Validation in GWT+GAE-based application - google-app-engine

Is there any standard approach to input data validation and error displaying in GWT+GAE-based application?
Eclipse plugin generates GWT project with shared.FieldVerifier class, which provides static method for values validation:
public static boolean isValidName(String name) {
if (name == null) {
return false;
return name.length() > 3;
isValidName() method is then called on input data in client-side code and server-side code, and if something is wrong, error logics is executed. BTW, I suppose, this approach (set of static validation methods, specific error displaying logics in each case) may be not very scalable.
Also, I found gwt-validation project on, but I did not investigate it yet.
Could you please recommend any standard approaches / libraries, which can help to handle validation and error displaying? Is gwt-validation library a standard?

The standard is JSR303 and can be used to validate client side as well on the server side.
Please have a look at this topic:
GWT JSR 303 client validation


serenity-bdd with cucumber feature hooks

I am using Serenity-BDD with cucumber and I would like to run certain things only once per feature file. It looks like cucumber doesn't support this at the moment. I was wondering if serenity has some workaround for this.
I've also tried to use the JUnit #BeforeClass, #AfterClass hooks in the test suite class but the 2 annotations require static methods and I cannot access the serenity page objects methods at that time (there is no instance injected at that point in time).
You could try setting up a static global flag which will make sure that the before method will runs only once.
Setup the feature file with a tag.
Feature: Run Once
Use the following hook in your stepdefinition.
private static boolean onceFlag = true;
public void beforeOnce(){
if(onceFlag) {
onceFlag = false;
//Your code to write once per feature file
You could try to implement net.thucydides.core.steps.StepListener interface and connect it via SPI. I described this in answer in this post

How to share Javascript Business Rules between Client and Server?

I am creating a MEAN stack and I want to clarify the below.
From the coding standards perspective I know that validations should be executed both at the client side and server side. What I would like to achieve is to execute the exact same validation code so that I do not repeat the code again. This is more like a shared code for client and server side.
so How can I have angular js and Express js invoke same .js file for performing validations? is it even possible?
You sure can do this. This approach is used by RemObjects DataAbstract ( The principle here is to define business-rules that will either apply on the client and on the server, or the server only. You will almost never have to check for business-rules ONLY on the client, because you can never "trust" the client to check your business rules.
CQRS and DDD are two architectural principles that could help you here. Domain Driven Design will kind of "clean" or "refine" your code, pushing the infrastructure away from the core "domain" logic. And business rules apply only in the domain, so it's a good idea the keep the domain isolated from the rest.
Command-Query-Responsability-Segretation. I like this one a lot. Basically, you define a set of commands that will be validated before they are applied. There's no more machine-like code that looks like Model.Set('a', 2). Your code, using this principle, will look like MyUnderstandableBusinessObject.UnderstandableCommand(aFriendlyArgument). When it comes to applying business rules, this is very handy that your actual commands reflect the use cases of your domain.
I also always encounter this problem when I work on node.js / javascript projects. The problem is that you do not have a standardized ORM that can be understood by both the client AND the server. This is paradoxal, as node.js and the browser are running on the same language. When I was drawn towards Node.js, I told myself, man both client and server are running the same language, that's going to save sooo much time. But that was kind of false, as there are not that many mature and professional tools out there, even if npm is really active.
