Use one large database or use single databases per customer - database

Currently I'm working on a on-line webapplication for construction materials. Companies can log in on our website and then they can use the webapp.
From the beginnen the idea was to create a database per customer. But now it's becomming larger and larger (100+) so we have now 100 databases to manage.
We have to run approx. twice a year an update script for db maintanance.
The advantage that I see, is that when a customer wants to quit, we delete their database and than it's finished.
When I want to add new customer, I have to fill the database with approx. 1.000.000 unique records for that specific customer, because every customer have different prices /materials.
For backups I use a MySQL Dump script, that creates a *.sql file per database that I download every day.
What is your opnion and what do you think?
One large db or per customer a database?
I'm using MySQL with ASP.NET/C#...

I don't want to make a suggestion because there are far too many variables.
I do want to note, however, that my employer has 1000s of deployed databases -- we use one database per customer with replication (2+ databases).
So, the idea is workable. My job isn't related to DB management but I do recall that we do a lot in the way of automation and online tools. Backups and DB management is handled by a team.
Ultimately, you can make the 100+ deployments work but you are going to want to start investing in the development of utility and tools to help automate the backup and/or management of the DBs.
Ideally, nothing (DB Management) should be done by hand. Furthermore, the connection strings should be abstracted away from a given web app deployment.

But now it's becomming larger and larger (100+) so we have now 100 databases to manage
I think you have your answer right there.

Have to agree with #Hogan - the overhead of managing that many databases is probably far from ideal - especially if you ever need to make schema changes, etc. in the future.
That said, if you use a single database are you ever likely to need to separate out a given customer's data into a standalone database/site? If this is likely, how long would it take to carry out this separation?
In essence, if it's likely to take less effort to write a set of tools to handle the above case, then I'd be tempted to go for the single database approach. However, you'll also need to factor in the likely timescales for creating a unified version of the database schemas that handle datasets for each customer, etc.
Also, are the schemas precisely the same for all of the existing 100+ databases? If not, there's potentially a world of pain if you decide to migrate the existing data into a single database.
Update - Incidentally, all of the above is a bit generalised, but it's hard to be specific without knowing more about the amount of data, and traffic, etc. in use. (e.g.: If you ever had a high demand site for a customer it would be trivial to put it onto its own DB server if you were using a per-customer database.)

i agree with #Hogan and #middaparke... if the schemas are the same, you shuol dput it in one instance.
unfortuantely it is impossible to tell from here if your schemas would benefit from reusing most of those million rows or not, if normalized well, the ncertinly it would be beneficial.
it is also impossible to tell how difficult any changes to the applications would be based on this change.
unfortunately, it sounds like you have a large customer base with working applications, and therefore momentum to keep going in that direction - which thros you into the realm of sucking it up and dealing with it by automating the management of so many db's... not the way you would do it from scratch - but maybe cheapest since you are where you are.


Multiple Databases Vs Single Database with logically partitioned data [closed]

