masking a portion of a control in wpf - wpf

Is it possible for me to mask a portion of a control in WPF?

Your question doesn't really give a lot of detail, but I'm guessing that you want part of a control to be transparent.
Probably the best way to do that is to modify the control template of that control. That gives you complete, er, control over the appearance of that control.
To get the base ControlTemplate of any control, you can either use Expression Blend or XamlWriter to do so - here is a good link that explains both fairly simple procedures.
I don't know what kind of control that you are interested in. Some are fairly simple, some fairly complex, and a majority are in between. Just be careful if you see a control in the template named "PART_something". These are required, and a bit of WPF black magic to make certain controls work automatically.


Benefits of Custom WPF Controls

I've thoroughly checked the custom controls topic, spent several hours looking into custom controls written by other people. I've written my own custom button, to feel it better. I've read all the google answers around the "why custom controls", "advanced custom controls examples" and such.
My question is, WHY?
Why would I (or anybody) go through 9 circles of hell to create his own custom control, when one can just adjust an existing control to his needs (using styles and templates). I actually didn't find any explanation on google, just tons of examples, mostly from people who sound even less educated than me.
I imagine there IS such need, when talking about some complicated DataGrid with, I don't know, every cell being a button or something (and still I believe I could do it with a regular DataGrid)... But I've not found anything more complex than a beautiful button. Is there nobody sharing a complicated code on the topic?
There are different levels of element customization in WPF, depending what class you extend from. Each has its own uses and is implemented differently. It is not clear from your question if you are asking about a specific type of control or about all of them in general. So, I will tell you what I think about different ones.
UIElement or FrameworkElement
Extending UIElement gives you the lowest level custom control where you have complete control over the layout and rendering. FrameworkElement is slightly higher level as it does most of the common layout stuff for you while also allowing you to override key parts of it. The main idea with these is that they do their own rendering rather than composing other elements together.
I have made a number of custom FrameworkElements over the years. One example is a ruler similar to one you might find in a program like Photoshop. It has a bunch of properties providing customization for how it is displayed as well as showing markers indicating mouse position relative to the ruler (and a number of other little optional features). I have used it in two different professional projects. I think the main benefit is that it is extremely easy to drop in and set properties/bindings on wherever desired. Build it once, use it over and over.
Extending Control introduces the concept of compositing multiple elements/controls into one reusable component via control templates.
I have used this one less often, but still find it very valuable in the right circumstances. Again, the main benefit here is reusability. You create a control with properties that make sense for what you want to do, then hook up those properties to the properties of the controls in it's control template. Really, this is the same as applying a new template to an existing control, with the added feature of being able to define your own dependency properties. You also have the ability to perform custom logic in the control's code if you need to.
I may be misreading some of your text, but you seem to imply that making a custom control is considerably more difficult than making a control template for an existing control. I have found that the two are nearly identical in most cases using this approach, the only difference being whether you have a code behind you can use.
User Control
A user control is really only slightly different from a custom control practically speaking. Only, instead of defining a control template, you define the visual content directly.
This is probably the most common type of custom control. It is basically the standard method for making XAML based content in a WPF application. These can be reused like other controls, but are more suited for single use such as the content of a dialog or window or something else that is specific to a single application.
Some Other Control
You can also extend an existing control to add additional functionality to it. This way, you still get all the features the control offers and only have to implement the additional bit.
For example, I have a custom control called an AutoScrollRichTextBox that extends RichTextBox. So, it does everything a RichTextBox can do. It also has the ability to automatically scroll to the bottom when content is added to the text box (which it only does if the text box was already scrolled to the bottom before the addition content was added).
I could have implemented that feature as an attached property instead of an extension of the control (and maybe I should have), but it works, and I have used it in three different applications (as an output window and as a chat log). So, I am happy with it.
In the end, it really is just a matter of how self-contained, reusable, and easy to drop in you want a control to be. If there is already a control that does what you want, and you just want it to look different, then you should definitely use styles and templates to achieve that. However, if you want to make something that doesn't already exist, limiting yourself to using only styles and templates will make the implementation work harder and make the end result less reusable and more difficult to set up additional instances (unless all instances are identical).
The examples of making things like buttons that look different are not examples of what you should use a custom control for. They are just examples of how someone would go about making a custom control for the purpose of teaching the details of the process. If you actually want a customized button, just customize a button.

