Is it possible to 'deport' an imported controller in CakePHP? - cakephp

I'm running into a problem with GroupsController::build_acl()-
It's taken me a while to track down the bug and now I've found it I'm not sure how to work around it.
Not all methods for NodesController (defined by me) are returned.
Probable reason:
build_acl() imports a 3rd party plugin that also has a NodesController and a subsequent App::import() doesn't overwrite it.
I'm about to try two runs of the build, one with the plugin code commented out, but a more durable solution would be preferred!
I need a way to either drop an imported controller or force a re-import while remaining in scope.

you can not do what you want to do, think about straight php for a while. once you have used include('some/file.php'); how do you un-import it? you cant.
now the reason why you cant overwrite it is once again down to php. what happens if you run
you will get errors about the class being defined already.
Cake is stopping this from happening, so the only (and correct way) is to not have 2 controllers with the same name. you can name them what ever you like and use the router to map to nice urls.

Turns out the plugin was redundant and not called anywhere in the application and would have broken it if it was as a class redefinition error would have ensued. After removal of the files everything worked okay.


Hiding the word "joomla" from a script in contact form

Whenever i create a contact form in my Joomla! 3.3.6, some script appears in the the page's HTML code that contains many words Joomla in it. I'd like to change those Joomla words and replace them with another words (i.e. Foo) for some security issue. I'd like to know whether or not i'm able to do so and how.
That script is:
<script>(function(){var strings={"JLIB_FORM_FIELD_INVALID":"\u0641\u06cc\u0644\u062f \u0646\u0627\u0645\u0639\u062a\u0628\u0631:&#160"};if(typeof Joomla=='undefined'){Joomla={};Joomla.JText=strings;}
I have no idea whether a plugin or an extension creates it or not.
Thank you
This script seems to be translating some text required for the form to use in its javascript, eg validation messages. It does this using a javascript version of JText, which is part of core Joomla. There is some info on how that works here. Weirdly, there seems to be little information in the official Joomla documentation about it.
The main JText function it is calling appears here: media/system/js/core.js
I'm sure it would be possible to write a plug-in to remove this script before the page is rendered and then to translate any untranslated text with your own scripts. However, I'm not sure I see any security benefit in doing this so it seems a waste of time.
Ultimately, someone sniffing a site for what it is built in is far more likely to see if core files exist by going direct to places like media/system/js/core.js, rather than to scan the code for the word "Joomla" - which would trigger a lot of false-positives (any site which just mentions Joomla) and negatives (any page which doesn't have a form on it). It also does not reveal the version of Joomla, which is the info a hacker would more likely be after.
I think you have to search for the script (i.e via Notepad++) in the whole directory. It must be a plugin for the contact form that has some inline script in it.
also do you use any special third party plugin or so? that might be the source of it.
PS: also i had some similar experience, i don't know exactly how i got rid of those words, but like you, i wanted to do that to hide the fact that i'm using joomla for security.
Its actually Joomla who add this, from the file: Joomlainstall/libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
And load it globaly from:
The developer ad that code by using the function, JText, for an example:
In my case it was the plugin ContactUs Form who add the javascript. If JText is not used, it is not loaded. If I disabled the plugin, the javascript was then not loaded. If you have that plugin enabled, my be try an other contact form?
For security reson it is bad programming by the developer off Joomla, for sure.

Moved CakePHP app from windows to mac and now one model doesn't load

Today I was moving a CakePHP app that I made on windows to my new macbook. For some weird reason one model doesn't load properly. Other models do load properly though, which confuses me...
I got this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Locale::getLocale() in /server/cakephp/app/Controller/AppController.php on line 59
That line is just calling a method in my Locale model that I have.
So I tried to see what $this->Locale looked like with this code:
And this was the result:
Locale Object
I don't know why, but apparently I get an empty object. I tried removing the Locale.php file to see if CakePHP would automatically use AppModel, but it still becomes an empty object. So I tried searching if I have some empty class called Locale somewhere, but I couldn't find it.
Please help, this is so frustrating!
I cloned the CakePHP library from git yesterday, maybe that's useful information? Could it be that Locale has suddenly become a reserved word?
Permissions maybe? I've also had troubles in the past with hidden .files when moving cakephp apps, worth checking. I'm guessing that git handles both correctly though.

