Access HttpContext of Silverlight page in asmx service - silverlight

I'm sorry if this has been asked - I can't seem to find it if so.
If I have a silverlight 4 page calling a plain old asmx web service, is there a way to access the http context of the aspx page hosting my silverlight from the asmx WebMethod?
HttpContext.Current seems to relate to the call to the service (the path property is the path to the asmx file) and so HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString (what I'm really after) is empty.

You could pass the QueryString object as a parameter to the asmx service.
from silverlight you can get the query string of the host page using the code below.
var queryString = System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Document.QueryString;
var id = System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Document.QueryString["id"]; //if u want a specific item
Hope this helps

No, you can only access the context of the current call. What you need to do is send the information that you are interested in, the query string (or parts of it), to your web service method as a parameter.


Read parameters from Java client in WPF application

I have created WCF service in .net.
It is called by Java client, how do I read parameters when service is being called?
Here is my code:
public string getMethod(string id, string name)
string str = name;
return str;
Here is my WPF application code, I have added web reference:
WebReference.Service1Soap client = new WebReference.Service1Soap();
string str = client.getMethod(id, name);
How do I read values of "id" and "name" called from Java client?
I am stuck here, please help me please!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The simplest way:
Run a local instance of the service in debug mode, or attach the visual studio debugger to WCF service host process.
Put a breakpoint in the getMethod() service operation code
Call the service with the java client.
Check the values using a watch or just mouseover.
EDIT.. from comments...
but I have set debug point, still it is not happening
That means that your java client call is not being made successfully. If your java client cannot call the service then you need to sort that out first. Please post a new question to address this, or there are plenty of stuff on google:
I need those parameter values in WPF application and I have to read
it. How to do it?
You can't send a message to a service and then have that data relayed to another client (WPF) unless you use callbacks via a duplex binding like wsDualHttpBinding, which is not a nice solution in my opinion. More reading here:
If your java client needs to call into a WPF then you'll need to use ServiceHost inside your WPF application and host a WCF service from there. Look here for an example:
From Java, service client has been made successfully, and it is
getting the response. But how do I read parameters, and is there any
way or code, that "we come to know that .net service is being called".
Then the only thing you can do is either host the WCF service inside your WPF application, or use a duplex WCF binding on the service, and have the WPF application subscribe by registering a callback delegate. This way the service can call back to the client when something happens (a call is made).
Alternatively you could use a shared database which is updated with the call values when the java client makes the call. Your WPF app can then poll or use a SqlDependency to know when the data has changed.

SharePoint Adapter for Breeze JS/Angular and the SP User Information List

The Problem
The SharePoint adapter for Breeze expects a model with a SharePoint list name and then attempts by default to access _api/web/lists/getbytitle('<DefaultResourceName>') and I have not found a way to over ride that. The problem with this behavior is that if a user who is not a site collection admin accesses the User Information List using the web/lists/ end point they will receive a 404 error. Instead, for whatever reason, regular users must access the same exact information via _api/Web/SiteUserInfoList/items.
The Question
What would be the best way to add functionality to the Breeze SharePoint adapter to get user details or a list of site users? In my existing solution I have merely changed my data context object to use $http and the _api/Web/SiteUserInfoList/itemsend point but I'd like to still be able to use Breeze's amazing filtering ability but it's not clear to me the best path to begin adding this functionality to the adapter.
With breeze you can configure specific AJAX requests using a request interceptor.
The example below changes the timeout but you could just as easily change the url.
var ajaxAdapter = breeze.config.getAdapterInstance('ajax');
ajaxAdapter.requestInterceptor = function (requestInfo) {
requestInfo.config.timeout = 5000;
// todo: examine the requestInfo.config object and change the url as-needed
here's the relevant code in the breeze source

How to use google.maps within an asmx web service

I need to calculate distances for some logic within a web service and assume google.maps API is appropriate. Everything I've seen is Jscript and requires a reference to the script in html tags <script>, which does not apply here. A .dll would make things obvious to me, but that does not seem to be available...
How do you access google.maps within a c# .asmx??
You will have to do the same thing that would be done by the JavaScript code you're seeing as examples. You'll want to use the WebClient class or maybe the WebRequest class to do the network I/O, but you've got to send and receive HTTP messages.
"Add Service Reference" won't work, of course.
Note that this problem is not specific to ASMX web services. You would have the exact same issue in a console program or Winforms application.

Domain Service error when called from silverlight

I am hosting a silverlight app in an existing mvc view. I am getting the infamous
"remote server returned an error-> notfound"
when I try to access a domain service defined in the mvc application.
In fiddler I'm getting this error:
The IControllerFactory 'DrcMvcWeb.Infrastructure.DrcControllerFactory' did not return a controller for the name 'ClientBin'.
Do I need to map a route to the domain service call? This is my first experience with silverlight and RIA services and so far the experience hasn't been good.
It looks like it's including the ClientBin folder (the location where your SL app is hosted) in the path to the service. You should be able to use a relative path (from that point) to walk up the tree and back down to your actual service location. Something like:
string urlPath = new Uri(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../Services/MyService").AbsoluteUri;

Google App Engine RPC Service

I've created an application using Google Web Toolkit and Google App Engine that saves objects based on user selections into a RPC Service Implementation.
It was my understanding that everytime GWT "creates" this service, the data is reinstantiated with the default values. Unfortunately it seems like when a user on one computer saves a change to the data, another user on another computer is seeing the data change on their end. Im not using a datastore or anything so why is this happening?
EDIT: After some research I am seeing that I need to use sessions to handle the delivery of the objects. However, in my RemoteServiceServlet I am calling this.getThreadLocalRequest and it's returning null. Why does this.getThreadLocalRequest() return null??
UPDATE: Answering my own questions here : ) You cannot getThreadLocalRequest() in the constructor of your Servlet. duh.
The problem was that I was calling getThreadLocalRequest() in the constructor of my servlet. Good thing to be aware of - the local request doesnt happen until the servlet is loaded.
