printf too smart casting from char to int? - c

Why does the following call:
printf("%d %d", 'a', 'b');
result in the "correct" 97 98 values?
%d indicates the function has to read 4 bytes of data, and printf shouldn't be able to tell the type of the received arguments (besides the format string), so why isn't the printed number |a||b||junk||junk|?
Thanks in advance.

In this case, the parameters received by printf will be of type int.
First of all, anything you pass to printf (except the first parameter) undergoes "default promotions", which means (among other things) that char and short are both promoted to int before being passed. So, even if what you were passing really did have type char, by the time it got to printf it would have type int. In your case, you're using a character literal, which already has type int anyway.
The same is true with scanf, and other functions that take variadic parameters.
Second, even without default promotions, character literals in C already have type int anyway (§
An integer character constant has type int.
So, in this case the values start with type int, and aren't promoted--but even if you started with chars, something like:
char a = 'a';
printf("%d", a);
...what printf receives would be of type int, not type char anyway.

In C, a char literal is a value of type int.

it prints the DEC ASCII for the characters entered by you.


How printf() function knows the type of its arguments

Consider the following program,
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char a = 130;
unsigned char b = 130;
printf("a = %d\nb = %d\n",a,b);
return 0;
This program will show the following output.
a = -126
b = 130
My question is how printf() function comes to know the type of a is signed and type of b is unsigned to show result like above?
printf() doesn't know the types, that's why you have to give a correct format string. The prototype for printf() looks like this:
int printf(const char * restrict format, ...);
So, the only argument with a known type is the first one, the format string.
This also means that any argument passed after that is subject to default argument promotion -- strongly simplified, read it as any integer will be converted to at least int -- or ask google about the term to learn each and every detail ;)
In your example, you have implementation defined behavior:
char a = 130;
If your char could represent 130, that's what you would see in the output of printf(). Promoting the value to int doesn't change the value. You're getting a negative number instead, which means 130 overflowed your char. The result of overflowing a signed integer type during conversion in C is implementation defined, the value you're getting probably means that on you machine, char has 8 bits (so the maximum value is 127) and the signed integer overflow resulted in a wraparound to the negative value range. You can't rely on that behavior!
In short, the negative number is created in this line -- 130 is of type int, assigning it to char converts it and this conversion overflows.
Once your char has the value -126, passing it to printf() just converts it to int, not changing the value.
The additional arguments to printf() are formatted according to the type specifier. See here for a list of C format specifiers.
It's true that one would not expect b to be printed as 130 in your example since you used the %d specifier and not %u. This surprising behavior seems to be explained here.
Format specifier for unsigned char
I hope I got your question well.
Edit: I can not comment Felix Palmen's answer on account on my low reputation. default argument promotion indeed seems to be the key here, but to me the real question here besides the overflow of a is why b is still printed as 130 despite the use of the signed specifier. It can also be explained with default argument promotion but that should be made more precise.
You need to have a look at the definition of printf statement in stdio.h. You already got the answer in comment printf just write the string pointed by format to stdout.
It's variadic function and it use vargas to get all the arguments in variable-length argument list.
This is from the glibc from the GNU version.
int __printf (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg;
int done;
va_start (arg, format);
done = vfprintf (stdout, format, arg);
va_end (arg);
return done;
What vfprintf does?
It just writes the string pointed by format to the stream, replacing any format specifier in the same way as printf does, but using the elements in the variable argument list identified by arg instead of additional function arguments.
More information about the vfprintf
printf() does not know the data type of arguments. It works on format specifier you passed. The data type you are using is char (having range from -128 to +127) and unsigned char (having range from 0 to 255). Your output for a is overflowed after 127. So the output comes to -126.

why printf behaves differently when we try to print float as a hexadecimal? [duplicate]

I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
char c='z';
printf("%f %X",c,c);
is giving some weird output for hexadecimal while output is correct when I do this:
why is it so?
The printf() function is a variadic function, which means that you can pass a variable number of arguments of unspecified types to it. This also means that the compiler doesn't know what type of arguments the function expects, and so it cannot convert the arguments to the correct types. (Modern compilers can warn you if you get the arguments wrong to printf, if you invoke it with enough warning flags.)
For historical reasons, you can not pass an integer argument of smaller rank than int, or a floating type of smaller rank than double to a variadic function. A float will be converted to double and a char will be converted to int (or unsigned int on bizarre implementations) through a process called the default argument promotions.
When printf parses its parameters (arguments are passed to a function, parameters are what the function receives), it retrieves them using whatever method is appropriate for the type specified by the format string. The "%f" specifier expects a double. The "%X" specifier expects an unsigned int.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve a double, you invoke undefined behaviour.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve an unsigned int, you invoke undefined behaviour.
Undefined behaviour may include (but is not limited to) printing strange values, crashing your program or (the most insidious of them all) doing exactly what you expect.
Source: n1570 (The final public draft of the current C standard)
You need to use a cast operator like this:
char c = 'z';
printf("%f %X", (float)c, c);
printf("%f %X", (double)c, c);
In Xcode, if I do not do this, I get the warning:
Format specifies specifies 'double' but the argument has type 'char', and the output is 0.000000.
I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
The question is, what value did you expect to see? Why would you expect something other than 0?
The short answer to your question is that the behavior of printf is undefined if the type of the argument doesn't match the conversion specifier. The %f conversion specifier expects its corresponding argument to have type double; if it isn't, all bets are off, and the exact output will vary.
To understand the floating point issue, consider reading:
As for hexadecimal, let me guess.. the output was something like... 99?
This is because of encodings.. the machine has to represent information in some format, and usually that format entails either giving meanings to certain bits in a number, or having a table of symbols to numbers, or both
Floating points are sometimes represented as a (sign,mantissa,exponent) triplet all packed in a 32 or 64 bit number - characters are sometimes represented in a format named ASCII, which establishes which number corresponds to each character you type
Because printf, like any function that work with varargs, eg: int foobar(const char fmt, ...) {} tries to interpret its parameter to certain type.
If you say "%f", then pass c (as a char), then printf will try to read a float.
You can read more here: var_arg (even if this is C++, it still applies).

