DockPanel and User Control UI with Ribbon Control - wpf

I have a ribbon control with multiple buttons that need to display different windows/user control in the main area of the window. I'm thinking about creating a user control for each 'functional area' that relates to it's button in the ribbon.
Something like
Public Class RibbonViewModel
Public ReadOnly ucPreferences As UserControl = New ucPreferences
Public ReadOnly ucMain As UserControl = New ucMain
End Class
User clicks the Preference button and I'll do
This is working as far as the layout goes but I'm not sure what issues I might run into.

This will certainly work; however a more robust approach would be making use of Prism...more specifically the IRegionManager.
What this provides is a way to define regions within your application where you can push content to live within the region. An example would be...
<ad:DockingManager Grid.Row="1" Margin="0">
<ad:DocumentPane x:Name="WorkspaceRegion" prismrgn:RegionManager.RegionName="WorkspaceRegion"/>
...where ad is the namespace for the AvalonDock assembly; however it could be your DockPanel just the same. This can then be referenced in the code behind as follows...
_regionManager.AddToRegion("WorkspaceRegion", workspaceContent);
...where _regionManager is an instance received via DI within the contructor of the object placing workspaceContent in the WorkspaceRegion.
This provides nice decoupling with regard to the Ribbon action which will drive the interface to be displayed for that given action. It also provides an abstraction on the region itself, it a DockPanel or some other control.
As stated previously your initial approach will work. Whether you should opt for a framework such as Prism to isolate concerns as well as increased functionality is dependent on the scale of this project both now and in the future.


Using MVVM show new window and get updates data

I'm working on a WPF MVVM application. I'm showing some data in a datagrid. I've two buttons to Add and Edit the selected record. I've data in ViewModel and I've to show another window (view) and make sure that ViewModels should have no information about views.
Where should I create its view and viewmodel?
How to get the data back and update datagrid?
How can I achieve this in MVVM?
We have not yet decided to use any framework, so I've to create my own interface.
Note: This ended up being quite a long answer - please ask me if anything is unclear
The implementation of dialog windows is a contentious issue in MVVM designs, and different people use different approaches.
Like you, I've decided not to use any framework and implement most things by hand. When it comes to dialog windows, I choose to be pragmatic about my implementation of MVVM, by launching the Dialog Window from inside my ViewModel. Also, I allow each Dialog ViewModel to have a reference to the Window it is displayed in, so it can close it when appropriate (details below). This breaks some of the strict MVVM "rules", but it gets the job done.
The main downside of this is that it might break unit testing if you are testing something that goes through a dialog. However, you can go a long way without running into that problem and it has not bothered me yet.
I've built up a bit of a library of dialog ViewModels which I can easily extend. It's way too much code to post here, but I'll show you the highlights.
Base ViewModel for Dialogs
Each of my dialog windows has a ViewModel that inherits from DialogViewModelBase, which is similiar to my regular ViewModelBase in that it provides support for INotifyPropertyChanged etc. The interesting part is this public method, which I call from wherever to launch the Dialog:
/// <summary>
/// Creates window instance for this dialog viewmodel and displays it, getting the dialog result.
/// </summary>
public void ShowDialogWindow()
// This is a property of the DialogViewModelBase class - thus, each DialogViewModel holds a reference to its own DialogWindow:
this.DialogWindow = new Dialogs.Views.DialogWindow();
// Tell the DialogWindow to display this ViewModel:
this.DialogWindow.DataContext = this;
// Launch the Window, using a method of the Window baseclass, that only returns when the window is closed:
Window launched in the above method will close when its Window.DialogResult property is set. This is why the DialogWindow is a property of the DialogViewModelBase class - when the subclassing dialog ViewModel wants to close the dialog window, it simply sets the result:
protected void CloseDialogWithResult(bool dialogWindowResult)
// Setting this property automatically closes the dialog window:
this.DialogWindow.DialogResult = dialogWindowResult;
Host Window for Dialog Views
The Dialogs.Views.DialogWindow class that the ShowDialogWindow method instantiates is defined in XAML and is a subclass of Window. It has two important features. The first is that it's primary content element is simply a ContentControl that binds to the current context. This allows me to define different Views for different subclasses of DialogViewModelBase, and the DialogWindow will host the corresponding View based on the type of the context:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}" /> <!-- In reality this is inside a border etc but its simplified here for demonstration -->
The second important feature of the DialogWindow XAML is that it defines which dialog Views go with which dialog ViewModels. Here is a sample:
<!-- DEFAULT ViewModel-View TEMPLATES -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type dialogs:YesNoMessageBoxDialogViewModel}">
<views:MessageBoxView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type dialogs:ErrorDialogViewModel}">
What all this does, is that I can define dialogs as subclasses to DialogViewModelBase and implement a View for each, and then tell DialogWindow which View its ContentControl must show for which dialog ViewModel.
Launching a Dialog and getting results
Below is a sample from one of my application ViewModels, in which I launch a Dialog Window that allows the user to select an Asset Type for creation:
public void CreateNewAsset()
// Instantiate desired Dialog ViewModel:
Dialogs.NewAssetTypeSelectionDialogViewModel dialog = new Dialogs.NewAssetTypeSelectionDialogViewModel();
// Launch Dialog by calling method on Dialog base class:
// Execution will halt here until the Dialog window closes...
// The user's selection is stored in a property on the dialog ViewModel, and can now be retrieved:
CalculatorBase.AssetTypeEnum newAssetType = dialog.AssetType;
switch (newAssetType)
// Do stuff based on user's selection...
PS: I should really write a blog entry about this - when I do, I will post the link here, as the blog entry will probably have more complete code samples.
It depends how you are handling the data. I will assume that changes made in the popup window can be accepted only when user clicks something like save in other case they should be discarded.
So firstly, I would suggest using MVC approach as controller is perfect for such tasks. You build viewmodels in it, assign them o views and show the views. VM's simply keeps data and commands, commands execute methods are kept in controller. In other words you have singleton class which manages your VM's and views.
You should check out Prism framework. It offers great things like view regios where you can inject different user controls on the runtime, commanding and MVC layering out of the box alongside IOC and DI patterns.