How to change element in xaml that are in visual tree

I'm new to WPF and tyring to uderstand the best way I can modify any given control attributes. What I was trying to achieve is to show tooltip for a cell. Yes a quick google and can see xaml of how to do it. But I want to understand how can one learn to figure out this out using some tool.
I came across Snoop that can show visual tree of a control very easily (CTRL+SHIFT Mouse over). What I'm trying to understand is if one knows of visual tree, how can one change it? For example, let's say I use WPF DataGrid and bind it to a source and display column using DataGridTextColumn.
<DataGridTextColumn Header="First Name" Binding="{Binding FirstName}">
Now let's say I want to show tooltip for each cell. So I fire up Snoop and CTRL+SHIFT mouse over the cell. Snoop shows me that its a DataGridCell that is using Border and withing it ContentPresenter which ends up using TextBlock to show the value. So that means that if I can somehow access that textblock, I can set its tooltip property using binding. Issue is that I don't know how I can access it in xaml.
In other words, knowing a visual tree, how can one access it in xaml for any given control. This will also be very handly for 3rd party controls.
Your'e asking quite a bit here, and i'm not sure I completely understand your intention, so I hope I got this right. Your'e asking if you can access the complete visual representation of each control and change it using xaml. The answer to that is yes, but you shouldn't.
I'll get to what I mean in a bit, but first I'd like to clarify some concepts, since i'm not sure you're using them correctly.
Xaml is the declarative markup representation of your views and nothing more. Xaml syntax directly corresponds to it's respective classes and their properties. Xaml maps tags to classes and attributes to properties. It's a small distinction, but it's important to think this way. Everything you can do in xaml you can also do in code (although it would often be much more work). Again: xaml refers to markup code only.
<ClassA PropertyA="Value">
<ClassB />
Default property value
Logical tree:
The logical tree is the runtime representation of your xaml code. it consists (mostly) of the controls you set in your xaml files.
Visual tree:
The visual tree is the visual representation the logical tree. It contains much more since it contains the concrete visual representation of everything displayed in your view. Most of the logical tree can't be directly displayed. WPF uses Data and Control Templates together with Styles to determine exactly how each object is supposed to look. In case of data templates that can also mean simple data objects and not only WPF controls.
Now for your question: so can you access the concrete visual representation of each control?
Yes, but you'll have to use control templates to manipulate it's visuals. Also, control templates are usually applied to control types and not specific controls, so you'll have to deal with that as well.
And that's why you shouldn't access it. The xaml representation usually gives you all you need to modify your control, and even if you do use templates you shouldn't change every last piece of it. Templates are used to style a control, so only write enough to show it as you wish. There's no need specify everything.
However you can access the entire visual tree more easily using procedural code, if you use the VisualTreeHelper class (that's how snoop does it, by the way). Using it you can traverse the visual tree and access all it's classes and members. If you really want to access every single visual object you'll do it much more easily with the VisualTreeHelper.

Is hard coded XAML faster than code-behind generated XAML?

I have a WPF usercontrol which contains a number of textboxes and buttons. Currently these textboxes and buttons are all created and loaded dynamically into an ItemsControl through the code behind, whenever an instance of the control is created. The only hard-coded XAML is the declaration of the ItemsControl.
This can be a bit sluggish sometimes. Would it be any quicker if I got rid of the ItemsControl and hard-coded the textboxes and buttons into the usercontrol's XAML?
It's generally better to follow best practices for the platform you're working on; generating items 'by hand' in code-behind certainly isn't one of them in WPF. Look into using DataTemplates and leave the hard work for the framework. It's not hard-coding - you will still provide items (in code behind if you must, but preferably through bindings), and the ItemsControl will 'dress up' the items provided into its ItemsSource with the proper DataTemplates. This will usually work faster, even if only because virtualization is handled automatically (depending on the actual control you're using, but most ItemsControls do).
Two options: Use code to generate the object graph, or use XAML.
Code generated:
1) The compiler converts your code to IL
2) Your IL is interpreted at runtime by the CLR
3) Your object graph is created as your code executes
XAML generated (essentially a mix of code and XAML that makes up your UserControl):
1) The compiler converts the code part to IL and the XAML to BAML
2) Your IL is interpreted at runtime
3) Your class is constructed from the BAML file at runtime
4) Unicorns and magic merge the two
The second version is actually a little slower at runtime (or so I've heard). Of course, this is a big simplification of the process, but you can see that the second version is a little more involved and has more unicorn content. But the fact is that they are, from a UI perspective, pretty much equivalent.
I think your slugishness might be caused by something else. Perhaps you're actually seeing the JIT lag from first execution, or other factors in your code may be causing the process to take longer.
Regardless I'd suggest you create your WPF forms the WPF way. Use binding, and if you need to dynamically create your UI look into ItemsControls and DataTemplates. Its much easier than you'd think.
Well certainly there is no great speed difference, but for development, debugging etc code behind is little better.
Try Xaml Generator, and see it for yourself.

