SQL Server architecture guidance - sql-server

We are designing a new version of our existing product on a new schema.
Its an internal web application with possibly 100 concurrent users (max)This will run on a SQL Server 2008 database.
On of the discussion items recently is whether we should have a single database of split the database for performance reasons across 2 separate databases.
The database could grow anywhere from 50-100GB over 5 years.
We are Developers and not DBAs so it would be nice to get some general guidance.
[I know the answer is not simple as it depends on the schema, archiving policy, amount of data etc. ]
Option 1 Single Main Database
[This is my preferred option].
The plan would be to have all the tables in a single database and possibly to use file groups and partitioning to separate the data if required across multiple disks. [Use schema if appropriate]. This should deal with the performance concerns
One of the comments wrt this was that the a single server instance would still be processing this data so there would still be a processing bottle neck.
For reporting we could have a separate reporting DB but this is still being discussed.
Option 2 Split the database into 2 separate databases
DB1 - Customers, Accounts, Customer resources etc
DB2 - This would contain the bulk of the data [i.e. Vehicle tracking data, financial transaction tables etc].
These tables would typically contain a lot of data. [It could reside on a separate server if required]
This plan would involve keeping the main data in a smaller database [DB1] and retaining the [mainly] read only transaction type data in a separate DB [DB2]. The UI would mainly read from DB1 and thus be more responsive.
[I'm aware that this option makes it harder for Referential Integrity to be enforced.]
Points for consideration
As we are at the design stage we can at least make proper use of indexes to deal performance issues so thats why option 1 to me is attractive and its more of a standard approach.
For both options we are considering implementing an archiving database.
Apologies for the long Question. In summary the question is 1 DB or 2?
Thanks in advance,

Option 1 in my opinion is the way to go.
CPU is very unlikely to be your bottleneck with 100 concurrent users providing your workload. You could acquire a single multi-socket server with additional CPU capacity available via hot swap technology to offer room to grow should you wish. Dependent on your availability requirements you could also consider using a Clustering solution to allow for swapping in more processing CPU resource by forced fail over to another node.
The performance of your disk subsystem is going to be your biggest concern. Your design decisions will be influenced by the storage solution you use, which I assume will be SAN technology.
As a minimum you will want to place your LOG(RAID 1) and DATA files(RAID 10 or 5 dependent on workload) on separate LUNS.
Dependent on your table access you may wish to consider placing different Filegroups on separate LUN's. Partitioning your table data could prove advantageous to you but only for large tables.

50 to 100GB and 100 users is a pretty small database by most standards today. Don't over engineer your solution by trying to solve problems that you haven't even seen yet. Splitting it into two databases, especially on two different servers will create a mountain of headaches that you're better off without. Concentrate your efforts on creating a useful product instead.

I agree to the other comments stating that between 50 and 100GB is small these days. I'd also agree that you shouldn't overengineer.
But, if there is a obvious (or not so obvious) logical separation between the entities you store (like you say, one being read-write and the other parts mainly read-only), I'd still split it in different dbs. At least I would design it in a way I could easily factor one piece out. Security would be one reason, management/backup/restore another, easier serviceability (because inherently the design will be better factored and parts better isolated from each other), and, in SQL Server, ability to scale out (or the lack thereof if it is a single database). Separating login and content databases for example often makes sense for bigger web applications.
And, if you really want a sound design, separate your entities in a single db, using different schemas, putting proper permissions on objects, you end up with almost the same effort in my eyes.
Microsoft products like SharePoint, TFS and BizTalk all use several different databases (Though I do not pretend to be aware of the reasons / probably just the outcome of the way they organize their teams).
Especially with regard to that you cannot scale out a single database instance on SQL Server (clustering needs multiple instances), I'd be tempted to split it.
#John: I would never use RAID5. Solves no purpose other than to hurt performance. I agree with the RAID10 approach.

Putting data in another database is not going to make the slightest difference to performance. Performance is a factor of other things entirely.
A reason to create a new database is for maintenance and administration reasons. For example if one set of data needs a different backup and recovery policy or has higher availability requirements.


what are the best ways to mitigate database i/o bottoleneck for large web sites?

