Using Bluetooth for sending files to remote mobiles using near mobiles! - mobile

I need your opinion about my graduation project idea,
Using Bluetooth for sending files to remote mobiles by routing on near mobiles with enabled blue tooth and use them as intermediate stations until the sent files reach their destination.
Do you think its feasible and is appropriate for a graduation project?

bluetooth meshing? maybe ...
but it would be inefficient as hell and won't work very well most the time.
And it would need a lot of cooperatation by the users (many users would need to install your software and have it running for your project to work in non-test-scenarios)


Advice for components for a Multi Device program in Delphi Berlin

I have a Delphi 5 app that has too many 3rd party components to move to Delphi 10.1, so I am starting from scratch and need some advice from some Experts out there.
It basically is a database program that used DBISAM with a CSV importing and an I used Report Builder for building reports from the data. My goal is to create a multi-device application (Win64 and MacOS). I thought Fast Reports would work but I don't see it as an option for a multi-device program (even after downloading the Fast Reports FMX Install from Embarcadro for Berlin). I was going to use IBLite for a small database, but again don't see this installed. I was told by Embarcadero these components would work for the multi-device app I had in mind.
Any suggestions on where to start. Thanks.
I do not know for sure but you may not find a DBISAM driver for mobile platforms. You should also keep in mind that it is not good idea to load mobile device with CPU consuming tasks. I would suggest to use multi-tire approach. You should divide your application into several parts. In other words you should have a back-end server and a light-weight client implementing UI to your server.
I also think that you do not need to start from scratch. You may improve the existing application step-by-step. First of all you need to understand how to isolate your busyness logic from UI. You may do it even on Delphi 5.
Sorry my answer is too general, but your question does not have enough details too

Is it possible/workable to store a large (1 hr MP3) in an offline cache for a web app?

I need to be able to create a way of delivering a web app which includes being able to play a long - up to 1hr MP3 file without having to be connected to the internet.
The end user would be a tourist who would incur roaming charges if the gprs internet were used. The idea is that it can be preloaded while the user has access to wifi (e.g. in the hotel). They can then go out and about and still use the application and access the audio content.
Of course one way would be to provide it as an iPhone app/android, but I wondered whether there could be another way? Perhaps through writing a suitable web app using Angular?
Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to this, although it may work on Google Chrome.
e.g. -
But the specifications are DEAD
W3C - [fileapi-directories-and-system/filewriter]

Access to webcam in browser?

For an internal project we would like to play with building a video conferencing system. We are able to decide the browser that the user has to use and can install plugins.
The only requirement is that the browser and plugins must be free and work over Linux and Mac. (Don't care about Windows)
What is the best way to do access the webcam and mic stream from a user for sending to a server?
Ideally I would like to do this plugin free but I can see no implementation of the devices tag in HTML5 in any browser yet, unless someone knows different.
If its flash/silverlight, any quick examples of capture and sending to a server?
Also any examples of streaming video from a server to a client would be useful, so we can stick it all together. This I know we can do in HTML5 so this would be a preference.
The client connection part is all I would need as we are building the server, this is the internal challenge.
Basically I'm looking for good examples and best practices for sending and receiving this information.
Edit: As I have discovered from some groups the device tag is no where near completion. So answers will have to be flash/silverlight (does that work on linux??).
See a demo of device tag done on a webkit custom build:
Check out the Red5 project. I think that it is what you're looking for. The examples are quite good.

how to integrate bugzilla and HP quality center?

I'm working on integrating Bugzilla with HP Qc. I'm performing this by using perl script by directly manipulating the database using sql commands. I want to use the web services of Bugzilla. I have gone through the Bugzilla webservice API but tat wasn't enough to get started. I'm a beginner and this is the first project of my career. How do I go about this?
Check out the Perl script in Bugzilla's contrib directory, it shows how to talk to Bugzilla via XMLRPC.
There are a few things you could do:
Export defects from Bugzilla into a spreadsheet and upload it into Quality Center
Use the Open Test Architecture API (OTAClient.dll) to update defects in Quality Center
Use the HP Synchronization Server and build an adapter
Using the HP Synchronizer is probably the only "real" way to do it. Though you could potentially build your own sync mechanism, potentially using just OTA and a message queue.
There may be an existing adapter available from proficom-ag based on a presentation I found via a web search

mobile software that inserts and sends text message to database

I'm looking for a mobile software that will send/receive text messages from mobile phone to a database(if not directly I can build a service or something to receive it) so that the program will insert new messages into specific table and polls another table for outgoing messages. I found a program called Ultrasms that does something similar but it runs on a computer paired with the mobile. I would like the software to actually run on the mobile. I don't really have preference about the mobile OS I just want to build it fast.
If you don't know of any software, do you recommend the easiest way to do this? (Windows Mobile, Android, IPhone, BlackBerry?) and using what language/Framework to do this?
You could use Windows Mobile quite easily. The Compact Framework has the MessageInterceptor class which allows you to do something (i.e. inserting it in a database) when a message is received.
Just use a web service on the server which the Windows Mobile device can call to store the message data, and use another function to poll the server and return any messages to the device that need to be sent out.
All the code needed for this is C# and standard available in the .NET Compact Framework, so no need for any third-party DLLs or software.
If you mean, text messages, as just text messages by the internet and not a sms service, I would definitely go for android or maybe just a web widget.
Why Android? - its so fast to develop on and I mean crazy fast. Sure its lacking features, but if you want messaging, web, get/post data, this is the platform for you.
If you mean sms text messages, things will be a little more complicated I'm afraid. Involves hiring a sms-service provider and getting the sms text messages from them with the sms-provider API and then you can put messages into your database. This will involve some kind of payment to the provider.
