Local Sql database support for Windows phone 7 [closed] - database

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to develop for Windows Phone 7 but the lack of database support still blocks me. Has anyone found a good library, stack to use for accessing local database from WinPhone7?
Can you post links/examples of good practices to select/insert data in DB from a WinPhone7 application?
Thanks in advance !
[edited] any updates available?

There are lots of options:
SQLite (and here)
Ninja Database Pro
Rapid Repository
SQL Compact Edition will be coming in the "Mango" update - due later this year

Take a look at winphone7db.
This project implements a Isolated Storage (IsolatedStorage) based database for Windows Phone 7. The database consists of table object, each one supporting any number of columns.
Or you can store data on the internet and use webservices.

You'll be able to use Microsoft's SQL CE with the upcoming tools update due out in May. When end users will have Mango is another story though :)

There is a local database coming in Windows Phone 7.1 / Mango - take a look at the MSDN pre-release documentation here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh202860%28v=VS.92%29.aspx
You'll need to use Linq to SQL and the databases are still bound to individual isolated application storage contexts, but otherwise should be as you expect =)


is there "phpmyadmin" for oracle? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I mean a php online script that connects to Oracle? Or should I use navicat? Is navicat that good? Any other alternative? I secretly hope that I will not be forced to use command line interface for a product that costs $40k (Well I am using the Express Edition. But anyway).
Check out Oracle SQL Developer. It's free, and it is a fully featured IDE. Find out more.
I use PLSQL Developer. It's not online, but it beats command line interfaces. :)
As others have posted, I use SQL Developer for my IDE. However, if you are looking for a fully functional web interface like PHPMyAdmin, check out Oracle's Application Express (Apex).
It's free, and although it's meant as a rapid web development tool, it has great tools to manage your schema, tables, and other objects.
In addition to SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer, you could use TOAD (Tool for Oracle Application Developers). It has both a paid for version and a free version.
In my experience the free version is easy to use and powerful enough for most users.

SQL Buddy alternative for oracle [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for oracle admin tool like SQL Buddy (here). I just want to use the browser to test my querys.
For just to test querys you can try iSQL (but it is deprecated in 11g)
or may be look to http://www.oracletool.com/
You could try using APEX. It isn't specifically an admin tool (more for power-users/developers), but it is built-in on newer databases. You can write SQLs, build packages and procedures, view and filter data, etc.
While not web based I would suggest Oracle's (free) Sql Developer http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html
or (also free/OSS) Squirrel:
The best for me is SQLTool (http://www.sqltools.net/), it´s free, faster, easy to use and has a lot of option.
Although they're not web-based, I like toad and sqldeveloper. The former is commercial software, but very good - the latter is currently free (but long-term....?).

Flash game data storage [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm storing a variety of variables containing statistics, items weapons, etc in a flash based game. Currently I'm using PHP and AMFPHP as a backend, calling services to pull the data. This is fine for my own machine, even my own website, however if I want to deploy the game to a site such as Kongregate or ArmorGames, what storage method can I use at that point?
I have a small preference of continuing to use a database such as MySQL because I spent some time designing the ER diagram and schema, but if I have to store in a flat file, I can do that too. I'm especially interested in others who have deployed games which have data storage (such as inventory, characters, classes, items, mobs) external to their game.
Edit: Looking for answers as to whether people use remote services or another solution for deploying their games to sites such as this.
Perhaps you should peruse the documentation of the respective providers:
Not sure if armor games has any of that type.
I asked within Kongregate's developers, the answer is yes, I can use remote web services. The API unfortunately had nothing in it dealing with this issue.
You could use our backend Flox http://gamua.com/flox/. It allows you to store your inventories, characters, etc. It's not MySQL but based on a NoSQL database. However, since you'd be using the AS3 SDK, you would not get in touch with the DB anyway.
Also, I should mention that I am the lead developer of Flox, which may make me a bit biased. ;-)

Which NoSQL db to use with C? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working on an application that I'm going to write with C and i am considering to use a nosql db for storing timeseries data with at most 8 or 9 fields. But in every 5 minutes there will huge write operations such as 2-10 million rows and then there will be reads(but performance is not as crucial in read as in the write operation).
I'm considering to use a NoSQL db here in order to store the data but couldn't decide on which one to use. Couchdb seems to have a stable driver called pillowtalk for C; but Mongo's driver doesn't look as promising as pillowtalk. I'm also open to other suggestions.
What is your recommendation?
For crazy performance contraints you can't beat Tokyo Cabinet: http://fallabs.com/tokyocabinet/
There is also a server component called Tokyo Tyrant which looks really cool.
MongoDB works great with C - there is both a C driver and a C++ driver. The database uses the C++ driver itself for functions like replication (MongoDB is written in C++).
Does your project want to support some form of offline data? If so you should probably go with CouchDB since the replication model is designed to support offline data changes and sync.
What about Sqlite? The site is here. The front end to edit/manage the sqlite database is sqliteman.
Hope this helps.

What are some good Oracle Db maintenance Tools [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have grown from a small time of 2-3 developers to about 30 developers very quickly. We supposedly never needed Source Control, or Db Monitoring or Schema diagrams.
Now we see more and more terrible code being moved to the Production. Is there an off the shelf product for oracle that will help manage version control and deployment management from Test, to UAT, to Prod?
Also nice to have would be Schema diagrams, Documentation Tools, some amount of performance profiling capabilities. But primarily would like to a tool to manage code source control and Migration for oracle scripts, DDL, DMLs etc.
I srongly recommend getting Oracle'e SQL Developer. This integrates with Subversion, provides an overview of the entire database, including procedures, schema changes and so on. This will make your life easier.
have you considered SVN for your source control and management of scripts, DDLs and etc? Our ORACLE DBAs use it here and they swear by it.
I know I am very late to this party, however, I wanted to draw your attention to our product, dbMaestro TeamWork for Oracle, which provides exactly the functionality required here. We offer the functionality equivalent to source control tools for Oracle artifacts. Many companies use SCM by proxy (as suggested above by northpole, re using SVN), our solution is "in touch' with the database as required by Reuben on the original post. To read more please visit our site at http://www.dbmaestro.com or e-mail us at info#go-esi.com.
Disclosure - My company represents this product in the US.
TOAD (by Quest Software) is fantastic and includes most of what you want including source control.
