Is this a good implementation of a FPS independant game loop? - c

I currently have something close to the following implementation of a FPS independent game loop for physics based games. It works very well on just about every computer I have tested it on, keeping the game speed consistent when frame rate drops. However I am going to be porting to embedded devices which will likely struggle harder with video and I am wondering if it will still cut the mustard.
For this question assume that msecs() returns the time passed in milliseconds which the program has run. The implementation of msecs is different on different platforms. This loop is also run in different ways on different platforms.
#define MSECS_PER_STEP 20
int stepCount, stepSize; // these are not globals in the real source
void loop() {
int i,j;
int iterations =0;
static int accumulator; // the accumulator holds extra msecs
static int lastMsec;
int deltatime = msec() - lastMsec;
lastMsec = msec();
// deltatime should be the time since the last call to loop
if (deltatime != 0) {
// iterations determines the number of steps which are needed
iterations = deltatime/MSECS_PER_STEP;
// save any left over millisecs in the accumulator
accumulator += deltatime%MSECS_PER_STEP;
// when the accumulator has gained enough msecs for a step...
while (accumulator >= MSECS_PER_STEP) {
accumulator -= MSECS_PER_STEP;
handleInput(); // gathers user input from an event queue
for (j=0; j<iterations; j++) {
// here step count is a way of taking a more granular step
// without effecting the overall speed of the simulation (step size)
for (i=0; i<stepCount; i++) {
doStep(stepSize/(float) stepCount); // forwards the sim

I just have a few comments. The first is that you don't have enough comments. There are places where it's not clear what you are trying to do so it is difficult to say if there is a better way to do it, but I'll point those out as I come to them. First, though:
#define MSECS_PER_STEP 20
int stepCount, stepSize; // these are not globals in the real source
void loop() {
int i,j;
int iterations =0;
static int accumulator; // the accumulator holds extra msecs
static int lastMsec;
These are not initialized to anything. The probably turn up as 0, but you should have initialized them. Also, rather than declaring them as static you might want to consider putting them in a structure that you pass into loop by reference.
int deltatime = msec() - lastMsec;
Since lastMsec wasn't (initialized and is probably 0) this probably starts out as a big delta.
lastMsec = msec();
This line, just like the last line, calls msec. This is probably meant as "the current time", and these calls are close enough that the returned value is probably the same for both calls, which is probably also what you expected, but still, you call the function twice. You should change these lines to int now = msec(); int deltatime = now - lastMsec; lastMsec = now; to avoid calling this function twice. Current time getting functions often have much higher overhead than you think.
if (deltatime != 0) {
iterations = deltatime/MSECS_PER_STEP;
accumulator += deltatime%MSECS_PER_STEP;
You should have a comment here that says what this does, as well as a comment above
that says what the variables were meant to mean.
while (accumulator >= MSECS_PER_STEP) {
accumulator -= MSECS_PER_STEP;
This loop needs a comment. It also needs to not be there. It appears that it could have been replaced with iterations += accumulator/MSECS_PER_STEP; accumulator %= MSECS_PER_STEP;. The division and modulus should run in shorter and more consistent time than the loop on any machine that has hardware division (which many do).
handleInput(); // gathers user input from an event queue
for (j=0; j<iterations; j++) {
for (i=0; i<stepCount; i++) {
doStep(stepSize/(float) stepCount); // forwards the sim
Doing steps in a loop independent of input will have the effect of making the game unresponsive if it does execute slow and get behind. It appears, at least, that if the game gets behind all of the input will start to stack up and get executed together and all of the in-game time will pass in one chunk. This is a less than graceful way to fail.
Additionally, I can guess what the j loop (outer loop) means, but the inner loop I am less clear on. also, the value passed to the doStep function -- what does that mean.
This is the last curly brace. I think that it looks lonely.
I don't know what goes on as far as whatever calls your loop function, which may be out of your control, and that may dictate what this function does and how it looks, but if not I hope that you will reconsider the structure. I believe that a better way to do it would be to have a function that is called repeatedly but with only one event at the time (issued regularly at a relatively short period). These events can be either user input events or timer events. User input events just set things up to react upon the next timer event. (when you don't have any events to process you sleep)
You should always assume that each timer event is processed at the same period, even though there may be some drift here if the processing gets behind. The main oddity that you may notice here is that if the game gets behind on processing timer events and then catches up again the time within the game may appear to slow down (below real time), then speed up (to real time), and then slow back down (to real time).
Ways to deal with this include only allowing one timer event to be in the event queue at one time, which would result in time appearing to slow down (below real time) and then speed back up (to real time) with no super speed interval.
Another way to do this, which is functionally similar to what you have, would be to have the last step of processing each timer event be to queue up the next timer event (note that no one else should send timer events {except for the first one} if this is the way you choose to implement the game). This would mean doing away with the regular time intervals between timer events and also restrict the ability for the program to sleep, since at the very least every time the event queue were inspected there would be a timer event to process.


