Maintenance window and recovery for a large database - sql-server

One of our teams is developing a database that will be somewhat large (~500GB) and grow from there (I know 500 Gigs may seem small to many of you, but it will be one of the larger databases in our shop). One of the issues they are grappling with is backing up and restoring the database. Basically, the database will have several "data" tables and one table used for storing images / documents. We need to accomplish the following:
Be able to quickly backup and restore only the data tables (sans images) to our test server for debugging and testing purposes.
In the event of a catastrophic database failure, restore the data tables only to get most of the application up and running ASAP. Then, restore the images table when possible.
Backup the database within the allotted nightly time window (a few hours).
My questions are:
Is it possible to accomplish the first two goals while still having the images stored in the same database? If so, would we use filegroups, filestream, or something else?
How do other shops backup their databases in a reasonable time window while maintaining high availability? Do you replicate to a second server and backup from there?

We have dealt with similar issues. We are a $2.5B solar manufacturing company and disaster recovery is critical for us, as well as keeping our databases backed up. Our main database is our plant floor production database. We decided to strip this database to the absolutely essential data needed to maintain production, and move other data off into its own database. This has allowed us high availability and reasonable backup/restore times.
In your case, is it really necessary to store images in the same database as your other data? I suspect it's not, and is just a case of making some issues easier to deal with. I think separate file groups would also help your problem. But you might want to seriously reconsider whether everything needs to be in a single DB.


Are CoW snapshots the solution to safely pull data from critial OLTP databases for reporting?

Our IT team copies data from mission-critical SQL Server OLTP databases in what seems to be a naive way - basically just INSERT INTO ... SELECT * every night. We use this copied data database for reporting. This is unsatisfactory for various reasons but we're told it is the only way because uncontrolled user query execution could compromise OLTP performance & data integrity. I want an improvement that still addresses their concerns.
Copy-on-write snapshots are the best solution I've read about (we don't need up-to-the-minute data for reporting), but please comment on the following:
The snapshot's sparse files should be placed on a separate physical drive (so that snapshot reads/writes can occur without limiting disk throughput for OLTP tasks).
There should be a single NTFS filesystem spanning all physical disks (on a hunch that would work better than putting the online database its snapshots on logically separated volumes).
Create the filesystem with the /L:enable flag (so it works better with large sparse files).
Avoid multiple snapshots (since original data would have to be copied to each one).
We could use a single snapshot MyDB_LatestSnapshot that could be deleted and very quickly re-created every day, or even throughout the day (so long as kicking users running reports off it is acceptable).
Since the database snapshots will always be recent, most data will not have changed and so it will still have to be retrieved from the same drive as the online OLTP database, so increased resource (CPU/RAM) use is inevitable. Won't a long-running reporting query that pulls years of historical data (including data that hasn't changed and therefore doesn't exist in the snapshot) block writes just as if it were running against the online database?
Is there any way to tell SQL Server to prioritize resources for the needs of the OLTP database?
I've found examples of how original rows are copied from the online database when they're updated, but how do snapshots handle structural changes in the new database, like new/altered tables, indexes, etc.?
Can snapshots have different user permissions versus the online database (so that users can read from the snapshot, but not the online database)?
The OLTP system runs core banking applications, so I understand utmost caution is justified, but I can't believe the current approach is best practice in 2022.

Use one large database or use single databases per customer

Currently I'm working on a on-line webapplication for construction materials. Companies can log in on our website and then they can use the webapp.
From the beginnen the idea was to create a database per customer. But now it's becomming larger and larger (100+) so we have now 100 databases to manage.
We have to run approx. twice a year an update script for db maintanance.
The advantage that I see, is that when a customer wants to quit, we delete their database and than it's finished.
When I want to add new customer, I have to fill the database with approx. 1.000.000 unique records for that specific customer, because every customer have different prices /materials.
For backups I use a MySQL Dump script, that creates a *.sql file per database that I download every day.
What is your opnion and what do you think?
One large db or per customer a database?
I'm using MySQL with ASP.NET/C#...
I don't want to make a suggestion because there are far too many variables.
I do want to note, however, that my employer has 1000s of deployed databases -- we use one database per customer with replication (2+ databases).
So, the idea is workable. My job isn't related to DB management but I do recall that we do a lot in the way of automation and online tools. Backups and DB management is handled by a team.
Ultimately, you can make the 100+ deployments work but you are going to want to start investing in the development of utility and tools to help automate the backup and/or management of the DBs.
Ideally, nothing (DB Management) should be done by hand. Furthermore, the connection strings should be abstracted away from a given web app deployment.
But now it's becomming larger and larger (100+) so we have now 100 databases to manage
I think you have your answer right there.
Have to agree with #Hogan - the overhead of managing that many databases is probably far from ideal - especially if you ever need to make schema changes, etc. in the future.
That said, if you use a single database are you ever likely to need to separate out a given customer's data into a standalone database/site? If this is likely, how long would it take to carry out this separation?
In essence, if it's likely to take less effort to write a set of tools to handle the above case, then I'd be tempted to go for the single database approach. However, you'll also need to factor in the likely timescales for creating a unified version of the database schemas that handle datasets for each customer, etc.
Also, are the schemas precisely the same for all of the existing 100+ databases? If not, there's potentially a world of pain if you decide to migrate the existing data into a single database.
Update - Incidentally, all of the above is a bit generalised, but it's hard to be specific without knowing more about the amount of data, and traffic, etc. in use. (e.g.: If you ever had a high demand site for a customer it would be trivial to put it onto its own DB server if you were using a per-customer database.)
i agree with #Hogan and #middaparke... if the schemas are the same, you shuol dput it in one instance.
unfortuantely it is impossible to tell from here if your schemas would benefit from reusing most of those million rows or not, if normalized well, the ncertinly it would be beneficial.
it is also impossible to tell how difficult any changes to the applications would be based on this change.
unfortunately, it sounds like you have a large customer base with working applications, and therefore momentum to keep going in that direction - which thros you into the realm of sucking it up and dealing with it by automating the management of so many db's... not the way you would do it from scratch - but maybe cheapest since you are where you are.