RegionManager.Regions never contains my ChildWindow regions

I've be struggling for a while trying to make it work. Basically I have a Silverlight application using MVVM/PRISM/Unity combination.
My shell consists by two Regions RootContent and RootMenu. My RegionManager.Regions are able to see those two regions just fine, and the application runs correctly.
The problem starts when one of my Views inside the RootContent opens a ChildWindow, it contains more two Regions, as follows:
<ContentControl Region:RegionManager.RegionName="WOFSCustomerLookup" />
<ContentControl Region:RegionManager.RegionName="WOFSCustomerView" />
The ViewModel of this View that has this XAML above, even inheriting and properly resolved, the IRegionManager.Regions collection do not contains those two new Regions above, just the RootContent and RootMenu.
More Information
This is How my ChildWindow is called (it calls the "View"):
ChildWindow editor = this.container.Resolve<WorkOrderFieldServiceEditor>();;
And this is the Constructor of my ViewModel:
public WorkOrderFieldServiceViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IRegionManager regionManager)
this.container = container;
this.regionManager = regionManager;
// Still have just the two Root regions:
// this.regionManager.Regions[]
Did I miss anything?
Pretty sure the problem is because you are not showing the WorkOrderFieldServiceEditor view through Prism but are just getting an instance of it through the container and then calling Show method directly on it. So, Prism is not really involved. When the main Shell is created through the bootstrapper, the regions defined in the View are then created in the region manager. So, you will need to look at how you Navigate to a popup window using Prism and not call the Show method directly.
Checkout the RegionPopupBehaviors.cs file in the StockTrader reference application.

