case sensititivity with users controller on certain hosting - cakephp

We generally use two different hosting services. On one, everything works ticketyboo, as it does on my local dev servers. On the other server, however, I am having this problem:
I can't access the users controller like this:
But I can like this:
** note the capitalised 'Users' **
If I displace the application to a sub-folder everything works fine (both upper- and lowercase).
The hosting company have looked at it and can't see a problem at their end and they assure me that users is not a reserved word.
You might say this isn't a problem, just use the version that works. Unfortunately it leads to problems downstream where Cake core starts generating urls itself.
Anybody else seen this problem or know the solution?
[This only occurs on the users controller - all others work as expected]

Without seeing all your code / diving in too deeply, I'm not sure what the cause of this problem is. Do you have some special stuff going on in the routes.php file? If you have a specific route defined for users, that could be it.
However, you could make a quick fix -- in UsersController (or AppController if you want to ensure this behavior doesn't pop up elsewhere) just add a line to the beforeFilter() method to capitalize / decapitalize (whichever is more appropriate) the controller parameter.
[edit] - sorry, didn't finish that first paragraph. It still could be the routes file, even though it works on one server and not the other, because it's possible that the working server uses a case-insensitive apache module that normalizes all urls. This is why it's so nice to have your staging and dev setups being EXACTLY the same as production.

While the hosting support denied that the word 'user' or 'users' or 'Users' was in any way reserved, it seems that it was:
"We have removed the users/ redirect"
Problem solved.


Share controllers, models and views in multisite CakePHP 2.3 installation

I'm creating a CakePHP 2.3 advanced installation (several apps -websites- that share one same lib folder where all of cake's core files are located). This works without any problems, I just edit the core.php file in the Config folder for each app so it knows where to find cake's files. The file system looks something like:
These different apps are in fact different in some things (they are different websites) but at the same time there's many things that are common to all of them (for example some models, controllers, functions...). What I would like to do, if possible, is to have those apps also share a bunch of controllers, models, etc so I can put them in one place, instead of replicating them now for each app.
I've seen the concept of vendors and plugins in CakePHP (I actually use plugins in those websites, but from the /app/plugins folder), but I'm not sure if that would work in my case, or how I would set that up. I guess the idea would be to have another folder (for example [shared_objects]) at the same level of [cake-core-files] and [websites], but I don't know how I would have to configure cake to do that or how to call those objects from each app.
Any ideas?
Based on the comments/responses below I'm trying to do this using the App:build() function in the bootstrap.php, but I can't get it to work. This is what I've done:
Added a new folder where I want to put the stuff to share between all apps:
[shared-stuff] --> NEW FOLDER
Placed the model User.php inside the new folder [shared-stuff/Model]
Added this line in the bootstrap:
App::build(array('Model' => array('/path/to/shared-stuff/Model')));
Deleted the model User.php from its original location [website-1/app/Model]
After this steps, it seems to work, the model User.php is loaded correctly from the [shared-stuff] folder (I've tested that printing App::objects('Model');, the User model is listed). However, it actually doesn't work, when I call that model from the UsersController in the login() function, the login doesn't work (although I don't receive any kind of error, even with debug set to 2).
This model uses a database configuration different from the default one (the users table is located in a different database than the default one). I don't know if this matters.
One thing is for sure, if I leave the same exact User.php model in its original location ( [website-1/app/Model]) it all works fine, including the login, so it's a problem with how I try to configure all this sharing stuff, not the model itself.
Any ideas what am I doing wrong?
I think it could be useful to share some controller/model between multiple websites, and do it without a plugin: Using shared controller/model lets you to overwrite it if needed. It should happen simply copying the controller/model in the website's correct folder and the system should use it instead of the shared one!
EDIT: Wonderful, it works, but i think there is a little error in cake's official documentation: All paths should be terminated with a Directory separator! In the cakephp book there aren't trailing slash. Add it to your App::build path and everything will work perfectly!
You can have plugins in the core Plugins/ dir
[website-1] // the 'app' dir ->
[website-2] // you can have many of them named anything, 'app' is just one.
This folder specifically will make the plugins available to any app using the cake lib
Look at this. Copy app to website-1, repeat till website-n.