why are multiple DBs actually needed?

I was looking at which says they offer up to 10 MySQL DBs, but I don't know why you would need more than 1 ever since a DB can have mutliple tables. Can't multiple DBs be integrated into a single DB? Is there an example case where its better or unfeasible to not have multiple ones? And how do you differentiate between them when you want to call them, from their directory or from a name?
I guess separation of concerns would be the most obvious answer. In the same way you can have all of your functionality in one humongous class in object oriented programming, it's a good idea to keep non-related information separate. It's easier to wrap your head around smaller chunks of data, and future developers mights start to think tables are related, and aggregate data in a way they were never meant to.
Imagine that you're doing two different projects with two different teams. Maybe you won't one team to access the other team tables.
There can also be a space limit in each database, and It each one can be configured with specific params to optimize the performance.
In other hand, two final users can be assigned to make the backups of each entire database, and you wan`t one user to make the backup of the other DB because he could be able to restore the database in other place and access the first database data.
I'm sure there are some pretty good DBAs on the forum who can answer this in detail.
Storing tables in different databases makes because you are able to backup them up individually. Furthermore, you will be able to control access to each database under different NT groups (e.g. Admin vs. users). Although this can be done at the indvidual table level, sometimes it makes sense to grant or deny access to an entire database to a particular group.
When you need to call them in SQL Server you need to append the database name to the query like this SELECT * FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable].
One other reason to use separate databases relates to whether you need full transactional recovery or not. For instance, if I havea bunch of tables that are populated on a schedule through import processes and never by the users, putting them in a separate database allows me to set the recovery mode to simple which reduces the logging (a good thing when you are loading millions of records at once). I can also not do transactional log backup every fifteen minutes like I do for the data in the database with the user inserted data. It could also make recovery a faster process when needed as the databases would be smaller and thus individally take less time to recover. Won't help much when the whole server crashes but it could help a lot if onely one datbase gets corrupted for some reason. If the data relates to different applications, it simplifies the security as well to have the data in separte databases. And of course sometimes we have commercial databases and we can;t add tables to those and so may need a separate database to handles some things we want to add to that data (we do this for instance with our Project Management software, we have a spearate database where we extract and summarize data from the PM system for reporting and then write all our custome reports off that.)

SQL Server - Production DB Schema vs. Reporting DB Schema. Should they be the same?