Protecting against overflow in a delay function

I have in a project of mine a small delay function that I have written myself by making use of a timer peripheral of my MCU:
static void delay100Us(void)
uint_64 ctr = TIMER_read(0); //10ns resolution
uint_64 ctr2 = ctr + 10000;
while(ctr <= ctr2) //wait 100 microseconds(10000)
ctr = TIMER_read(0);
The counter is a freerunning hw counter with 10ns resolution so I wrote that function as to give approximately 100us delay.
I think this should work in principle however there could be the situation where the timer is less than 10000 from overflowing and so ctr2 will get assigned a value which is more than ctr can actually reach and therefore I would end up getting stuck into an infinite loop.
I need to generate a delay using this timer in my project so I need to somehow make sure that I always get the same delay(100us) while at the same time protect myself from getting stuck there.
Is there any way I can do this or is this just a limitation that I can't get passed?
Thank you!
ctr_start = TimerRead(); //get initial value for the counter
interval = TimerRead() - ctr_start;
while(interval <= 10000)
interval = ( TimerRead() - ctr_start + countersize ) % countersize;
Where countersize = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
It can be dangerous to wait for a specific timer value in case an interrupt happens at just that moment and you miss the required count. So it is better to wait until the counter has reached at least the target value. But as noticed, comparing the timer with a target value creates a problem when the target is lower than the initial value.
One way to avoid this problem is to consider the interval that has elapsed with unsigned variables and arithmetic. Their behaviour is well defined when values wrap.
A hardware counter is almost invariably of size 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits, so choose a variable type to suit. Suppose the counter is 32-bit:
void delay(uint32_t period)
uint32_t mark = TIMER_read(0);
uint32_t interval;
do {
interval = TIMER_read(0) - mark; // underflow is well defined
} while(interval < period);
Obviously, the required period must be less than the counter's period. If not, either scale the timer's clock, or use another method (such as a counter maintained by interrupt).
Sometimes a one-shot timer is used to count down the required period, but using a free-run counter is easy, and using a one-shot timer means it can't be used by another process at the same time.

