Silverlight button style - wpf

I am trying out new styles with silverlight, and I created a new button skin with blend that consists of a border and a textblock. Wondered if there is a way to change the the text of the textblock when the the button's content(text) property is changed.

The binding would look like this:
<TextBlock Text="{TemplateBinding Content}"/>
The problem is when I try to set the content to something other than text:
<Rectangle Fill="#FFB51111"/>
In this case using the ContentPresenter would work better. It uses the same binding expression, but can display more than text. But all that is really up to you.

I don't really get what your trying to do. Normally, you include a TextBlock like that as a part of the button content.

Use a ContentPresenter rather than a TextBlock in your Template.


Easy way to have checkmark below image for WPF checkbox?

In a WPF window I got a CheckBox containing an image, like this:
<Image Source="/Bsoft.Clients.Warenwirtschaft;component/Resources/MyImage.png" />
Using this, the checkmark is displayed left to the image.
Is there an easy way to move the checkmark to below the image?
I do not know of an easy way to do this.
You could either use some panel and have a checkbox independent from your image...
<Image .../>
<CheckBox .../>
Which might not be too much trouble if encapsulated in a UserControl.
Or you change the ControlTemplate of the CheckBox, which is more difficult i think. Default templates can be found on MSDN.

Changing a property of something in XAML from a button click

Given the following bit of XAML
<Border Name="Brder" Visibility="Visible" Width="10" Height="10" Background="Red"></Border>
<Button Content="Hide"></Button>
How can I set the button click to change the visibility of the border (not using code behind)?
I know it's trivial in code behind and the routed click event only seems to allow storyboard manipulation?
If you change the Button to a ToggleButton you can bind visibility to IsChecked of the ToggleButton using XAML only. Also remember that Expanders support this behavior as well and you can laways style them if you don't like the default look.

Make a silverlight textblock act like a hyperlink

I'm pretty new to silverlight. I have a text block that is displayed inside a datagrid
(inside a DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate template to be precise).
I'd like to dynamically make some of the textblocks into hyperlinks that open a new window.
Is there a way to do this - so far all I can come up with is using a hyperlink button and trying to style it to look like a text block.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
HyperlinkButton is a ContentControl so it can actually take some kind of pre-styled TextBlock (or other control) as it's content (instead of just using a simple string as Content).
<HyperlinkButton NavigateUri="">
<TextBlock Text="My Link Text" Foreground="Black" />
You would have to use a custom HyperlinkButton template if you wanted to style it to get rid of the default teal colored focus ring, etc. You could also set the IsEnabled property of the HyperlinkButton to false to prevent link behavior on any cells that weren't actually links if you are trying to set them up in some dynamic way.

WPF resizing TextBlock

I have a textblock in a grid in WPF.
I want the text to dynamically size (font) when resized. At the moment textboxes, comboboxes do this, but the the textblock stays the same. Is it possible?
Instead of trying to manually rig a TextBlock to do this, just edit the default template of a TextBox and remove the border and background, then in the style make it set the IsReadOnly flag. This way you get the textblock sizing, as well as copy-paste for free.
You can use a ViewBox for this.
<Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
<TextBlock Text="Test" />
use expression blend for getting the default template of TextBox, then you can edit it as you required.

Getting a templated button's command to work

I've used a control template to change the appearance of a button in a trivial way. It now looks different, but does not behave like a button. There are really two problems:
The button's command is never executed
After clicking on the button, it appears selected (i.e., the ellipse turns into an ugly blue rectangle)
Here's the general idea:
<Button Command="{x:Static commands:...}"
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<Ellipse Fill="{Binding ...}"
There's no reason this should be happening. I put together a test using ApplicationCommands.Copy and the command fired just fine. Could be your CommandBinding isn't working properly.
I also didn't see this based on copying your sample XAML and just setting Fill="Green". You can try setting FocusVisualStyle="{x:Null}" on the Button.
The problem turned out to be that Fill was bound to a value that could be null. If the Fill brush is null rather than transparent, then there's nothing to click and the command doesn't get executed. As Drew mentioned, with a solid fill, the button works correctly.
Takeaway lesson: if you want to hide your shape but still have it respond to user interaction, use a transparent brush, not a null brush.
I had a similar problem with a custom templated button:
<my:UniButton Command="{Binding MyCommand}"/>
The binding didn't work until adding a RelativeSource:
<my:UniButton Command="{Binding MyCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=my:CustomPanel}}"/>
where CustomPanel is a control where my button lies.
Withal I had a simple button on the same panel, but it worked fine even without RelativeSource.