I wanted to build an ORM too that could be both understood by the client/server, and add a relational aspect to it (so that it was compatible with SQL) but I kind of abandoned the project.
But, there are a couple of other solutions. Backbone is one, and it's lightweight.
The actual implementation of your business-rule checking here is what you are going to have to work on. You'll want to extract the "validation" part out of your model into another object that will be able to be shared. Something to get you started :
BusinessRuleRepository = function() {
this.rules = [];
BusinessRuleRepository.prototype.addRule = function(aModelClass, operation, callback) {
class: aModelClass,
operation: operation,
callback: callback
BusinessRuleRepository.prototype.validate = function(object, operation, args) {
_.forIn(this.rules, function(rule) {
if (object.constructor == rule.class && operation == rule.operation) {
rule.callback(object, args)
MyObject = function() {
this.a = 2;
MyObject.prototype.setA = function(value) {
aBusinessRuleRepo.validate(this, 'setA', arguments);
this.a = value;
// Creating the repository
var aBusinessRuleRepo = new BusinessRuleRepository();
// shared.js
var shared = function(aRepository) {
aRepository.addRule(MyObject, 'setA', function(object, args) {
if (args[0] < 0) {
throw 'Invalid value A';
if (aBusinessRuleRepo != undefined) {
// Creating the object
var aObject = new MyObject();
try {
aObject.setA(-1); // throws
} catch (err) {
alert('Shared Error : ' + err);
// server.js
var server = function(aRepository) {
aRepository.addRule(MyObject, 'setA', function(object, args) {
if (args[0] > 100) {
throw 'Invalid value A';
if (aBusinessRuleRepo != undefined) {
// on server
try {
aObject.setA(200); // throws
} catch (err) {
alert('Server Error :' + err);
The first thing of all is to model and define your domain. You'll have a set of classes that represent your business objects, as well as methods that correspond th business-operations. (I would really go with CQRS for your case)
The model definition would be shared between the client and the server.
You would have to define two files, or two objects. Separated. ServerRules and SharedRules. Those will be a set of Repository.addRule() calls that will register you business rules in the repository. Your client will get the Shared.js business rules, and the server the Shared.js + Server.js business rules. Those business rules will always be applied on your objects this way.
The little example of code I shown you is very simple, and checks business rules only before the command is applied. Maybe you could add a parameter 'beforeCommand' and 'afterCommand' to check business rules before and after changed are made. Then, if you add the possibility of checking business rules after a command is applied, you must be able to rollback the changes (backbone has this functionality I think).
Good luck
You could automate this a little by automatically getting the name of the method you are in (Can I get the name of the currently running function in JavaScript?)
function checkBusinessRules(model, arguments){
businessRuleRepo.validate(model, getCalleeName, arguments);
Model.prototype.command = function(arg){
checkBusinessRules(this, arguments);
// perform logic
A small detail i would like to correct on my first answer. Do not implement your business rules on property setters! Use business operation names instead :
You must make sure that you always set your model properties through methods. If you set your model properties directly by assigning a value, you're bypassing the whole business rule processor thing.
The cheap way is to do this through standard setters such as
This is kind of the low-level business rule logic (based on getters and setters). Then, your business rules will also be low-level. Which is kind of bad.
Better, you should do this through business understandable high-level method names such as
Then, your business rules become way more understandable and you'll almost have a good time implementing them.
BusinessRuleRepository.add(ModelClass, "RegisterClient", function(){
if (!Session.can('RegisterClient')) { fail('Unauthorized'); }

