Using hardware timer in C - c

Okay, so I've got some C code to perform a mathematical operation which could, pretty much, take any length of time (depending on the operands supplied to it, of course). I was wondering if there is a way to register some kind of method which will be called every n seconds which can analyse the state of the operation, i.e. what iteration it is currently at, possibly using a hardware timer interrupt or something?
The reason I ask this is because I know the common way to implement this is to be keeping track of the current iteration in a variable; say, an integer called progress and have an IF statement like this in the code:
if ((progress % 10000) == 0)
printf("Currently at iteration %d\n", progress);
but I believe that a mod operation takes a relatively long time to execute, so the idea of having it inside a loop which will be ran many, many times scares me, from an optimisation point of view.
So I get the feeling that having an external way of signalling a progress print is nice and efficient. Are there any great ways to perform this, or is the simple 'mod check' the best (in terms of optimising)?

I'd go with the mod check, but maybe with subtractions instead :-)
icount = 0;
progress = 10000;
/* ... */
if (--progress == 0) {
progress = 10000;
printf("Currently at iteration %d0000\n", ++icount);
/* ... */

While mod operations are usually slow, the compiler should be able to optimize and predict this really well and only mis-predict once ever 10'000 ifs, burning one mod operation and ~20 cycles (for the mis-prediction) on it, which is fine. So you are trying to optimize one mod operation every 10'000 iterations. Of course this assumes you are running it on a modern and typical CPU, and not some embedded system with unknown specs. This should even be faster than having a counter variable.
Suggestion: Test it with and without the timing code, and figure out a complex solution if there is really a problem.
Premature optimisation is the root of all evil. -Knuth

mod is about the same speed as division, on most CPU's these days that means about 5-10 cycles... in other words hardly anything, slower than multiply/add/subtract, but not enough to really worry about.
However you are right to want to avoid sting in a loop spinning if you're doing work in another thread or something like that, if you're on a unixish system there's timer_create() or on linux the much easier to use timerfd_create()
But for single threaded, just putting that if in is enough.

Use alarm setitimer to raise SIGALRM signals at regular intervals.
struct itimerval interval;
void handler( int x ) {
write( STDOUT_FILENO, ".", 1 ); /* Defined in POSIX, not in C */
int main() {
signal( SIGALRM, &handler );
interval.it_value.tv_sec = 5; /* display after 5 seconds */
interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 5; /* then display every 5 seconds */
setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &interval, NULL );
/* do computations */
interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; /* don't display progress any more */
setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &interval, NULL );
printf( "\n" ); /* done with the dots! */
Note, only a smattering of functions are OK to call inside handler. They are listed partway down this page. If you want to communicate anything for a fancier printout, do it through a sig_atomic_t variable.

you could have a global variable for the iterations, which you could monitor from an external thread.
While () {
You may need to watch out for data races though.


Duration for Sound on the 8051

I am trying to create a short tune using timers on the 8051. I am trying to send a square wave with a specified frequency to create the notes.
However, with my current code all I am getting is one infinite note, that never stops playing. Any help figuring out how to stop the note, and create a duration function would be greatly appreciated.
sbit speaker=P1^7;
void tone(unsigned char, unsigned char);
void main()
P1M1 = 0;
P1M2 = 0;
tone(0xC8, 0xF3);
void tone(unsigned char highval, unsigned char lowval)
I haven't programmed 8051's devices in a long time, but here's what I'd do:
1.a. figure out if it's tone() that never exits
1.b. if it is, I'd make sure that the while loop is indeed in there (see the disassembly of tone()), if it's not, the compiler optimizes the check out and it needs fixing (e.g. declaring TF0 as volatile)
1.c. see if the check is correct (the right bit in the right register, etc)
write an assembly routine to waste N CPU clocks, use the slowest instruction (was MUL or DIV the slowest?) in a loop or simply repeated M times so you get like a 10 ms delay or something, write a C function to call that routine as many times as necessary (e.g. 100 times for 1 second). (You could use a timer here, but this may be the simplest)

