Labjack Humidity Probe Example - c

I realize this might be a long shot, but does anyone have an example of using the EI-1050 probe with a Labjack controller in something C-related? I'm currently using a Labjack U12 if it matters.
It installed 2 examples, ljsht and ljsht-multi, that seem to be doing something related to it, but I can't find the source code.
Thank you for your time.

The applications you mentioned are written in LabVIEW, and the source code is available. Use LJSHT.exe to make sure your EI-1050 is connected right and giving good readings.
Refer to the EI-1050 datasheet for information about interfacing with the U12.
Then start with a basic C example like "VC6 Simple Example" or "U12 Dev-C++ Example":
... and add a call to the function SHT1X() described in Section 4.31 of the U12 User's Guide.


what library does LED belong to in Pspice?

I am a student and new to Pspice, I am given the following example circuit
and asked to created the following circuit,
which I have this
I think I have my circuit designed correctly. However, I am having trouble with finding the correct diode. I have tried different library such as diode, ediode, diode_bridge, on_diode and infineon, but the diodes from these library don't give a current of 20mA(typically lower than that). I also tried to find discrete.olb, however it's not in my capture library.... Is there any other library contains the 2legs led like the diodes in example circuit?I think the reason why I am not getting 20mA is because of the diode?
As can be seen here on the PSPICE website, you should be able to find all of the LED models in the Optoelectronics->LEDs library.

What is the correct place to list and examine ports in erl_driver

In the tutorial for erl_driver there seems to be no indication to where does the first ErlDrvPort object comes from. Say I want to wrap libusb-1.0 to use it from erlang. There is no place in the API described by ErlDrvEntry for any index methods. How does one find a port to open?
Normally you obtain the first port using the erlang:open_port/2 function, usage of which is shown in the code example in section 6.2 of the tutorial you linked to in your question.
Instead of using Ports to wrap a C library, you can also use NIFs. With Nifty there exists even a wrapper generator that does most of the work for you.

Generating an outgoing call in asterisk

I am using asterisk 11.9.0 and i want to generate an outgoing call.I found that for outgoing i have to make a .call file and place it in a var/spool/asterisk/outgoing.I am following the link below
my code is same as given in the above link,the above example uses only single fixed number to call.
My problem is that
i have to generate an outgoing to a number fetched from database(outgoing to new number everytime),so how to write the code of .call file for multiple numbers outgoing and how to pass these numbers fetched from database to .call file from my extensions.conf
Is there any way to do that.
I am new to asterisk.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use software to do that things.
Note, it is very bad idea do outboudn dialler-like app in asterisk without understanding asterisk logic and very-hi skills in programming/database.
For more info you also can use this page
Might be easier using WombatDialer as it has a plain API where you can tell it what you want it to do and it will take care of the rest. We have a plain set up for outbound and it took maybe a couple of days from zero to what we have now. ViciDial would have been overkill.
On why rolling your own is not a great idea, the Wombat manual is quite clear:
You could also use the AMI (Asterisk Manager Interface), would be easier to program with a deamon running in the back to control what gets dialed and the responses to those dials. Mora info here

Does anyone here use the make-cdf & program?

I came across this page: Plotting Tools
where I found a set of tools with the name and make-cdf. I can write my own but don't want to spend too much time when someone else has already done that. Does anyone have these tools or at least point me to a similar set of tools somewhere?
I do not know who Dave, Binju, Vijay and Dan are and I did not see a way of figuring out what and make-cdf contain.
There are a number of excellent statistics related modules on CPAN including Statistics::Descriptive, Statistics::KernelEstimation and Math::GSL::CDF to name but a few that might be relevant given the names of the scripts you mention.
However, if you want to do serious statistics, I would recommend you consider using R which you can control using Statistics::R. AFAIK, the R tag on StackOverflow is pretty active.

C: dependency analysis of functions

Is there a tool where I can give a file + function name as an input and it gives me all functions the given function depends on and the same for all the found functions, and so on within my codebase?
Something like this would help a lot in extracting functionality from existing codebases.
You could use doxygen with dot to create a call graph -- it should work fine even without doxygen annotations in the comments.
See some samples of it here.
See this discussion.
I don't know of a standalone tool that will do this. However it is a supported feature of certain IDE's such as Source Insight
Source Navigator is a free tool that includes this functionality:
cxref should do what you ask for.
