kernel) process was created by the boot loader; all subsequent processes were created by fork() and exec(). Of course, fork() only created a copy of the original program; it was the exec() system call - in one of a number of forms in the C source code, but eventually equivalent to execve() - that did the donkey work of replacing the current process with a new image.
These days, there are mechanisms like posix_spawn() which might, or might not, use a separate system call to achieve roughly the same mechanism.

A lot of kernels has support for adding kernel modules or drivers at run time. If you want to execute some code from kernel space (probably because you need higher privileges), you can write a kernel module/driver of your own and load it to execute your code. However, inserting a driver only doesn't ensure that your code will be executed. Based on your driver implementation, you will have to have some triggering mechanism for executing your code in kernel space.

yeah, you can compile your kernel with your program sourced in it, but it won't be the smartest thing to do.

Every program is internally executed by Kernel. If you are looking for running kernel module, you have to use the system calls to reach that module and perform some work for you in Kernel mode. Kernel is event driven and only system calls trigger execution of its modules (apart from some system events like network packet received)


passing variables to a process from linux kernel

I want to make a program that will gather information about the keystrokes of a user (keycode, press and release times) and will use them as a biometric for authenticating the user continuously. My approach is to gather the keystrokes using a kernel module (because you can't just kill a kernel module), than the kernel module will send the information to another process that will analyze the data gathered by the kernel module, it will save it to a database and will return an answer to the kernel (the user is authenticated or not) and the kernel will lock the computer if the user is not authenticated. the whole module will not be distributed.
my questions are:
1. How can I call a process from the kernel and also send him the data?
2. how can I return a message to the kernel from the process?
#basile-starynkevitch 's answer and his arguments notwithstanding there is an approach you can take that is perfectly correct and technically allowed by the linux kernel.
Register a keyboard notifier call back function using the kernel call register_keyboard_notifier() in your kernel module. As a matter of fact it's designed for exactly this!
Your notifier call back function will look something like:
int keysniffer_callback(struct notifier_block *notifier_block,
unsigned long scancode,
void *param)
// do something with the scancode
return NOTIFY_OK;
See for starters.
I want to make a program that will gather information about the keystrokes of a user
That should go in practice into your display server, which you did not mention (Xorg, Wayland, MIR, ...?). Details matter a big lot!
My approach is to gather the keystrokes using a kernel module
I strongly believe this is a wrong approach, you don't need any kernel module.
I want to make a program that gathers data about the user keystrokes
Then use ordinary Unix machinery. The keyboard is some character device (and you could have several keyboards, or none, or some virtual one...) and you could read(2) from it. If you want to code a keylogger, please tell that explicitly.
(be aware that a keylogger or any other cyberspying activity can be illegal when used without consent and without permission; in most countries, that could send you to jail: in France, Article 323-1 du Code PĂ©nal punishes that by at least 2 years of jail; and most other countries have similar laws)
the kernel module will send the information to another process [....] it will save it to a database
This is practically very difficult to get (and you look confused). Databases are in user-land (e.g. some RDBMS like PostGresSQL, or some library accessing files like sqlite). Notice that a kernel driver cannot (easily and reliably) even access to files.
All application programs (and most daemons & servers) on Linux are started with execve(2) (e.g. by some unix shell process, or by some daemon, etc...), and I see no reason for you to make an exception. However, some programs (mostly init, but also a few others, e.g. /sbin/hotplug) are started by the kernel, but this is exceptional (and should be avoided, and you don't need that).
How can I call a process from the kernel
You should not do that. I see no reason for your program to avoid being started by execve from some other process (perhaps your init, e.g. systemd).
and also send him the data?
Your process, as all other processes, is interacting with the kernel thru system calls (listed in syscalls(2)). So your application program could use read(2), write(2), poll(2) etc.. Be aware of netlink(7).
how can I return a message to the kernel from the process?
You don't. Use system calls, initiated by application code.
the kernel will lock the computer if the user is not authenticated.
This does not have any sense. Screen locking is a GUI artefact (so is not done by kernel code, but by ad-hoc daemon processes). Of course some processes do continue to run when locking is enabled. And many processes are daemons or servers which don't belong to "the" user (and continue to run when "the computer is locked"). At heart, Linux & POSIX is a multi-user and multi-tasking operating system. Even on a desktop Linux system used by a single physical person, you have dozens of users (i.e. uid-s many of them specialized to a particular feature, look into your /etc/passwd file, see passwd(5)) and more than a hundred processes (each having its pid), use top(1) or ps(1) as ps auxw to list them.
I believe you have the wrong approach. Take first several days or weeks to understand more about Linux from the application point of view. So read some book about Linux programming, e.g. ALP or something newer. Read also something like: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Be aware that in practice, most Linux systems having a desktop environment are using some display server. So the (physical) keyboard is handled by the X11 or Wayland server. You need to read more about your display server (with X11, things like EWMH).
Hence, you need to be much more specific. You are likely to need to interact with the display server, not the kernel directly.
At last, a rule of thumb is to avoid bloating your kernel with extra and useless driver code. You very probably can do your thing in userland entirely.
So, spend a week or more reading about OSes & Linux before coding a single line of code. Avoid kernel modules, they will bite you, and you probably don't need them (but you might need to hack your display server or simply your window manager; of course details are different with X11 and with Wayland). Read also about multiseat Linux systems.
At last, most Linux distributions are made of free software, whose source code you can study. So take time to look into the source code of relevant software for your (ill-defined) goals. Use also strace(1) to understand the system calls dynamically done by commands and processes.

