Can you recommend good embedded databases with Visual C++/MFC?
I've looked at:
- SQLite
- HamsterDB
Any others?
Have a look around on for MFC-esque wrappers around sqlite. There are quite a number of good ones. The sqlite website has links to c++ wrappers, too.
I would use SQL Server Compact Edition plus ATL OLE DB Consumer Templates (you can use them with MFC).
This is an interesting link:
You have to use this OLE DB provider:
i'm the author of hamsterdb.
To answer your question - it depends.
sqlite offers more functionality, but is slower.
hamsterdb (or tokyo cabinet, or berkeleydb) are faster but have less functionality.
if you give a better description of your use case then i can help better.
Windows has an embedded database enginge (no query engine, a low level API like HamsterDB).
I'm in need for an embedded database for a Clojure application. Maybe it's the same criteria as for any other Java application but I rather get some other people's opinion anyway. I'm not picking SQLite because that's not pure Java so distribution of a standalone application gets much more complex. It seems the way to go is Apache Derby. Anything else I should consider?
Without a doubt, H2
Here are the settings,
(def demo-settings
:classname "org.h2.Driver"
:subprotocol "h2:file"
:subname (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/" "demo")
:user "sa"
:password ""
And then the usual Clojure SQL code:
(with-connection demo-settings
(create-table :DEMO_TABLE
[:M_LABEL "varchar(120)"]
[:M_DATE "varchar(120)"]
[:M_COMMENT "varchar(32)"]))
Have you looked at FleetDB? It's a Clojure database with a JSON protocol and clients in several languages. I suspect you could probably run it embedded without working too hard at it.
oracle Berkley DB
I used an embedded database, H2 within clojure and used clojureQL to access it. Be warned though that since the database is in process you should not use this for large amounts of records (> than 10,000s in a single table) as you will get huge performance problems as the database and your code will both be sharing the same JVM
I think Derby makes an excellent 100% Java embedded database, and it's useful for a wide variety of applications, well-maintained by an active community, and very well documented.
If you don't mind NOSQL, neo4j is an embeddable graph db with transactions, licensed under the GPL. The most up to date bindings I've found are
There is also an interesting graph db project in clojure with pluggable backends:
The still quite young but promising looking OrientDB might be worth a look:
Then there's
I am using which allows you to specify a backend later.
Another option to consider is a key-value store Chronicle Map, because it's pure Java and provides a vanilla Java Map interface, so working with it should be very simple using Clojure.
I'm using Squeak4.1. How does it handle Database connections? Does it provides something similar to ODBC/ADO in .NET or the J2EE stuff?
Which packages deal with database operations?
Can anybody give me some hints?
Few links that might be of use to you:
Squeak Smalltalk and Databases
Persistence in Seaside (Also see Chapter 8 in the Seaside tutorial)
Databases and Persistence
Squeak PostreSQL
If you want something that's truly an analog to ODBC/JDBC or ADO.NET, then the closest analog would be SqueakDBX, a generic, FFI-based connector to a wide variety of databases. While it uses FFI, the developers have gone to great lengths to ensure that long operations do not block the VM. While I can't honestly say I've used it in production, reviews have been positive, it supports a very wide variety of databases (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, and more), and it's being actively developed, so it's probably a good bet.
Historically, the downside of SqueakDBX is that you didn't get GLORP, the major ORM used in the Smalltalk world these days. The good news is that's no longer true: SqueakDBX now has GlorpDBX, which brings GLORP to SqueakDBX. Drivers are currently available for PostgreSQL, MS SQL, and MySQL, among others. If you need to connect to a traditional database, this is probably your best bet.
Benjamin: We have already started to modify Glorp, we call it GlorpDBX and now Glorp works with a generic database driver, included a GlorpSqueakDBX driver. Right now we have GlorpDBX working with SqueakDBX for Postgres, MSSQL and Oracle.
You might not need to. If your smalltalk code runs in Gemstone, there is no need to worry about database connections and queries before you have a lot of data/a lot of transactions.
And if the number of objects is very small, SandstoneDB is much easier to use. On the Persistence in Seaside page you can find the links.
I would like to know if there is any possibility that I can use Haskell with small database like sql server compact so that client wont have to install any server on his desktop.
Is there any api providing sql statements and so on ...
What is the best solution to achieve small database application using haskell.
thanks for help
SQLite is a great option for a small, lightweight database you can embed in your application. See HackageDB for a Haskell binding.
There are 57 database libraries and tools for Haskell on Hackage. The most popular is HDBC, an order of magnitude more popular than anything else, and has the HDBC-sqlite backend.
I would definitely recommend SQLite. If you are looking for a library to help keep the type safety of Haskell with a concise syntax, I would recommend checking out Persistent, which has a SQLite backend.
I'm using delphi for years, but never for database stuff, but recently started researching and testing.
I must say, i'm impressed, most of things happens automatically, i'm used to write by hand in php and python.
i'm going to develop a commercial system for a friend, (2 layers) 5 user computers, 1 database server.
Database server will be a decent machine with (raid-1) 2 hard drives running (MySql5.1 or Postgre or Firebird, open to suggestions).
Easy to use
Easy deployment (only mysqlconnector installer)
The slower?
Need to ship 4 files [dbxconnections.ini, dbxdrivers.ini, mysqldll, driverdll]
The more complex (harder to use)
ClientDataSet add complexity, but looks really useful
No free Postgre driver?