why printf behaves differently when we try to print character as a float and as a hexadecimal?

I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
char c='z';
printf("%f %X",c,c);
is giving some weird output for hexadecimal while output is correct when I do this:
why is it so?
The printf() function is a variadic function, which means that you can pass a variable number of arguments of unspecified types to it. This also means that the compiler doesn't know what type of arguments the function expects, and so it cannot convert the arguments to the correct types. (Modern compilers can warn you if you get the arguments wrong to printf, if you invoke it with enough warning flags.)
For historical reasons, you can not pass an integer argument of smaller rank than int, or a floating type of smaller rank than double to a variadic function. A float will be converted to double and a char will be converted to int (or unsigned int on bizarre implementations) through a process called the default argument promotions.
When printf parses its parameters (arguments are passed to a function, parameters are what the function receives), it retrieves them using whatever method is appropriate for the type specified by the format string. The "%f" specifier expects a double. The "%X" specifier expects an unsigned int.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve a double, you invoke undefined behaviour.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve an unsigned int, you invoke undefined behaviour.
Undefined behaviour may include (but is not limited to) printing strange values, crashing your program or (the most insidious of them all) doing exactly what you expect.
Source: n1570 (The final public draft of the current C standard)
You need to use a cast operator like this:
char c = 'z';
printf("%f %X", (float)c, c);
printf("%f %X", (double)c, c);
In Xcode, if I do not do this, I get the warning:
Format specifies specifies 'double' but the argument has type 'char', and the output is 0.000000.
I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
The question is, what value did you expect to see? Why would you expect something other than 0?
The short answer to your question is that the behavior of printf is undefined if the type of the argument doesn't match the conversion specifier. The %f conversion specifier expects its corresponding argument to have type double; if it isn't, all bets are off, and the exact output will vary.
To understand the floating point issue, consider reading:
As for hexadecimal, let me guess.. the output was something like... 99?
This is because of encodings.. the machine has to represent information in some format, and usually that format entails either giving meanings to certain bits in a number, or having a table of symbols to numbers, or both
Floating points are sometimes represented as a (sign,mantissa,exponent) triplet all packed in a 32 or 64 bit number - characters are sometimes represented in a format named ASCII, which establishes which number corresponds to each character you type
Because printf, like any function that work with varargs, eg: int foobar(const char fmt, ...) {} tries to interpret its parameter to certain type.
If you say "%f", then pass c (as a char), then printf will try to read a float.
You can read more here: var_arg (even if this is C++, it still applies).

