WPF textblock binding question - wpf

I'm trying to get my head around the whole MVVM thing and binding. I have a ViewModel class which has a property that is another class. I want to bind to a (string) property of that class to the text of a textblock.
I set the ViewModel as my data context for my window\page. And then do this:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=myAddressClass, Path=StreetName}" />
But this does not work. The text is empty.
I can expose the StreetName directly as below and this works:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=StreetName}" />
So am I doing something wrong in the first example. It seems simple enough ... am I just confuse about what an elementname is or should be set to?

I think you probably are confused. If you want to bind to MyAddress.StreetName, just do this: Text="{Binding MyAddress.StreetName}" Make sure MyAddress is a property of your DataContext. ElementName is for binding to other controls.

ElementName is used to reference a XAML element in the Logical Tree. Since what you're trying to bind to is not an element, ElementName isn't the correct approach. Dotted path notation is the simplest approach in this case:
{Binding Path=myAddressClass.StreetName}


Binding UI-element to UI-element like Textbox to Textbox

I have UI-elements like a textbox and I want to bind them to a ViewModel. I need to access many properties of the textbox like the text- or the IsEnabled-property.
Is it possible that I bind the textbox directly to another textbox in the ViewModel with all their properties instead of binding every single property to properties?
Yes, using an ElementName, but you still bind all properties though.
<!-- Bound to ViewModel -->
<TextBox Name="tbOne" IsEnabled="{Binding OneIsEnabled}" Text={Binding TextOne}/>
<TextBox Name="tbTwo" IsEnabled="{Binding ElementName=tbOne, Path=IsEnabled}" Text={Binding ElementName=tbOne, Path=Text}/>
There is no built-in way to bind all dependency properties of the TextBox to another. Personally, I would prefer binding directly to the ViewModel.
An alternative solution would be to create a UserControl that internally clones the TextBox with all bindings:
<CloneControl Target="{Binding ElementName=tbOne}"/>
Here, the ControlControl would inspect the target, and have code that create a new TextBox, and sets the bindings in code. This is only useful if you are doing this very often, and there is a slightly performance price to pay, as you are adding another level of controls to the UI tree.

How to bind a textblock's text through XAML using a property?

I am working on a Silverlight application, and I want to bind the simple text property of textblock through a property of string type.
What I did was:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
Code behind:
public string Name{get;set;}
Name = "Testing..!";
but it will not work.
To expand on anatoliiG's answer (which will work): Data binding refers to properties on the DataContext property of the current element by default. This means that your
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
is actually translated to
Set the value of the Text property to this.DataContext.Name
(DataContext is inherited, so if it is not explicitly set on the TextBlock it will check the parent, then the parent of the parent etc etc)
You can resolve your problem in one of two ways:
You can set the value of this.DataContext on the parent to the parent itself (as anatoliiG suggests). This means that when it looks up this.DataContext.Name it will be checking the Page itself, which is where your Name property is found.
You can change your Binding so it looks at the Page instead of Page.DataContext when it is looking up bindings. You can achieve this using the RelativeSource markup extension:
This translates to:
Find the first ancestor of the TextBlock that is of type Page, and bind to the Name property on that object
As a final note, you will also need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged on your DataContext object if you are going to ever change the value of Name.
Oh, and you should be using view models as the DataContext instead of the Page itself!
Answer to your question is: in Page_Loaded event set LayoutRoot.DataContext = this;. But it is more hack, than good practice.
You should take a look into MVVM pattern and INotifyPropertyChanged and create ViewModel which will contain this property.

How to set ItemsSource?

