Bind SelectedItem as ItemsSource's binding's not completed - wpf

I've run into an issue I was surprised I couldn't find any discussion about (except WPF MVVM ComboBox SelectedItem or SelectedValue not working maybe).
I have a MVVM form that has 2 ctors, one is for "new item creation", the other is for "item modification". I have a combobox that represents one of the item's properties.
In the modification ctor, the property bound to ItemsSource is initialized, and then the property bound to SelectedItem is set. But nothing is selected in the UI, unless I delay (even a tiny bit) the SelectedItem set.
How can I solve this ? I decently can't keep a timer with a totally random interval to fix the issue :D
Thank you for your help

It seems like the elegant way to ensure the ItemsSource is initialized before I set the SelectedItem from VM is to have the binding source of ItemsSource (whatever it is) declared in my view resources.
I'm sure someone can lead me to the light now that I've pointed that out.
I have tried with a CollectionViewSource but didn't find the way to use its Filter capability without breaking the MVVM pattern. Plus I don't know how to re-raise the Filter as I used to with ICollectionView.Filter (filtered-out items depend on another combobox selection, nothing really fanciful imo).
Perhaps the resource declared in the view and used as ItemsSource has not necessarily to be a CVS, I'm looking for suggestions here.
I found out that the IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" solution spread all over the web is actually working. I was mislead because it didn't fix my problem at first try due to a remaining SelectedValuePath that wasn't used anymore on my control.

public MyViewModel()
this.Items = ...;
//this.SelectedItem = ...;
// select in separate message so that the ItemsSource has definitely been set
this.SelectedItem = ...;


Through what method is a Collection bound to the ItemsSource property

I've been binding a Collection to a ListView and now I'm curious about the way this happens for WPF.
The main question is How WPF accesses the items of the collection? GetEnumerator is never called when binding.
In my WPF GetEnumerator is called. I do not know how you came to this conclusion but if you implement the interface and set breakpoints you can see as much. The binding system however also checks for IList and may access items via the Count & indexer, GetEnumerator seems to be called regardness though.

What is the worst gotcha in WPF?