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I am pondering over a database design issue. Any help would be highly appreciated.
We are designing an application which has 20 tables (which may grow to about 30 maximum during new feature development)
The technology stack
MVC4,.NET 4.X, Entity Framework 5, SQL Server 2012, ASP.NET membership framework
No of users
We intend to cater to about 1000 clients who would have on average 20 users.
The Question
Should we design the database and the application in such a way that the tables are logically partitioned, i.e all clients use the same tables with a partition guid to separate the data.
Go for multiple databases which could prove to be difficult during new feature launch and bug fixing. BUT could potentially allow for scaling?
Caveats: one of the tables has a binary column which stores files (maximum 5MB per record)
In addition to this we need to consider the Membership framework tables, which we will be extending to another custom table and logically mapping users to a partition guid.
You'll wish you had used separate databases:
If you ever want to grant permissions to the databases themselves to clients or superusers.
If you ever want to restore just one client's database without affecting the data of the others.
If there are regulatory concerns governing your data and data breaches, and you belatedly discover that these regulations can only be met by having separate databases. (Update: a little over 4 years after the writing of this answer, GDPR went into effect)
If you ever want to easily move your customer data to multiple database servers or otherwise scale out, or move larger/more important customers to different hardware. In a different part of the world.
If you ever want to easily archive and decommission old customer data.
If your customers care about their data being siloed, and they find out that you did otherwise.
If your data is subpoenaed and it's hard to extract just one customer's data, or the subpoena is overly broad and you have to produce the entire database instead of just the data for the one client.
When you forget to maintain vigilance and just one query slips through that didn't include AND CustomerID = #CustomerID. Hint: use a scripted permissions tool, or schemas, or wrap all tables with views that include WHERE CustomerID = SomeUserReturningFunction(), or some combination of these.
When you get permissions wrong at the application level and customer data is exposed to the wrong customer.
When you want to have different levels of backup and recovery protection for different clients.
Once you realize that building an infrastructure to create, provision, configure, deploy, and otherwise spin up/down new databases is worth the investment because it forces you to get good at it.
When you didn't allow for the possibility of some class of people needing access to multiple customers' data, and you need a layer of abstraction on top of Customer because WHERE CustomerID = #CustomerID won't cut it now.
When hackers target your sites or systems, and you made it easy for them to get all the data of all your customers in one fell swoop after getting admin credentials in just one database.
When your database backup takes 5 hours to run and then fails.
When you have to get the Enterprise edition of your DBMS so you can make compressed backups so that copying the backup file over the network takes less than 5 hours more.
When you have to restore the entire database every day to a test server which takes 5 hours, and run validation scripts that take 2 hours to complete.
When only a few of your customers need replication and you have to apply it to all of your customers instead of just those few.
When you want to take on a government customer and find out that they require you to use a separate server and database, but your ecosystem was built around a single server and database and it's just too hard or will take too long to change.
You'll be glad you used separate databases:
When a pilot rollout to one customer completely explodes and the other 999 customers are completely unaffected. And you can restore from backup to fix the problem.
When one of your database backups fails and you can fix just that one in 25 minutes instead of starting the entire 10-hour process over again.
You'll wish you had used a single database:
When you discover a bug that affects all 1000 clients and deploying the fix to 1000 databases is hard.
When you get permissions wrong at the database level and customer data is exposed to the wrong customer.
When you didn't allow for the possibility of some class of people needing access to a subset of all the databases (perhaps two customers merge).
When you didn't think how hard it would be to merge two different databases of data.
When you've merged two different databases of data and realize one was the wrong one, and you didn't plan for recovering from this scenario.
When you try to grow past 32,767 customers/databases on a single server and find out that this is the maximum in SQL Server 2012.
When you realize that managing 1,000+ databases is a bigger nightmare than you ever imagined.
When you realize that you can't onboard a new customer just by adding some data in a table, and you have to run a bunch of scary and complicated scripts to create, populate, and set permissions on a new database.
When you have to run 1000 database backups every day, make sure they all succeed, copy them over the network, restore them all to a test database, and run validation scripts on each single one, reporting any failures in a way that will guaranteed to be seen, and which are easily and quickly actionable. And then 150 of these fail in various places and have to be fixed one at a time.
When you find out you have to set up replication for 1000 databases.
Just because I listed more reasons for one doesn't mean it is better.
Some readers may get value from MSDN: Multi-Tenant Data Architecture. Or perhaps SaaS Tenancy App Design Patterns. Or even Developing Multi-tenant Applications for the Cloud, 3rd Edition
If you are refering your architecural as "multi tenant", Microsoft has a good article which is worth to read here. It shows some comparison between "isolated" (multiple db) and "shared" (single db). Generally, shared wins when the # of tenant (client) is big, but when the size of each tenant is big, an isolated approach is recommended.
Those consideration however can only be calculated by experienced developers though.
Still if you managed to use isolated (multiple db) architecture, you still won't get direct benefit in performance when they are still run at same instance. And if you use shared (single db) architecture, consider using int instead of guid, or sequential guid if you still need to use it.

Maintenance window and recovery for a large database

One of our teams is developing a database that will be somewhat large (~500GB) and grow from there (I know 500 Gigs may seem small to many of you, but it will be one of the larger databases in our shop). One of the issues they are grappling with is backing up and restoring the database. Basically, the database will have several "data" tables and one table used for storing images / documents. We need to accomplish the following:
Be able to quickly backup and restore only the data tables (sans images) to our test server for debugging and testing purposes.
In the event of a catastrophic database failure, restore the data tables only to get most of the application up and running ASAP. Then, restore the images table when possible.
Backup the database within the allotted nightly time window (a few hours).
My questions are:
Is it possible to accomplish the first two goals while still having the images stored in the same database? If so, would we use filegroups, filestream, or something else?
How do other shops backup their databases in a reasonable time window while maintaining high availability? Do you replicate to a second server and backup from there?
We have dealt with similar issues. We are a $2.5B solar manufacturing company and disaster recovery is critical for us, as well as keeping our databases backed up. Our main database is our plant floor production database. We decided to strip this database to the absolutely essential data needed to maintain production, and move other data off into its own database. This has allowed us high availability and reasonable backup/restore times.
In your case, is it really necessary to store images in the same database as your other data? I suspect it's not, and is just a case of making some issues easier to deal with. I think separate file groups would also help your problem. But you might want to seriously reconsider whether everything needs to be in a single DB.

why are multiple DBs actually needed?

