Silverlight 4 business application themes - silverlight

We are starting a new SilverLight 4 Business Application project and are looking for theme. All we can find on the web are Navigation Application themes, which when applied to business application project, don't work. Most even have compilation errors.
Is there a place on the web to get theme specifically for that project or is there a way to translate navigation application theme into business application theme?
Thank you

Finally got around finding some.
Here goes :[0].Type=RootCategory&f[0].Value=themes&f[0].Text=Themes&f[1].Type=Tag&f[1].Value=RIAServices

Repair RIA Service using below link that issue/error will be solved.

There are application themes for Silverlight 4 templates at Microsoft Download Center.


WP7 - How to embed my xap in a webpage

I have made a Windows Phone 7 app and I would like to embed it in a webpage.
I found two examples to help explain what I want to do:
I have looked at the page sources for both of these websites and have tried to mimic what they have down, but the farthest I have gotten is a webpage with a silverlight app in the middle, but my app doesn't start.
I am not that familiar with web development, but if someone could help me create a simple html page with my wp7 app embedded in it, that would be great.
The Silverlight desktop computer plugin can't execute Windows Phone Silverlight apps.
The two example websites embed a "classic" Silverlight app within a fake Windows Phone chrome.
So basically what you can do to have something similar is:
Create a new Silverlight 4 "classic" project
Implement your app (you can share code between the new project and your existing WP7 code)
Retemplate the controls to make them look like the Windows Phone ones
Embed the app within a WP7 chrome on a website

communication between silverlight plugin and mvc project without using WCF

I just need a help regarding the communication between the silverlight plugin which uses webcam and gives response to the mvc application.I just need the breakpoints to be hitted on the silverlight project run mode that are not hitting for the moment.
Any help will be highly appreciated..
On Solution Explorer of Visual Studio right click on your web project and select Properties. Go to the Web tab. In the bottom under Debuggers check Silverlight checkbox. After that you can debug your Silverlight application.

Debug Silverlight component from MVC application Visual Studio 2010

In my solution I have a MVC project. Then I added a Silverlight project. When I added the Silverlight project, I set to include it in the existing web application (MVC project).
It added an .aspx page that contains the Silverlight component. The problem is that I cannot debug into the Silverlight code when I start the ASP.NET MVC application. I set a breakpoint in the Application_Startup function in the Silverlight code, but it never stops there. On the breakpoint I have a tooltip:
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document
How do I fix this problem?
Which browser are you using? I've had mixed results with debugging Silverlight with anything besides Internet Explorer, so I'm making sure to use Internet Explorer when developing Silverlight applications.
If you're using Internet Explorer, then Evan's solution should work (at least that's what has stopped me some time - Silverlight debugging disabled in the web project).
Also check that your Silverlight application is present in the list located under Web project properties > Silverlight Applications.
I found the problem. The browser was caching the Silverlight application. I solved that with the following code when initializing the Silverlight component:
param name="source" value="ClientBin/form.xap?<%= DateTime.Now.Ticks %>"

Facebook Connect in Silverlight

Is there a good way to get Facebook Connect onto a Silverlight page? All I really need is simple authorization/registration. I've looked into the facebook developer toolkit, but the documentation is more or less non-existent for Silverlight, and I didn't really get anywhere with it.
Is there a good tutorial or a working library for adding Facebook Connect into a Silverlight app? Or is the best way to run Silverlight in Windowwless mode with HTML overlayed on top?
Are you looking for something like that?
Before developing this small test app i took a look at these samples:
Make sure to download the newest source code of the Facebook Development Kit for .NET and build it yourself since the release version(January) didn't work for me correctly.
Let me know if you have any problems.
I've decided to use the WebBrowser control that was added in Silverlight 4 to accomplish this.

TestPage.aspx in silverlight

I am a beginner in silverlight. I want to know what is TestPage.aspx and TestPage.html in silverlight. Actually i have google it but din't get enough information. Can any one give me answer??
TestPage.aspx and TestPage.html are the pages which will host your Silverlight content. As you might know, Silverlight is just a project (not a web application) and needs a page that can host it.
These pages are created by default and help you to test your XAML content during your development, which you can later remove from your project.
TestPage.html is dynamically generated by the Silverlight application as part of the Debug process. If you take a look at the Debug tab for the application properties you will see an option to Dynamically generate a test page. If this is selected then you TestPage.html is created in the /Bin/Debug folder of your Silverlight application.
A better solution is to create a web application in the same solution as your Silverlight application then in the properties for the web application go to the Silverlight Applications tab and add your existing Silverlight app to the web project. Also make sure that the Silverlight checkbox is ticked in the Debuggers section of the Web tab of your web application.