I've started to make myself a list of "WPF gotchas": things that bug me and that I had to write down to remember because I fall for them every time....
Now, I'm pretty sure you all stumbled upon similar situations at one point, and I would like you to share your experience on the subject:
What is the gotcha that gets you all the time? the one you find the most annoying?
(I have a few issues that seem to be without explanation, maybe your submissions will explain them)
Here are a few of my "personnal" gotchas (randomly presented):
For a MouseEvent to be fired even when the click is on the "transparent" background of a control (e.g. a label) and not just on the content (the Text in this case), the control's Background has to be set to "Brushes.Transparent" and not just "null" (default value for a label)
A WPF DataGridCell's DataContext is the RowView to whom the cell belong, not the CellView
When inside a ScrollViewer, a Scrollbar is managed by the scrollviewer itself (i.e. setting properties such as ScrollBar.Value is without effect)
Key.F10 is not fired when you press "F10", instead you get Key.System and you have to go look for e.SystemKey to get the Key.F10
... and now you're on.
Always watch the output window for
binding errors. Ignoring the output
window is a recipe for tears.
Use PresentationTraceOptions.TraceLevel="High" in a binding to get verbose binding information when debugging binding failures.
Make static, unchanging resources such as brushes PresentationOptions:Freeze="True" to save resources at runtime.
Use the WPF DataGrid as a datagrid. Modifying it to behave like Excel is a massive pain in the butt.
BindingList<T> does not play well with CollectionViewSource. Expose ObservableCollection<T> from your viewmodels instead.
The internet supplies half a dozen different ideas for displaying CueBanner text in a WPF textbox. They are all broken.
1) One that used to get me every half an hour when I was making my transition from WinForms: use TextBlock instead of Label when putting random text on the UI (or don't use any tag at all, if the text is static)!
2) DataTriggers/Triggers can't be put into Control.Triggers, but have to go into Control.Styles/Style/Style.Triggers
3) Property's type must implement IList, not IList<T>, if the property is to be recognized by XAML as a collection property.
4) Bindings capture exceptions.
5) Use singleton converters/static converter class, so you don't have to create a new converter every time you use it.
6) A type for default value of DependencyProperty has to be clearly specified: 0u as uint, (float) 0 as float, 0.0 as double...
7) It matters if the control's property definitions are before or after its content.
8) NEVER use PropertyMetadata to set a default value of reference type DependencyProperty. The same object reference will be assigned to all instances of the owning class.
When first starting out, the main gotchas that would get me would be
Lists not updating due to forgetting
to use ObservableCollection
Properties not being updated either
forgetting to add OnPropertyChanged
or incorrectly typing the property
Recently I have stumbled across these issues
Application failing to start due to
corrupt font cache
StringFormat localization issues
If enabled, Button.IsCancel assigns false to Window.DialogResult but Button.IsDefault no.
They are so similar and for me it seemed intuitive at first that both should close dialog. I usually break MVVM and fix this in code-behind
Button.IsCancel + Command = Dialog won't close (Window.DialogResult left unassigned) but Command executes
As I understand it: If IsCancel had higher priority than Command then on Esc it would assign 'false' to DialogResult and Command won't be called. Or, if Command would have higher priority then it would be called first and DialogResult would be assigned. I don't understand how it is skipped?
Binding swallows exceptions!
It not only steals time while debugging it is also wrong from the OOP point of view because if exception is thrown it means that something exceptional had happened somewhere in our system (anything from wrong data supply to unauthorized access to memory failure) so it can be handled only if you know what to do. You can't just catch(Exception){} catch 'em all and then ignore. If there is unknown exception in program it should notify user, log and close not pretend like everything is ok...
HeaderContent can have only one child control and has no padding
Everything should have padding even logical controls (containers), right? I think it is inconsistent. What do you think?
If you set focus to ListBox via FocusManager.FocusedElement you still won't be able to switch it's content with keyboard because focus is set to ListBoxes frame not it's content. I think I don't know other UI API that would expose something like controls frame to UI programmer it should be encapsulated from us because abstractly ListBox represents a list, it is just a list of things not a list of things in a box. ok it has box in its name but still... We almost have two different controls here.
MVVM not breaking fix
ListBox.IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem by default is false so if you assign different value or null to ItesSource then SelectedItem still holds old value until user selects something from a new list. It could mess up CanExecute for example. Need to set it every time by hand.
No binding exposed in PasswordBox results in time waste and dirty hacks... But still it has a string property PasswordBox.Password exposed so don't even try to argue about security because Snoop...
It is not a gotcha but table layout is so IE6 IMO. Container design helps separate content from its layout.
Because every time I need to change something in places I need to mess up with Grid.Row and Grid.Column. Yes, we have DockPanel, StackPanel and others but you can't do some column alignment inside of them. (And DockPanel is like completely separate gotcha) If UniformGrid would be more customizable it would be ideal I think. You always need to choose between Grid and Panels and usually if you gain something you loose something else.
I got a pretty nifty one last week:
When Templating a RichTextBox, the event handling inside the template follows a strange route that has nothing to do neither with tunnelling nor bubbling
e.g.: In the case of an event that is supposed to tunnel: the event first tunnels through the ContentPresenter, then it tunnels back from the top of the template.
see my question on the subject
ToolTips and ContextMenus not sharing the DataContext of its owner? I think that gets everyone at first
There is no clean way to handle validation in WPF, I am not a fan of magic string which IDataErrorInfo offers by default:
public string this[string columnName]
if (columnName == "FirstName")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))
result = "Please enter a First Name";
However, I have tried many frameworks like SimpleMVVM, FluentValidation and MVVMValidation and BY FAR MVVM Validation is the best getting to do stuff like:
Validator.AddRule(() => RangeStart,
() => RangeEnd,
() => RuleResult.Assert(RangeEnd > RangeStart, "RangeEnd must be grater than RangeStart");
My personal favorite is this one:
public double MyVariable
get { return (double)GetValue(MyVariableProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyVariableProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyVariableProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"MyVariable", typeof(double), typeof(MyControl), new UIPropertyMetadata(0));
Try it, once this property is declared it will crash. Why? Because 0 can't be assigned to a double using reflection apparently.
Not really a gotcha but an advice: Use Snoop or something similar, if you don't use it you must be crazy ... Crazy i tell ya!
Binding.StringFormat only works if the type of the target property is string.
TreeView's SelectedItem property is not settable. Instead you have to bind TreeViewItem's IsSelected property to your item's viewmodel and set your selection there.
ListBox's SelectedItem, on the other hand is settable, but item selection is not equal to item focus. If you want to implement proper keyboard navigation along with selecting items from within viewmodel, you have to implement manual focus fix, like:
public void FixListboxFocus()
if (lbFiles.SelectedItem != null)
var item = lbFiles.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(viewModel.SelectedFile);
if (item != null && item is ListBoxItem listBoxItem && !listBoxItem.IsFocused)
...and call it every time you change selected item from viewmodel:
SelectedFile = files.FirstOrDefault();

