Implementing GetBSDProcessList from sysctl.h - c

Could someone give me some advice or a snippet of code that would show me the way of implementing the method in this listing . I would like to get some info about processes on a mac. I'm not so good with C, but am familiar with Objective C.

I found this answer on cocoabuilder which is a good start, but it could use some expanding.


How to use dapper.fluentmap in Dapper?

Does anyone know or have link in how to use in my Dapper CRUD?. Right now I am using Dapper.Contrib but we are trying to implement Clean architecture which we remove the Dapper.Contrib in our structure. Now I am trying to use this Dapper-FluentMap to map the properties but there documentation is very poor.
I've wrote an article and a sample that shows how to use Dapper-FluentMap:
After beating my head against a few brick walls, I have established this much as fact (at least as of late 2018, which is after the date of the OP)...
Answering the question "Is FluentMap supposed to work with Dapper.Contrib extensions?", henkmollema (author of Dapper.FluentMap) responds, "Nope, it does not work with Dapper.Contrib".
So there's your answer, user3928241.
However for me as well as for user3928241 and others desperately searching for answers, he adds, "Shameless plug: it does work together with Dommel using the Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel integration component."
YMMV, but I'm pressing on. Going to try Dommel now.

Permutation of given set of numbers

I have spent a considerable amount of time in trying to find an algorithms which solves this problem.Most of the sites display the use of a recursive function to solve this problem.I am still relatively new to programming and not really able to understand the logic involved in the problems.It would totally be nice if someone tool time to completely elaborate and explain it.
Thanks in advance.
Please read this post
Understanding Recursion to generate permutations
hopefully it will helpful ...

Database moddelling - Trying to understand

Hey guys, I always get confused by this so it's not exactly my strong point :( Am I understanding correctly that the above example suggests:
One shop must have one or more clients
One client must have one shop
If there was to be a circle where at the end of the client arrow it suggests that the shop has zero or many clients.
I know it's a bad example but I am just trying to get my head around it. (Always get it the wrong way round)
Thanks very much, all help appreciated.
it's just a quick example so I apologise for the bad naming convention of table names
Yes, you are understanding correctly.

Labjack Humidity Probe Example

I realize this might be a long shot, but does anyone have an example of using the EI-1050 probe with a Labjack controller in something C-related? I'm currently using a Labjack U12 if it matters.
It installed 2 examples, ljsht and ljsht-multi, that seem to be doing something related to it, but I can't find the source code.
Thank you for your time.
The applications you mentioned are written in LabVIEW, and the source code is available. Use LJSHT.exe to make sure your EI-1050 is connected right and giving good readings.
Refer to the EI-1050 datasheet for information about interfacing with the U12.
Then start with a basic C example like "VC6 Simple Example" or "U12 Dev-C++ Example":
... and add a call to the function SHT1X() described in Section 4.31 of the U12 User's Guide.

C: dependency analysis of functions

Is there a tool where I can give a file + function name as an input and it gives me all functions the given function depends on and the same for all the found functions, and so on within my codebase?
Something like this would help a lot in extracting functionality from existing codebases.
You could use doxygen with dot to create a call graph -- it should work fine even without doxygen annotations in the comments.
See some samples of it here.
See this discussion.
I don't know of a standalone tool that will do this. However it is a supported feature of certain IDE's such as Source Insight
Source Navigator is a free tool that includes this functionality:
cxref should do what you ask for.