For large web sites (traffic wise) that has alot of incoming reads and updates that end up being database I/Os, what're the best ways to mitigate the performance impact? one solution that I can think of is - for write, to cache and then do delayed write (using separate job); for read, use memcached concept. any other better solutions?
Here are the most common solutions to database performance:
Caching (Memcache, etc)
Add memory to your database
More database servers (master/slave or sharding)
Use a different database type (NoSQL, Redis, etc)
Indexes to speed up read perf. (careful, too many will affect write performance)
SSDs (fast SSDs will help a lot)
Optimize/tune SQL queries
Don't forget to optimize your queries. Most of the times it is not the disk I/O, but poorly written queries which turn out to be the bottleneck.
You can also cache query results and also entire web pages if the content isn't going to change too often.
It very much depends on the usage pattern and data type. There are really different things to do depending on whether transaction are going to be supported, whether you are interested in full consistency or "eventual consistency", how big the data is (will it all fit in huge memory?), how complex the data and queries are, the list might go on and on.... Lots of variables and only after listing all the constraints/requirements you will be able to make a proper decision. Two general advices though:
Use SSDs
Use distributed architecture with distributed "NoSQL" (key/value) approach (only if you do not have to use complex relations and transactions)
10 years ago, the standard answer - besides optimizing your particular database - was scale-out using MySQL in two ways.
Reads can be scaled out in two ways. The first is through caching, which introduces possible inconsistancies and creates a separate cache layer. Reads can also be scaled in MySQL by creating "read replicas", where any database can be queried. Any write must be applied to all servers, so replication doesn't help write throughput.
Writes are scaled through sharding. For example, imagine all users with the last name 'a' are assigned to a certain server. Now imagine a more complicated shard algorithm, where a particular row's primary ID is hashed using a hash function, and distributed to one of a pool of servers.
Facebook is one of the most advanced proponents of a sharded MySQL architecture. You can have individual tables "joined" but you have to write custom code, because you might have to hop from server to server - imagine you want to get your friend's timeline posts, you can't simply join it, you have to write some application code.
Once you shard your database, you can't do joins and range lookups become difficult. This subset is sometimes called CRUD operations, and thus MySQL is overkill. Many Chinese social networks realized this, and use sharded Redis (which is much quicker than MySQL), and have written their own shard layer and application logic layers.
Imagine the next problem in sharding - you want to add a new server, and start assigning some users to that new server.
Another approach is to use a distributed database, which generally comes under the names NoSQL or NewSQL, and have a variety of approaches. Some, like MongoDB, have a sharding system to manage this mapping, but require manual steps to add servers. Cassandra has a more flexible clustering scheme, called a chorded architecture. Systems like CouchBase and Aerospike use a random distribution mechanism that remove the need for a shard layer. Some of these databases can exceed 100,000 to 200,000 requests per second per server, with the lateral scale to add new servers - enough for very large operations. With this style of clustering, you can often get a higher level of redundancy and reliability.
Other distributed approaches represent data in a more efficient way, like a graph database. If you have a problem that is better represented as a graph, then a clustered graph database may be more appropriate.

What should I have in mind when building OLAP solution from scratch?