WPF - Which one is better? Style or User Control?

I wanted to know which one amongst Style and UserControl would be better to use in WPF?
For example:
I have created an image button in two different ways.
One uses Style and ContentTemplate property is set.
It uses one other class with dependency properties.
The other way is I have created a UserControl which has a button and its content property is set.
The file UserControl.xaml.cs also contains the dependency properties.
For Code details see the answers of this question:
Custom button template in WPF
Which one would be better to use? In which scenario should one go for Style or UserControl or any CustomControl?
Styles are limited to setting default properties on XAML elements. For example, when I set the BorderBrush , I can specify the brush but not the width of the border. For complete freedom of a control’s appearance, use templates. To do this, create a style and specify the Template property.
Styles and templates still only allow you to change the appearance of a control. To add behavior and other features, you’ll need to create a custom control.
For example,
To create a button like a play button use styles and templates, but to create a a play button which will change its appearance after pausing it use UserControl.
For this type of thing I would go with Style, even though I'm not really adept with graphical tools. I tend to produce a basic, boring style that I can get started with and then prettify it once the application functionality has been verified.
The nicest thing about WPF is being able to distance much of the graphical look, feel and behaviour away from the code.
This allows you to change the style of your application without revisiting the code and indeed means that you can change styles on the fly at runtime.
There is an awkward line to tread with regards to how much behaviour is placed within the XAML and how much is placed within the code. A rough guide would be to decide on what behaviour must always be present within the UI and place that in the code, everything else place within the XAML.
Think of the code as being an abstract class with defined interfaces and the XAML Styles as being classes based on that class and you'll get an idea of what I mean.
Conversely, I know that people who are far more adept at the GUI work prefer to put more functionality in the XAML and others who prefer the code side, because they find the GUI work slow or difficult.
When thought of that way you'll see that there's never really a right or wrong answer, just better solutions that suit your skills.

Should I be using Expression Blend to design really dynamic UIs?

My company's product is, at its core, a framework for developing metadata-driven UIs. I don't know how to characterize it less succinctly than that, and hope I won't need to for purposes of this question, but we'll see.
I've been trying to come up to speed on WPF, and have been building UI prototypes here and there, and recently I decided to see if I could use Expression Blend to help with the design of these UIs. And I'm pretty mystified at this point.
It appears to me as though Expresssion Blend is designed with the expectation that you already know all of the objects that are going to be present in the UI at design time. But our program generates these object dynamically at runtime.
For instance, a data row might be presented in a horizontal StackPanel containing alternating TextBlocks (for captions) and TextBoxes (for data fields). The number of these objects depends on metadata about the number of columns in the data row. I can, pretty readily, write code that runs through a metadata record and populates a StackPanel dynamically, setting up the binding of all of the controls to properties in either the data or metadata. (A TextBox's Width might be bound to metadata, while its Text is bound to data.)
But I can't even begin to figure out how to do something like this in Expression Blend. I can manually create all these controls, so that I have a set of controls that I can apply styles to and work out the visual design of the app, but it's really a pain to do this.
I can write code that goes through my data model and emits XAML for all these controls, I suppose, and then copy and paste it. But I'm going to feel really stupid if it turns out there a way to do this sort of thing in Expression Blend and I've dropped back and punted because I'm too dim to figure out the right way to think of it.
Is this enough information for someone to try formulating an answer?
I think expression blend is a very good choice ESPECIALLY if you want to design dynamic, datadriven UIs. You can use Blend to desgin DataTemplates that define how a single dataobject is to be presented to the screen. For example, if you have an object of type Person you can define the controls like textboxes, border etc. that then are to be generated automatically for each Person in your list.
You can then fill your ItemsControls (DataGrid, ListView, TreeView ...) with those dynamic databojects and WPF knows how to render them. If a Persopn is removed form the list, the generated visual item will be removed too. This is just a simple example the whole notion of dynamic data is deeply baked into WPF and you can access these features using blend.
To be able to design the datatemplates in expression blend you need to provide sample designtime data.
Also to be effective with all this it is of high advantage if you stick with the MVVM design.
