C callbacks and non-Go threads - c

How does one call Go code in C from threads that weren't created by Go?
What do I assign to a C function pointer such that threads not created by Go can call that pointer and enter into Go code?
I don't want to use SWIG.
The callbacks will be coming from threads Go hasn't seen before. Neither cgo/life nor anything in pkg/runtime demonstrates this behaviour AFAICT.

You can do this, but the solution is relatively slow (about 22µs per call on my machine).
The answer is for the C code to use C thread primitives to communicate with another goroutine that will actually run the callback.
I have created a Go package that provides this functionality: rog-go.googlecode.com/hg/exp/callback.
There is an example package demonstrating its use here. The example demonstrates a call back to an arbitrary Go closure from a thread created outside of the Go runtime. Another example is here. This demonstrates a typical C callback interface and layers a Go callback on top of it.
To try out the first example:
goinstall rog-go.googlecode.com/hg/exp/example/looper
cd $GOROOT/src/pkg/rog-go.googlecode.com/hg/exp/example/looper
To try out the second example:
goinstall rog-go.googlecode.com/hg/exp/example/event
cd $GOROOT/src/pkg/rog-go.googlecode.com/hg/exp/example/event
Both examples assume that pthreads are available. Of course, this is just a stop-gap measure until cgo is fixed, but the technique for calling arbitrary Go closures in a C callback will be applicable even then.
Here is the documentation for the callback package:
package callback
import "rog-go.googlecode.com/hg/exp/callback"
var Func = callbackFunc
Func holds a pointer to the C callback function.
When called, it calls the provided function f in a
a Go context with the given argument.
It can be used by first converting it to a function pointer
and then calling from C.
Here is an example that sets up the callback function:
//static void (*callback)(void (*f)(void*), void *arg);
//void setCallback(void *c){
// callback = c;
import "C"
import "rog-go.googlecode.com/hg/exp/callback"
func init() {

I'll assume you mean from C code compiled with gcc?
IIRC, this either can't be done or can't easily be done using 6g+cgo and friends. Go uses a different calling convention (as well as the segmented stacks and such).
However, you can write C code for [685]c (or even [685]a) and call into go easily using package·function() (you can even call methods IIRC). See the Source of the runtime package for examples.
Coming back to this question after the update, and giving it some more thought. This can't be done in a standard fashion using 6c or cgo. Especially because the threads are not started by the go runtime, the current implementation would fail. The scheduler would suddenly have a thread under its control that it does not know about; additionally, that thread would be missing some thread-local variables the go runtime uses for managing stacks and some other things. Also, if the go function returns a value (or several) the C code can't access it on the currently supported platforms, as go returns values on the stack (you could access them with assembly though). With these things in mind, I do believe you could still do this using channels. It would require your C code to be a little too intimate with the inner workings of the go runtime, but it would work for a given implementation. While using channels may not be the solution you're looking for, it could possibly fit more nicely with the concepts of Go than callbacks. If your C code reimplemented at least the sending methods in The channel implementation (that code is written for 6c, so it would have to be adapted for gcc most likely, and it calls the go runtime, which we've determined can't be done from a non-go thread), you should be able to lock the channel and push a value to it. The go scheduler can continue to manage it's own threads, but now it can receive data from other threads started in C.
Admittedly, it's a hack; I haven't looked close enough, but it would probably take a few other hacks to get it working (I believe the channels themselves maintain a list of the goroutines that are waiting on them [EDIT: confirmed: runtime·ready(gp);], so you'd need something in your go code to wake up the receiving channel or to warranty the go code won't receive on the channel until you've already pushed a value). However, I can't see any reason this can't work, whereas there are definite reasons that running code generated by 6g on a thread created in C can't.
My original answer still holds though: barring an addition to the language or runtime, this can't yet be done the way you'd like (I'd love to be proven wrong here).

You can find a real-world application of rog's callback package in these bindings for the PortAudio audio I/O library: http://code.google.com/p/portaudio-go/. Might make it easier to understand..
(Thanks for implementing that, rog. It's just what I needed!)


Using glib without calling g_main_loop_run?