I'm working for a company running a software product based on a MS SQL database server, and through the years I have developed 20-30 quite advanced reports in PHP, taking data directly from the database. This has been very successful, and people are happy with it.
But it has some drawbacks:
For new changes, it can be quite development intensive
The user can't experiment much with the data - it is locked to a hard-coded view
It can be slow for big reports
I am considering gradually going to a OLAP-based approach, which can be queried from Excel or some web-based service. But I would like to do this in a way that introduces the least amount of new complexity in the IT environment - the least amount of different services, synchronization jobs etc!
I have some questions in this regard:
1) Workflow-related:
What is a good development route from "black box SQL server" to "OLAP ready to use"?
Which servers and services should be set up, and which scripts should be written?
Which are the hardest/most critical/most time-intensive parts?
2) ETL:
I suppose it is best to have separate servers for their Data Warehouse and Production SQL?
How are these kept in sync (push/pull)? Using which technologies/languages?
For me SSIS looks overly complicated, and the graphical workflow doesn't appeal much to me -- I would rather like a text based script that does the job. Is this feasible?
Or is it advantagous to use the graphical client with only one source and one destination?
3) Development:
How much of this (data integration, analysis services) can be efficiently maintained from a CLI-tool?
Can the setup be transferred back and forth between production and development easily?
I'm happy with any answer that covers just some of this - and even though it is a MS environment, I'm also interested to hear about advantages in other technologies.
I only have experience with Microsoft OLAP, so here are my two cents regarding what I know:
If you are implementing cubes, then separate the production SQL Server from the source for the cubes. Cubes require a lot of SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM source.table. You don't want cube processing to block your mission critical production system.
Although you can implement OLAP cubes with standard relation tables, you will quickly find that unless your data is a ledger-style system you will probably need to fully reprocess your fact and dimension tables and this will require requerying the source database over and over again. That's a large argument for building a separate data warehouse that uses ledger-style transactions for the fact tables. For instance, if a customer orders something and then cancels it, your source system may track this as a status change. In your fact table, you probably need to show this as a row for ordering that has a positive quantity and revenue stream and a row for cancelling that has a negative quantity and revenue stream.
OLAP may be overkill for your environment. The main issue you appeared to raise was that your reports are static and users want access to the data directly. You could build a data model and give users Report Builder access in SSRS, or report writing access in some other BI suite like Cognos, Business Objects, etc. I don't generally recommend this approach since it is way beyond what most users should have to know to get data, but in a small shop this may be sufficient and it is easy to implement. Let's face it -- users generally just want to get the data into Excel to manipulate it further. So if you don't want to give them a web front-end and you just want them to get to the data from Excel, you could give them direct database access to a copy of the production data. The downside of this approach is users don't generally understand SQL or database relationships. OLAP helps you avoid forcing users to learn SQL or relationships, but is isn't easy to implement on your end. If you only have a couple of power users who need this kind of access, it could be easy enough to teach the few power users how to do basic queries in Excel against the database and they will be happy to get this tomorrow. OLAP won't be ready by tomorrow.
If you only have a few kinds of source data systems, you could get away with building a super-dynamic static report. For instance, I have a report that was written in C# that basically allows users to select as many columns as they want from a list of 30 columns and filter the data on a few date range fields and field filter lists. This simple report covers about 40% of all ad hoc report requests from end-users since it covers all the basic, core customer metrics and fields. We recently moved this report to SSRS and that allowed us to up the number of fields to about 100 and improved the overall user experience. Regardless of the reporting platform, it is possible to give users some dynamic flexibility even in the confines of a static reporting system.
If you only have a couple of databases, you can probably backup and restore the databases as your ETL. However, if you want to do anything beyond that, then you might as well bite the bullet and use SSIS (or some other ETL tool). Once you get into ETL for data warehousing, you are going to use a graphic-oriented design tool. Coding works well for applications, but ETL is more about workflows and that's why the tools tend to converge on a graphical UI. You can work around this and try to code a data warehouse from a text editor, but in the end you are going to lose out on a lot. See this post for more details on the differences between loading data from code and loading data from SSIS.