Easy deployment (1 dll)
Easy to use
As you can see the desired features are:
easy to use
easy to deploy
I can't test all in a real scenario (clients, server), so i hope that you guys with experience can help me out in which one to choose and why.
EDIT: Thanks everyone, i think i will go with ADO (probably) or Zeos
Thanks in advance
#arthurprs, for you scenario
(2 layers) 5 user computers, 1 > database server.
alt text The Firebird RDBMS is a very good option , because is very stable, fast, runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms and meet with you requirements.
alt text Respect to the components for connection i go for ZEOS.
I have used this combination in many small and medium projects, with excellent results.
I have worked on many commercial high volume systems using ADO without any problems. Deployment is relatively simple since its included in the OS. Since it has such a wide audience, most of the major issues have been identified and corrected. Getting help with ADO connectivity is very easy. The database support is very deep ( which make supporting additional database engines almost trivial (you may need to still install the client drivers, but that would be the same for almost any solution).
Performance isn't much of an issue, it really will come down to database architecture and engine selection.
id have to say im rather happy with NexusDB but the cost for the client/server versions might not be worth it.
it works client/server or fully embedded, simple enough you can have both in your app and switch between them, depending on your clients needs
the embedded DB is free,
client/server "Priced per developer" is AU$ 500
No cost per install.
Oh yeh and its written in delphi ;)
I'd say to go with Firebird - is the most used database engine in the Delphi land (see here). For connectivity perhaps is better to go with Zeos (free) or DBX (if you can afford the Architect version - the only one who has the Firebird driver in it).
About ADO: Mature connectivity layer but it will be (forever - most probably) tied to Windows while Delphi will go cross-platform. Also, yes, it tend to be the slower one because of many reasons, including the ODBC drivers which are used in certain situations. But in your case, of course, as skamradt says, I don't think that it will matter so much.
Although I have read people not liking the idea of mixing the two, I have had good results using ADO Datasets as a "provider layer" which then feeds the data into TClientDataSets - so there's no reason you can't use ClientDataSets if you go down the ADO route if you find you need them (and they are useful).
Otherwise, I would echo the comment that ADO is a tried, trusted mechanism that isn't going anywhere. I've always found it more than fast enough. And configuration using UDL files is nice and easy.
dbGo (ADO) is more simple to manage, more universal, more slow
dbExpress is more fast, more complex to manage, supports less DBMS's
ZeosDBO is simple to manage, universal like dbExp, slow like dbGo, cross-platform, has few additional components, all sources are accessible
There are few other libraries, resolving all above doubts, although all of them are commercial products. But there I am biased :)
We have used postgreSQL using Devart pg components with great success in medium sized database apps.
We did some limited benchmarking with this combination and found it 2-3 x the speed of using ADO etc.
-- Data access components
I too favour the combination of TClientDataset and ADO. Had worked with it in past and I can say it's trustful. The flexibility of TClientDataset is a big gain. DBExpress is good too.
Actually, I use clientdatasets with pretty much any data access layer that have an TDataset descendant...
-- Server
Firebird. Free and easily usable from OLEDB (I used with ODBC) and DBExpress (D2010+ have native DBX driver) - don't know ZEOS, but I believe that it also connect to FB.
Scale well to many connections and big databases. There are databases on Firebird with 500Gb and many users reported.
I am quite happy to code out tables by hand when making a database but it's not the easiest way to convey information about a database to someone else, especially someone that's not so comfortable coding the tables via a script and would instead use something such at phpMyAdmin.
Is there thus a free program (for me to use it it'll have to work on a Mac but feel free to suggest PC apps for others with the same Q) or script (preferably in PHP or Python) that allows you to design database structure and will then output either a basic diagram or the code as chosen by the user?
Well on the PC you can use MS Visio to produce a DB Entity diagram.
It will even reverse engineer one from an existing Database.
A pain to set-up the first time you use it, but quite handy thereafter.
Open System Architect has some potential. Its very similar to Visio.
I'm a big fan of ARGO UML from Draws nice pictures using standard UML notation. It does some code generation, but mostly Java classes, which isn't SQL DDL, so that may not be close enough to what you want to do.
You can look at the Data Modeling Tools list and see if anything there is better than Argo UML. Many of the items on this list are free or cheap.
Also, if you're using Eclipse or NetBeans, there are many design plug-ins, some of which may have the features you're looking for.
I use the aptly named Database Design Tool. It's extremely simple and unfortunatly it's developed any more, however. It's the best tool I've come across that is free and at the end of designing your tables, it generates the T-SQL for you. It's also language independent.
You could try out MySQL Workbench which originates in the open source dbdesigner. There's a free community edition available. You can design the database via er-diagrams or reverse engineer an existing database.
MySQL Workbench is the best DB design tool that I've tried
I'm currently checking out SQL Power Architect (both w/ PostgreSQL and Mysql - but it also supports other vendors) and it definitely seems promising. Does both forward and backward SQL engineering. The Community Edition is open source and cross platform (Java). You can check it out yourself:
When strictly dealing w/ MySQL so far I've otherwise used MySQL Workbench, which performed reliably.
I always have enjoyed Eclipse. There are a few plugins for it that look like they will do what you want.
SchemaBank (a web-based SaaS vendor) can turn your ER design into SQL statements for MySQL and PG. Can't do graphics export yet though. The nice thing is you don't need to install anything ('cos its browser-based) and it costs virtually nothing. You should be able to share your design to other people too.
SQLDeveloper from Oracle can work with Oracle and MySQL database.