Dependency of Run time library on operating system

I was going through this tutorial about how to write a minimalist kernel. I read this in between :
The Run-Time Library
A major part of writing code for your OS is rewriting the run-time library, also known as libc. This is because
the RTL is the most OS-dependent part of the compiler package: the C
RTL provides enough functionality to allow you to write portable
programs, but the inner workings of the RTL are dependent on the OS in
use. In fact, compiler vendors often use different RTLs for the same
OS: Microsoft Visual C++ provides different libraries for the various
combinations of debug/multi-threaded/DLL, and the older MS-DOS
compilers offered run-time libraries for up to 6 different memory
I am kind of confused with this part. Suppose I write my kernel in C code and against the advice use the inbuilt printf() function to print something. Finally my code will be translated to the machine code. When it will be executed, processer will directly run it. Why does the author says :
inner workings of the RTL are dependent on the OS in use ?
There are two separate issues:
What will printf() do when run inside of your kernel? Most likely it will crash or do nothing, since the RTL of the C compiler you use to develop your kernel is probably assuming some runtime environment with console, operating system, etc. Even if you're using a freestanding implementation of C/C++, the runtime will likely take over serial ports or whatnot to perform the output. You don't want that, probably, since your kernel's drivers will control the I/O. So you need to reimplement the underlying file I/O from the RTL.
What will printf() do when run in a user process that runs on top of your kernel? If the kernel protects access to hardware resources, it can't do anything. The underlying file I/O code from the RTL has to be aware of how to communicate with the kernel to open whatever passes for standard input/output "files" and to perform data exchange.
You need to be aware of whether you're using a free-standing or hosted implementation of the C/C++ compiler + RTL, and all of the implications. For kernel development, you'll be using a free-standing implementation. For userspace development, you'll want a hosted implementation, perhaps a cross-compiler, but the runtime library must be written as for a hosted implementation. Note that in both cases you can use the same compiler, you just need to point it to appropriate header files and libraries. On Linux, for example, kernel and userspace development can be done using the very same gcc compiler, with different headers and libraries.
The processor has no clue what a console is, or what a kernel is. Some code has to actually access the hardware. When you take printf() from a hosted C/C++ implementation, that implementation, somewhere deep in its guts, will invoke a system call for the particular platform it was meant to run on. That system call is meant to write to some abstraction that wraps the "console". On the other side of this system call is kernel code that will push this data to some hardware. It may not even be hardware directly, it may well be userspace of another process.
For example, whenever you run things in a GUI-based terminal on a Unix machine (KDE's Konsole, X11 xterm, OS X Terminal, etc.), the userland process invoking printf() has very, very far to go before anything hits hardware. Namely (even this is simplified!):
printf() writes data to a buffer
The buffer is flushed to (written to) a file handle. The write() library function is called.
The write() library function invokes a system call that transfers the control over to the kernel.
The kernel code copies the data from the userspace pages, since those can vanish at any time, to a kernel-side non-paged buffer.
The kernel code invokes the write handler for a given file handle - a file handle, in many kernels, is implemented as class with virtual methods.
The file handle happens to be a pseudo-terminal (pty) slave. The write method passes the data to the pty master.
The pty master fills up the read buffer of given pseudo-terminal, and wakes up the process waiting on the related file handle.
The process implementing the GUI terminal wakes up and read()s the file handle. This goes through the library to a syscall.
The kernel invokes the read handler for the pty master file handle.
The read handler copies its buffered data to the userspace.
The syscall returns.
The terminal process takes the data, parses it for control codes, and updates its internal data structure representing the emulated screen. It also queues an update event in the event queue. Control returns to the event loop of the GUI library/framework. This is done through an event since those events are usually coalesced. If there's a lot of data available, it will be all processed to update the screen data structure before anything gets repainted.
The event dispatcher dispatches the update/repaint event to the "screen" widget/window.
The event handler code in the widget/window uses the internal data structure to "paint" somewhere. Usually it'd be on a bitmap backing store.
The GUI library/framework code signals the operating system's graphics driver that new data is available on the backing store.
Again, through a syscall, the control is passed over to the kernel. The graphics driver running in the kernel will do the necessary magic on the graphics hardware to pass the backing bitmap to the screen. It may be an explicit memory copy, or a simple queuing of a texture copy with the graphics hardware.
Printf() is a high-level function that can be independent of the OS. It is however just part of the puzzle, it has dependencies itself. It needs to be able to write to stdout. Which will result in low-level OS dependent system calls, like create() to open the stdout stream and write() to send printf output there. Different OSes have different system calls so there's always an adaption layer, there will be in yours.
So sure, you can make printf() work in your kernel. Actually seeing the output of calls to printf() is going to be the real problem to solve. Nothing like a terminal window in kernel mode.