It is possible to implement a cube over a relational data store, but there are some major problems with using this approach. The main reason it is technically feasible has to do with how you configure your DSV. The DSV is essentially a logical layer between the physical database and the cube/dimension definitions. Instead of importing the relational tables into the DSV, you could define Named Queries or create views in the database that flatten the data.
The advantage of this approach are as follows:
It is relatively easy to implement since you don't have to build an entire ETL subsystem to get started with OLAP.
This approach works well for prototyping how you want to build a more long-term solution. You can prototype it in 1-2 days and show some of the benefits of OLAP today.
Some very, very large tables don't have to be completely duplicated just to support an OLAP cube. I have several multi-billion row tables that are almost completely standardized fact tables. The only columns they don't have are date keys and they also contain some NULL values on fields that shouldn't have nulls at all. Instead of duplicating these very massive tables, you can create the surrogate date keys and set values for the nulls in the view or named query. If you aren't going to see a huge performance boon for duplicating the table, then this may be a candidate for leaving in a more raw format in the database itself.
The disadvantages of this approach are as follows:
If you haven't built a true Kimball method data warehouse, then you probably aren't tracking transactions in a ledger-style. Kimball method fact tables (at least as I understand them) always change values by adding and subtracting rows. If someone cancels part of an order, you can't update the value in the cube for the single transaction. Instead, you have to balance out the transaction with a negative value. If you have to update the transaction, then you will have to fully reprocess the partition of the cube to replace the value which can be a very expensive operation. Unless your source system is a ledger-style transaction system, you will probably have to build a ledger-style copy in your ETL subsystem.
If you don't build a Kimball method data warehouse, then you are probably using unobscured and possibly non-integer primary keys in your database. This directly impacts query performance inside the cube. It also sets you up for having a theoretically inflexible data warehouse. For instance, if you have an product ordering system that uses an integer key and you start using a second product ordering system either as a replacement for the legacy system or in tandem with the legacy system, you may struggle to combine the data together merely through the DSV since each system has different data points, metrics, workflows, data types, etc. Worse, if they have the same data types for the order id and the order id values overlap between systems, then you must declare a surrogate key that you can use across both systems. This can be difficult, but not impossible, to implement without using a flattened data warehouse.
You may have to build the system twice if you start with the relational data store and then move to flattened database. Frankly, I think the amount of duplicated work is trivial. Most of what you learned building the cube off a relational data store will translate to setting up the new OLAP cube. The main problem, though, is that you will probably create a new cube altogether and then any users of the old cube will have to migrate to the new cube. Any reports built in SSRS or Excel will probably break at that point and need to be rewritten from the ground up. So the main cost of rebuilding the cube is really on rebuilding dependent objects -- not on rebuilding the cube itself.
Let me know if you want me to expand on any of the above points. good luck.
You're basically asking the million dollar question of "How do I build a DWH". This is not really a question that can decisively be answered.
Nevertheless, here is a kickstart:
If you are looking for a minimum viable product, be aware that you are in a data environment, and not a pure software one. In data-heavy environments, it is much harder to incrementally build a product, because the amount of effort to introduce changes in the system is much greater. Think about it as if every change you make in a piece of software has to be somehow backwards-compatible with anything you've ever done. Now you understand the hell Microsoft are in :-).
Also, data systems involve many third-party tools such as DBs, ETL tools and reporting platforms. The choices you make should be viable for the expected development of your system, else you might have to completely replace these tools down the road.
While you can start with a DB cloning that will be based on simple copy SQLs and then aggregating it or pushing it into an OLAP, I would recommend getting your hands dirty with a real ETL tool from the start. This is especially true if you foresee the need to grow. 9 out of 10 times, the need will grow.
MS-SQL is a good choice for a DB if you don't mind the cost. The natural ETL tool would be SSIS, and it's a solid tool as well.
Even if your first transformations are merely "take this table and dump it in there", you still gain a lot in terms of process management (has the job run? What happens if it fails? etc) and debugging. Also, it is easier to organically grow as requirements and/or special cases have to be dealt with.

