File Upload Cross Domain - silverlight

The scenario I am trying to create is to have my Silverlight Website on one domain and my file server (for media files) on a different server. I want to allow my users to upload files to the file server from the website.
The problem is I am getting a generic "Security error." reported back in the inner exception message in my code. The main exception message is blank.
I have set all access right to the physical folders (Windows Server 2008). I have created wide-open clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml files.
I am using an .ashx handler for doing the actual writing to the hard drive. I have tested it locally on the file server machine and it works fine.
I have root level access to both servers so I can make any changes required.

I'm not a Silverlight programmer, but I might be able to help here... Browser security prevents pretty much any cross-domain actions like this. It's to prevent phishing.
What you could do to get around this is to create another hostname on the same domain as your webserver and proxy any requests on your webserver to your file server. That would get around the cross-domain problem.


uploading file from Access 2010

I have a Access 2010 frontend database + MySQL as backend. So far it is working fine. I would like to upload document and decided to save on the server rather than on the Database. My first question is, how do I upload file from access frontend to the remote server/location?
I was thinking, maybe store the data on the database and use some kind of triggers or script which reads the blob file from database and saves on the server as well as fills the file path into another column.
is there any easier way to upload files from access frontend to a remote server? I am using MySQL server as backend.
thank you in advance
SFTP with Putty
This might help you - it's a great example using Putty on the Windows machine to communicate over SFTP with the Linux server using VBA: SFTP upload with VBA
You would need to install putty on each Windows machine that uses Access and ensure that the appropriate rights are in place on the Linux server.
Custom Add-In
You could use .NET to create an add-in for access to transfer the file to the server over sockets, but this would require you to write a server-side application to listen for requests. You would have complete freedom over how you implement it at the cost of added complexity for yourself as the developer.
You would need to:
Create an add-in using Visual Studio (or other .NET IDE)
Add this into your Access application and use the API you've built.
Create a server-side application to listen to it (this could be a simple Python application)
SMTP Approach
If you want to be creative you could email the file to your own mock SMTP server using Access' CDO functionality: Sending emails with Access
Again, you would have to create a handler application to handle the SMTP protocol, but I'm sure there are some great examples out there.
HTTP Approach
You could even encode the file and send it over HTTP to a simple PHP server in a simple POST request: Example web request with Access You would need to encode the file to base64 or something or file a way of handling file uploads.
As you can see, the easiest approach by far is using Putty, but there are some interesting custom approaches you could take.
I'd say using either SMTP or HTTP would be suitable but that depends how easily you could set up the server-side handler. There may be existing SMTP emulators out there that you could use to handle receiving and managing files.
this might help someone.
I have used Chilkat FTP activeX component and its working fine. Chilkat provides prewritten code just copied from his website and everything is fine. Although I could not find how to show the transferring progress.

SharePoint 2010 and Silverlight

We currently have a Silverlight application which is hosted in a SharePoint 2010 page. The Silverlight app makes web service calls to a another server on our domain, which has a clientaccesspolicy file in place. We are experiencing cross-domain issues in our production environment.
Users in the farm admin group can use the Silverlight application without any issues. However, all other users recieve the generic cross domain exception when they try to use this app. We have attached Fiddler to the process and noticed that the farm admins are served the clientaccesspolicy file, but that non-admin users are not. In fact, Fiddler does not ever show an attempt to load this file for non-admins.
This only happens in our production environment, which leads me to believe there is a web config or permission setting causing the issue. Unfortunately, I cannot find anything that backs this up.
Has anyone else run into this issue or know if such a setting exists?
See comments above. I had to change the URL to use the full machine name i.e. from webserver/service.svc to It solved the problem but doesn't answer the question about why the farm admins could access it. vorrtex's response is the best possible explanation I have seen so far.

Problem uploading service for Silverlight SQL connection

I've found a very small sample showing Silverlight SQL connection (, I've tested it and it works fine on local system, also I've changed its connection string so that it shows data from my remote database, but when I upload files to my host, I cannot see any SQL data, it seems that something is broken, how should I configure my web.config?
What are CrossDomain.XML and ClientAccessPolicy.XML files? should I upload them? If so, where should they be? How should I bind my service? what am I doing wrong? I click on VS2010 publish (in build menu) and select file system, then I upload all files existing in this folder, I use C#.
If you are trying to access an external Silverlight web service from your local dev environment you certainly need a ClientAccessPolicy.XML file on the website. This tells the site services where requests can come from (normally only from the same site the SL app was run from).
Your ClientAccessPolicy.XML file needs to go into the actual root of your website i.e. '
*Note: You do not also need a CrossDomain.XML if you have ClientAccessPolicy (which is the SL specific one). CrossDomain.xml is an older flash compatibility file that sometimes exists on sites.

WCF Silverlight crossdomain problem

I have several WCF services.
When I check them on the server (example: ServiceTest.svc?wsdl), than I see an xml file with info about the wcf service. So the services works fine.
I have a Silverlight application on a different server.
I get the 'famous' crossdomain error.
When I place a clientaccesspolicy.xml in the directory with the WCF services, the problem remains.
Is it possible that with shared hosting, the security isn't high/low enough?
The XML file must be placed in the root of the domain. Usually you have to put them into the inetpub/wwwroot folder, instead of into the folder with the WCF services.
Depending on how your provider implemented the shared hosting, I'm afraid you'll have to ask them to support cross domain access and put the XML files into the root.
I am not sure but I think it also could work to register your own domain that points to the folder you want to use as root, and put the XML files there. The clients must then use the server URLs with your registered domain of course.
One of the best tools for issues like this is Fiddler(or some other web debugging proxy). Looking at the network calls, you can see the address where the browser is looking for the clientaccesspolicy.xml file and then make sure you drop the file at that location. If you're not seeing this call or you're seeing it and the file is already there, you can move on to other issues (a bug in the webservice or the calling code).

Silverlight cross domain confusion

I have a Silverlight application that does two things:
1) connects to a WCF server (hosted inside a WPF app on a different PC) and sends small packets of info (using PollingDuplexHttpBinding if it matters)
2) sends a web request for get an XML file from a different remote server for parsing
At dev time, its all running locally, but in production it will be a scattered deployment each running on a different server.
But I am running into issues that I think are related to the clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml files
My Silverlight app runs at a random port (as defined by VS2010)
The WCF service runs at: http://localhost:80/MyService which I can connect to just fine from the SL client (I have got a clientaccesspolicy.xml file on the WCF side)
But, and here is the part that is failing, when I send a request for the XML file, which is http://localhost/MY_TEST_SITE/thefile.xml I get the error:
The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
but I put that address into Firefox I can see the XML file no problem. I do have a clientaccesspolicy.xml in that location, which I think is correct.
If it was a cross-domain issue should I be getting a security exception here? instead of a not found exception?
How can I debug this?
Its ok I figured it out, I had something blocking on port 80, which was causing a whole heap of issues, once I switched that off, it was back to normal