Nested Data Context with Unity

I took a course on VB.Net + WPF at university last year. For the final project, I decided to give MVVM a go (we hadn't discussed it at all in the course, I had just researched it and thought it would be a useful exercise). It was a good experience however I'm rather sure I might have made some poor choices when it came to design.
I've since graduated and my job has nothing to do with WPF or Windows development however I'm developing a small application in my own time and thought it would be fun to use C# and WPF (C# is a language I very much like to work with and I enjoyed working with WPF so it's a pretty logical choice).
Anyway, I'm using this as an opportunity to learn more about MVVM and try and implement it in a better way than I did previously. I've done a bit more reading and am finding it a lot easier to graph than I had when trying to implement it alongside learning WPF.
I've used In The Box MVVM Training as a guide and will be using Unity for dependency injection at this.
Now, in the sample app developed in the guide, there is a single view model (MainWindowViewModel). The MainWindow is pretty much a container with 3 or 4 UserControls which all share the DataContext of the MainWindow.
In my app, I'd like to have a tab-based interface. As such, the MainWindow will be primary concerned with displaying a list of buttons to switch the current view (i.e. move from the 'add' view to the 'list view'). Each view will be a self-contained UserControl which will implement it's own DataContext.
The same code in the app is as follows:
MainWindow window = container.Resolve<MainWindow>();
window.DataContext = container.Resolve<MainWindowViewModel>();
That's fine for setting data context of the MainWindow, however how will I handle assigning each user context it's own ViewModel as a DataContext?
EDIT: To be more specific, when I say tab-based interface, I don't mean it in the sense of tabs in a text editor or web browser. Rather, each 'tab' is a different screen of the application - there is only a single active screen at a time.
Also, while Slauma's post was somewhat helpful, it didn't really explain how I'd go about injecting dependencies to those tabs. If the NewStatementView, for example, was required to output it's data, how would I inject an instance of a class that implements the 'IStatementWriter' interface?
EDIT: To simplify my question, I'm basically trying to figure out how to inject a dependency to a class without passing every dependency through the constructor. As a contrived example:
Class A has Class B.
Class B takes as a constructor paramater needs an implementation of Interface I1.
Class B uses Class C.
Class C takes as a constructor paramater needs an implementation of Interface I2.
How would I handle this scenario using DI (and Unity)? What I don't want to do is:
public class A(I1 i1, I2 i2) { .... }
I could register everything using Unity (i.e. create I2, then C, then I1 and B, and then finally insert these into A) but then I would have to instantiate everything when I want to use A even if I might not even need an instance of B (and what if I had a whole bunch of other classes in the same situation as B?).
MVVM has lots of benefits, but in my experience wiring up the view models and the views is one of the biggest complexities.
There are two main ways to do this:
Wire the view models to the views.
In this scenario, the XAML for the MainWindow contains the child controls. In your case, some of these views would probably be hidden (because you are only showing one screen at a time).
The view models get wired to the views, usually in one of two ways:
In the code behind, after the InitializeComponents() call or in a this.Loaded event handler, let this.DataContext = container.Resolve<MyViewModelType>();
Note that in this case the container needs to be globally available. This is typical in applications that use Unity. You asked how children would resolve interfaces like IStatementWriter. If the container is global, the child view models could simply call container.Resolve<IStatementWriter>();
Another way to wire the view models into the views is to create an instance of the view model in XAML like this:
<UserControl ...>
This method is not compatible with Unity. There are a few MVVM frameworks that allow you to resolve types in XAML (I believe Caliburn does). These frameworks accomplish this through markup extensions.
Wire the view up to the view model.
This is usually my preferred method, although it makes the XAML tree more complicated. This method works very well when you need to perform navigation in the main view model.
Create the child view model objects in the main view model.
public class MainViewModel
public MyViewModelType Model1 { get; private set; }
public ViewModelType2 Model2 { get; private set; }
public ViewModelType3 Model3 { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel()
// This allows us to use Unity to resolve the view models!