What are the pros/cons of and best practices for using a single database?

Here at work (a multi-billion dollar manufaturing company with a 12 person Windows development team) we are about to go to a single master database for all new applications and will have it broken up with schemas for what we normally would have had databases for before. There will also be a few common schemas with stuff like employee directory and branch directory and so on...
I'm still not sure how I feel about this move, but we're about to have a meeting on this in a few hours to discuss pros, cons, best practices, pitfalls and so on... so I'm looking for your thoughts on this... Is it good? Is it bad? What problems are we going to run into a year from now?
Any thoughts, tips, or advice is welcome. Thanks
In response to a comment on this question, we are using SQL Server 2005 and we are actually talking about moving what would have been seperate databases on the same instance into a single database. The driving issue is the complete lack of referential integrity accross databases as the majority of our applications need access to common data such as an employee record, or branch information.
Several people requested that I update this question with the results from our meeting so here it is. We debated back and forth the pros and cons of doing this (I even showed them this question using the projector) and by the time we were done we had pretty much covered the pros and cons covered here. About half of us thought we could get it done with the right resources and commitment, and about half thought we couldn't do it (or that it wouldn't work out well). We decided to use some time with Microsoft to get their thoughts and platform specific advice. I will be sure to update this question and my blog after we've talked to them. Thanks for all the help and helpful answers.
Larger database are harder to maintain due to sheer size: backups take longer, disaster recovery is slower which in turn requires more often backups. You can address these by creating filegroups and using filegroup level backup in your maintenance plans and on crash recovery you can use the 'piecemeal restore' strategy to speed things up.
Proper use of filegroups will make most of the 'cons' cited by previous replies go away: they can distribute the I/O, they can sanitize your maintenance plans and backup/restore strategy, they offer availability by taking offline only the damaged portion of the the db in case of crash. So I'd say that while those 'cons' are legit concerns, they have can be mitigated by a proper deployment strategy. Its true though that these mitigation actions require a true, experienced, dba at the helm as they will go beyond the comfort zone of a developer turned dba by need.
Some of the pros I can think of quickly:
Consistency. You can have a backup-restore so that all data is consistent. Separate dbs don't allow this because you cannot coordinate a consistent set of backups unless you take them all offline, or make them r/o, during the backup.
Dirt cheap high availability: you can deploy database mirroring for disaster recoverability and high availability. Multiple databases have problems because one cannot coordinate a simultaneous failover and apps are faced with the dilemma of seeking each database current location.
Security. While most other posts see one database harder to secure, I'd say is easier to secure. Multiple databases seem harder to secure properly simply because what everyone does is they make one login and add it to that database db_owner group. Having one database will make things harder (unless you end up making everyone dbo, very bad) but once you start doing the right thing (granular access) then one db is not harder than multiple dbs, is actually easier because you won't have to copy/maintain some common groups/rights across multiple dbs.
Control. Will be easier to impose certain policies and good practices on a single db rather than multiple ones (no data access to developers, app data access only through execute rights on the schema to enforce procedures access etc).
There are also some cons I did not see in other posts:
This will be much harder to pull off that you think right now
Increase coupling between formerly separated applications will impose development restrictions: you can't simply alter your schema, you will have to coordinate it with the rest of the apps (you can argue that this was also the case before, but was brushed under the carpet by having separate dbs, and you're right)
Log writes that are now distributed across multiple db logs will be consolidated into one single log file. If your writes are significant, this may turn out to be a serious bottleneck and force you to buy some expensive fast drives for the new, consolidated, log file. In general this can be addresses by making the log drive a stripped array across as many stripes as needed to make it fast enough (usually raid 10).
GAM/SGAM/PFS allocations will also be consolidated, but again this will be alleviated by proper use of file groups.
You only need to remember one connection string
When users report that access is slow, you know which DB is causing the trouble
Backups of The One DB will take a long time and will get progressively longer over time.
Restoring data from a backup will get increasingly difficult.
Performance Tuning (SQL Profiler, Execution Plan estimation) for a feature for one app will slow down every app.
Restricting access to a single application's data is cumbersome if at all possible which will likely mean in practice that all devs and DBAs will be given keys to the ENTIRE kingdom.
New developers/DBAs have a much larger learning curve as they need to navigate a large and mostly useless (to them) database structure which means higher costs for training/ramp up.
When The One database goes down, everyone in your organization plays solitaire until it is restored.
Creating test instances for app development means copying your entire db
The only "Pro" I can think of is that all of your systems will be in the one database and therefore a single place to backup, store, etc. However, I would consider this to also be one of the biggest "Cons".