When magento widgets are run for the first time do they alter the database?

I've been following this tutorial to create a Magento widget as part of an extension I'm working on.
Whilst the widget was created successfully and worked as I wanted it, I changed the code and started getting the following error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in app/code/core/Mage/Widget/Model/Widget/Instance.php on line 502
When I changed the code back, the error was still present. However when I copied all my module to a fresh Magento install then the error wouldn't appear.
Although my widget does not explicitly use the database does anyone know if the act of installing and uninstalling a Magento widget makes changes to the core databases tables and if it does, which tables are altered.
The core_resource table contains a list of all modules, so adding a new module will cause a new row to be created.
If you have anything in your module's sql folder, that code will be run depending on your module's version.
Without knowing exactly what code was run and changed, it's hard to know what your specific problem is.
So if you followed that tutorial you linked to I do not think it changed any database settings.
You can tell if a module will add tables or modify table columns by the following method.
Assume the module is called Foo_Bar and it is installed in the "community" code pool (as opposed to core or local).
Navigate to app/code/community/Foo/Bar. You will at minimum usually see etc and Block directories there.
If you see a sql directory then this module makes db changes. You also need to understand a module is versioned and may initially make a certain table and then modify it.
By way of example you can go to any core module and look for the same. For example I am running Enterprise 1.12 and went to:
I see:
Note the upgrade x-y nomenclature. That is what core_resource keeps track of.
If you are wondering where your new module's settings are saved, that is actually in core_config_data. try this:
SELECT * FROM core_config_data where path like '%foo%';
Assuming you have some setting in the admin you named "foo".
Now back to your problem. That is a common php error. You are running a foreach on something which can not be iterated. The code right before that is probably not returning an array or collection or whatever.
Ideally you should always wrap the foreach with a statement that checks that the item you are iterating over is not empty.
You can also turn off displaying errors or suppress that error using the # statement which is a bad practice...

CustomServiceHostFactory and Generating proxies in silverlight

Hi I'm using and Custom ServiceHostFactory, and when I want to update service reference it would'nt work because I assume it needs to setup my servicehostfactory and it will crash.
I have looked for other approaches to not use the generation, but I havent found any good replacements.
Are there anyway to go around this, to not remove the servicehostfactory from the svc files everytime and then put them back there after service reference updates :S.
We use the non generation method described in this dnrtv screencast.
It has worked very well for us. Prevoiously we wasted alot of time due to references not updating or developers forgetting to update a reference before they checked in code.
I rechecked the namespace path and it were wrong in the svc file.

case sensititivity with users controller on certain hosting

We generally use two different hosting services. On one, everything works ticketyboo, as it does on my local dev servers. On the other server, however, I am having this problem:
I can't access the users controller like this:
But I can like this:
** note the capitalised 'Users' **
If I displace the application to a sub-folder everything works fine (both upper- and lowercase).
The hosting company have looked at it and can't see a problem at their end and they assure me that users is not a reserved word.
You might say this isn't a problem, just use the version that works. Unfortunately it leads to problems downstream where Cake core starts generating urls itself.
Anybody else seen this problem or know the solution?
[This only occurs on the users controller - all others work as expected]
Without seeing all your code / diving in too deeply, I'm not sure what the cause of this problem is. Do you have some special stuff going on in the routes.php file? If you have a specific route defined for users, that could be it.
However, you could make a quick fix -- in UsersController (or AppController if you want to ensure this behavior doesn't pop up elsewhere) just add a line to the beforeFilter() method to capitalize / decapitalize (whichever is more appropriate) the controller parameter.
[edit] - sorry, didn't finish that first paragraph. It still could be the routes file, even though it works on one server and not the other, because it's possible that the working server uses a case-insensitive apache module that normalizes all urls. This is why it's so nice to have your staging and dev setups being EXACTLY the same as production.
While the hosting support denied that the word 'user' or 'users' or 'Users' was in any way reserved, it seems that it was:
"We have removed the users/ redirect"
Problem solved.