We recently put a new production database into use. The schema of this database is optimized for OLTP. We're also getting ready to implement a reporting server to be used for reporting purposes. I'm not convinced we should just blindly use the same schema for our reporting database as we do for our production database, and replicate data over.
For those of you that have dealt with having separate production and reporting databases, have you chosen to use the same database schema for your reporting database, or a schema that is more efficient for reporting; for example, perhaps something more denormalized?
Thanks for thoughts on this.
There's really two sides to the story:
if you keep the schema identical, then updating the reporting database from the production is a simple copy (or MERGE in SQL Server 2008) command. On the other hand, the reports might get a bit harder to write, and might not perform optimally
if you devise a separate reporting schema, you can optimize it for reporting needs - then the creation of new reports might be easier and faster, and the reports should perform better. BUT: The updating is going to be harder
So it really boils down to: are you going to create a lot of reports? If so: I'd recommend coming up with a specific reporting schema optimized for reports.
Or is the main pain point the upgrade? If you can define and implement that once (e.g. with SQL Server Integration Services), maybe that's not really going to be a big issue after all?
Typically, chances are that you'll be creating a lot of reports of time, so there's a good chance it might be beneficial in the long run to invest a bit upfront in a separate reporting schema, and a data loading process (typically using SSIS) and then reap the benefit of having better performing reports and faster report creation time.
I think that the reporting database schema should be optimized for reporting - so you'll need a ETL Process to load your data. In my experience I was quickly at the point that the production schema does not fit my reporting needs.
If you are starting your reporting project I would suggest that you design your reporting database for your reports needs.
For serious reporting, usually you create data warehouse (Which is typically at least somewhat denormalized and certain types of calculations are done when the data is refreshed to save from averaging the values of 1.3 million records when you run the report. This is for the kind of reporting reporting that includes a lot of aggregate data.
If your reporting needs are not that great a replicated database might work. It may also depend on how up-to-date you need the data to be as data warehouses are typically updated once or twice a day so the reporting data is often one day behind, OK for monthly and quarterly reports not so good to see how many widgits have been ordered so far today.
The determinate of whether you need a data warehouse tends to be how long it would take to runthe reports they need. This is why datawarehouse pre-aggregate data on loading it. IF your reoports are running fine and you just want to get the worokload away from the input workload a replicated adatabase should do the trick. If you are trying to do math on all the records for the last ten years, you need a data warehouse.
You could do this in steps too. Do the replication now, to get reporting away from data input. That should be an immediate improvement (even if not as much as you want), then design and implement the datawarehouse (which can be a fairly long and involved project and which will take some time to get right).
It's easiest just to copy over.
You could add some views to that schema to simplify queries - to conceptually denormalize.
If you want to go the full Data Warehouse/Analysis Services route, it will be quite a bit of work. But it's very fast, takes up less space, and users seem to like it. If you're concerned about large amounts of data and response times, you should look into this.
If you have many many tables being joined, you might look into actually denormalizing the data. I'd do a test case just to see how much gain for pain you'll be getting.
Without going directly for the data warehouse solution you could always put together some views that rearrange data for better reporting access. This helps you in that you don't have to start a large warehouse project right away and could help scope out a warehouse project if you decide to go that way.
All the answers I've read here are good, I would just add that you do this in stages, stopping as soon as your goals for performance and functionality are met:
Keep the schema identical - this just takes contention and load off the OLTP server
Keep the schema identical - but add new indexed views OR index base tables differently
Build a partial data-warehouse style model (perhaps not keeping snapshot-style history or slowly changing dimensions or anything special not catered for in your normal database) from the copy-schema in another schema or database on the same reporting server. The benefits of star-schema models are huge for reporting, views flattened for users and data dictionaries etc. In this model, if your OLTP database loses changes (for instance customer name changes) due to overwrites, the data warehouse doesn't capture that information (often it's not that important if you stop at this spot). Effectively you are getting data warehouse-style organization for "current" data only. The benefits of retaining the copy of the original schema on your reporting server at this point are that you can pull from the source data in original SQL Server form instead of some kind of intermediate form (like text files) without affecting production OLTP, and you can migrate data models gradually, some in stars, some in normal form, all without affecting production. At some point later, you might be able to drop all or part of the copy.
Build a full data-warehouse including slowly changing dimensions where all the data is captured from the source system.

Minimalistic Database Administration

I am a developer. An architect on good days. Somehow I find myself also being the DBA for my small company. My background is fair in the DB arts but I have never been a full fledged DBA. My question is what do I have to do to ensure a realiable and reasonably functional database environment with as little actual effort as possible?
I am sure that I need to make sure that backups are being performed and that is being done. That is an easy one. What else should I be doing on a consistant basis?
Who else is involved in the database? Are you the only person making schema changes (creating new objects, releasing new stored procedures, permissioning new users)?
Make sure that the number of users doing anything that could impact performance is reduced to as close to zero as possible, ideally including you.
Make sure that you're testing your backups - ideally run a DEV box that is recreating the production environment periodically, 1. a DEV box is a good idea, 2. a backup is only useful if you can restore from it.
Create groups for the various apps that connect to your database, so when a new user comes along you don't guess what permissions they need, just add them to the group, meanwhile permission the database objects to only the groups that need them
Use indices, primary keys, foreign keys, constraints, stats and whatever other tools your database supports. Normalise.
Optimise the most common code against your box - bad stored procedures/data access code will kill you.
I've been there. I used to have a job where I wrote code, did all the infrastructure stuff, wore the DBA hat, did user support, fixed the electric stapler when it jammed, and whatever else came up that might be remotely associated with IT. It was great! I learned a little about everything.
As far as the care and feeding of your database box, I'd recommend that you do the following:
Perform regular full backups.
Perform regular transaction log backups.
Monitor your backup jobs. There's a bunch of utilities out on the market that are relatively cheap that can automate this for you. In a small shop you're often too busy
to remember to check on them daily.
Test your backups. Do a drill. Restore an old copy of your most important databases. Prove to yourself that your backups are working and that you know how to restore them properly. You'd be suprised how many people only think about this during their first real disaster.
Store backups off-site. With all the online backup providers out there today, there's not much excuse for not having an offsite backup.
Limit sa access to your boxes.
If your database platform supports it, use only role based security. Resist the temptation to have one-off user specific security.
The basic idea here is that if you restrict who has access to the box, you'll have fewer problems. Secondly, if your backups are solid, there are few things that come up that you won't be able to deal with effectively.
I would suggest:
A script to quickly restore the latest backup of a database, in case it gets corrupted
What kind of backups are you doing? Full backups each day, or incremental every hour, etc?
Some scripts to create new users and grant them basic access.
However, the number one suggestion is to limit as much as possible the power other users have, this will greatly reduce the chance of stuff getting badly messed up. Servers that have everyone as an sa tend to get screwed up quicker than servers that are locked down.
