IE7 not showing SVG contents instead of that its opening the content as an Office document - internet-explorer-7

Hi I am facing an issue with IE7 browser if i launch any URL with .svg or any page with svg content its asking for file download and trying to open with MS Office.
is ther a fix for this?

There is an IE Add-on for this: Adobe SVG Viewer

IE7 doesn't support SVG. If you have control of the server, you can try a workaround like ExplorerCanvas. If you have control of the client, you can use pretty much any other browser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, ...), or wait for IE9.


Roboto based fonts not showing up in IE

I have an angular material application which when viewed in IE (11) doesnt display the fonts correctly. In Firefox and Chrome I dont see any problem.
The fonts are not being fetched remotely, they are contained as resources within the application.
As an example I have a sidenav component that holds a menu which looks like this in Chrome\Firefox:
But in IE looks like this:
Inspecting the network traffic in IE I can see the font files are being successfully retrieved and I can open these just fine when copying the urls into a new browser tab.
Oddly when I run protractor tests against IE, the fonts are rendering fine, I wonder if selenium server\IEdriver are doing something differently that allow the fonts to display?
Anyone got any ideas what could be the problem here?

Web browser connection in codename one

when url like or others are set, it opens in webBrowser but when pdf link is kept nothing happens, why is that??
WebBrowser pdfview = new WebBrowser();
//this link downloads the pdf file in browser but does nothing in codename one browser...
i jst want to view this pdf from the browser
Opening a PDF in the browser component will only work on devices and won't work in the simulator.

CKEditor in IE7

In using CKEditor latest version available now. In Chrome and Firefox it is working without any issues. But in IE7 I am facing some display issues.
When I click Image button the background goes black
body p in the bottom is not looking same as shown in Chrome
Also I get JavaScript error undefined is null or not an object
Please help
Are you sure that your page isn't running in Quirks mode (that the source is correct)? I don't see this issues e.g. on
CKEditor 4.0 doesn't have support for Quirks mode - we're working on it right now.

svg is not displaying in safari mobile

I'm experimenting with javascript animation of svg and queueing them for display, first attempts are here: link It runs in the FOCS (firefox, chrome, opera, safari) browsers but not in Safari mobile (ipad/iphone) I'm aware of this question but it hasn't helped me so far (the namespace is already in the different svg files, and I experimented with the doc type).
This had nothing to do with svg rendering, but i was using the relative new js function .bind() which caused errors. In the meanwhile I learned how to switch on the debug console for mobile safari and this helped me to pinpoint the problem. Here is the solution!

XBAP won't run in Mozilla Firefox

I try to open a XAML Browser Application in Firefox, but it always displays an open/save dialog and for each option keeps opening a new tab.
Is there any solution?
Firefox doesn't support XAML or XBAP applications. The only thing I'm aware of that does is Internet Explorer. Therefore, what you're seeing is expected behaviour. Firefox is treating them as a filetype it can't handle itself and downloading it.
You need WPF plug-in to run XBAP in Firefox.
Actually it seems that i have to copy the npwpf.dll file into the plugins folder of Mozilla.
