Entity relationship diagram software [closed] - database

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm looking for a tool that generates DB diagrams.
Free (open source maybe)
Works in Linux (cross-platform maybe)
Supports PostgreSQL/MySQL

diagrams.net is free and on Github (I work on the project). It does work on Linux and has a generic SQL import, under Arrange->Insert->SQL.
You can save either locally, or directly to Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox. There's also a Desktop version available.

MySQL Workbench is a good tool for working with its namesake that does ERD modeling. I've used it on both Windows and Ubuntu.

If you are looking for an entity relationship model (not relational model) you have to try Dia http://dia-installer.de/
This software works on linux/windows/mac. And have a branch on git.
The entity relationship model has the purpose of make a model of the problem and let you understand the problem, so in the end you can generate a good relational model to have the most efficient model for you database.
This software is not intended to generate mysql tables directly but it has a plugin to convert Dia diagrams to sql, you can check it out in the same link.

You might want to try PowerArchitect
It's Java based (therefor cross-platform) and I have used it successfully with PostgreSQL
If you do want to spent some money (albeit not much), have a look at DbWrench which offers more features than PowerArchitect
Another open source/cross-platform option is Mogwai ERDesigner. Although there is one thing that I really don't like about it: if requires a connection to a database (to validate/define datatypes) which I find a very limiting requirement.

I use Software Ideas Modeler for entity relationship diagrams. It could meet your requirements - it's not open source but it has a free version, it works in Linux via Mono and it supports MySQL.

If you are looking for some software to auto generate ER diagram from existing database then you will love this tool: http://schemaspy.org/

https://drawerd.com is a online database structure tool.

zenchart is an online ER model generation tool, which can generate ER models through database DDL scripts, support exporting SQL, and the relationship between tables.


GemFire alternatives and a license question [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've just started looking at gemfire. I'm really impressed actually. I'm a little confused by its licensing, there seems to be some indication that some of it is open source? Does anyone have any clear idea? I'm loathed to talk to their sales people.
If not, are there any open source alternatives? I can think of a few technologies which offer the same features but not as a whole.
Unfortunately there are no open-source in-memory data grid solutions. You can check alternative distributed caches like Coherence from Oracle, eXtream scale from IBM, XAP from GigaSpace.
Quick search can bring you to following solutions:
Hazelcast - In-Memory Data Grid
Cacheonix - In-Memory Data Grid
You can try it. Most probably it is young generation of IMDG and they have not full functionality. But it's free.
BTW: what functionality you want to use? some times IMDG it's just a fix for bad architecture.
This question was first posed way back in 2011, but it still seems pertinent, as Gemfire is still referenced in the latest suite of Spring demos on the Spring.io Pivotal site:
"As of the 1.2.0 release, this project, formerly known as Spring GemFire, has been renamed to Spring Data GemFire to reflect that it is now a component of the Spring Data project."
So to use Spring Data, or to at least follow along with the latest "Yummy Noodle Bar" Spring Tutorial suite, it is sort of implied that you need to use the proprietary "Spring Data Gemfire" product for the Order Status solution component (the other two components of the demo being MongoDb for the Menu Item data, and a relational DB like Postgres or MySQL with JPA for the Orders data).
I did some more recent searches and in addition to Hazelcast, I was really only able to come up with one other open source solution which might also fit the bill as a Gemfire alternative :
As for me, I think I'll probably start with Hazelcast and see how that pans out.
In general, I should say that I'm a little disappointed at Pivotal for sneaking a commercial product into their otherwise open source tutorial. It's one thing to lead people to Gemfire with an open source entry level version of the product, but to force developers to sign up for a free trial version of a commercial product that they really have no business purchasing for their development platform in the first place kind of sucks IMHO. Please correct me if I am missing something here.
GemFire has been submitted for incubation within the Apache Software Foundation. Once it has been accepted as an incubation project the source code will be available under an Apache License. Currently you can download, build, and run the source for evaluation purposes at https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/GeodeProposal

Database modeling tool [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Do you know a free tool to model databases in uml?
Here is a link to a SourceForge project for UML/ERD modeling of databases:
Here is software that has a free community edition:
Personally, I've always found that UML poorly handled designing databases. Entity-Relationship Diagrams always seem to better describe a database.
I would check out Open System Architect (OSA) at http://www.codebydesign.com/
In fact, you could use a standard class diagram to model your database. I know it's not the same underlying philosophy but concepts in Extended ER models and in UML CD are quite similar.
True, if you want to explicitly model everying (like pks or unique identifiers) you´ll need to use a UML profile. However, if you are happy with using some conventions (like adding a surrogate pk for each table, deducing automatically the fks from the associations,...), then you can even skip the profile. For an example of this approach read this
UML class diagram is an object approach while data is not.
Omondo has done a try to use a database profile and synchronize the stereotypes with the java persistence annotations. It means that if you create a class diagram you also create java persistence in the code. You just need a good mapper to create your database later.

