Make a silverlight textblock act like a hyperlink - silverlight

I'm pretty new to silverlight. I have a text block that is displayed inside a datagrid
(inside a DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate template to be precise).
I'd like to dynamically make some of the textblocks into hyperlinks that open a new window.
Is there a way to do this - so far all I can come up with is using a hyperlink button and trying to style it to look like a text block.
Any help would be very much appreciated.

HyperlinkButton is a ContentControl so it can actually take some kind of pre-styled TextBlock (or other control) as it's content (instead of just using a simple string as Content).
<HyperlinkButton NavigateUri="">
<TextBlock Text="My Link Text" Foreground="Black" />
You would have to use a custom HyperlinkButton template if you wanted to style it to get rid of the default teal colored focus ring, etc. You could also set the IsEnabled property of the HyperlinkButton to false to prevent link behavior on any cells that weren't actually links if you are trying to set them up in some dynamic way.


StackPanel in Button.Content inside DataTemplate shows as text

So I have an <ItemsControl> with <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> defined as <DataTemplate><Button>...</Button></DataTemplate>.
This button has a StackPanel set as its content. But it shows as "System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel" string and not as actual visual content of the StackPanel.
Why and how to change that?
OK, I missed the fact that in a custom template used the content was rendered inside a <TextBlock/>.

Bind border style to current user control

I`m developing a wizard application which has a side menu with 5 borders and a content control that contain application screens (user controls).
The borders styles are suppose to give to user an indication where he is at the wizard steps.
I wrote 2 border styles - the first one is the defult style which applied on all borders by default.
The second one (isFoucusedStyle) need to be applied by the border that suitable to the current screen.
For example when the wizard is showing the first screen: first border need to use the isFoucusedStyle and the others need to use defult style. When the user continues to next screen, the first border need get back to default style and the second border now will apply isFoucusedStyle.
I create the pages instances via xaml at the mainWindow under resources at the next way:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModel:OpeningViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModel:PersonalDataViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModel:BusinessDataViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModel:BusinessDataViewModel}">
I also have a property - CurrentPage which binded to ContentControl - when the user clicks "next page button" CurrentPage updates and the ContentControl switch UserControl.
There is no any binding between the borders to User Controls, in my current state the borders are just visual graphics without any features.
How can i implement it?
I took the "isFoucusedStyle" and config it to baseOn defultstyle.
I added triger to isFoucusedStyle which turns on when Border.Focusable is true.
I Created a converter which has access to current page number.
At every border I bounded focusable property to the converter and sent it "converter parameter" with the suitible page number (page number which represented by current border)
The converter is checking for equility between currentPageNumber to converterParameter and returns boolean result.
The result is turning on (or not) the trigger and set the needed border style.
Thanks anyway.
Firstly I would strongly suggest you base your wizard on the NavigationWindow (or containing a NavigationFrame), this will give you all your back and forwards navigation for free, and if you want you can always re-style your NavigationWindow to match a more wizard like interface (see WPF Wizards). NavigationWindow/Frame also supply you with Navigate() methods that handle the transition between pages.
In order to handle the navigation links (your five side menu items) I bind each link to a View level ICommand which tests to see if we need are already on the correct page in CanExecute. Setting ths borders is then just a case of {Binding CanExecute, Converter={BoolToColorConverter}}.
In your case, you can simply do the same thing. Setup your command to check if we have the right CurrentPage, and Bind as above using a Converter.

WPF Styles Question

A simple question which I can't find the answer on the web for some reason...
I want to place the content to a ResourceDictionary:
Style="{StaticResource HomePageTextStyle}">
The best I could do was:
<s:String x:Key="HomePageTextContent">
Hello World!
Which stripped all the formatting from the content :( Help please~ Thanks in advance. Oh, and If you can recommend a nice reference for using WPF Styles, it would be great~ Thanks!
I'd say you want to use data-binding instead of applying a style, since you are putting content in the TextBlock not changing the appearance of the TextBlock itself, e.g. drawing a border around it.
According to MSDN: TextBlock supports the hosting and display of Inline flow content elements. To be more precise, the content of the TextBlock in your first code block becomes a InlineCollection in the Inlines property of the TextBlock. Unfortunately the Inlines property isn't a dependency property so we can't bind data to it. The Text property, on the other hand, is a dependency property but doesn't allow anything other than a String.
To make a long story short, I don't think you can achieve what you want using pure XAML.

WPF resizing TextBlock

I have a textblock in a grid in WPF.
I want the text to dynamically size (font) when resized. At the moment textboxes, comboboxes do this, but the the textblock stays the same. Is it possible?
Instead of trying to manually rig a TextBlock to do this, just edit the default template of a TextBox and remove the border and background, then in the style make it set the IsReadOnly flag. This way you get the textblock sizing, as well as copy-paste for free.
You can use a ViewBox for this.
<Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
<TextBlock Text="Test" />
use expression blend for getting the default template of TextBox, then you can edit it as you required.

Silverlight button style

I am trying out new styles with silverlight, and I created a new button skin with blend that consists of a border and a textblock. Wondered if there is a way to change the the text of the textblock when the the button's content(text) property is changed.
The binding would look like this:
<TextBlock Text="{TemplateBinding Content}"/>
The problem is when I try to set the content to something other than text:
<Rectangle Fill="#FFB51111"/>
In this case using the ContentPresenter would work better. It uses the same binding expression, but can display more than text. But all that is really up to you.
I don't really get what your trying to do. Normally, you include a TextBlock like that as a part of the button content.
Use a ContentPresenter rather than a TextBlock in your Template.