Wrong format specifiers in scanf (or) printf

As of the printf function is concerned, I understand the following from few references and experiments.
When we try to print an integer value with format specifiers that are used for float (or) double and vice the versa the behaviour is unpredictable.
But it is possible to use %c to print the character equivalent of the integer value. Also using of %d to print ASCII value (integer representations) of character is acceptable.
Similarly, what is the behaviour of scanf, if there is a mismatch of format specifier and the arguements passed to scanf. Does the standards define it?
Variadic arguments (those matching the ellipsis, ...) are default-promoted. That means that all shorter integral types are promoted to int (or unsigned, as appropriate). There's no difference between inte­gers and characters (I believe). The difference between %d and %c in printf is merely how the value is formatted.
scanf is a different kettle of fish. All the arguments you pass are pointers. There's no default-pro­mo­tion among pointers, and it is crucial that you pass the exact format specifier that matches the type of the pointee.
In either case, if your format specifier doesn't match the supplied argument (e.g. passing an int * to a %p in printf), the result is undefined behaviour, which is far worse than being "unpredictable" -- it means your program is simply ill-formed.
printf and scanf are confusing, because they're pretty special and unusual functions. Both of them accept a variable number of arguments. And this means that the rules for matching the types of the arguments, and the automatic conversions that might happen, are different than for other functions.
For most functions, the compiler knows exactly what type(s) of arguments(s) are expected. For example, if you call
#include <math.h>
int i = 144;
printf("%f\n", sqrt(i));
it works fine. The sqrt function expects an argument of type double, but the compiler knows this, so it can insert an automatic conversion, just as if you had written
printf("%f\n", sqrt((double)i));
(Footnote: The compiler knows about sqrt's expected argument type from the function prototype found in <math.h>.)
But printf accepts a variable number of arguments, of any types. You can pass just about anything, as long as the format specifiers match:
int i1 = 12, i2 = 34;
float f1 = 56.78, f2 = 9.10;
printf("%d %d %f %f\n", i1, i2, f1, f2);
printf("%f %f %d %d\n", f1, f2, i1, i2);
But that's the key: as long as the format specifiers match. In a call to a function with a variable number of arguments, like printf, the compiler does not attempt (it's not even allowed to attempt) to convert each argument to the type expected by the corresponding format specifier. So if there are gross mismatches, like trying to use %f to print an integer, it doesn't work, and in fact crazy things can happen.
But, just to keep things interesting, when you call a function that takes a variable number of arguments, like printf, there's another set of conversions that are automatically performed. They're called the default argument promotions. Basically, anything of type char or short is automatically converted ("promoted") to int, and anything of type float automatically converted to double. So you can get away with some mismatches: you can print a char or a short using %d, and you can print either a float or a double using %f. And since char is always promoted to int, that means %c is actually going to receive an int, and this means you can pass a regular int and print it with %c, also.
But it's easy to get this stuff wrong, especially since we're used to the compiler converting everything properly for us when we call other functions, like sqrt. So, a good compiler will peek at the format string, and use it to predict what types of arguments you ought to pass, and if you're passing something wrong, the compiler can issue a warning. If your compiler isn't issuing such warnings, it would be a good idea to figure out how to enable them, or if not, perhaps get a better compiler.
And then we come to scanf. scanf also accepts a variable number of arguments, which are supposed to match the specifiers on the format string. However, for scanf, all of the arguments you pass are pointers, to variables of yours which you're asking scanf to fill in with the values it reads. And it turns out this means that no automatic conversions are possible, and you must pass all arguments as pointers of exactly the right type. Here is a table listing some of them:
corresponding argument
pointer to char
pointer to short
pointer to int
pointer to long
pointer to float
pointer to double
pointer to char [note]
So there's no automatic conversion from char and short to int like there is for printf, and there's no automatic conversion from float to double If you're reading a float you have to use %f, and if you're reading a double you have to use %d.
Again, though, a good compiler will warn you about any mismatches, and it's a very good idea to seek out and pay attention to those warnings!
There is one "conversion" that happens automatically when you call scanf, but it has nothing to do with scanf. If you're using %s to read a string, you're supposed to pass an argument of type pointer-to-char, although it has to be a pointer to some number of contiguous characters, because scanf probably isn't going to read a single character; it's probably going to read a string of several characters. So it's pretty common to pass scanf an array of characters, and this is okay, because whenever you use an array in an expression in C, like when you pass it to a function (like scanf), the value that gets used is a pointer to the array's first element, which works just fine, and is what scanf is expecting. That is, both
char *p = malloc(10);
scanf("%9s", p);
char a[1-];
scanf("%9s", a);
will work. (And note that this is the one case where you do not need to use a & on a variable you pass to scanf.)

isalpha() giving an assertion

I have a C code in which I am using standard library function isalpha() in ctype.h, This is on Visual Studio 2010-Windows.
In below code, if char c is '£', the isalpha call returns an assertion as shown in the snapshot below:
char c='£';
printf ("character %c is alphabetic\n",c);
printf ("character %c is NOT alphabetic\n",c);
I can see that this might be because 8 bit ASCII does not have this character.
So how do I handle such Non-ASCII characters outside of ASCII table?
What I want to do is if any non-alphabetic character is found(even if it includes such character not in 8-bit ASCII table) i want to be able to neglect it.
You may want to cast the value sent to isalpha (and the other functions declared in <ctype.h>) to unsigned char
isalpha((unsigned char)value)
It's one of the (not so) few occasions where a cast is appropriate in C.
Edited to add an explanation.
According to the standard, emphasis is mine
1 The header <ctype.h> declares several functions useful for classifying and mapping
characters. In all cases the argument is an int, the value of which shall be
representable as an unsigned char or shall equal the value of the macro EOF. If the
argument has any other value, the behavior is undefined.
The cast to unsigned char ensures calling isalpha() does not invoke Undefined Behaviour.
You must pass an int to isalpha(), not a char. Note the standard prototype for this function:
int isalpha(int c);
Passing an 8-bit signed character will cause the value to be converted into a negative integer, resulting in an illegal negative offset into the internal arrays typically used by isxxxx().
However you must ensure that your char is treated as unsigned when casting - you can't simply cast it directly to an int, because if it's an 8-bit character the resulting int would still be negative.
The typical way to ensure this works is to cast it to an unsigned char, and then rely on implicit type conversion to convert that into an int.
char c = '£';
int a = isalpha((unsigned char) c);
You may be compiling using wchar (UNICODE) as character type, in that case the isalpha method to use is iswalpha
