Windows Phone 7 Silverlight MVVM (and other) frameworks - silverlight

What are the available mvvm frameworks for WP7 out there today? Which one(s) would you recommend and why? Are there other useful frameworks one should consider when starting WP7 silverlight development.
Thanks for posting your experiences so far.

Have a look at this MVVM framework comparer. You can filter the frameworks by supported platform (WPF, SL, Windows Phone)

I've had good experiences with MVVM Light Toolkit, using the Silverlight Unit Test Framework for unit testing.
Admittedly I don't have any experience of any other MVVM toolkits, but it seems to work. I'm not using it extensively, and the ViewModelLocator pattern hasn't been terribly helpful for me - but I suspect it depends on exactly what you're doing with it.


what's a framework used to build a wpf project?

i had an interview yesterday. i'm new with the wpf technology and they asked me what's the framework i used to build my project? (it's not .Net framework)
it's smth like best practices.
have you an idea about this?
There are several MVVM frameworks to build WPF applications like the following:
Caliburn Micro
MVVM Light Toolkit
I believe that for other than trivial applications you should use a MVVM framework.

Powerbuilder .net, MVVM and unit testing

I'm complitely new to powerbuilder .NET
And I was working with WPF and used MVVM.
Is there any way to work with powerbuilder .net WPF and use MVVM design?
Can you tell me please the best practices and frameworks to work with it and with unit tests?
This demos could help you :

Good opensource WPF applications

I have experience with Silverlight + MVVM + WCF RIA. My next project will be developing by WPF and its architecture is 3-tiers. I want to know are there good example for this kind of project?
The MVVM is pretty cool and here is a MVVM lite which make your developement more easier.
Also, I recommend to check the project "Ribbon for WPF" which uses binding a lot. You can download from "" which comes with the source code and samples.

Silverlight Design Architecture

Is there a good Silverlight Design Architecture?
There is Prism it was originally designed for WPF but there is now a Silverlight release.
Also there is Caliburn, an "Application Framework for Silverlight and WPF".
You could take a look at Rocky Lhotka's CSLA.NET for Silverlight - CslaLight
Soon, Microsoft will be releasing a new version of Prism (though unlike the earlier answer), the Silverlight version of Prism is just a proof of concept. The PnP team hope to have a full release in the next couple of months. The prevailing story today is to use the same MVVM pattern that WPF has had success with (searching for Silverlight and MVVM will yield a lot of info).

Silverlight 2 UI pattern

I have to build small (for now) admin app in Silverlight2, and would like to use some pattern for binding UI with my BL/DAL.
I found view-model-viewmodel and mvp/mvc patterns, where first one (V/M/VM) is specially suited for WPF apps, because it uses rich capabilities of WPF data-binding options. What do you suggest? Can you write simple example of V/M/VM for SL2?
Nikhil Kothari has a great set of examples (with code) on M-V-VM in Silverlight as well as a framework built with some very nice extra features. You should definitely check them out.
M-V-VM in Silverlight
The Patterns & Practices group at Microsoft has put together some guidance around doing WPF and Silverlight applications.
You might want to look at CSLA.NET for Silverlight. I've heard good things about it but haven't gotten around to try it yet myself.
CSLA .NET for Silverlight is a subset
of CSLA .NET targeted at the
Silverlight platform. CSLA .NET for
Silverlight offers nearly all the
benefits of CSLA .NET on Silverlight,
including data binding, validation,
business rules, authorization, n-level
undo and persistence.
The result is that CSLA .NET for
Silverlight enables the creation of a
rich object-oriented business layer
running on the Silverlight client,
that can transparently communicate
with CSLA .NET objects running on the
web and application servers.
Silverlight has also very powerful data-binding, so there is no problem with that.
The missing piece in Silverlight that affects more to the Model-View-ViewModel pattern is that it doesn’t implements commands like WPF. Here is an article by Josh Smith that reproduces the command pattern of WPF in Silverlight.
Shawn Wildermuth of wrote an article about the MV-VM Pattern, check it out, here is the link of the article "Model-View-ViewModel In Silverlight 2 Apps"
Norwegian developer Gjøran had a very nice presentation/demo at MSDN Live about writing business apps in WPF. Really it was about using Presentation Model with Silverlight/WPF. Have a look at the source code from this article on his blog (sorry, the slides are in Norwegian only). Presentation Model + silverlight 2 rocks!!!