Using multithreads to calculate data but it does't reduce the time

My CPU has four cores,MAC os. I use 4 threads to calculate an array. But the time of calculating does't being reduced. If I don't use multithread, the time of calculating is about 52 seconds. But even I use 4 multithreads, or 2 threads, the time doesn't change.
(I know why this happen now. The problem is that I use clock() to calculate the time. It is wrong when it is used in multithread program because this function will multiple the real time based on the num of threads. When I use time() to calculate the time, the result is correct.)
The output of using 2 threads:
id 1 use time = 43 sec to finish
id 0 use time = 51 sec to finish
time for round 1 = 51 sec
id 1 use time = 44 sec to finish
id 0 use time = 52 sec to finish
time for round 2 = 52 sec
id 1 and id 0 is thread 1 and thread 0. time for round is the time of finishing two threads. If I don't use multithread, time for round is also about 52 seconds.
This is the part of calling 4 threads:
pthread_create(&thread_t_id[j], NULL, Multi_Calculate, &cal_arg[j]);
pthread_join(thread_t_id[j], NULL);
int round_time=(int)((time_round_end-time_round_start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
printf("time for round %d = %d sec\n",i,round_time);
This is the code inside the thread function:
void *Multi_Calculate(void *arg)
struct multi_cal_data cal=*((struct multi_cal_data *)arg);
int p_id=cal.thread_id;
int i=0;
int root_level=0;
int leaf_addr=0;
int neighbor_root_level=0;
int neighbor_leaf_addr=0;
Neighbor *locate_neighbor=(Neighbor *)malloc(sizeof(Neighbor));
printf("id:%d, start:%d end:%d,round:%d\n",p_id,cal.start_num,cal.end_num,cal.roundth);
//ignore, because this is a gap, no this node
int k=0;
double tmp_credit=0;
tmp_credit += root_addr[neighbor_root_level][neighbor_leaf_addr].g_credit[cal.roundth-1]/root_addr[neighbor_root_level][neighbor_leaf_addr].degree;
return 0;
The array is very large, each thread calculate part of the array.
Is there something wrong with my code?
It could be a bug, but if you feel the code is correct, then the overhead of parallelization, mutexes and such, might mean the overall performance (runtime) is the same as for the non-parallelized code, for the size of elements to compute against.
It might be an interesting study, to do looped code, single-threaded, and the threaded code, against very large arrays (100k elements?), and see if the results start to diverge to be faster in the parallel/threaded code?
Amdahl's law, also known as Amdahl's argument,[1] is used to find the maximum expected improvement to an overall system when only part of the system is improved. It is often used in parallel computing to predict the theoretical maximum speedup using multiple processors.
You don't always gain speed by multi-threading a program. There is a certain amount of overhead that comes with threading. Unless there is enough inefficiencies in the non-threaded code to make up for the overhead, you'll not see an improvement. A lot can be learned about how multi-threading works even if the program you write ends up running slower.
I know why this happen now. The problem is that I use clock() to calculate the time. It is wrong when it is used in multithread program because this function will multiple the real time based on the num of threads. When I use time() to calculate the time, the result is correct.

How to shorten time quantum in measuring time difference?

I'm trying to measure user reaction time. My code looks like this:
int clocks2ms(clock_t range) {
return (int)((double)range*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
clock_t start = clock(); // start measuring
while(!kbhit()); // wait for keypress
int reaction = clocks2ms(clock()-start); // measure reaction
The reaction time is 186ms (+-1ms), 201ms, 216ms etc, so there are equal 15ms gaps. Is there any way to shorten the gaps? I tried to run it with realtime priority
start "test" /Realtime "test.exe"
but nothing changed. I'd like to get 1ms accurancy.
You'll have to use a timer with a higher precision like GetPerformanceCounter() (ref):
// Do stuff...
double TimeDelta = (EndCounter.QuadPart - StartCounter.QuadPart) / (double) Frequency.QuadPart;
Note that I've omitted error checking for the Query... functions in the example code above.
2 approaches to gain more precise answers.
Synchronize the start. Rather than start someplace within a clock tick, start just after a change. This will typically reduce the "jitter" of the start. This idea is the better of the 2 - it does not gain a more precise answer but does improve accuracy.
clock_t prestart = clock();
clock_t start,end;
while((start = clock()) == prestart); //
puts("Hit Any Key");
while(!kbhit()); // wait for keypress
end = clock();
int reaction = clocks2ms(end-start);
Clock cycles after end sample. This potentially improves precision, but depends on the stability of the system - that is how much other processing is going on.
unsigned count = 0;
while(!kbhit()); // wait for keypress
end = clock();
while(end == clock()) count++;
int reaction = clocks2ms(end + (max_cnt_per_tck-count)/max_cnt_per_tck - start);
Of course neither of these methods are better than access to a higher precision clock as suggest by #uesp. They suffer from real time aspects of systems such as the inconsistency in the time to print() or interrupts that may occur between this thread's code. But they do offer some improvement when a more precise time source is not available.
If the time resolution of kbhit() is the problem here, then there are a few alternatives you could try:
Since the kbhit() function is actually deprecated, you might get better results using the _kbhit() function instead.
If you are able to compile your project with ncurses, there is a getch() function that fetches characters without waiting for the return key.
This question at the C FAQ lists a few other ways of fetching characters from the console that might give better results.