System call in process

Suppose a process is running and it invokes a system call . Does that means that process will now be blocked . Are all system calls block a process and changes its state from running to block ? Or it depends on the scenario at that time?
No, it does not mean the process is blocked. Some system calls are blocking and some are not. However, note that for the duration of the time the kernel processes the system call, while the process continues to run, your own user code is not executing but the kernel code is executing on behalf of the process.
Some operating systems have even upcalls, where the user application registers some functions to be called by the kernel (back in userspace) at some occasions. The Unix signal machinery is a very simple example, but some OSes have much more complex upcalls.
I think there are some OSes where a syscall trigger some kernel processing which may trigger some upcall back in userspace.
I forgot the details

Any possible solution to capture process entry/exit?

I Would like to capture the process entry, exit and maintain a log for the entire system (probably a daemon process).
One approach was to read /proc file system periodically and maintain the list, as I do not see the possibility to register inotify for /proc. Also, for desktop applications, I could get the help of dbus, and whenever client registers to desktop, I can capture.
But for non-desktop applications, I don't know how to go ahead apart from reading /proc periodically.
Kindly provide suggestions.
You mentioned /proc, so I'm going to assume you've got a linux system there.
Install the acct package. The lastcomm command shows all processes executed and their run duration, which is what you're asking for. Have your program "tail" /var/log/account/pacct (you'll find its structure described in acct(5)) and voila. It's just notification on termination, though. To detect start-ups, you'll need to dig through the system process table periodically, if that's what you really need.
Maybe the safer way to move is to create a SuperProcess that acts as a parent and forks children. Everytime a child process stops the father can find it. That is just a thought in case that architecture fits your needs.
Of course, if the parent process is not doable then you must go to the kernel.
If you want to log really all process entry and exits, you'll need to hook into kernel. Which means modifying the kernel or at least writing a kernel module. The "linux security modules" will certainly allow hooking into entry, but I am not sure whether it's possible to hook into exit.
If you can live with occasional exit slipping past (if the binary is linked statically or somehow avoids your environment setting), there is a simple option by preloading a library.
Linux dynamic linker has a feature, that if environment variable LD_PRELOAD (see this question) names a shared library, it will force-load that library into the starting process. So you can create a library, that will in it's static initialization tell the daemon that a process has started and do it so that the process will find out when the process exits.
Static initialization is easiest done by creating a global object with constructor in C++. The dynamic linker will ensure the static constructor will run when the library is loaded.
It will also try to make the corresponding destructor to run when the process exits, so you could simply log the process in the constructor and destructor. But it won't work if the process dies of signal 9 (KILL) and I am not sure what other signals will do.
So instead you should have a daemon and in the constructor tell the daemon about process start and make sure it will notice when the process exits on it's own. One option that comes to mind is opening a unix-domain socket to the daemon and leave it open. Kernel will close it when the process dies and the daemon will notice. You should take some precautions to use high descriptor number for the socket, since some processes may assume the low descriptor numbers (3, 4, 5) are free and dup2 to them. And don't forget to allow more filedescriptors for the daemon and for the system in general.