// We can use a global container or pass it into the constructor of the main view model
// The dependencies for the child view models could then be resolved in their
// constructors if you don't want to make the container global.
Model1 = container.Resolve<MyViewModelType>();
Model2 = container.Resolve<ViewModelType2>();
Model3 = container.Resolve<ViewModelType3>();
CurrentViewModel = Model1;
// You will need to fire property changed notifications here!
public object CurrentViewModel { get; set; }
In the main view, create one or more content controls and set the content(s) to the view models that you want to display.
<Window ...>
<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyViewModelType}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ViewModelType2}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ViewModelType3}">
Notice that we tie the child views to the view models through data templates on the ContentControl. These data templates could have been defined at the Window level or even the Application level, but I like to put them in context so that it's easier to see how the views are getting tied to the view models. If we only had one type of view model for each ContentControl, we could have used the ContentTemplate property instead of using resources.
EDIT: In this method, the view models can be resolved using dependency injection, but the views are resolved through WPF's resource resolution mechanism. This is how it works:
When the content for a ContentPresenter (an underlying component in the ContentControl) is set to an object that is NOT a visual (not derived from the Visual class), WPF looks for a data template to display the object. First it uses any explicit data templates set on the host control (like the ContentTemplate property on the ContentControl). Next it searches up the logical tree, examining the resources of each item in the tree for a DataTemplate with the resource key {x:Type local:OBJECT_TYPE}, where OBJECT_TYPE is the data type of the content. Note that in this case, it finds the data templates that we defined locally. When a style, control template, or data template is defined with a target type but not a named key, the type becomes the key. The Window and Application are in the logical tree, so resources/templates defined here would also be found and resolved if they were not located in the resources of the host control.
One final comment. If a data template is not found, WPF calls ToString() on the content object and uses the result as the visual content. If ToString() is not overridden in some meaningful way, the result is a TextBlock containing the content type.
When you update the CurrentViewModel property on the MainViewModel, the content and view in the main view will change automatically as long as you fire the property changed notification on the main view model.
Let me know if I missed something or you need more info.
For a Tab-based interface this classical article about MVVM pattern in WPF might be very useful. (It also offers a downloadable sample application.)
The basic idea to connect each tab with a UserControl is as follows (only a rough sketch, details are in the article):
The MainWindow View has a ContentControl ...
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=Workspaces}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource WorkspacesTemplate}" />
... which binds to a collection of "Workspaces" in the MainWindowViewModel:
public ObservableCollection<WorkspaceViewModel> Workspaces { get; private set; }
This WorkspaceViewModel serves as a base class for all ViewModels you want to display as a tab.
The WorkspacesTemplate is a DataTemplate which binds a TabControl to the collection of WorkspaceViewModels:
<DataTemplate x:Key="WorkspacesTemplate">
<TabControl IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
ItemsSource="{Binding}" />
And for every specific Tab you have a UserControl with a ViewModel which derives from WorkspaceViewModel ...
public class MySpecialViewModel : WorkspaceViewModel
... and which is related to the UserControl by a DataTemplate:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:MySpecialViewModel}" >
<v:MySpecialUserControl />
Now, if you want to open a tab you would have a Command in the MainWindowViewModel which creates the ViewModel belonging to that tab and add it to the Workspaces collection of the MainWindowViewModel:
void CreateMySpecialViewModel()
MySpecialViewModel workspace = new MySpecialViewModel();
The rest is done by the WPF binding engine. The TabControl recognizes automatically that this special workspace item in the collection is of type MySpecialViewModel and selects the right View/UserControl through the DataTemplate we have defined to connect ViewModel and View and displays it in a new Tab.
At the point where you resolve your Views deriving from UserControl, use property injection to resolve a new ViewModel for each one and set the DataContext property of the view to it.