Average from error prone measurement samples without buffering

I got a µC which measures temperature with of a sensor with an ADC. Due to various circumstances it can happen, that the reading is 0 (-30°C) or a impossible large Value (500-1500°C). I can't fix the reasons why these readings are so bad (time critical ISRs and sometimes a bad wiring) so I have to fix it with a clever piece of code.
I've come up with this (code gets called OVERSAMPLENR-times in a ISR):
#define OVERSAMPLENR 16 //read value 16 times
#define TEMP_VALID_CHANGE 0.15 //15% change in reading is possible
//float raw_tem_bed_value = <sum of all readings>;
//ADC = <AVR ADC reading macro>;
if(temp_count > 1) { //temp_count = amount of samples read, gets increased elsewhere
float avgRaw = raw_temp_bed_value / temp_count;
float diff = (avgRaw > ADC ? avgRaw - ADC : ADC - avgRaw) / (avgRaw == 0 ? 1 : avgRaw); //pulled out to shorten the line for SO
if (diff > TEMP_VALID_CHANGE * ((OVERSAMPLENR - temp_count) / OVERSAMPLENR)) //subsequent readings have a smaller tollerance
raw_temp_bed_value += avgRaw;
raw_temp_bed_value += ADC;
} else {
raw_temp_bed_value = ADC;
Where raw_temp_bed_value is a static global and gets read and processed later, when the ISR got fired 16 times.
As you can see, I check if the difference between the current average and the new reading is less then 15%. If so I accept the reading, if not, I reject it and add the current average instead.
But this breaks horribly if the first reading is something impossible.
One solution I though of is:
In the last line the raw_temp_bed_value is reset to the first ADC reading. It would be better to reset this to raw_temp_bed_value/OVERSAMPLENR. So I don't run in a "first reading error".
Do you have any better solutions? I though of some solutions featuring a moving average and use the average of the moving average but this would require additional arrays/RAM/cycles which we want to prevent.
I've often used something what I call rate of change to the sampling. Use a variable that represents how many samples it takes to reach a certain value, like 20. Then keep adding your sample difference to a variable divided by the rate of change. You can still use a threshold to filter out unlikely values.
float RateOfChange = 20;
float PreviousAdcValue = 0;
float filtered = FILTER_PRESET;
//isr gets adc value here
filtered = filtered + ((AdcValue - PreviousAdcValue)/RateOfChange);
PreviousAdcValue = AdcValue;
Please note that this isn't exactly like a low pass filter, it responds quicker and the last value added has the most significance. But it will not change much if a single value shoots out too much, depending on the rate of change.
You can also preset the filtered value to something sensible. This prevents wild startup behavior.
It takes up to RateOfChange samples to reach a stable value. You may want to make sure the filtered value isn't used before that by using a counter to count the number of samples taken for example. If the counter is lower than RateOfChange, skip processing temperature control.
For a more advanced (temperature) control routine, I highly recommend looking into PID control loops. These add a plethora of functionality to get a fast, stable response and keep something at a certain temperature efficiently and keep oscillations to a minimum. I've used the one used in the Marlin firmware in my own projects and works quite well.

Getting more precise timing control in Linux

I am trying to create a low-jitter multicast source for digital TV. The program in question should buffer the input, calculate the intended times from the PCR values in the stream and then send the packets at relatively precise intervals. However, this is not running on a RTOS, so some timing variance is expected.
This is the basic code (the relevant variables are initialized, I just omitted the code here):
while (!sendstop) {
//put 7 MPEG packets in one UDP packet buffer "outpkt"
waittime = //calculate from PCR values - value is in microseconds
//waittime is in the order of 2000 -> 2ms
sleeptime.tv_nsec += waittime * 1000L;
sleeptime.tv_sec += sleeptime.tv_nsec / 1000000000;
sleeptime.tv_nsec %= 1000000000;
while (clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &sleeptime, NULL) && errno == EINTR) {
sendto(sck,outpkt,1316,0,res->ai_addr,res->ai_addrlen); //send the packet
However, this results in the sending being too slow (since there is some processing that also takes time), so the buffer fills up. So, I thought that I should get the difference between "sleeptime" (the time that should have been) and "curtime" (the actual time) and the subtract it from the future "waittime". This almost works, but now is a bit too fast and now I get an empty buffer.
My next idea was to multiply the difference by some value before subtracting it, like this (just above "while..."):
if (difn<0) difn+=1000000000;
sleeptime.tv_nsec = sleeptime.tv_nsec-(difn*difnc)/1000; //difnc - adjustment
if (sleeptime.tv_nsec<0) {
However, different values of difnc work at different times of day, servers and so on. There needs to be some kind of automatic adjustment based on the operation of the program. The best I could figure out was to increment/decrement it every time the buffer is full or empty, however, this leads to slow cycles of "too fast" - "too slow". I tried to adjust the "difnc" value based on how full/empty the buffer is but that too just leads of "slow"-"fast" cycles.
How can I properly automatically derive the "difnc" value or is there some other method of getting a more precise timing than with just the "clock_nanosleep" function but without busy waits (the server has other things to do)?

