Update Dependency Property prior to program exit - wpf

I have created a dependency property of type Binary on a RichTextBox which allows me to bind to a FlowDocument which is in binary form (byte[]) within the ViewModel. This works well, the property converts to and back correctly.
Whenever the RichTextBox looses focus then the value of the dependency property is updated with the new binary representation of the FlowDocument.
My problem is that if I have been using the RichTextBox and I close the window, the RichTextBox does not lose focus and hence the dependency property is not updated with the new binary representation of the FlowDocument and therefore new changes are not commited to the database. In my ViewModel I have a method CleanUp which gets called when a ViewModel is getting ready to be disposed, where I can save the updated document.
How can I get the dependency property to update itself as the RichTextBox doesn't lose focus if the user clicks to close the window?
I brainstormed the following:
Tell the dependency property to update itself via a message broadcast. I am not clear on how to register a message listener within the dependency property.
Query the RichTextBox directly, get the Document, convert it to a binary object manually.
Get the view to move focus to a dummy control, so that the dependency property now updates itself.
What do you guys think?
Update: the on changed event for the dependency property adds a event handler which is waiting for the RichTextBox to loose focus. It is this handler that updates the dependency with its new value.

Use an UpdateSourceTrigger of "PropertyChanged"
Something like:
{Binding Path=MyProperty,

I had a similar problem once, the solution I used was to move the focus to a different control and I never had any problems with this.
In my case there were several editable controls in the window so I didn't have to use a dummy control.

What's stopping you from handling the closing/closed event of the Window and moving focus or updating the binding?


Pause property changed event while typing in Xceed decimal up down control

I have decimal up control in my wpf application. While I am trying to 0.5. When I am type 0 in decinmal up down text box. It will raise property changed event. In that property changed.
My requirement was to raise property change event when I am finish typing.
This decimal up control used lot of places in my application. How to write code in (generic way/ single place) to resolve that issue.
Every Binding has the Property "UpdateSourceTrigger".
I would try to set that value to "LostFocus" so PropertyChanged should only be invoked when the control looses focus.
{Binding value, UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}
A good explanation of UpdateSourceTrigger is at: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/507883/UpdateSourceTrigger-Property-in-WPF-Binding

Ignoring text/value changes due to databinding

How does one ignore changes to a control when databinding occurs? I tried hooking various events like gotfocus,textchanged,and leavefocus, but if the control already has focus and the user "cancels" their changes, when I reload the record and data binding takes over, textchanged thinks the user still made the change since the focus is on that control. The call stack is empty. Are there any global data binding events like databinding starting and databinding ending? I see where I fire my OnProperyChanged but within that call, databinding does not occur. Looks like it's getting "queued" up and runs at some other point.
At one point, I was going to hook the property change events in our view model , but this means I won't detect and can't VISUALLY display the form is modified till the user leaves the control. I know, I know, I can change all my bindings so that binding occurs immediately on every character change but then this messes with some validation cases as the user hasn't finished typing in their value.
I'd really love some kind of event like TextChangedByUser that would fire whether the user used a key, clipboard, mouse clipboard, anything triggered by the user.
I just can't figure out how to distinguish between user changes and databinding changes.
I'd really love some kind of event like TextChangedByUser that would
fire whether the user used a key, clipboard, mouse clipboard, anything
triggered by the user.
I just can't figure out how to distinguish between user changes and
databinding changes.
Don't use the Text.TextChanged event to detect user input,
use the Binding.SourceUpdated event instead.
Or more general:
Don't use the DPs of your visual elements to detect user updates, use the Binding.SourceUpdated event instead.
This is a RoutedEvent.
At your binding, you have to set NotifyOnSourceUpdated = true. With help of UpdateSourceTrigger you are even able to finetune when you want to be informed.
Your xaml could be sth like this:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Binding.SourceUpdated="LayoutRoot_SourceUpdated">
<Binding NotifyOnSourceUpdated="True" Path="path" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" >
Your event could be like this:
private void LayoutRoot_SourceUpdated(object sender, DataTransferEventArgs e)
// called every time s.th. changed by user
(edited due to comment)
Why is this a valid way to detect if an input is triggered in any way by the user?
In the given example, the TextBox's DataContext 'path' property is the source, while the 'TextBox.Text' property is the target.
[Data Binding Overview]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752347.aspx
The TextBox.Text property is changed for the first time when the binding initializes and the source-value is written to the 'TextBox.Text' property. Because you do not know when the binding takes place exactly you cannot use the TextBox.Text property or any of its events (e.g. TextChanged) to detect a user input. Hence:
Don't use the Text.TextChanged event to detect user input!!! more general: Don't use the DPs of your visual elements to detect user updates!!!
If the user changes the content of the visual text field by which means whatsoever, the 'TextBox.Text' property changes (your target).After that, the binding updates the source at a time defined by UpdateSourceTrigger.That's when the SourceUpdated event is fired.
I admit not to know the effect of changes to the binding source from outside the binding.
But I have a complete Editor-like Desktop-Application detecting changes by the user that way and it is working very nicely.
You should update your Binding Code to set the following
{Binding Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}
EDIT: Sorry, I have overseen the fact that you already know this...In that case, I can't help :(
You can use the UIElement.TextInput event to detect user input.
Note that the event is probably already handled by the input control itself so you might have to use the UIElement.PreviewTextInput event.

