Changing icon and title of partial trust WPF xbap - wpf

I've been fiddling with a partial trust XBAP - how can I change the icon shown in the IE-tab and the title (aside from changing the assembly-name in the project properties)?
I would also like to change what is shown in the Internet header (right now it shows the address of the XBAP.

I had a similar issue where I could not change the title in IE 10 (this was the first stack overflow answer that comes up when you Google "xbap title"). I found the solution here:
In code, set Application.Current.MainWindow.Title to the title you want to show. This worked for me, hopefully this will be helpful for the next guy.

Load your XBAP from a HTML page using an IFRAME. In the HTML page add a title and icon.
Something like this:
<title>This is my title</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="">
<iframe location="something.xbap"
style="width:100%; height:100%; border:0; overflow:auto" scrolling="no"></iframe>
This is simplified from code that I actually use, except due to some other requirements I'm giving the iframe an id and setting its location using JavaScript in the body's onload event. I assume the above will work just as well.


Lightbox2 on simple html site (non WordPress) not working and I've tried almost everything

I can't seem to get the thumbnails I have placed on this page to open in the lightbox:
I tried changing the order and placement of these 2 elements:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/lightbox.css">
<script src="dist/js/lightbox.js"></script>
At a glance is there anything wrong?
Please take a look at the JavaScript errors ... It seems like you forgot the fourth step of the getting-started guide ( - namely - to include jQuery.

Having trouble with implementation

I have spent 2 hours + on the lightbox. I have checked paths to CSS and Javascript. I have used both the included jquery and Google's imported JQuery.
When I click an image it opens a new window with that image larger on a white background. I want it to overlay the current page with <> and x.
You can see an example:
Looking at your code on your page I do not see where you are calling the lightbox.js script - that needs to be called right before the body close tag.
Also lightbox help states : If you already use jQuery on your page, make sure it is loaded before lightbox.js. - ◦Include the Javascript at the bottom of your page before the closing /body tag:
I used the lightbox-plus-jquery.js and called that just before the close of the body tag and it worked. I called the lightbox-plus-jquery.js just before the close of the body tag because it has both jquery and lightbox combined.
I am still working on the page and I am just using html not .net but the lightbox would work the same. If you look at my source you will see the script call right before /body tag.
Hope this helps.
Debra W.
You need to call the Lightbox script.
Something like
Placing it in the line before the line works for me.
cannot be found.
The link provided in the question is giving 404 right now.
but I think you just need to follow the steps given at
to set up lightbox.
you may have missed either of the following :
Include the CSS at the top of your page in your <head> tag:
<link href="path/to/lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
Include the Javascript at the bottom of your page before the closing </body> tag:
<script src="path/to/lightbox.js"></script>

AngularJS w/ noscript

I am attempting to create a SPA using AngularJS as the main view for my website. I'm using ServiceStack on the server-side and can therefore cleanly serve HTML or JSON requests depending on what's accessing it. My main concern is the use of script blockers, preventing AngularJS from rendering the page properly. So far my main way of working is to render static pages, and inject a small script that redirects to the AngularJS-powered pages if it detects if Javascript is enabled. This works great since every URL works fine when the user begins at the static pages, but I've ran into a couple of snags.
Browsing to a link which includes the "?View=SPA" breaks the page if JavaScript is disabled
This causes the first page loaded to be loaded twice.
I'm looking for an alternative, but so far I haven't found any clean solutions. I was thinking about including the "?View=SPA" as a POST variable, but I'm still iffy on that implementation.
Any thoughts?
Instead of redirecting to an other page, I would implement both cases in the same HTML File as follows:
<script src=""></script>
<style>.hideIfNoScript {display: none}</style>
<body ng-app ng-init="msg = 'hello world'">
<input class="hideIfNoScript" ng-model="msg" />
<p class="hideIfNoScript">{{msg}}</p>
<p>Content without javascript</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var myEl = angular.element( document.querySelectorAll( '.hideIfNoScript' ) );
The CSS Class hideIfNoScript in the head section makes sure that all HTML Tags with this class are never shown to the user, if javascript is disabled.
The noscript tag shows the alternative content.
If javascript is enabled, the little script at the end of the body section makes those elements visible. And in this case, the contents of the noscript tag are hidden.
Browsing to a link which includes the "?View=SPA" breaks the page if JavaScript is disabled
Hide those links by default:
a[href*='SPA'] { display: none; }
This causes the first page loaded to be loaded twice
Use a cookie on a browser-check page which loads the first page in an iframe or redirects to it to avoid this.
Track Non-JavaScript Visits In Google Analytics

