Thumbnail Grid Control like Windows Explorer - wpf

I'm looking for a free WPF control that can show a gird like windows explorer's thumbnail new, rows of images with some info under each thumb, it would be added benefit if it could be switched to detail and list view too but for now the thumbnail view is the most important,
I'm not that familiar with WPF's built-in controls so this might very well exist in the framework (this is my first WPF project)

This StackOverflow topic can help you.


Recommended books for wpf custom control design-time features

I have some custom controls that I would like to make more 'user friendly' in Cider (VS wpf designer). I have red all the documentation in MSDN and some sites that I found through google , but I did not find answers to some simple questions :
How to set default values for the items that are created from a collection editor (like columns in datagrid, not drag-drop from toolbox)
How to generate XAML (like the datagrid dose when you click generate columns)
Please let me know if you know of any doc that goes into details such as those mentioned above.
Also if you know/have any custom controls with visible source code that have designer support (like Xceed or DevExpress) please share a link.
Recommended books:
2- any book about Design Pattern like
to add a column to data grid you don't need to generate xaml, there is a column collection you can add one by code behind
dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn{ Header = "column1"});
read the first book well and you will be good
This an excellent and rare book that goes deep into custom controls development:
WPF Control Development Unleashed: Building Advanced User Experiences

Is there a document highlighting WPF and Silverlight controls available in the framework?

I'm looking for something like a pdf or anything else that would show a chart of available controls in SL and/or WPF.
Ideally, the chart should have a drawing of the control, some succinct description and the hierarchy if possible.
Has anyone seen such a thing? Freeware or Payware, can even be from a book I could buy.
The following MSDN link lists the controls within the Silverlight SDK:
You can try the sdk controls live following this link:
The controls within the Silverlight Toolkit can be found here:
Also, there are plenty of third party controls for Silverlight. The following link contains a list to some of them (free or not):
The controls that are shipped with the platform are fairly straightforward, so I'm not sure that would even make sense - i.e. the basic buttons, input box, text block, etc.
As for the controls that are shipped with the Toolkit, which is the richer feature set released out of band in relation to the Silverlight trunk, you can preview everything you asked for here:
What's more, the source code for the preview is included with the tool kit so it's very easy to see how any of those controls were used.

Wpf template gallery

Does anybody know of a gallery of controltemplates, that I could use to learn more about what is possible with the different control types?
look at :
I've forked the Theming Package from Codeplex and switched to .Net 4.0
I'm not familiar with a gallery of control templates, though there are lots of examples on the internet. If you have a specific control you'd like to template (e.g. a ListBox or a Button), I would search for specific control templates that relate to that control. You will find countless options.
If you want to learn about what is possible with control templates, I'd suggest picking up one of the many great WPF books. A few I'd recommend are:
WPF Unleashed (by Adam Nathan)
Applications = Code + Markup by (Charles Petzold)
WPF Control Development Unleashed (by Pavan Podila and Kevin Hoffman)
You can completely recreate the visual tree of an element with a control template, so the possibilities are limitless. You can also check out the MSDN Help Topics on control styles and templates:
Control Styles and Templates
Using Templates to Customize WPF Controls
Hope that helps.
There's this one
There's this one
There's this one
As a word of warning, all templates are not created equal - and not all templates will work across all XAML frameworks. For example if it is written for SL it may not work for WinRT. The same for WPF. But this list will get you started. In the end, you will probably create your own.

Composite WPF Visual Studio Style Interface

I am looking to design an interface in the style of the Visual Studio interface with WPF Composite Application Guidance (PRISM). I would like to have a tree on the left with the different views that can be opened. When some one clicks on a node in the tree, have the view open on the right in a tab. If the view is already opened in the tab, bring it to the front. I would also like the tree to be in sync with the active tab.
I've tried searching for some articles on this with no luck. Does anyone have any links or information on how to implement this?
I think you should start with MVVM first.
Infragistics has a xamDockManager control that will do a lot of the work for you. I have not used this particular control, but I have used some of their other WPF controls with varied success.

Does WPF have an easy way to display a navigable series of images?

I'm making my first WPF application, and its purpose is to generate 6 images from some data. Ideally I'd like to display them in the window, with little "forward" and "back" buttons, and a text indicator for where we are in the image-stack. Kind of like a "mini Windows Photo Gallery."
I think the way to do this might be some kind of customization of the ListView styles, but there was also the possibility of using Frame with custom WPF pages or something? I dunno, it seems like there should be a canonical way of doing this.
My current best approach is to customize ListView following the guidelines of one of my WPF books. If someone's already done this, or if there's a better way, please let me know!
You may want to look at the Slide.Show project from Vertigo. They released the source code for it as a WPF demo application. The application is a nice image viewer that you can borrow concepts from. (Microsoft mandated Vertigo to create technology demos for WPF)