Should a user control have its own view model?

I have a window made up of several user controls and was wondering whether each user control have its own view model or should the window as a whole have only one view model?
Absolutely, positively
Your UserControls should NOT have ViewModels designed specifically for them. This is, in fact, a code smell. It doesn't break your application immediately, but it will cause you pain as you work with it.
A UserControl is simply an easy way to create a Control using composition. UserControls are still Controls, and therefore should solely be concerned with matters of UI.
When you create a ViewModel for your UserControl, you are either placing business or UI logic there. It is incorrect to use ViewModels to contain UI logic, so if that is your goal, ditch your VM and place the code in that control's codebehind. If you're placing business logic in the UserControl, most likely you are using it to segregate parts of your application rather than to simplify control creation. Controls should be simple and have a single purpose for which they are designed.
When you create a ViewModel for your UserControl, you also break the natural flow of data via the DataContext. This is where you will experience the most pain. To demonstrate, consider this simple example.
We have a ViewModel that contains People, each being an instance of the Person type.
public class ViewModel
public IEnumerable<Person> People { get; private set; }
public ViewModel()
People = PeopleService.StaticDependenciesSuckToo.GetPeople();
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
To show a list of people in our window is trivial.
<Window x:Class="YoureDoingItWrong.MainWindow"
<l:ViewModel />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type l:Person}">
<l:PersonView />
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding People}" />
The list automatically picks up the correct item template for the Person and uses the PersonView to display the person's information to the user.
What is PersonView? It is a UserControl that is designed to display the person's information. It's a display control for a person, similarly to how the TextBlock is a display control for text. It is designed to bind against a Person, and as such works smoothly. Note in the window above how the ListView transfers each Person instance to a PersonView where it becomes the DataContext for this subtree of the visual.
<UserControl x:Class="YoureDoingItWrong.PersonView"
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Age}" />
For this to work smoothly, the ViewModel of the UserControl must be an instance of the Type it is designed for. When you break this by doing stupid stuff like
public PersonView()
this.DataContext = this; // omfg
public PersonView()
this.DataContext = new PersonViewViewModel();
you've broken the simplicity of the model. Usually in these instances you end up with abhorrent workarounds, the most common of which is creating a pseudo-DataContext property for what your DataContext should actually be. And now you can't bind one to the other, so you end up with awful hacks like
public partial class PersonView : UserControl
public PersonView()
var vm = PersonViewViewModel();
vm.PropertyChanged = (o, e) =>
if(e.Name == "Age" && MyRealDataContext != null)
MyRealDataContext.Age = vm.PersonAge;
this.DataContext = vm;
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyRealDataContextProperty =
new UIPropertyMetadata());
public Person MyRealDataContext
get { return (Person)GetValue(MyRealDataContextProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyRealDataContextProperty, value); }
You should think of a UserControl as nothing more than a more complex control. Does the TextBox have its own ViewModel? No. You bind your VM's property to the Text property of the control, and the control shows your text in its UI.
MVVM doesn't stand for "No Codebehind". Put your UI logic for your user control in the codebehind. If it is so complex that you need business logic inside the user control, that suggests it is too encompassing. Simplify!
Think of UserControls in MVVM like this--For each model, you have a UserControl, and it is designed to present the data in that model to the user. You can use it anywhere you want to show the user that model. Does it need a button? Expose an ICommand property on your UserControl and let your business logic bind to it. Does your business logic need to know something going on inside? Add a routed event.
Normally, in WPF, if you find yourself asking why it hurts to do something, it's because you shouldn't do it.
This is not a yes or no question. It depends on whether having extra view models affords you better maintainability or testability. There's no point adding view models if it doesn't gain you anything. You'll need to gauge whether the overhead is worth it to your particular use case.
[should] each user control have its own ViewModel or should the window as a whole have only one ViewModel?
Unfortunately, the highest-voted answer to this question is misleading, and based on comments I've exchanged in other questions, providing poor guidance to people trying to learn WPF. That answer replies:
Your UserControls should NOT have ViewModels designed specifically for them.
The problem is, that's not the question that was asked.
I would agree with the general sentiment that when you write a UserControl, the public API of the control should not involve creating also a view model type that is specifically designed to be used for that control. The client code must be able to use whatever view model it wants.
But, that does not preclude the idea that "each user control [might] have its own ViewMomdel". There are at least two obvious scenarios I can think of where the answer to that would be "yes, a view model for each user control":
The user control is part of a data template in an items presenter (e.g. ItemsControl). In this case, the view model will correspond to each individual data element, and there will be a one-to-one correspondence between the view model object and the user control that presents that view model object.In this scenario, the view model object is not "designed specifically for them" (so no contradiction with the questionable answer), but it certainly is the case that each user control has its own view model (making the answer to the actual question "yes, each user control may have its own view model").
The user control's implementation benefits from, or even requires, a view model data structure specifically designed for the user control. This view model data structure would not be exposed to the client code; it's an implementation detail, and as such would be hidden from the client code using the user control. But, that certainly still would be a view model data structure "designed specifically for" that user control.This scenario is clearly not problematic at all, which directly contradicts the claim that "Your UserControls should NOT have ViewModels designed specifically for them."
Now, I don't believe it was ever the intent of the author of that answer to rule out either of these scenarios. But the problem is, people who are trying to learn WPF may not have enough context to recognize the difference, and thus may incorrectly generalize with respect to user controls and view models, based on this emphatic, highly-upvoted, and misleading answer.
It is my hope that by presenting this alternative view point as a point of clarification, and answering the original question in a less narrow-viewed way, those who found this question while learning more about WPF will have better context, and a better idea and when a view model might be implemented specific to a user control and when it should not be.
I would say that each user control should have its own ViewModel, because that would allow you to reuse the ViewModel/UserControl pair in new constellations in the future.
As I understand it, your window is a Composite of user controls, so you can always create a ViewModel that composes all the separate ViewModels for each of the user controls. This will give you the best of both worlds.
I'd be inclined toward a viewmodel.
Bear in mind that all of these patterns are designed to fragment your code to make it more maintainable in the future. Including MVVM. The view has certain responsibilities, so too the viewmodel, so too the model. A fresh developer can come in, can recognise this pattern, will have a better idea where to find and maintain things. Better than if it were a heap of spaghetti.
So, within that, if you have logic which correctly pertains to the usercontrol, which correctly belongs in the vm, then why not?
But there is a caveat here. Bear in mind what a UserControl is. It's something that is a tiny snippet of UI that can be reused from place to place. Your vm should be the same - reusable. The last thing you want to end up with is a vm which behaves one way in one scenario, and a different way in another scenario.
Note, no technology talked. I'm just talking about the logical structure of the pattern.
I guess your application is doing some sort of view composition, so if you make your user controls to have its own view model, you'll have more freedom to embed them in other host windows without changing the window global view model.
As an added bonus, your application will be more suited to evolve to a more architecturally-sound composition model as that provided by Prism or Caliburn frameworks, if the application requirements arise.