VML v:shape , V:roundrect elements ain`t displayed correctly in IE6, IE7 in strict mode

Does anybody can provide an answer to such issue? I`m trying to put some vector graphics into HTML. Actually it is not necessary in mine case, so I probably would resort to simple image for now, but I as encountered a problem, I couldn't resolve, it's became very interesting and relevant to the future to define what is going wrong. VML is absolutely new to me, by the way.
I tried to insert several vml-elements into a page, and some of them worked perfectly (in IE6, IE7) namely "oval", "rect". But when I've attempted to insert a shape or roundrect everything went wrong.
Actual question is: is there satisfactory VML support in IE6, IE7 or what I'm doing wrong? But as far as I'd examined my code everything is right in it. Below I'll put a sample, so everyone could test this in IE-browser:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " /DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); display:inline-block}
#div1 {
<div id="div1">
<v:shape style='width:100px;height:100px' fillcolor="red" path="m 0,0 l 30,0,30,30 xe" />
<v:rect style='width:100pt;height:75pt' fillcolor="blue" strokecolor="red" strokeweight="3.5pt"/>
<v:roundrect style='width:100pt;height:75pt" arcsize="0.3" fillcolor="yellow" strokecolor="red" strokeweight="2pt"/>
Additionally I found that it happens only in strict mode. When DOCTYPE removed or with other conditions when IE works in quirks mode everything works well.
You have mismatched quotes on your style attribute
<v:roundrect style='width:100pt;height:75pt"
You have whitespace in your doctype:
/xhtml1 /

How do I get the Google +1 button to give a preview of the article rather than the top HTML on the page?

Google Plus lists all your +1s with a small preview of the webpage that was +1ed. Techcrunch and Mashable's previews come up as the first sentence of the article, however for me it just takes the first HTML on the page (which in my case is navigation). How can I get it to target the article for this preview rather than the navigation?
I have looked through the API and couldnt find anything that would do what I'm talking about.
Well, you have three options to avoid G+ trying a best guess.
1) (prefered) Mark up your site with microdata. Please refer to and possibly the Google Webmaster Tools help section on microdata and the Opera Developer resources.
It will look something like:
<body itemscope itemtype="">
<h1 itemprop="name">Article Title</h1> <!-- snippet title -->
<img itemprop="image" src="image-url"></img> <!-- the snippet icon -->
<p itemprop="description">Snippet text.</p>
The idea is to mark up the parts that you already uses as base for your snippet. Yahoo, MS Bing, Google and a few other search engines will try to honour this for their search snippets as well, as well as future browser versions, e.g. for bookmarks.
2) Use the facebook Open Graph protocol (which is not valid html, but makes your snippets compatible with facebook "shares").
It will look like (put this in your section)
<meta property="og:title" content="Your snippet title"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="url://of-your-snippet-image.jpeg"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="Your snippet text goes here"/>
3) Set the title and description meta tags.
<meta name="title" content="Your snippet title" />
<meta name="description" content="Your snippet text goes here">
Google finally released how to do it.
You need to use itemprop tags to tell +1 what you want to use.
There's many ways to go about it:
You can add the following tags to your opening HTML declaration:
<html itemscope itemtype="">
and then add the following meta descriptors:
<meta itemprop="name" content="Your article's title" />
<meta itemprop="description" content="Your article's description or excerpt" />
and finally add this to the image you want to use:
<img itemprop="image" src="image.jpg" />