Wordpress URL Change on submit

I currently have a website i'm working on that I have taken over from another individual, I dumped his SQL file into my database and everything seems to be ok apart from one thing. Whenever I try to log in to the back end or if I try to go elsewhere, it will add an additional to the address bar, making it like so:
From: to
I've had a dig in the database but I really can't find anything and i've never faced this issue before, could anyone shed some light on this for me? Maybe just let me know where I could look within the database to identify the problem, many thanks.
Take a look at the .htaccess file in the root folder, which is hidden and may contain rewrite rules.
Also, I recommend you use this plugin for migrations:
I use it whenever I move from localhost to a live site and vice versa. It will also ensure your widgets are preserved, since doing a find replace will cause the object serialisation syntax WordPress uses to break.
After migrating, you need to visit Settings > Permalinks so the .htaccess file can be updated according to the new URL for rewrites.

Apache hashbang url problems

I set up an older Rails 2 project on a brand new Apache#Debian#squeeze. The project itself could be a single pager, using links to scroll page up and down. My links look like that:
These links do fine as long as JavaScript intercepts the click event and simply scrolls to the intended section. In case the user leaves the single page and opens one where these links (still the same) cannot be followed via JavaScript, I only receive an:
You don't have permission to access /en/ on this server.
If I change the link to:
everything works fine and as expected. But I do not want to change my link structure. It already worked well at an older Debian5 box.
I expect that to be an Apache2 configuration issue, but do not find anything useful in the net.
Looking forward to any kind of enlightenment.
I don't know how or where you are working with javascript related to this problem, but let me tell you this.
Everything after the hashtag # is never passed to the server. Its HTTP standardization, it is just not passed to the server.
It is only intended to navigate to anchor within the webpage, and today used for a lot of new techniques including, but not limited to, xss scripting, javascript hooks, etc
It is possible that links are prohibited to load with an onclick event and some javascript does something instead, but it is not possible that you end up on this page if does not work.
However to solve your problem you probably have to adjust your your apache rewriting rule (or enable mod_rewrite at all?) to also capture links with trailing slashes.
The link is something different and could serve a completely different page.
I would strongly recommend not to get a mess here and do a strict permanent redirect from one to the other. Which you choose for primary usage is up to you.
I prefer a trailing slash and can also supply arguments for that, but they can be invalidated easily and replaced by some to suggest the opposite. You should find plenty on discussion on that if you search for trailing slash here.
To solve your problem please try to find the according RewriteRule, copy it and add it one more time with a trailing slash. See whether it works and make a redirect to the url without trailign slash.
You may also edit your answer and post your server config to get help with that.

Is there a known good way to keep Multiple Servers Logging for Cakephp

Cake PHP stores everything under the /app/tmp/logs folder and if you have multiple servers to see what is happening at each you have to check on each server logs folder.
Is there any solution that I can use with cakephp to centralize in one place the logging for Cakephp with the log files being saved and reset in a daily basis.
Cake allows you to set a parameter in the Controller::log() function.
Basically, when you have an error:
$this->log( 'some message describing the error', 'allserverslog' );
// second param can also be LOG_ERROR or LOG_DEBUG, 2 predefined constants that identify the default logging files
Some quick research shows that a clean method would be to redefine the TMP constant (by default define('TMP', APP.'tmp'.DS)) in /app/webroot/index.php to point the whole temp directory someplace else. This is not a good solution if the folder is supposed to be shared though, since different apps may step on each others feet with their temp files.
The only apparent way to point only the log directory someplace else seems to be to edit /cake/config/paths.php.
If your goal is only to make it easy to skim through log files of different apps quickly, you could simply put a bunch of symlinks to those logs into one directory.
Or, the other way around, you can make each /app/tmp/logs folder a symlink to some shared folder. Not sure I'd recommend that though; having different apps write to the same log may get confusing, since you may not always be sure which app a message came from.

Is it possible to 'deport' an imported controller in CakePHP?

I'm running into a problem with GroupsController::build_acl()-
It's taken me a while to track down the bug and now I've found it I'm not sure how to work around it.
Not all methods for NodesController (defined by me) are returned.
Probable reason:
build_acl() imports a 3rd party plugin that also has a NodesController and a subsequent App::import() doesn't overwrite it.
I'm about to try two runs of the build, one with the plugin code commented out, but a more durable solution would be preferred!
I need a way to either drop an imported controller or force a re-import while remaining in scope.
you can not do what you want to do, think about straight php for a while. once you have used include('some/file.php'); how do you un-import it? you cant.
now the reason why you cant overwrite it is once again down to php. what happens if you run
you will get errors about the class being defined already.
Cake is stopping this from happening, so the only (and correct way) is to not have 2 controllers with the same name. you can name them what ever you like and use the router to map to nice urls.
Turns out the plugin was redundant and not called anywhere in the application and would have broken it if it was as a class redefinition error would have ensued. After removal of the files everything worked okay.