Note that just polling the /proc filesystem you would probably miss the great number of processes that only live for split second. There are really many of them on unix.
Here is an outline of the solution that we came up with.
We created a program that read a configuration file of all possible applications that the system is able to monitor. This program read the configuration file and through a command line interface you was able to start or stop programs. The program itself stored a table in shared memory that marked applications as running or not. A interface that anybody could access could get the status of these programs. This program also had an alarm system that could either email/page or set off an alarm.
This solution does not require any changes to the kernel and is therefore a less painful solution.
Hope this helps.

Executing a user-space function from the kernel space

Im writing a custom device driver in linux that has to be able to respond very rapidly on interrupts. Code to handle this already exists in a user-space implementation but that is too slow as it relies on software constantly checking the state of the interrupt line. After doing some research, I found that you can register these interrupt lines from a kernel module, and execute a function given by a function pointer. However the code we want to execute is in the user-space, is there a way to call a function in the user-space from a kernel space module?
You are out of luck with invoking user-space functions from the kernel since the kernel doesn't and isn't supposed to know about individual user-space application functions and logic, not to mention that each user-space application has its own memory layout, that no other process nor the kernel is allowed to invade in that way (shared objects are the exception here, but still you can't tap into that from the kernel space). What about the security model, you aren't supposed to run user-space code (which is automatically considered unsafe code in the kernel context) in the kernel context in the first place since that will break the security model of a kernel right there in that instant. Now considering all of the above mentioned, plus many other motives you might want to reconsider your approach and focus on Kernel <-> User-space IPC and Interfaces, the file system or the user-mode helper API(read bellow).
You can invoke user space apps from the kernel though, that using the usermode-helper API. The following IBM DeveloperWorks article should get you started on using the usermode-helper Linux kernel API:
Kernel APIs, Part 1: Invoking user-space applications from the kernel
I think the easiest way is to register a character device which becomes ready when the device has some data.
Any process which tries to read from this device, then gets put to sleep until the device is ready, then woken up, at which point it can do the appropriate thing.
If you just want to signal readyness, a reader could just read a single null byte.
The userspace program would then just need to execute a blocking read() call, and would be blocked appropriately, until you wake it up.
You will need to understand the kernel scheduler's wait queue mechanism to use this.
Sounds like your interrupt line is already available to userspace via gpiolib? (/sys/class/gpio/...)
Have you benchmarked if gpio edge triggering and poll() is fast enough for you? That way you don't have to poll the status from the userspace application but edge triggering will report it via poll(). See Documentation/gpio.txt in kernel source.
If the edge triggering via sysfs is not good enough, then the proper way is to develop a kernel driver that takes care of the time critical part and exports the results to userspace via a API (sysfs, device node, etc).
I am also facing the same problem, I read this document, so planning to use signals. In my case there is no chance of losing signals, because
1. the system is closed loop, after signals executed then only I will get another signal.
2. And I am using POSIX real-time signals.
