How to create a layered map in a mobile appliaction - mobile

I have seen a mobile application named Locago on It has a map with many layers, for example, a layer for Wikipedia.
How to create a map with layers in a J2ME mobile application?


Codename One, Possible to access photos without using Display.getInstance().openGallery()?

Is there are way for codenameone apps to access the images stored on the device programmatically and not using Display.getInstance().openGallery().
I want to construct my own gui for selecting images.
No. You can access these files as read only in a device specific way using native interfaces. Historically this wasn't possible technically in iOS and it was only possible to launch a picker UI to view the content of the camera roll.
For iOS the Photo's native API can be used
It would require wrapping that with a native interface which is non-trivial

Aviary web SDK crop tool and mobile browser features not working

I am developing a web site which uses the aviary SDK web. What I has found is the crop feature cannot use to rectangular crop of image.
For mobile applications I cannot use meme feature. Keyboard is not displaying and other features also not properly use.
you can see the tool added at
select dimension from dropdown and click next. Then next tab appears and you can upload photo using facebook, instagram , computer or dropbox.
Please check and give me a solution.
As noted in the Creative SDK Image Editor guide, the Image Editor isn't currently optimized for mobile devices:
For handheld use we generally recommend our native SDKs (iOS, and Android), which have a UI optimized for smaller screens and performance tuned to the native device.
In some cases, when using the Web SDK on a mobile device, certain tools may not work as expected and the layout may not fit the screen.

Convert ADF Fusion web application to Mobile app?

Can I Covert Existing ADF Fusion web application To Mobile Application
If you mean Mobile Application Framework (MAF) the answer is no.
The UI of MAF, while it shares similar concepts: Taskflows and Drag and Drop property-based components - the implementations are completely different. MAF uses AMX pages which generate HTML5, JS and CSS on the fly on the device and ADF Faces uses JSF-based pages.
If you deploy your ADF BC model as a RESTful service using JDev 12.2.1 you can consume it, like any other RESTful web service, in MAF.
The larger question is..why? A Desktop application is a very different design paradigm than mobile-friendly. The entire application UI design should be re-thought using the tips and guidance of Oracle Alta UI.

Are ADF Mobile Applications Actual Package Apps?

Looking at the example here:
Would doing something like this end up creating a package app(like an APK on android), or a mobile application. If not, can I create a native(ish) app with Oracle ADF? And if so, can I easily create a mobile app from a pre-existing web ADF app?
No, you can't use a pre-existing web ADF app to create a mobile app.
You can however reuse parts of it, for example by exposing your model. It also uses the same concepts (like task flows) so the learning curve is low if you know ADF.
The end-result of your ADF Mobile application will be an .apk (Android) or .ipa (iOS) so yes, you get a native application.
Note: ADF Mobile is 'deprecated' (= will not get any updates/fixes). The product has been rebranded to MAF (Mobile Application Framework) and has lots of improvments compared to the version you are using.

Ionic framework: Single code base for various mobile devices (iOS, Android, phones, tablets)?

I am planning to develop a mobile app that completely duplicates the features that my web app offers. The web app is running on AngularJS + Django + Django REST Framework. The backend is essentially an API server, so it is pretty much ready to support a mobile frontend.
Although I know my stuff in the web development space, mobile development is completely new to me. With no prior mobile development experience and the lack of resources (as always, fund and time), HTML5/SASS/AngularJS are my best friends, so Ionic Framework + AngularJS seems to be the most viable solution for my situation.
A major requirement of this Ionic app is that it needs to support various mobile devices, ranging from iOS to Android and from phones to tablets.
With different design guidelines for iOS and Android and the different screen sizes between phones and tablets, could this requirement be met with one single code base?
If yes, what are the cons or limitations? Is this a common approach?
If no, what's the common approach in the Ionic world in supporting various mobile devices?
I use the same codebase for my Ionic hybrid app deployed as a native Android and iOS via Cordova and additionally viewable as a mobile website.
Nearly every component/layout in Ionic scales nicely between mobile and tablet devices (in some cases, you may wish to make concessions for tablet - font scaling, content adjustments etc which can be achieved by using something like mobiledetect.js and CSS media query targeting), and between devices such as iOS and Android scales with no issues at all.
You even get some inherent coolness with Ionic components such as the modal popup whereby on iPad/desktop it displays as a modal popup in the center of the screen, but on phone it resizes to take up the scale of the entire screen, looking simply like a full screen page.
Hope that helps get you on your way.