Silverlight CaptureDeviceConfiguration.RequestDeviceAccess() - how does it know?

CaptureDeviceConfiguration.RequestDeviceAccess() method must be invoked by user interaction, otherwise it fails. My question is how does Silverlight know the invocation came from user (i.e. via Button.Click())?
Have a look at this:
I was curios though how exactly does silverlight know what a user
initiated event is, but after digging through .net framework source
code I’ve got to a dead end:
if ((browserService == null) || !browserService.InPrivateMode())
return false; //means that IncreaseQuota will fail
where browser.IsInPrivateMode is:
public bool InPrivateMode()
bool privateMode = false;
return (NativeMethods.SUCCEEDED(UnsafeNativeMethods.DOM_InPrivateMode(this._browserServiceHandle, out privateMode)) && privateMode);
where DOM_InPrivateMode is in a DllImport["agcore"], which according
to microsoft is confidential :( So it looks like I won’t find out soon
how they’re detecting user initiated events, although I’m guessing
they have some centralized private method that detects clicks for
example, and then probably sets a flag that this was indeed “a user
initiated event”, and since you can’t forge clicks or keypresses using
javascript and since you can’t call those private methods using
reflection, it’s “safe”.

How to register own protocol using the WebBrowser control?

In a WP7 Silverlight application with a WebBrowser control I want to use an own protocol like "myttp://" to deliver some local content. I can't use Navigate() to an IsolatedStrorage because some content will by created on demand. For the same reason NavigateToString() is also not usable for me.
I tried to register a WebRequestCreator descend for my MYTP protocol
myCreator = new MyRequestCreator();
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("mytp://", myCreator);
but it isn't called from the browser control if I navigate to "mytp://test.html".
If I create a WebRequest via code
WebRequest request;
request = WebRequest.Create("mytp://test.html");`
everythings works fine.
Any suggestions what is wrong or how to do it?
The WebBrowser control will use the Windows Phone Internet Explorer Browser's HTTP stack to statisfy web requests. This HTTP stack is entirely separate from the Client HTTP stack being used by the application. Hence the browser does not see your protocol at all.
I agree with AnthonyWJones words, though I dont know, what exactly he meant by "Browser HTTP stack".
The standard Silverlight's "access to Browser's stack" (used to handle sessions etc) in form of System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator.BrowserHttp httprequest factory (versus the "normal/aside" System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp factory) is actually available to the application code in WP7. It is hidden from the SDK, but available on the device and with small effort, the application can use it, for example, to have its emitted cookies in sync with the Browser's cache. For description, please see my humble other post
However, while using that factory and having all your session/cookies/userauth handling within those connections in sync with the WebBrowser, despite being very similar to the ClientHttp factory, you find (at least in 7.0 and 7.1 versions) that it is completely ignorant of any custom prefixes. Trying to open anything with this factory results in (WP7 v. Mango 7.1):
A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.ProtocolViolationException' occurred in System.Windows.dll
at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalBeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Net.Browser.AsyncHelper.BeginOnUI(BeginMethod beginMethod, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at MyApp.MyPage..ctor()
relevant code snippet of the MyPage:
public class WRC : IWebRequestCreate { public WebRequest Create(Uri uri) { return null;/*BREAKPOINT1*/ } }
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("js://", new WRC()); // register the above handler
brwHttp = (IWebRequestCreate)typeof(System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator).GetProperty("BrowserHttp").GetValue(null, null);
var tmp = brwHttp.Create(new Uri("js://blah.blah.blah"));
var yyy = tmp.BeginGetResponse(callback, "wtf");
var response = tmp.EndGetResponse(yyy); /*BREAKPOINT2*/
var zzz = tmp.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, "wtf"); /*<---EXCEPTION*/
var stream = tmp.EndGetRequestStream(zzz); /*BREAKPOINT3*/
Execution results:
breakpoint1 never hit
breakpoint2 allows to see that "response" is NULL
breakpoint3 never hit due to the exception pasted above
My conclusion is, that the Silverlight Browser's stack is hardcoded to use some builtin set of prefixes, and all other prefixes are ignored/throw ProtocolViolation. My guess is, that in WP7 (7.0, 7.1) they are actually hardcoded to use http since my custom "js://" was passed to a BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalBeginGetRequestStream as it's visible on the stacktrace :)
That confirms what Anthony had written - no way of having custom protocol handlers to work gracefully with the Silverlight's Browser Stack API.
However, I cannot agree with that the WebBrowser uses this connection factory. While is it true that the hidden factory is called BrowserHttp, and is true that it shares some per-user or per-session settings with the webbrowser, everything I try tens to indicate that the WebBrowser component uses yet completly other factory for its connections, and quite probably it is some native one. As an argument for that, I can only provide that I was able to successfully replace the original BrowserHttp factory with my simple custom implementation of it (both on the emulator and the phone), and with at least 6 webbrowsers in my current app, it wasn't used at all, not even once! (neither on the emulator, nor phone)

WCF RIA Services: overriding DomainService.AuthorizeChangeSet - who cares?

I am overriding the AuthorizeChangeSet method and return false. The change set is not applied to the data context as expected, but how is the client notiied about this authorization error? The returned SubmitOperation has no error, and I cannot find any information elsewhere inside.
(Still using the Nov 2009 beta with VS2008 and net3.5)
Actually, no one cares. With reflector I finally found the place in the framework, where my false is being swallowed: DomainService.AuthorizeChangeSet is called by DomainService.Submit, which is still returning the outcome of DomainService.AuthorizeChangeSet. But see what the ChangeSetProcessor.Process is doing with it:
public static IEnumerable<ChangeSetEntry> Process(DomainService domainService, IEnumerable<ChangeSetEntry> changeSetEntries)
ChangeSet changeSet = CreateChangeSet(changeSetEntries);
return GetSubmitResults(changeSet);
... nothing.
I'd highly suggest using the version that builds on .net 4.
Essentially what I'd expect to see is an error on the SubmitOperation that you can inspect on your Submit callback. The error should indicate there was an authorization failure.