Where can I "practice" PL/SQL [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I will be given a job offer by an IT company, and was asked to "look at" PL/SQL since I didn't have much experience with databases. I have an extensive background in C++ among other programming languages, so I don't think this will pose too much of a challenge. However, I don't have access to any Oracle database at home, so I was wondering if there is a "toy" database and terminal online where I can practice.
Register yourself an account at APEX ONLINE you have all of the tools for free available online, or simple download Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
I would suggest a higher priority would be to learn the Relational model of data, then SQL.
If you don't start with a solid understanding of the RM, you're more likely to tend to use procedural solutions where a set-based approach is better.
Go and get the Express version of the database server Here
As for learning PL/SQL start
You just download sql developer tool by using this link..do practice well.
There is another site where you can practice PL/SQL online:
Oracle have some VM images with Oracle Linux ready-to-run:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/linux/downloads/vm-for-hol-1896500.html (64bits VM)
To learn PL/SQL language you just need a text editor like atom or sublime text. You can also install MySQL.

Where I can download sample database which can be used as data warehouse? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Where I can download sample database which can be used for data warehouse creation? It should't be sample from Microsoft (Northwind etc.).
EDIT: Sorry for not clarifying my question. At my university we have class where we must create some data warehouse and since Northwind is so popular over net then professor told us not to use this database. We will use for this SQL Server 2008 but using Northwind is forbidden.
This is a free online database data generator:
You can design a table structure and let the script generate rows to populate it.
It's not exactly what you need, but I think it can help.
Whatever happened to NOT Northwind?
There's also SQL Data Generator from Redgate:
I have been working with the Open Flights dataset this semester for BI. This Flight Data could work for future projects, along with anything Kimball or Red Gate related. I enjoyed learning the difference between methodologies on this page, Data Warehouse Architecture.
Additionally, it was can be downloaded on this Visualizing Data webpage, under datasets, Global Flight Network Data.
Learn more about OpenFlights Data at DataHub.
Also, the data was in dat files and I imported it with delimited columns in Excel. After that it wasn't that difficult to use the data. Here was a good tutorial on importing these data files using a comma delimiter in Excel.
Also, I found this dataset page as well that had a few other useful data examples of Enterprise Data Models on Databaseanswers.org.
Let me know if you find any other useful datasets learning examples.
Hey Just use Adventure works SR4
the best way to learn is to use AdventureWorks database. There is a relational version of it which is to demo the source data and there is star schema version of it, built from a relational one for data warehousing / OLTP system.
Download it from here - many Microsoft books on SQL Server / SSAS use this as example. A friend of mine used it to learn about data warehousing and get his first BI job.

Generate an E-R Diagram by reverse-engineering a database [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Note: Originally this question was asked for PostgreSQL, however, the answer applies to almost any database which has a JDBC driver that can detect foreign-key associations.
Querying PostgreSQL data dictionary for foreign-keys and relationship between tables is very straightforward, but how can I use that information to generate a graph of the relations between tables?
Any recommendations about tools that can do this?
EDIT: I know GraphVIZ/DOT can be useful, however, I don't know have any idea regarding how to code an app that would generate the directed graph .DOT file.
Dot is part of the graphviz package, which is a pretty damn cool/useful tool. Of course, you'll need something to generate the dot files for graphviz. I've used SchemaSpy once or twice in the past, and it works pretty well, provided you have the relationships defined in the database.
Microsoft Visio will easily do this.
At least for Oracle I run this query or ask the DBA to run it and send me the results. Results can be copied directly to a text file to be interpreted by Graphviz's tools, resulting in a database diagram.
SELECT '"' || Source.TABLE_NAME || '" -> "'
|| Destiny.TABLE_NAME || '";' AS For_GraphViz
FROM dba_constraints Source
JOIN dba_constraints Destiny
ON Source.owner='my_db_owner' AND Destiny.owner='my_db_owner'
-- theoretically this validation should be redundant
-- AND Destiny.Constraint_type = 'P'
A similar query can be created easily for SQL Server, don't know about MySQL, PostgreSQL et al.
Dot is multiplatform and may be useful.
DBVisualizer is also a free and nice alternative.