Some other general Cons:
Much harder to move an application to a different location/server in the future.
Possible locking issues if any applications make use of tempdb.
Possible unrelated performance degredation on one application when another application is being used.
Much harder to implement an application level security model if all tables are in the same database.
It sounds to me as though your company is transitioning between two completely distinct motives for using database technology. The first is application support. The second is data integration. If I'm right about this, the process will open up a huge can of worms, and many of the issues won't even be addressed by putting all the data in one big database.
Consider two of the points you made. The first is the complete lack of referential integrity across different databases. The second is the idea that each application will have its own schema. What this permits to happen is complete lack of referential integrity across schemas, putting you back in the quicksand you are in now.
Fixing the data so that referential integrity is present, and fixing the schemas so that referential integrity is enforced, and fixing the applications so that the applications agree with the new schemas will turn out to be a monumental task.
Here's what your company really needs to do: Have one single CONCEPTUAL database that contains all "enterprise data", and defined in such a way that both referential integrity and entity integrity are enforced. Revise existing schemas so that they conform to the CONCEPTUAL database except for data that is both purely local to that schema and undocumented in the unified conceptual database. Use constraints wherever needed to guarantee that the data covered by these schemas doesn't lose integrity.
Make the decision about whether these schemas belong in one database or many databases based on database administration, fail soft, security, and performance requirements and NOT on the need to integrate data. Whether you use one platform or multiple platforms is a separable decision.
Where necessary, maintain synchronized copies of the same data in separate databases. Include the overhead of doing this in your performance considerations above.
Document the conceptual database out the gazoo. Don't just settle for definitions of the FORM of data. Insist on definitions of the semantics of the data as well.
Notice that if you use ID fields instead of natural keys to enforce referential integrity, you will have to generate each ID field in one schema, and let the association between ID and dependent data propagate by means of synonyms, views, and synchronized replication.
This is not going to be easy.
If DB is getting bigger, making back-up is getting more difficult because of it's size.
This could mean a serious scalability problem if you want to add high-traffic applications in the future, since it is much easier to add new database servers which run seperate dbs than it is to parrallelize a single DB. At least in SQL Server.
The convenience of having everything in one place
Thinking less about good database design
Even unrelated things are in one place
Less thinking about good database design leading to poorly normalized data
To me this just sounds like laziness and a belief that all this "fancy ivory tower database stuff" is worthless.
I can see that being scary, but considering the number of businesses that use Oracle EBS, or SAP, or other systems that are, in essence, this same configuration, I don't see it being a Bad Thing™. It's a big move, and will be tough to get correct, but it can really improve integration across the enterprise in the long run.
I've never heard of this approach and would like to know how the meeting goes. I see no real benefit in combining multiple applications into a single database when the data doesn't relate to each other.
I'm thinking you might have issues if you decide that an application requires it's own database server at one point.
Ah, the old EggsInOneBasket design pattern. It's not a favourite.
You're just compounding any problems caused by damage to that database. Spread the risk!
For the referential integrity issue, you can make copies of those shared tables in the subsidiary databases. You can't use real replication, but what you do is deny everything but select on these to most users.
On the same server, you can either push or pull data from the official repository of the master data and insert any new rows/update any changed rows. You can even do this with a trigger in the master database (I don't recommend it, though).
If it's different instances or servers, you can use linked servers or SSIS.
You can put the common data into a "core" schema in each database. Then you can have tools to check that all your core tables in every subsidiary database are consistent. The worse that can happen is that an application is not seeing a new employee because the core isn't updated. And keeping your database separate gives you an ability to decouple and gives you maintenance windows. (You can even decouple and run "standalone" if your master is down for maintenance).
I expect you'll only be seeing a few dozen of these core entity tables in even a largish enterprise.
There are many other ways to solve the referential integrity (RI) issue. I am not as familiar with SQL Server as other DB's. In Informix you can use synonyms to point to objects in other DB's and use these for your RI. In Oracle you can make a DB links to one or more DB's to accomplish the same thing.
These approaches have the issue that if any of the DB's are down the RI will fail causing issues in the dependent DB's. selects would work, but inserts would fail.
Consolidation can be a good idea, depending upon the size of the schema's, and other issues with scalability. SQL Server has serious scalability issues. Other DB platforms allow horizontal scaling with either a share everything approach (Oracle's RAC, latest Informix release) or a partitioned share nothing approach (DB2's DPF, Informix XPS, Netezza, Teradata)
I am with some of the others here interested to hear the results of your meeting.

