Creating Popup programmatically in WP7 - silverlight

How to create the popup in program? e.g. I need to rename the file in phone App. How to do this by using popup in wp7?

Add a Popup element to your XAML and define the content using regular elements (as you would any other Page or UserControl. Set the Popup.IsOpen property to true to show the Popup and false to close the Popup. The following XAML shows an example that I use for showing in-application "toast" notifications with the Silverlight Windows Phone Toolkit
<Popup x:Name="_toast">
<Grid x:Name="_toastContainer"
Width="{Binding ActualWidth, ElementName=LayoutRoot}">
<StackPanel Margin="14,10">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"
TextWrapping="Wrap" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Content}"
TextWrapping="Wrap" />

Take a look at the Input Prompt control in the Coding4Fun Windows Phone Toolkit


WPF how to set stackpanel as resources and reuse it in TabControls

I am new to C# and WPF so please give me some ideas:
I have an WPF app used to display some stack panels,all stack panels default Visibility is set to collapsed and they will switch to visible according to the received data.
Now I want to make all these stack panels to resources so I can reuse it in some new added tab controls and stack panels.
<StackPanel x:Name="ColorOption" Visibility="Collapsed">
<TextBlock Text="Line Color" Style="{StaticResource ItemNameTextBlockStyle}"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource ColorButtonStyle}" Click="Color_Click">
<Rectangle x:Name="LineColorRect" Style="{StaticResource ColorSelectionRectangleStyle}" />
Above is one example of stack panels I am using. In the code behind the function "Color_Click" will change this "ColorOption" stack panel state and do something.
However after I try to put this stack panel into Windows.Resources
<StackPanel x:Name="ColorOption" Visibility="Collapsed" x:Key="ColorOption">
<TextBlock Text="Line Color" Style="{StaticResource ItemNameTextBlockStyle}"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource ColorButtonStyle}" Click="Color_Click">
<Rectangle x:Name="LineColorRect" Style="{StaticResource ColorSelectionRectangleStyle}" />
</Window.Resources> (I also put the style files inside)
In the tab controls I did
<TabItem Header="Tab 1" Content="{StaticResource ColorOption}"/>
The visual studio shows error in the code behind says "ColorOption does not exist in the current context"
How can I fix this? Is any way to set the context? thank you
You can simply wrap the StackPanel in ContentControl and make it ControlTemplate.
<ControlTemplate x:Key="ColorOptionTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type ContentControl}">
<StackPanel x:Name="ColorOption" Visibility="Collapsed">
<TextBlock Text="Line Color" Style="{StaticResource ItemNameTextBlockStyle}"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource ColorButtonStyle}" Click="Color_Click">
<Rectangle x:Name="LineColorRect" Style="{StaticResource ColorSelectionRectangleStyle}"/>
However, you will need to change properties of controls inside the ContentControl and it would be cumbersome. So the StackPanel could be wrapped in UserControl instead.
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApp1.ColorOptionControl"
<StackPanel x:Name="ColorOption" Visibility="Collapsed">
<TextBlock Text="Line Color" Style="{StaticResource ItemNameTextBlockStyle}"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource ColorButtonStyle}" Click="Color_Click">
<Rectangle x:Name="LineColorRect" Style="{StaticResource ColorSelectionRectangleStyle}"/>
This is a common way in WPF. The downside is that you will need to add dependency properties to UserControl and wire up them with dependency properties of internal controls so that you can set their values at the level of UserControl and bridge them with external controls and window. This could be complicated and cumbersome as well.
So I think ideally it would be better to find an existing control which has similar functionalities you want and create a custom control deriving from the existing one.

Checkbox in my windows 8.1 app won't activate in emulator

I know this is going to sound really stupid but is there anything I'm missing because I have a simple page in my windows 8.1 phone app with a checkbox and a button. I can click on the button just fine in the emulator but I can't get the checkbox to check or uncheck at all. I feel really stupid for not being able to do something this simple. Am I missing something here?
<TextBlock Name="lblTermsofAgreement"/>
<CheckBox Name="chkAcceptTerms" Checked="chkAcceptTerms_Checked" Click="chkAcceptTerms_Click" Unchecked="chkAcceptTerms_Unchecked" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Content="I accept the terms of agreement" VerticalAlignment="Center" IsEnabled="True"></CheckBox>
<TextBlock Name="lblTermsError" FontFamily="Red" Text="" />
<Button Name="btnAccept" Click="btnAccept_Click" Content="Accept" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"></Button>
All the controls are in row 0 column 0 for the grid so there was a control on top of it preventing it from getting checked. I would either add rows to the grid and set there rows or put the controls in a stack panel.
<TextBlock Name="lblTermsofAgreement"/>
<CheckBox Name="chkAcceptTerms" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Content="I accept the terms of agreement" VerticalAlignment="Center" IsEnabled="True"></CheckBox>
<TextBlock Name="lblTermsError" FontFamily="Red" Text="" />
<Button Name="btnAccept" Content="Accept" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"></Button>

Windows phone layer

How can I create the effect similar to Windows Phone's MessageBox, where the message gets displayed on a new layer with transparent background, so that the windows becomes modal? My layout is created out of Grid, so I do not know how to add any content over it. Please help.
It's easy to overlay one set of content with another in WPF. Try changing the visibility of the border below, for a simple message box effect. You would of course bind Visibility to your view model, or set it in code behind.
<!-- All your layout here -->
<Border Height="100" Width="100" Background="Azure" Visibility="Hidden">
<TextBlock Text="Hi there" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

WPF ToolTip containing buttons can not recieve Mouse events, alternative?

I want a formatbar like in Office 2010 with WPF:
Select Text and then click buttons on appearing tooltip to execute a command
How can I make that work?
The ToolTip window can't accept focus, use the Popup control instead. It's a bit more cumbersome, than a tooltip, because many useful properties are set to false by default, here is a tiny example:
<Popup x:Name="samplePopup" PopupAnimation="Fade" Placement="Mouse" AllowsTransparency="True" StaysOpen="False" >
<StackPanel Margin="10" >
<TextBlock Text="Some Text" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
<Button Content="Close" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />

How to dynamically add controls to a Silverlight Button?

I'm working on a Silverlight Polling control. My goal is to have a Button that contains other controls, so that when a user clicks on this combination, stuff happens.
Here's the basic XAML:
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Style="{StaticResource AnswerButton}">
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Height="Auto" Width="Auto" Style="{StaticResource StackPnl}">
<TextBox Text="this is a text box" Style="{StaticResource Answer}" />
<ProgressBar Style="{StaticResource PollProgress}" />
That works fine, but assume I don't have the StackPanel, etc, defined:
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Style="{StaticResource AnswerButton}">
But that I want to add the StackPanel, TextBox, and ProgressBar at runtime.
Looking at just the first hurdle that I've run into, how do I dynamically add the StackPanel to the Button control?
Alternatively, if someone knows of a better way to do this...
var panel = new StackPanel();
Button.Content = panel;