wpf: TextChanged event fired on setting DataContext

I've got a simple View with a single textbox that gets databound to a simple ViewModel with a single string property.
I need to catch the TextChanged event of that textbox so that I can do a little validation magic.
The problem that I am running into is that the TextChanged event fires for that textbox when the DataContext is set for the View.
Is there a standard mechanism that I can use to determine if the event is firing because of the DataContext being set versus when the user is making changes?
As far as I know there is no such mechanism. What you should do instead is to do your validation magic using standard means of WPF. Please see the following link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752347.aspx#data_validation.
Anyway, as long as you use MVVM you can always detect that text has changed in the setter of the bound property in your view model.

WPF MVVM UpdateSourceTrigger=Excplict

i've a contentcontrol in my Wpf-App (MVVM) which is bound to an object and displays the objects properties in textboxes, so the user can edit the values of the properties.
I want to implement undo/redo functionality with the command pattern of the GoF.
For this i need a point where i can create the command and set it into my undomanager.
My idea was to add a submitbutton. When the button is pressed, i update the sources of the textboxes (my properties) and create my command object to make the changes undoable (saving the old state of the object and the new state).
- For using a submit button i need to set UpdateSourceTrigger of the textboxes to Explicit. If i want to update my sources i need to reference the controls in my view, which is bad as far as i've learned. How can i do that?
With MVVM i have to create a Command (WPF Command, not my undo redo command) for the SubmitButton but i don't see how to apply the changes to the properties from that command without referencing the textboxes (further hey are generated via datatemplates).
Thanks Walter
I assume your TextBox controls are bound to the properties in the ViewModel class. If you bind your submit button to a ViewModel Command which in turn can add appropriate command to you Command Pattern Collection and also changes some of ViewModel properties, the values in the Textbox controls will also be updated. Now, for a Textbox to update it's value when the value of a property it is bound to changes, the ViewModel class needs to implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface and raise the PropertyChanged event from the property setter with that's property's name as an argument.

WPF: Bindings - Object not updated

I have a an object which is set to the DataContext in a Window. I have textboxes in the window which are bound to the properties on the object. There seems to be a delay however before the properties on the object are updated.
<TextBox x:Name="txtPropertyOne" Text="{Binding Path=PropertyOne,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
If I change the values in a few textboxes then quickly try to access the properties to which they map, sometimes there are changes which aren't reflected in the properties of the object. I thought that was what the PropertyChanged UpdateSourceTrigger was supposed to take care of.
If I change the values in a few
textboxes then quickly try to access
the properties to which they map
I can interpret this statement in two ways:
You're trying to access the values on a background thread. In that case, you may be accessing the properties before the UI thread has had a chance to do its thing.
You're using a separate message on the UI thread to check the values. Bindings are updated at a priority lower than Send and Normal. So if your message is priority Send or Normal it will be processed before any pending binding updates.
If this doesn't answer your question, please clarify what you mean by "quickly trying to access the properties".
The basic rule of WPF Databinding is simple:
The target property must be a
dependency property, and you're
already correct, it's bound to Text
property of TextBox.
The source property can be a CLR
object (other than any derived WPF's
DependencyObject), but the object
must employ or implement its own
Have you you already implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on your object?