Performance of array of functions over if and switch statements

I am writing a very performance critical part of the code and I had this crazy idea about substituting case statements (or if statements) with array of function pointers.
Let me demonstrate; here goes the normal version:
/* 'option' changes on every iteration */
case 0: /* simple task */ break;
case 1: /* simple task */ break;
case 2: /* simple task */ break;
case 3: /* simple task */ break;
And here is the "callback function" version:
void task0(void) {
/* simple task */
void task1(void) {
/* simple task */
void task2(void) {
/* simple task */
void task3(void) {
/* simple task */
void (*task[4]) (void);
task[0] = task0;
task[1] = task1;
task[2] = task2;
task[3] = task3;
/* 'option' changes on every iteration */
/* and now we call the function with 'case' number */
(*task[option]) ();
So which version will be faster? Is the overhead of the function call eliminating speed benefit over normal switch (or if) statement?
Ofcourse the latter version is not so readable but I am looking for all the speed I can get.
I am about to benchmark this when I get things set up but if someone has an answer already, I wont bother.
I think at the end of the day your switch statements will be the fastest, because function pointers have the "overhead" of the lookup of the function and the function call itself. A switch is just a jmp table straight. It of course depends on different things which only testing can give you an answer to. That's my two cent worth.
The switch statement should be compiled into a branch table, which is essentially the same thing as your array of functions, if your compiler has at least basic optimization capability.
Which version will be faster depends. The naive implementation of switch is a huge if ... else if ... else if ... construction meaning it takes on average O(n) time to execute where n is the number of cases. Your jump table is O(1) so the more different cases there are and the more the later cases are used, the more likely the jump table is to be better. For a small number of cases or for switches where the first case is chosen more frequently than others, the naive implementation is better. The matter is complicated by the fact that the compiler may choose to use a jump table even when you have written a switch if it thinks that will be faster.
The only way to know which you should choose is to performance test your code.
First, I would randomly-pause it a few times, to make certain enough time is spent in this dispatching to even bother optimizing it.
Second, if it is, since each branch spends very few cycles, you want a jump table to get to the desired branch. The reason switch statements exist is to suggest to the compiler that it can generate one if the switch values are compact.
How long is the list of switch values? If it's short, the if-ladder could still be faster, especially if you put the most frequently used codes at the top. An alternative to an if-ladder (that I've never actually seen anyone use) is an if-tree, the code equivalent of a binary tree.
You probably don't want an array of function pointers. Yes, it's an array reference to get the function pointer, but there's several instructions' overhead in calling a function, and it sounds like that could overwhelm the small amount being done inside each function.
In any case, looking at the assembly language, or single-stepping at the instruction level, will give you a good idea how efficient it's being.
A good compiler will compile a switch with cases in a small numerical range as a single conditional to see if the value is in that range (which can sometimes be optimized out) followed by a jumptable jump. This will almost surely be faster than a function call (direct or indirect) because:
A jump is a lot less expensive than a call (which must save call-clobbered registers, adjust the stack, etc.).
The code in the switch statement cases can make use of expression values already cached in registers in the caller.
It's possible that an extremely advanced compiler could determine that the call-via-function pointer only refers to one of a small set of static-linkage functions, and thereby optimize things heavily, maybe even eliminating the calls and replacing them by jumps. But I wouldn't count on it.
I arrived at this post recently since I was wondering the same. I ended up taking the time to try it. It certainly depends greatly on what you're doing, but for my VM it was a decent speed up (15-25%), and allowed me to simplify some code (which is probably where a lot of the speedup came from). As an example (code simplified for clarity), a "for" loop was able to be easily implemented using a for loop:
void OpFor( Frame* frame, Instruction* &code )
i32 start = GET_OP_A(code);
i32 stop_value = GET_OP_B(code);
i32 step = GET_OP_C(code);
// instruction count (ie. block size)
u32 i_count = GET_OP_D(code);
// pointer to end of block (NOP if it branches)
Instruction* end = code + i_count;
if( step > 0 )
for( u32 i = start; i < stop_value; i += step )
// rewind instruction pointer
Instruction* cur = code;
// execute code inside for loop
while(cur != end)
cur->func(frame, cur);
// same with <=

Is this a good implementation of a FPS independant game loop?

