ExtJS: better way to pass parameter to grid from another page - extjs

What is better way to pass some parameters(mbe post, get, cookie?) from one page to another to extjs script(second is the simple grid with json store)?

Better than what?
I use this function to get values from url string
MyNamespace.get = function(key) {
var params = Ext.urlDecode(window.location.search.substring(1));
return params[key] || null;
//example usage
var ID = MyNamespace.get('ID');
I use it rarely however. Most of my components use Ext.Ajax.request() calls to get any parameters straight from the server.


How to create complex query parameters in Restangular

I need to create a fairly complex query string in Restangular.
How do I do this?
So far I am OK getting as far as ?anr=Smith using this:
return Restangular.all('/people').getList({anr:searchTerm});
The last part attrs=x,y,x lets me control which attributes I want back in the search and could change per request I make.
Any advice appreciated.
You should be able to simply add another query parameter where the value is your comma separated list of attributes.
var attributes = ['givenName' , 'displayName']; // attributes you require for the request
var attributesAsString = attributes.join();
return Restangular.all('/people').getList({
anr : searchTerm,
attrs: attributesAsString

Using query strings in backbone (1.0.0)

i have a situation here that i can't seem to figure out. Please if anybody knows how to resolve this i would love to hear suggestions.Thanks
I have a "global view" that is visible on a subnavbar in the app, that is a calendar, this calendar serves as a global calendar throughout the application, so almost all the views use the calendar view & model to set show data according to the date selected.
This calendar view/model should have some way to store in history each time the date is changed, this (i think) is done using a single URL or query string parameters each time the date is changed, something like
and when the date is changed, so its the query string.
I would like to use query string parameters for this so i don't have to specify on each route the (/:date) optional parameter.
THE THING IS backbone stopped firing a route change or a history event when query strings are changed, they simply ignore query strings on the Backbone.History implementation, this is breaking all my implementation cause i can't track each time the querystring is changed, so the "back" button will not fire a change event and therefore i can't change the date on the model that would change the date on the calendar.
I know a simple solution to this would be just using "pretty URL" and adding that date parameter to each view, but im trying to avoid that.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
I ended up using "pretty URLs" like the Backbone documentation suggests, cause using query strings would bring me a lot of trouble for tracking the URL change and history, also wouldn't work as expected when using hashchange instead of pushState.
So, my code ended up like this:
Attaching somewhere in your router, view, controller, something, to the "route" event of your router, to check the URI for the date and set this date to the calendar picker:
this.listenTo(myRouter, "route", this.routeChanged);
Then, this method would do something like:
checkURIdateParameter: function (route, arr) {
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length ; i++) {
if (arr && arr[i] && arr[i].indexOf("date=") != -1) {
if (app.models.dateControl) {
var dateFromParameter = new Date(arr[i].substring("date=".length).replace(/\$/g, ":"));
dateFromParameter = (isNaN(dateFromParameter.getTime())) ? app.models.dateControl.defaults.date : dateFromParameter;
app.models.dateControl.set("date", dateFromParameter);
found = true;
if (!found) app.models.dateControl.set("date", app.models.dateControl.defaults.date, {changeURI:false});
This serves as the function that will read params from the URI and reflect those changes on the dateControl.
There should be another method that will be the one in charge of updating the URI to a new one each time the date is changed (so that the params are in sync with the view) and the link can be copied and pasted with no problems.
Somewhere on your router, view, controller:
this.listenTo(app.models.dateControl, "change:date", this.updateURIdateParameter);
This is a method that is attached to a model that has the current date, this model is updated by the calendar picker (the UI control) or the method that was linked with the route event (routeChanged, look above).
This method should do something like this:
, updateURIdateParameter: function (a, b, c) {
if (c && c.changeURI == false) return; //this is in case i don't want to refresh the URI case the default date is set.
var currentFragment = Backbone.history.fragment;
var newFragment = "";
var dateEncoded = app.models.dateControl.get("date").toJSON().replace(/\:/g, "$");
newFragment = currentFragment.replace(/\/date=([^/]+)/, "") + "/date=" + dateEncoded;
if (newFragment != currentFragment) {
app.router.navigate(newFragment, false);
This method gets the currentDate selected from the corresponding model, parses it, then takes the URL from the Backbone.history.fragment, execs a nice regexp against it that will replace the old date parameter (if exists) and then appends the new encoded date.
Then navigates to this route in silent mode so that the method that checks the route is not called (this prevents annoying loops).
I hope this helps.
I would suggest using "Pretty URL".
FYI Page URL in the browser bar will blink in this example.
Somewhere inside your Backbone.Router:
this.route('*action', function() {
this.route(/^(.*?)\?date=(\d+)$/, function(route, date) {
// same current route (with ?date)
var fragment = Backbone.history.fragment;
// navigate to main route (to create views etc.)
this.navigate(route, {trigger:true, replace:true});
// silent change hash
this.route('any', function() {
// need wait for hash change
_.defer(function() {
console.log('parse date here and do what you want', window.location.hash.match(/^(.*?)\?date=(\d+)$/));
this.route('route', function() {
// need wait for hash change
_.defer(function() {
console.log('parse date here and do what you want', window.location.hash.match(/^(.*?)\?date=(\d+)$/));