This dialog makes no sense to me
And I'm having trouble finding good tutorials on it. Most of the examples aren't detailed enough, or do stuff via code, but I'd like to take advantage of the IDE as much as possible.
Whats the difference between ItemsSource and DataContext?
I'd like to bind it to just a List for starters. I don't need SQL or databases or anything fancy. Where would I declare my list? In MainWindow.xaml.cs? How do I get it to appear in that dialog?
Think of "DataContext" as the default value for "Source" in a binding.
When you create a binding, you can specify the path and source, like this (I'll use TextBox as an example):
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Foo,Source={StaticResource Bar}}" />
So my TextBox.Text property is bound to a Foo property on an object called Bar (a resource somewhere in the application).
However, if you have a whole bunch of things that you want to bind to properties on Bar, it's easier to set Bar as the DataContext of the parent container. A Binding without a Source will just use the DataContext by default, and DataContext flows through to child controls from the parent. So:
<StackPanel DataContext="{StaticResource Bar}">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Foo}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Fizz}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Buzz}" />
All of the TextBoxes are still binding to properties on Bar, but they're doing it without setting it as a Source explicitly.
So let's have another look at the dialog you posted. It's giving you several options for the "source" of the ItemsSource binding. When you choose "DataContext", you're telling Visual Studio that the ItemsControl doesn't need to know the source - it'll pick it up from the DataContext of the parent container (maybe even the Window itself).
If you chose one of the other options (ElementName, RelativeSource or StaticResource) then you'd be setting the binding's source explicitly for that ItemsControl.
Once you've told it that it's binding to the DataContext, you'll need to drop into the "Path" section of the dialog and tell it which property to bind the items of the control to. In the end, the markup would look something like this (assuming it's a ListBox):
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Foos}" />
So the items in the ListBox are coming from a property called "Foos", and that property is on an object that's set in the DataContext somewhere higher in the logical tree (perhaps on the Window itself).
You rarely need to use the data context of a control outside of the control. The most common use case for setting DataContext(DataContext = this;) is within UserControl's code-behind to make all controls within the UserControl to bind to the control's properties.
When you use a ListBox, setting ItemsSource is sufficient, unless you are doing something funky.
This is a pretty good walkthrough: http://windowsclient.net/learn/video.aspx?v=315275
Specifically, you need to set the DataContext first to tell it where to look for the ItemsSource. The easiest way is to set this on the Window through the XAML:
<controllers:DownloadManager />

WPF won't let me put a binding on the path of a binding -- is there another way?

I have a DataTemplate that I'm using as the CellTemplate for a GridViewColumn.
I want to write something like this for the DataTemplate:
Text="{Binding Path={Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type GridViewColumn}}, Path=Header}}" />
My GridView is bound to a DataTable, and I want to bind to the column of the DataTable whose name is equal to the Header of the GridViewColumn the DataTemplate is attached to. [I hope that made sense!]
Unfortunately, this doesn't work. I get a XamlParseException: "A 'Binding' cannot be set on the 'Path' property of type 'Binding'. A 'Binding' can only be set on a DependencyProperty of a DependenceyObject."
How can I set this up?
Edit (elevating comment by DanM to the question)
I basically need a DataTemplate whose binding is determined by the DataContext and which column the DataTemplate is attached to. Is there an alternative?
You cannot assign a Binding to just any property. The property must either of the type Binding or be implemented as a Dependency Property on the object.
The Path property of the Binding class is of type PropertyPath and Binding does not implement the Path property as a dependency property. Hence you cannot dynamically bind the Path in the way you are attempting to.
You basically want to embed metadata in your bound data which drives the configuration of the DataTemplate. This can't be done in XAML alone. You would need at least some support from code.
It would seem to me that the best approach would be to use a ViewModel. That makes the binding in the XAML straight-forward and pushes this "what to bind with what" decision down into the code of the ViewModel.
Don't you just want this?
{Binding Path=Header, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type GridViewColumn}}}

WPF: Listbox, valueconverter

What is the easiest way to use a valueconverter with a listbox?
I'm setting the ItemSource to a List<> of objects at runtime, and it displays a textstring from the ToString() method. What I would like, though, is to pass the object through a valueconverter to get a completely different string value.
All the examples I have found makes a big deal of binding the list to something in xaml, and defining styles and templates to redesign the whole box, but I just want my values converted...
Use a data template with something like:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter=....}" />
That's it. When you don't specify a path in your binding, it simply binds to the current object.
