Zip file using C program - c

Is there any option to zip the file using C programme without using any external application (like Zip..)?

Of course, try using zlib. Or other libraries for compression. You can also code the compression algorithm yourself, but that might be too time consuming. Since you did not specify why do you need this, i can't give you a better answer.

Please find the link for some of the compression libraries available. It depends on the system you are using and the features you want. Zlib is one which i would recommend because of the configurable features and user manual.

Have you checked 7-zip. It has a complete SDK, with example sources, and a lot of functionality. It is Open-source, and free :)
Take a look here
A good wrapper around it is SevenZipSharp.
Sample usage:
SevenZipCompressor compressor;
compressor = new SevenZipCompressor();
compressor.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Ultra;
compressor.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Lzma;
compressor.CompressionMode = CompressionMode.Create;
compressor.CompressFiles(archiveName, files2Add.ToArray());


How do you include standard CUDA libraries to link with NVRTC code?

Specifically, my issue is that I have CUDA code that needs <curand_kernel.h> to run. This isn't included by default in NVRTC. Presumably then when creating the program context (i.e. the call to nvrtcCreateProgram), I have to send in the name of the file (curand_kernel.h) and also the source code of curand_kernel.h? I feel like I shouldn't have to do that.
It's hard to tell; I haven't managed to find an example from NVIDIA of someone needing standard CUDA files like this as a source, so I really don't understand what the syntax is. Some issues: curand_kernel.h also has includes... Do I have to do the same for each of these? I am not even sure the NVRTC compiler will even run correctly on curand_kernel.h, because there are some language features it doesn't support, aren't there?
Next: if you've sent in the source code of a header file to nvrtcCreateProgram, do I still have to #include it in the code to be executed / will it cause an error if I do so?
A link to example code that does this or something like it would be appreciated much more than a straightforward answer; I really haven't managed to find any.
You have to send the "filename" and the source of each header separately.
When the preprocessor does its thing, it'll use any #include filenames as a key to find the source for the header, based on the collection that you provide.
I suspect that, in this case, the compiler (driver) doesn't have file system access, so you have to give it the source in much the same way that you would for shader includes in OpenGL.
Include your header's name when calling nvrtcCreateProgram. The compiler will, internally, generate the equivalent of a std::map<string,string> containing the source of each header indexed by the given name.
In your kernel source, use #include "foo.cuh" as usual.
The compiler will use foo.cuh as an index or key into its internal map (created when you called nvrtcCreateProgram), and will retrieve the header source from that collection
Compilation proceeds as normal.
One of the reasons that nvrtc provides only a "subset" of features is that the compiler plays in a somewhat sandboxed environment, without necessarily having all of the supporting tools and utilities lying around that you have with offline compilation. So, you have to manually handle a lot of the stuff that the normal nvcc + (gcc | MSVC| clang) combination provides.
A possible, but non-ideal, solution would be to preprocess the file that you need in your IDE, save the result and then #include that. However, I bet there is a better way to do that. if you just want curand, consider diving into the library and extracting the part you need (blech) or using another GPU-friendly rand implementation. On older CUDA versions, I just generated a big array of random floats on the host, uploaded it to the GPU, and sampled it in the kernels.
This related link may be helpful.
You do not need to load curand_kernel.h yourself and add it to the include "aliases" mechanism.
Instead, you can simply add the CUDA include directory to your (set of) include paths, e.g. by adding --include-path=/usr/local/cuda/include to your NVRTC compiler options.
(I do this in my GPU-kernel-runner test harness, by default, to be on the safe side.)

Using parse_datetime from gnu c

I am developing a program for analyzing time series under gnu/linux. To analyze a time window, I want to be able to specify start/end times on the command line. Parsing dates using strptime is simple enough, however I would like to use the flexible 'natural language' format as it is used by the unix ''date'' command. There, this is done using the parse_datetime function.
I have the source of the coreutils, but would like to avoid copying over the code and all attached header files.
My question is: is there a standard library under Unix/Linux which gives access to the full power of parse_datetime().
The function you refer to is not part of any standard, nor any stock utility library. However, it is available as a semi-standalone component as part of gnulib, namely the parse-datetime module. You will need to take it and incorporate it into your program; the gnulib distribution has tools for that. Be aware that if you do this you have to GPL your entire program (this is not a big deal if the program is only for your personal use -- the GPL's requirements only kick in when you start giving the compiled program to other people).
A possible alternative is g_date_set_parse from GLib, but I can't speak to how clever it is.

How to generate program dependence graph for C program?