Overwrite properties in angular forEach

I imagine this is an easy thing to do, but I wasnt able to find the information I was looking for through google. I have popupProperties which is just default stuff. I then call to the service which returns specific overrides depending on the popup. How can I iterate through all of the service's overrides and apply them to the popupProperties?
var popupProperties = getDefaultPopupProperties();
var popupOverrides= popupService.getPopupOverrides(currPopupId);
angular.forEach(popupOverrides, function(popupProperty, propertyName){
//replace defaults with popupData's properties
You should have a look at the solution of Josh David Miller which uses the extend method of angular (documentation).
var defaults = {name:'John',age:17,weight:55};
var overrides = {name:'Jack',age:28,color:'brown'};
var props = angular.extend(defaults, overrides);
// result
props: {
The values are copied in the defaults variable. There is no need of using the return value (var props =).
I presume you mean both functions are returning objects with a number of properties (as opposed to an array).
If so, the following should work - just JavaScript, nothing AngularJS specific:
for (var attrname in obj2) { obj1[attrname] = obj2[attrname]; }
See this question for more details How can I merge properties of two JavaScript objects dynamically?

ExtJS 4 returning the records of a store when using a filterFn function

I have a simple textfiled that I use for searching in my grid by getting the inserted value and adding filter to the store like this:
instructionSearchField: function(field, e) {
if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) {
var searchTxt = this.getValue();
this.recordsStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('Instructions');
filterFn: function(item) {
return item.get('title').toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTxt.toLowerCase()) != -1;
And thus the user can serch as long as he wants - it works just as it has to. The problem is that at some point I want to return the state of the grid as it was before filtering/serching. Loading it from the server is not that easy so I wonder is there a way in ExtJS4 to return the begining state of a store, when local filter like the one above was used multiple times on it? The simple way for me would be to just return the basic state of the store adn then just load it, but I haven't found nothing like this in the documentation so - is there a way to do this?
If you don't use remote filtering (as in your server filters records and returns only matching set) you don't need to do load() after applying filters. Here is basic workflow:
store.load() - after that your local copy has all records from the database
store.filter(...) - you store still has all records in the memory but you have access to only ones that match your filter
store.clearFilter() - you store again shows all records and you can apply different filter again (note that load() operation was performed only once)

How to clear the store and update a paging toolbar?

i need to reset paging toolbar parameters as "page", "start", "limit" when i click on a search button to re-load grid store with different parametres!
how can i do it?
the problem is that when i am on the next page, and i do a new search, i have the parameters page=2, start=25, limit=25 dirty, instead i need to reset this parametres.
my code:
listeners: {
click: function(){
mode: "RIC",
DataRicerca: dd,
Pit: Ext.getCmp('cmbPiattaforma').getValue()
In Ext 4, I found loadPage() worked pretty well for resetting the data store and making the paging toolbar go back to the first page. Example:
store.loadPage(1) // note: 1-based, not 0-based
Guys currentPage=1 did the trick for me
before loading the store every time call the below
By the way i am getting 500 results and loading in cache
Pagination is for local, any way you can try this before any new search
var store = Ext.getStore('MyStoreS');
store.proxy.extraParams = { employeeId : searchStr};
store.currentPage = 1;
you can manualy reset the params
Ext.getCmp('GrlGio').getStore().getProxy().pageParam =1;
Ext.getCmp('GrlGio').getStore().getProxy().startParam =0;
and then do the store load. I know it looks hardcoded but it's the only solution i found...
Try this -
Define following function "resetStartParam" , by overriding ext.data.store:
Ext.override(Ext.data.Store, {
//get the latest store options
var storeOptions=this.lastOptions;
//get the param names
var pn = this.paramNames;
//get the params from options
var params=storeOptions.params;
//change the param start value to zero
params[pn.start] = 0;
//reset options params with this new params
//apply this new options to store options
Now call this function on click of your search button:
Thats it.It should work.
I know that this is an old post but I thought I'd add in my pennies work. I'm using EXTJS 4 and had a similar problem. When I did a new search the page number etc did not reset. The solution I found, which appears to work with the nav bar automatically is using the currentPage attribute of the store. I do have a slight odd setup but doing this.currentPage = 1 when I do a new search works fine for me
try this in your handler
after this, put your search query and load the store accordingly
Ext.getCmp('gridpanel').getStore().load({params : { start : 0, limit : maxRecords, searchText : _searchText } });
hope it helps
just call pagingToolbar.onLoad() after removeAll(). Plain and simple.
Here is how I achieved search with paging. It only does 1 request and it refreshes the paging data.
onExecuteSearch: function(){
var params = this.getSearchForm().getForm().getFieldValues()
, proxy = this.getSomeGrid().getStore().getProxy();
proxy.extraParams = params;
getFieldValues() documentation: http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api/Ext.form.Basic-method-getFieldValues
For more about the proxy "extraParams" look here: ExtJs4 - Store baseParams config property?
This work fine (refresh correctly the paging info):
myStore.fireEvent('load', myStore, [], {});
Had to change the page size to 500 for printing the WHOLE store/grid, and once printed, restore the grid to the original page size of 25.
// 500 records are now in the store and on the grid
store.pageSize = this.displaySize; // new page size is 25
this.getPagingToolbar().doRefresh(); // equivalent of pressing a refresh button on the toolbar
does the trick - reloads store with the same sorters/filters/currentPage