Pro's of databases like BigTable, SimpleDB

New school datastore paradigms like Google BigTable and Amazon SimpleDB are specifically designed for scalability, among other things. Basically, disallowing joins and denormalization are the ways this is being accomplished.
In this topic, however, the consensus seems to be that joins on large tables don't necessarilly have to be too expensive and denormalization is "overrated" to some extent
Why, then, do these aforementioned systems disallow joins and force everything together in a single table to achieve scalability? Is it the sheer volumes of data that needs to be stored in these systems (many terabytes)?
Do the general rules for databases simply not apply to these scales?
Is it because these database types are tailored specifically towards storing many similar objects?
Or am I missing some bigger picture?
Distributed databases aren't quite as naive as Orion implies; there has been quite a bit of work done on optimizing fully relational queries over distributed datasets. You may want to look at what companies like Teradata, Netezza, Greenplum, Vertica, AsterData, etc are doing. (Oracle got in the game, finally, as well, with their recent announcement; Microsoft bought their solition in the name of the company that used to be called DataAllegro).
That being said, when the data scales up into terabytes, these issues become very non-trivial. If you don't need the strict transactionality and consistency guarantees you can get from RDBMs, it is often far easier to denormalize and not do joins. Especially if you don't need to cross-reference much. Especially if you are not doing ad-hoc analysis, but require programmatic access with arbitrary transformations.
Denormalization is overrated. Just because that's what happens when you are dealing with a 100 Tera, doesn't mean this fact should be used by every developer who never bothered to learn about databases and has trouble querying a million or two rows due to poor schema planning and query optimization.
But if you are in the 100 Tera range, by all means...
Oh, the other reason these technologies are getting the buzz -- folks are discovering that some things never belonged in the database in the first place, and are realizing that they aren't dealing with relations in their particular fields, but with basic key-value pairs. For things that shouldn't have been in a DB, it's entirely possible that the Map-Reduce framework, or some persistent, eventually-consistent storage system, is just the thing.
On a less global scale, I highly recommend BerkeleyDB for those sorts of problems.
I'm not too familiar with them (I've only read the same blog/news/examples as everyone else) but my take on it is that they chose to sacrifice a lot of the normal relational DB features in the name of scalability - I'll try explain.
Imagine you have 200 rows in your data-table.
In google's datacenter, 50 of these rows are stored on server A, 50 on B, and 100 on server C. Additionally server D contains redundant copies of data from server A and B, and server E contains redundant copies of data on server C.
(In real life I have no idea how many servers would be used, but it's set up to deal with many millions of rows, so I imagine quite a few).
To "select * where name = 'orion'", the infrastructure can fire that query to all the servers, and aggregate the results that come back. This allows them to scale pretty much linearly across as many servers as they like (FYI this is pretty much what mapreduce is)
This however means you need some tradeoffs.
If you needed to do a relational join on some data, where it was spread across say 5 servers, each of those servers would need to pull data from eachother for each row. Try do that when you have 2 million rows spread across 10 servers.
This leads to tradeoff #1 - No joins.
Also, depending on network latency, server load, etc, some of your data may get saved instantly, but some may take a second or 2. Again, when you have dozens of servers, this gets longer and longer, and the normal approach of 'everyone just waits until the slowest guy has finished' no longer becomes acceptable.
This leads to tradeoff #2 - Your data may not always be immediately visible after it's written.
I'm not sure what other tradeoffs there are, but off the top of my head those are the main 2.
So what I'm getting is that the whole "denormalize, no joins" philosophy exists, not because joins themselves don't scale in large systems, but because they're practically impossible to implement in distributed databases.
This seems pretty reasonable when you're storing largely invariant data of a single type (Like Google does). Am I on the right track here?
If you are talking about data that is virtually read-only, the rules change. Denormalisation is hardest in situations where data changes because the work required is increased and there are more problems with locking. If the data barely changes then denormalisation is not so much of a problem.
Novaday You need to find more interoperational environment for databases. More frequently You don't need only an relational DBs, like MySQL or MS SQL but also Big Data farms as Hadoop or non-relational DBs like MongoDB. In some cases all those DBs will be used in one solution so their performance must be as equal as possible in macro scale. It means, that You will not be able to use let say Azure SQL as relational DB and one VM with 2 cores and 3GB of RAM for MongoDB. You must scale-up Your solution and use DB as a Service when it is possible (if it is not possible, then build Your own cluster in a cloud).

What are the advantages of using a single database for EACH client?