Dynamic Application-level resources are not dynamic when hosted in ElementHost

I'm hosting a WPF UserControl in a WinForms container. Now, I want to be able to theme/skin the UserControl. To do this, I've got several resource dictionaries that define the "skins." When my app starts up I create a "new System.Windows.Application()" so that Application.Current exists. To change the theme the old skin is removed and a new skin is merged into the Application level resource dictionary at runtime. However, this does not change any of the dyanamically referenced resources in the UserControl. I tried this in a straight WPF application and it worked just fine. Am I missing something, or is it not possible to do this at all? By the way, if I add a skin into the application resources before the UserControl is initialized it will work but I cannot change the skin after that.
To repo this in the most basic way:
Create a new WinForms application. Add a WPF UserControl to the app. This is simple enough:
<UserControl ...>
Background="{DynamicResource ButtonBG}"/>
Create two ResourceDictionaries, White.xaml and Black.xaml (or whatever) that have a SolidColorBrush with the key ButtonBG with respective color. In Form1.cs, add two Buttons and an ElementHost. Set the child of the ElementHost to an instance of the UserControl we just created. Wire up the buttons to events that swap the skin:
private void White_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries[0] =
new Uri(#"\WpfThemes;component\White.xaml", UriKind.Relative)));
private void Black_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries[0] =
new Uri(#"\WpfThemes;component\Black.xaml", UriKind.Relative)));
In Program.cs, ensure that Application.Current exists and set the initial skin:
static void Main()
new System.Windows.Application();
Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries[0] =
new Uri(#"\WpfThemes;component\White.xaml", UriKind.Relative)));
Now, when the White button is clicked I would expect the button in the UserControl to turn white and when the Black button is clicked I would expect the button to turn black. This does not happen, however.
Does anyone know why? Is there a solution?
Edit: Idea: Perhaps, if there's a way to force re-evaluation of DynamicResources when the theme changes, that would work.
I think this may be an overlooked issue in the WPF framework.
From what I can tell via Reflector, it appears that when the Application resource dictionary is catastrophically changed (a change that will likely have wide ranging effects like adding, removing, or replacing a skin), there is code that loops over all of the Windows in the application and forces them to re-evaluate their DynamicResources. However, other elements that I would consider top-level in WPF like ElementHosts do not get the same treatment. This leads to the behavior that I'm experiencing.
My workaround to this issue is to manually go through all of my ElementHosts individually and add, remove, or replace the skin ResourceDictionary file. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.
Dr. WPF came to my rescue when I was trying to do something similar. He shows how to create the Application object in WinForms. Now you can reference everything as StaticResource just like in a WPF application.
Another workaround would be to create a dummy window and specify the content of the elementhost as content.
If you look into the Application and check how it handles changes of resourcedictionaries, you see that it only notifies windows..
The only thing you should remind is to never show the window (-> exception), and to close it when disposing the elementhost, so the application can shutdown properly.