I currently have something close to the following implementation of a FPS independent game loop for physics based games. It works very well on just about every computer I have tested it on, keeping the game speed consistent when frame rate drops. However I am going to be porting to embedded devices which will likely struggle harder with video and I am wondering if it will still cut the mustard.
For this question assume that msecs() returns the time passed in milliseconds which the program has run. The implementation of msecs is different on different platforms. This loop is also run in different ways on different platforms.
#define MSECS_PER_STEP 20
int stepCount, stepSize; // these are not globals in the real source
void loop() {
int i,j;
int iterations =0;
static int accumulator; // the accumulator holds extra msecs
static int lastMsec;
int deltatime = msec() - lastMsec;
lastMsec = msec();
// deltatime should be the time since the last call to loop
if (deltatime != 0) {
// iterations determines the number of steps which are needed
iterations = deltatime/MSECS_PER_STEP;
// save any left over millisecs in the accumulator
accumulator += deltatime%MSECS_PER_STEP;
// when the accumulator has gained enough msecs for a step...
while (accumulator >= MSECS_PER_STEP) {
accumulator -= MSECS_PER_STEP;
handleInput(); // gathers user input from an event queue
for (j=0; j<iterations; j++) {
// here step count is a way of taking a more granular step
// without effecting the overall speed of the simulation (step size)
for (i=0; i<stepCount; i++) {
doStep(stepSize/(float) stepCount); // forwards the sim
I just have a few comments. The first is that you don't have enough comments. There are places where it's not clear what you are trying to do so it is difficult to say if there is a better way to do it, but I'll point those out as I come to them. First, though:
#define MSECS_PER_STEP 20
int stepCount, stepSize; // these are not globals in the real source
void loop() {
int i,j;
int iterations =0;
static int accumulator; // the accumulator holds extra msecs
static int lastMsec;
These are not initialized to anything. The probably turn up as 0, but you should have initialized them. Also, rather than declaring them as static you might want to consider putting them in a structure that you pass into loop by reference.
int deltatime = msec() - lastMsec;
Since lastMsec wasn't (initialized and is probably 0) this probably starts out as a big delta.
lastMsec = msec();
This line, just like the last line, calls msec. This is probably meant as "the current time", and these calls are close enough that the returned value is probably the same for both calls, which is probably also what you expected, but still, you call the function twice. You should change these lines to int now = msec(); int deltatime = now - lastMsec; lastMsec = now; to avoid calling this function twice. Current time getting functions often have much higher overhead than you think.
if (deltatime != 0) {
iterations = deltatime/MSECS_PER_STEP;
accumulator += deltatime%MSECS_PER_STEP;
You should have a comment here that says what this does, as well as a comment above
that says what the variables were meant to mean.
while (accumulator >= MSECS_PER_STEP) {
accumulator -= MSECS_PER_STEP;
This loop needs a comment. It also needs to not be there. It appears that it could have been replaced with iterations += accumulator/MSECS_PER_STEP; accumulator %= MSECS_PER_STEP;. The division and modulus should run in shorter and more consistent time than the loop on any machine that has hardware division (which many do).
handleInput(); // gathers user input from an event queue
for (j=0; j<iterations; j++) {
for (i=0; i<stepCount; i++) {
doStep(stepSize/(float) stepCount); // forwards the sim
Doing steps in a loop independent of input will have the effect of making the game unresponsive if it does execute slow and get behind. It appears, at least, that if the game gets behind all of the input will start to stack up and get executed together and all of the in-game time will pass in one chunk. This is a less than graceful way to fail.
Additionally, I can guess what the j loop (outer loop) means, but the inner loop I am less clear on. also, the value passed to the doStep function -- what does that mean.
This is the last curly brace. I think that it looks lonely.
I don't know what goes on as far as whatever calls your loop function, which may be out of your control, and that may dictate what this function does and how it looks, but if not I hope that you will reconsider the structure. I believe that a better way to do it would be to have a function that is called repeatedly but with only one event at the time (issued regularly at a relatively short period). These events can be either user input events or timer events. User input events just set things up to react upon the next timer event. (when you don't have any events to process you sleep)
You should always assume that each timer event is processed at the same period, even though there may be some drift here if the processing gets behind. The main oddity that you may notice here is that if the game gets behind on processing timer events and then catches up again the time within the game may appear to slow down (below real time), then speed up (to real time), and then slow back down (to real time).
Ways to deal with this include only allowing one timer event to be in the event queue at one time, which would result in time appearing to slow down (below real time) and then speed back up (to real time) with no super speed interval.
Another way to do this, which is functionally similar to what you have, would be to have the last step of processing each timer event be to queue up the next timer event (note that no one else should send timer events {except for the first one} if this is the way you choose to implement the game). This would mean doing away with the regular time intervals between timer events and also restrict the ability for the program to sleep, since at the very least every time the event queue were inspected there would be a timer event to process.