I was looking at which says they offer up to 10 MySQL DBs, but I don't know why you would need more than 1 ever since a DB can have mutliple tables. Can't multiple DBs be integrated into a single DB? Is there an example case where its better or unfeasible to not have multiple ones? And how do you differentiate between them when you want to call them, from their directory or from a name?
I guess separation of concerns would be the most obvious answer. In the same way you can have all of your functionality in one humongous class in object oriented programming, it's a good idea to keep non-related information separate. It's easier to wrap your head around smaller chunks of data, and future developers mights start to think tables are related, and aggregate data in a way they were never meant to.
Imagine that you're doing two different projects with two different teams. Maybe you won't one team to access the other team tables.
There can also be a space limit in each database, and It each one can be configured with specific params to optimize the performance.
In other hand, two final users can be assigned to make the backups of each entire database, and you wan`t one user to make the backup of the other DB because he could be able to restore the database in other place and access the first database data.
I'm sure there are some pretty good DBAs on the forum who can answer this in detail.
Storing tables in different databases makes because you are able to backup them up individually. Furthermore, you will be able to control access to each database under different NT groups (e.g. Admin vs. users). Although this can be done at the indvidual table level, sometimes it makes sense to grant or deny access to an entire database to a particular group.
When you need to call them in SQL Server you need to append the database name to the query like this SELECT * FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable].
One other reason to use separate databases relates to whether you need full transactional recovery or not. For instance, if I havea bunch of tables that are populated on a schedule through import processes and never by the users, putting them in a separate database allows me to set the recovery mode to simple which reduces the logging (a good thing when you are loading millions of records at once). I can also not do transactional log backup every fifteen minutes like I do for the data in the database with the user inserted data. It could also make recovery a faster process when needed as the databases would be smaller and thus individally take less time to recover. Won't help much when the whole server crashes but it could help a lot if onely one datbase gets corrupted for some reason. If the data relates to different applications, it simplifies the security as well to have the data in separte databases. And of course sometimes we have commercial databases and we can;t add tables to those and so may need a separate database to handles some things we want to add to that data (we do this for instance with our Project Management software, we have a spearate database where we extract and summarize data from the PM system for reporting and then write all our custome reports off that.)

What should I keep in mind if I wish to merge many DBs into one DB?

I am working with a half dozen DBs. The DBs all have the same schemas, the same SPs, etc. Speaking to the person who originally designed the DBs, a big part of the motivation for using many DBs was efficiency; the alternative would be to add a column to pretty much every table and sp in the database indicating which set of data was being worked in, resulting in one giant (and thus slower) DB instead of several samll DBs. In place of having a column to indicate which set of data is being queried, the connection string is used to select which database is being hit.
The only reason I really dislike this organization is that it involves a lot of code duplication and thus hurts maintenance. For example, every time I wish to change a stored procedure, I need to run the alter statement on every database.
One solution I have considered is to combine all of the data into one big database, adding an extra column all over the place to indicate which database the data would be in if I had not combined it. Then, I could partition all of the tables by this column's value. In theory, the result of all of this is that the underlying representation of all of the data itself will be morally the same as it is now, but without the redundancies in the indexes, schemas, SPs, etc.
My questions are this:
Is this a good idea? Is there a better way to accomplish this?
Are there any gotchas in doing this?
Will this have any impact on performance?
Everyone will deal with this at some point. My own personal opinion is that multiple databases are a pain in the backside and are not faster. They are a pain because of the maintenance headaches. Adding an extra column in each table as necessary will not slow your process done that much, if indexing is set properly. And your maintenance will be much easier. Plus, doing transactions across multiple DB's can be a hassle and involve MTC.
BTW, using a single database is often called a multi-tenant database. You might want to research this a bit. But I would avoid multiple DB's like this if possible.
I'm of a different mind than Randy.
The multi-tenant model has its advantages.
For one, maintenance is not really much different whether you have 5 databases or 500. At some point you stop looking at maintenance of individual databases and look at the set. Yes you must serialize backups and you can't be performing index reorg/rebuild across all databases at once.
But for code changes across multiple more-or-less identical databases, there are easy ways to script a lot of things to be done to multiple databases without really lifting an extra finger. I use a tool called SQLFarms Combine (now sold by JNetDirect), but there are other offerings such as RedGate MultiScript that I haven't played with.
What I like most about the multi-tenant model is that when you grow and scale and suddenly need a new database server, it is very easy to move one of the tenants (say, the busiest or fastest growing) to the new server. If everybody is jammed into the same database, this extraction of only their data becomes quite difficult, especially if there is to be minimized downtime. In the multi-tenant model, you can set up mirroring for just their database, and then switch the primary when you're ready.
I'd be in favor of combining these databases. There are other facilities built into SQL Server to account for the potential performance downfalls of a very large database, like additional indexing on a second physical disk, partitioning, clustering, etc. The headache and overhead involved in deploying schema updates to that many different databases can be time consuming when it's easily handled in a single database. I think SQL Server scales really well in cases like this - let the database server do what it's designed to do and provide responsive access to your data. You can focus on application design and leave the storage model to SQL Server.
Also, though this isn't mentioned above, I'd suspect that there's some level of dynamic SQL involved in the applications that use this "many database" model because you've got to switch between databases based on something you know, so it can't be hard coded into the application or in a configuration file, meaning that either connection strings or actual SQL statements have to be generated on the fly, and that can be a really big security risk (read about "SQL Injection" if you're unfamiliar with the potential risks of dynamic SQL).