Is it correct to use (parts of) GLib without calling g_main_loop_run? If so, how to identity which parts of GLib I can use like this?
I'm mostly interested in (as referred to by https://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.34/index.html):
GLib Data Types;
GLib Utilities.
Common sense tells me that there should be nothing there to require GMainLoop (except Timers, may be?), but I'm a complete GLib newbie, and somehow didn't find any explicit statement in the docs when GMainLoop is required and when not.
From "GLib Core Application Support" section I'd like to use Message Logging, but not sure about it interaction with main loop.
For those wondering about why, I use FUSE/osxfuse, which already has its main loop, and I'm not sure how easy it is to deconstruct it and integrate into GMainLoop.
Also, I welcome alternative C library suggestions. Looking through GLib docs I rather like it, but I feel uneasy about it trying to be a framework, rather than a set of libraries.
Very little of the GLib code requires the main loop, timers for example are implemented using the system's normal timestamp.
The code that does require the main loop will reference it, such as the IO Channels. Even then you can see that it's possible to use the IO Channels with or without the main loop, it's your choice.

C function call and parameter tracing - test case and mock generation

I have a large code base of quite old C code on an embedded system and unfortunately there are no automated test cases/suites. This makes restructuring and refactoring code a dangerous task.
Manually writing test cases is very time consuming, so I thought that it should be possible to automate at least some part of this process for instance by tracing all the function calls and recording of the input and output values. I could then use these values in the test cases (this would not work for all but at least for some functions). It would probably also be possible to create mock functions based on the gathered data.
Having such test cases would make refactoring a less dangerous activity.
Are there any solutions that already can do this? What would be the easiest way to get this to work if I had to code it myself?
I thought about using ctags to find the function definitions, and wrapping them in a function that records the parameter values. Another possibility would probably be a gcc compiler plugin.
There is a gcc option "-finstrument-functions", which mechanism you can use to define your own callbacks for each funtion's entry/exit.
Google it and you can find many good examples.
[Edit] with this gcc option's call back you can only track the function's entry/exit,not the params. but with some tricks you may also track the params. (walk through the current frame pointer to get the param on the stack).
Here is an article talk about the idea of the implementation:
Furthermore, depends on your embedded system, on linux you can try something like ltrace to show the params(like the strace way). There are many tools do the function trace work either in userspace or kernelspace on linux, ftrace/ust/ltrace/utrace/strace/systemtap/. Anyway, if you do not add any hard debugging code, it's not possible to display the params in the correct way. If you accept the efforts to add entry/exit debugging infomation, then it's much easier.
Also here is a similar thread talk about this problem.
Tool to trace local function calls in Linux

Is it possible to do hot code swapping in C?

says that VS can do it with the help of its debugger. Does gdb provide a similar functionality ?
this is the closest i could find, but doesn't seem to be ready to be used:
dlopen/dlsym/dlclose are also close, but will not work for -lmylib referenced libraries (reference count never gets to 0).
alternatives i've considered:
1) using -Wl,-wrap,foo and on __wrap_foo() { func = dlopen(); func(); }
2) making libfoo.so a shared library and when we need to hotswap we dlopen(RTLD_GLOBAL) to load the new code and provide updated symbols to the next call to foo();
1) doesn't work very well because it requires me to enumerate all the functions i want to hotswap, which are all of them.
2) doesn't work very well because when foo() is called, the new code is loaded, but foo has forever the reference to that symbol. calling dlopen multiple times make foo to be re evaluated.
You may be interested in Ksplice. It's a technology that came out of MIT that allows software patches to be applied to the Linux kernel without rebooting. This is most relevant for applying security updates:
You could certainly hack yourself a system where you store a list of function pointers and can change these pointers to point to whatever library you have dlopen()'d at the time.
You're right, there isn't any easy way to intercept calls to routines with fixed linkage. You can always clobber the start of the routine with an assembly jump to another routine, but that can be dangerous (and isn't C).
Maybe a symbol which is weak in your code and strong in a dlopen()'d library would work?
In any of these cases, you have to deal with the situation where the old code is currently running. That isn't easy either, unless you have points in your program where you know no thread is in the library you want to swap.
the closest i have found is solari dbx which comes with oracle developer studio,however dev studio uses dbx in both linux and solaris,only solaris version supports "edit-and-continue" or "hot code swap"

C - program structure (avoiding global variables, includes, etc.)