Duration for Sound on the 8051

I am trying to create a short tune using timers on the 8051. I am trying to send a square wave with a specified frequency to create the notes.
However, with my current code all I am getting is one infinite note, that never stops playing. Any help figuring out how to stop the note, and create a duration function would be greatly appreciated.
sbit speaker=P1^7;
void tone(unsigned char, unsigned char);
void main()
P1M1 = 0;
P1M2 = 0;
tone(0xC8, 0xF3);
void tone(unsigned char highval, unsigned char lowval)
I haven't programmed 8051's devices in a long time, but here's what I'd do:
1.a. figure out if it's tone() that never exits
1.b. if it is, I'd make sure that the while loop is indeed in there (see the disassembly of tone()), if it's not, the compiler optimizes the check out and it needs fixing (e.g. declaring TF0 as volatile)
1.c. see if the check is correct (the right bit in the right register, etc)
write an assembly routine to waste N CPU clocks, use the slowest instruction (was MUL or DIV the slowest?) in a loop or simply repeated M times so you get like a 10 ms delay or something, write a C function to call that routine as many times as necessary (e.g. 100 times for 1 second). (You could use a timer here, but this may be the simplest)

Using hardware timer in C

Okay, so I've got some C code to perform a mathematical operation which could, pretty much, take any length of time (depending on the operands supplied to it, of course). I was wondering if there is a way to register some kind of method which will be called every n seconds which can analyse the state of the operation, i.e. what iteration it is currently at, possibly using a hardware timer interrupt or something?
The reason I ask this is because I know the common way to implement this is to be keeping track of the current iteration in a variable; say, an integer called progress and have an IF statement like this in the code:
if ((progress % 10000) == 0)
printf("Currently at iteration %d\n", progress);
but I believe that a mod operation takes a relatively long time to execute, so the idea of having it inside a loop which will be ran many, many times scares me, from an optimisation point of view.
So I get the feeling that having an external way of signalling a progress print is nice and efficient. Are there any great ways to perform this, or is the simple 'mod check' the best (in terms of optimising)?
I'd go with the mod check, but maybe with subtractions instead :-)
icount = 0;
progress = 10000;
/* ... */
if (--progress == 0) {
progress = 10000;
printf("Currently at iteration %d0000\n", ++icount);
/* ... */
While mod operations are usually slow, the compiler should be able to optimize and predict this really well and only mis-predict once ever 10'000 ifs, burning one mod operation and ~20 cycles (for the mis-prediction) on it, which is fine. So you are trying to optimize one mod operation every 10'000 iterations. Of course this assumes you are running it on a modern and typical CPU, and not some embedded system with unknown specs. This should even be faster than having a counter variable.
Suggestion: Test it with and without the timing code, and figure out a complex solution if there is really a problem.
Premature optimisation is the root of all evil. -Knuth
mod is about the same speed as division, on most CPU's these days that means about 5-10 cycles... in other words hardly anything, slower than multiply/add/subtract, but not enough to really worry about.
However you are right to want to avoid sting in a loop spinning if you're doing work in another thread or something like that, if you're on a unixish system there's timer_create() or on linux the much easier to use timerfd_create()
But for single threaded, just putting that if in is enough.
Use alarm setitimer to raise SIGALRM signals at regular intervals.
struct itimerval interval;
void handler( int x ) {
write( STDOUT_FILENO, ".", 1 ); /* Defined in POSIX, not in C */
int main() {
signal( SIGALRM, &handler );
interval.it_value.tv_sec = 5; /* display after 5 seconds */
interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 5; /* then display every 5 seconds */
setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &interval, NULL );
/* do computations */
interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; /* don't display progress any more */
setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &interval, NULL );
printf( "\n" ); /* done with the dots! */
Note, only a smattering of functions are OK to call inside handler. They are listed partway down this page. If you want to communicate anything for a fancier printout, do it through a sig_atomic_t variable.
you could have a global variable for the iterations, which you could monitor from an external thread.
While () {
You may need to watch out for data races though.