Dynamically specify and change a Silverlight DataGrid's columns during runtime (MVVM)

What's the best method of dynamically specifying DataGrid columns in the Silverlight DataGrid control at runtime following the MVVM pattern?
What I'd like to do would be bind the "DataGrid.Columns" property to a property in my ViewModel so that, if the user adds/removes columns, I simply update the ViewModel property and the DataGrid would change. Problem is, the "DataGrid.Columns" property can't be bound to (I don't think).
Because this property isn't available nor is the DataGrid control itself available at the ViewModel level, my current approach is to step outside of the MVVM pattern for this particular implementation and capture certain events in View's code-behind using MVVM Light's Messenger class and then talk directly with the DataGrid control to achieve this capability. I know this is a general statement to this approach without details but is there an easier way... or maybe not so much easier, but a better way that adheres to the MVVM pattern a little better?
It's driving me crazy that the DataGrid control's Columns property can't be bound... seems like such a simple thing.
FYI - Before it's suggested to use AutoGenerateColumns = True, the class being bound for each item in the collection that's bound to DataGrid.ItemsSource does not have individual properties to identify what is bound to the columns... it's a collection property that contains the columns in order to keep them completely dynamic so that particular path is out. Also, handling the AutoGeneratingColumns and using e.Cancel to show/hide columns is also iffy for this same reason (I think).
I agree that it is a pain that DataGrid.Columns cannot be bound to. My recommendation here would be to define your columns in the ViewModel in an ObservableCollection. In the View (code behind), handle the CollectionChanged event of this ObservableCollection, and modify the DataGrid.Columns in code.
While this solution is less elegant, it is straightforward. For your ViewModel, you can unit test that the CollectionChanged event is raised properly when columns are added, removed or moved. The View code cannot be tested, so I guess this is something you need to live with. The advantage is that, if some day the DataGrid.Columns property can be databound, it will be easy to refactor this to remove the code behind.
Another way (I think) would be to create an attached behavior or a Blend behavior to take care of this. Attach it to the DataGrid; instead of binding to the DataGrid.Columns directly, bind to a property on the behavior, and have the behavior modify the DataGrid (the AssociatedObect) directly.
Does that make sense?

Can MethodParameters in an ObjectDataProvider be databound to other controls?

I've been exploring WPF and XAML for a while now, but have hit a slight stumbling block revolving around binding to a method.
My situation is:
There is a ComboBox bound to a DataTable. There is a ListBox bound to the return value of a method (GetDates) via an ObjectDataProvider. One of the input parameters of the method GetDates is an Id stored in the ComboBox/DataTable.
How can I bind a MethodParameter in the ObjectDataProvider to a particular value of the SelectedItem of a ComboBox (in this case, the SelectedItem is of type DataRowView)? Alternatively, am I missing a better way of solving this problem?
I can see ways out of it by using the code-behind, but I'd like to know if there's a more XAML-y solution. It's always useful to pick up little tips and tricks, even if it turns out not to be the best fix to this problem.
This seems to describe what I need - although it's actually trying to answer a different problem.
(Aside: Is it just me or is that example on MSDN trying to do too much all at once?)
By binding the ItemsSource of the ComboBox to a DataTable, and the SelectedItem of the ComboBox to a MethodParameter (with a converter to extract the value I need from the DataRowView), the ObjectDataProvider will have the parameter it needs.
It would probably be easier to read/follow/maintain if I just hooked into the ComboBox.SelectionChanged event.

MVVM selecting a treeview item programmatically

It seems that others have had variations on this question, but from what I can tell it hasnt been addressed for folks using collections in a single view model.
I have a VM that contains an ObservableCollection of objects, not a VM for each object. Therefore I dont think I can use the SelectedItem bool that is often discussed because I dont think I can bind to the property on the collection's objects...just the properties on the VM.
So I've got the whole thing pretty well written with no code-behind and minimal coupling, but when a new item is added to the collection, which is bound to the treeView, I need to select that item.
When thinking about this. You should really build a wrapper for every element of the tree view that has the IsSelected bool on it as well as the IsExpanded bool they make life so much easier for displaying the data. You could even just add them to your class and use them from there.
Josh Smith has an article on CodeProject where he suggests creating a ViewModel object to represent each node of the TreeView, and then autowires them up as needed.