I'm using C (not C++) and I'm unsure how to avoid using global variables.
I have a pretty decent grasp on C, its syntax, and how to write a basic application, but I'm not sure of the proper way to structure the program.
How do really big applications avoid the use of global variables? I'm pretty sure there will always need to be at least some, but for big games and other applications written in C, what is the best way to do it?
Is there any good, open-source software written strictly in C that I could look at? I can't think of any off the top of my head, most of them seem to be in C++.
Here's an example of where I would use a global variable in a simple API hooking application, which is just a DLL inside another process.
This application, specifically, hooks API functions used in another application. It does this by using WriteProcessMemory to overwrite the call to the original, and make it a call to my DLL instead.
However, when unhooking the API function, I have to write back the original memory/machine code.
So, I need to maintain a simple byte array for that machine code, one for each API function that is hooked, and there are a lot.
// Global variable to store original assembly code (6 bytes)
BYTE g_MessageBoxA[6];
// Hook the API function
HookAPIFunction ( "user32.dll", "MessageBoxA", MyNewFunction, g_MessageBoxA );
// Later on, unhook the function
UnHookAPIFunction ( "user32.dll", "MessageBoxA", g_MessageBoxA );
Sorry if that's confusing.
"How do really big applications avoid the use of global variables?"
Use static variables. If a function needs to remember something between calls, use this versus global variables. Example:
int running_total (int num) {
static int sum = 0;
sum += num;
return sum;
Pass data via parameters, so that the value is defined one place, maybe main() and passed to where it is needed.
If all else fails, go ahead and use a global but try and mitigate potential problems.
At a minimum, use naming conventions to minimize potential conflicts. EG: Gbl_MyApp_DeveloperName. So all global variables would start with the Gbl_MyApp_ part -- where "MyApp" was something descriptive of your app.
Try to group functions by purpose, so that everything that needs a given global is in the same file (within reason). Then globals can be defined and restricted to that file (beware the extern keyword).
There are some valid uses for global variables. The schools started teaching that they were evil to keep programmers from being lazy and over using them. If you're sure that the data is really globally needed then use them. Given that you are concerned about doing a good job I don't think you'll go too far wrong using your own judgment.
It's easy - simply don't use them. create what would have ben the global variables in your main() function, and then pass them from there as parameters to the functions that need them.
The best-recomended open-source software to learn C in my college had been Linux so you can get examples from their source.
I think the same, globals are bad, reduces readability and increases error possibility and other problems.
I'll explain my example. I have a main() doing really few things. The most of the action comes from timers and external interrupts. These are functions with no parameter, due the platform I'm using, 32 bits micro controller. I can't pass parameters and in addition, these interrupts and timers are asynchronous. The easiest way is a global, imagine, interrupts filling a buffer, this buffer is parsed inside a timer, and the information parsed is used, stored, sent in other timers.
Ok, I can pull up an interrupt flag and process in the main function, but when executing critical software that way is not good idea.
This is the only kind of global variable that doesn't make me feel bad ;-)
Global variables are almost inevitable. However, they are often overused. They are not a substitute for passing proper parameters and designing the right data structures.
Every time you want a global variable, think: what if I need one more like this?

Is there an easy way to find which other functions can call a certain function from the source code?

I have a function which is called explicitly by 4 other functions in my code base. Then in turn each of these functions is called by at least 10 other functions throughout my code. I know that I could, by hand, trace one of these function calls to the main function of my program (which has 30 function calls) but it seems like this would be a better job for the computer. I just want to know which of the functions in main() is calling this buried function.
Does anyone know of any software that could help?
Also, using a debugger is out of the question. That would have been too easy. The software only runs on a hand held device.
doxygen, correctly configured, is able to output an HTML document with navigable caller list and called-by list for every function in your code. You can generate call graphs as well.
Comment it out (or better, comment out its prototype) and try to compile your program. You should see, where it is referenced.
If your platform has an API to capture backtraces, I would just instrument up the function to use those and log them to a file for later analysis. There's no guarantee that this will find all callers (or callers-of-...-of-callers), but if you exercise all of the programs features while logging like this, you should find "most" of them. For relatively simple programs, it is possible to find all callers this way.
Alternatively, many sampling tools can get you this information.
However, I have a suspicion that you may be on a platform that doesn't have a lot of these features, so a static source-analysis tool (like mouviciel suggested) is likely your best option. Assuming that you can make it work for you, this has the added benefit that it should find all callers, not just most of them.
http://cscope.sourceforge.net/ I think this also can be useful.
I second mouviciel's suggestion of using doxygen for getting this info. The downside is that doxygen is working on the source code. You can only see what functions CAN POTENTIALLY call your function, not the ones that are ACTUALLY CALLING your function. If you are using Linux and you can change the source code of the function in question, you can obtain this info using the backtrace() and the backtrace_symbols() functions.