How would you migrate hundreds of MS Access databases to a central service?

We have literally 100's of Access databases floating around the network. Some with light usage and some with quite heavy usage, and some no usage whatsoever. What we would like to do is centralise these databases onto a managed database and retain as much as possible of the reports and forms within them.
The benefits of doing this would be to have some sort of usage tracking, and also the ability to pay more attention to some of the important decentralised data that is stored in these apps.
There is no real constraints on RDBMS (Oracle, MS SQL server) or the stack it would run on (LAMP,, Java) and there obviously won't be a silver bullet for this. We would like something that can remove the initial grunt work in an automated fashion.
We upsize (either using the upsize wizard or by hand) users to SQL server. It's usually pretty straight forward. Replace all the access tables with linked tables to the sql server and keep all the forms/reports/macros in access. The investment in access isn't lost and the users can keep going business as usual. You get reliability of sql server and centralized backups. Keep in mind - we’ve done this for a few large access databases, not hundreds. I'd do a pilot of a few dozen and see how it works out.
I just found this, the sql server migration assitant, it might be worth a look:
Update: Yes, some refactoring will be necessary for poorly designed databases. As for how to handle access sprawl? I've run into this at companies with lots of technical users (engineers esp., are the worst for this... and excel sprawl). We did an audit - (after backing up) deleted any databases that hadn't been touched in over a year. "Owners" were assigned based the location &/or data in the database. If the database was in "S:\quality\test_dept" then the quality manager and head test engineer had to take ownership of it or we delete it (again after backing it up).
Upsizing an Access application is no magic bullet. It may be that some things will be faster, but some types of operations will be real dogs. That means that an upsized app has to be tested thoroughly and performance bottlenecks addressed, usually by moving the data retrieval logic server-side (views, stored procedures, passthrough queries).
It's not really an answer to the question, though.
I don't think there is any automated answer to the problem. Indeed, I'd say this is a people problem and not a programming problem at all. Somebody has to survey the network and determine ownership of all the Access databases and then interview the users to find out what's in use and what's not. Then each app should be evaluated as to whether or not it should be folded into an Enterprise-wide data store/app, or whether its original implementation as a small app for a few users was the better approach.
That's not the answer you want to hear, but it's the right answer precisely because it's a people/management problem, not a programming task.
Oracle has a migration workbench to port MS Access systems to Oracle Application Express, which would be worth investigating.
So? Dedicate a server to your Access databases.
Now you have the benefit of some sort of usage tracking, and also the ability to pay more attention to some of the important decentralised data that is stored in these apps.
This is what you were going to do anyway, only you wanted to use a different database engine instead of NTFS.
And now you have to force the users onto your server.
Well, you can encourage them by telling them that you aren't going to overwrite their data with old backups anymore, because now you will own the data, and you won't do that anymore.
Also, you can tell them that their applications will run faster now, because you are going to exclude the folder from on-access virus scanning (you don't do that to your other databases, which is why they are full of sql-injection malware, but these databases won't be exposed to the internet), and planning to turn packet signing off (you won't need that on a dedicated server: it's only for people who put their file-share on their domain-server).
Easy upgrade path, improved service to users, greater centralization and control for IT. Everyone's a winner.
Further to David Fenton's comments
Your administrative rule will be something like this:
If the data that is in the database is just being used by one user, for their own work (alone), then they can keep it in their own network share.
If the data that is in the database is for being used by more than one person (even if it is only two), then that database must go on a central server and go under IT's management (backups, schema changes, interfaces, etc.). This is because, someone experienced needs to coordinate the whole show or we will risk the time/resources of the next guy down the line.