In a database-centric application that is designed for multiple clients, I've always thought it was "better" to use a single database for ALL clients - associating records with proper indexes and keys. In listening to the Stack Overflow podcast, I heard Joel mention that FogBugz uses one database per client (so if there were 1000 clients, there would be 1000 databases). What are the advantages of using this architecture?
I understand that for some projects, clients need direct access to all of their data - in such an application, it's obvious that each client needs their own database. However, for projects where a client does not need to access the database directly, are there any advantages to using one database per client? It seems that in terms of flexibility, it's much simpler to use a single database with a single copy of the tables. It's easier to add new features, it's easier to create reports, and it's just easier to manage.
I was pretty confident in the "one database for all clients" method until I heard Joel (an experienced developer) mention that his software uses a different approach -- and I'm a little confused with his decision...
I've heard people cite that databases slow down with a large number of records, but any relational database with some merit isn't going to have that problem - especially if proper indexes and keys are used.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
Assume there's no scaling penalty for storing all the clients in one database; for most people, and well configured databases/queries, this will be fairly true these days. If you're not one of these people, well, then the benefit of a single database is obvious.
In this situation, benefits come from the encapsulation of each client. From the code perspective, each client exists in isolation - there is no possible situation in which a database update might overwrite, corrupt, retrieve or alter data belonging to another client. This also simplifies the model, as you don't need to ever consider the fact that records might belong to another client.
You also get benefits of separability - it's trivial to pull out the data associated with a given client ,and move them to a different server. Or restore a backup of that client when the call up to say "We've deleted some key data!", using the builtin database mechanisms.
You get easy and free server mobility - if you outscale one database server, you can just host new clients on another server. If they were all in one database, you'd need to either get beefier hardware, or run the database over multiple machines.
You get easy versioning - if one client wants to stay on software version 1.0, and another wants 2.0, where 1.0 and 2.0 use different database schemas, there's no problem - you can migrate one without having to pull them out of one database.
I can think of a few dozen more, I guess. But all in all, the key concept is "simplicity". The product manages one client, and thus one database. There is never any complexity from the "But the database also contains other clients" issue. It fits the mental model of the user, where they exist alone. Advantages like being able to doing easy reporting on all clients at once, are minimal - how often do you want a report on the whole world, rather than just one client?
Here's one approach that I've seen before:
Each customer has a unique connection string stored in a master customer database.
The database is designed so that everything is segmented by CustomerID, even if there is a single customer on a database.
Scripts are created to migrate all customer data to a new database if needed, and then only that customer's connection string needs to be updated to point to the new location.
This allows for using a single database at first, and then easily segmenting later on once you've got a large number of clients, or more commonly when you have a couple of customers that overuse the system.
I've found that restoring specific customer data is really tough when all the data is in the same database, but managing upgrades is much simpler.
When using a single database per customer, you run into a huge problem of keeping all customers running at the same schema version, and that doesn't even consider backup jobs on a whole bunch of customer-specific databases. Naturally restoring data is easier, but if you make sure not to permanently delete records (just mark with a deleted flag or move to an archive table), then you have less need for database restore in the first place.
To keep it simple. You can be sure that your client is only seeing their data. The client with fewer records doesn't have to pay the penalty of having to compete with hundreds of thousands of records that may be in the database but not theirs. I don't care how well everything is indexed and optimized there will be queries that determine that they have to scan every record.
Well, what if one of your clients tells you to restore to an earlier version of their data due to some botched import job or similar? Imagine how your clients would feel if you told them "you can't do that, since your data is shared between all our clients" or "Sorry, but your changes were lost because client X demanded a restore of the database".
As for the pain of upgrading 1000 database servers at once, some fairly simple automation should take care of that. As long as each database maintains an identical schema, then it won't really be an issue. We also use the database per client approach, and it works well for us.
Here is an article on this exact topic (yes, it is MSDN, but it is a technology independent article): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479086.aspx.
Another discussion of multi-tenancy as it relates to your data model here: http://www.ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/08/07/Multi-Tenancy--The-Physical-Data-Model.aspx
Scalability. Security. Our company uses 1 DB per customer approach as well. It also makes code a bit easier to maintain as well.
In regulated industries such as health care it may be a requirement of one database per customer, possibly even a separate database server.
The simple answer to updating multiple databases when you upgrade is to do the upgrade as a transaction, and take a snapshot before upgrading if necessary. If you are running your operations well then you should be able to apply the upgrade to any number of databases.
Clustering is not really a solution to the problem of indices and full table scans. If you move to a cluster, very little changes. If you have have many smaller databases to distribute over multiple machines you can do this more cheaply without a cluster. Reliability and availability are considerations but can be dealt with in other ways (some people will still need a cluster but majority probably don't).
I'd be interested in hearing a little more context from you on this because clustering is not a simple topic and is expensive to implement in the RDBMS world. There is a lot of talk/bravado about clustering in the non-relational world Google Bigtable etc. but they are solving a different set of problems, and lose some of the useful features from an RDBMS.
There are a couple of meanings of "database"
the hardware box
the running software (e.g. "the oracle")
the particular set of data files
the particular login or schema
It's likely Joel means one of the lower layers. In this case, it's just a matter of software configuration management... you don't have to patch 1000 software servers to fix a security bug, for example.
I think it's a good idea, so that a software bug doesn't leak information across clients. Imagine the case with an errant where clause that showed me your customer data as well as my own.