I want to generate a Program Dependence Graph (PDG) from C source code. I found papers that explain how do it, but all used the commercial CodeSurfer tool.
Are there any free tools that do this?
Frama-C is an open-source static analysis framework that can compute a sound Program Dependency Graph for C programs. Its slicing plug-in uses the resulting PDG. The slicing and PDG computation were discussed in February 2010 on the mailing list (messages from jung, myung-jin and their answers).
You may also look at NIST's Unravel, or Georgia Tech's Aristotle. Both Valsoft at Karlsruhe University, and Loyola's Surgeon's Assistant, might also be worth looking into.
There's a promising new tool called cpp-depenencies.
It can generate component dependency diagrams (like below) as well as class hierarchy diagrams (by passing an option to treat each source file as a component).
Doxygen can generate function caller and callee graphs, as well as all the functions used in your program. This may not be exactly what you are looking for, but it could provide some useful data.
SourceMonitor is a metrics tool that can show function and program complexity as well as complexity diagrams.
Both tools are free.
If you use llvm to generate pdg, you can use this:

Is the Win32 API function definition available in a "database"/XML format?

I'm looking for a list of win32 API in some "database"/XML format.
I'd need it to easily create a "conversion layer" between win32 API and the higher level language I'm using (harbour/xharbour). Since this runs Pcode, it is necessary to transform parameters to C standard...
Instead of doing manual code write, I'd like to automate the process...
just for example, the windows API definition (taken from MSDN)
__in int nIndex
should be transformed in
hb_retnl( (LONG) GetSysColor( hb_parni( 1 ) ) );
AFAIK, only stores text data with the PInvoke definition for the call. Not very useful if what you want is something to use as a pre-parsed database of APIs.
Probably you could create an small parser that will take the include file and translate it to what you need. In that case, I'd recommend using lcc-win32's include files, as they are pretty much fat-free/no-BS version of the SDK headers (they don't come with a bunch of special reserved words you'd have to ignore, etc.)
Of course, you have Microsoft Platform SDK, but it is in raw .h C code, so hard to parse!
Similar work have been done by VB users (and Delphi users and probably for some other languages), for example ApiViewer has such database, but in some proprietary binary format (.apv extension), so you might have to reverse-engineer it.
Similarly, there is an API-Guide, which was hosted at but the later seems to be a parking site now. It used .api files (again binary-proprietary).
About the closest thing I know of would be:
Maybe they would share their data with you?
They have a VS tool that accesses this data, so it may be a webservice. You might even be able to sniff that out.
There seems to be some database (and an app for using it, named "PInvoke Interop Assistant") at:
although I'm not sure what's the license for now — thus I've asked the authors.

what is the easiest way to lookup function names of a c binary in a cross-platform manner?

I want to write a small utility to call arbitrary functions from a C shared library. User should be able to list all the exported functions similar to what objdump or nm does. I checked these utilities' source but they are intimidating. Couldn't find enough information on google, if dl library has this functionality either.
(Clarification edit: I don't want to just call a function which is known beforehand. I will appreciate an example fragment along your answer.)
This might be near to what you're looking for:
Well, I'll speak a little bit about Windows. The C functions exported from DLLs do not contain information about the types, names, or number of arguments -- nor do I believe you can determine what the calling convention is for a given function.
For comparison, take a look at National Instrument's LabVIEW programming environment. You can import functions from DLLs, but you have to manually type in the type and names of the arguments before you use a given function. If this limitation is OK, please edit your question to reflect that.
I don't know what is possible with *nix environments.
EDIT: Regarding your clarification. If you don't know what the function is ahead of time, you're pretty screwed on Windows because in general you won't be able to determine what the number and types of arguments the functions take.
You could try ParaDyn's SymtabAPI. It lets you grab all the symbols in a shared library (or executable) and look at their types, offset, etc. It's all wrapped up in a reasonably nice C++ interface and runs on a lot of platforms. It also provides support for binary rewriting, which you could potentially use to do what you're talking about at runtime.
Webpage is here:
Documentation is here:
A standard-ish API is the dlopen/dlsym API; AFAIK it's implemented by GNU libc on Linux and Mac OS X's standard C library (libSystem), and it might be implemented on Windows by MinGW or other compatibility packages.
Only sensible solution (without reinventing the wheel) seems to use libbfd. Downsides are its documentation is scarce and it is a bit bloated for my purposes.
The source code for nm and objdump are available. If you want to start from specification then ELF is what you want to look into.
I've written something like this in Perl. On Win32 it runs dumpbin /exports, on POSIX it runs nm -gP. Then, since it's Perl, the results are interpreted using regular expressions: / _(\S+)#\d+/ for Win32 (stdcall functions) and /^(\S+) T/ for POSIX.
Eek! You've touched on one of the very platform-dependent topics of programming. On windows, you have DLLs, on linux, you have,, and mac os x's dyld.
