windows application user control in wpf - wpf

I have created a user control in windows application and used it in wpf.
The user control is in a seperate project and solution than that of wpf.
I have exposed some properties in the user control and tried to use it in a wpf form.
I have used it in the WindowsFormsHost element and also added WindowsFormsIntegration reference.
I am facing the following problems:
I am able to see the user control in the toolbox but it is disabled.
I am able to design the user control in xaml and give values to properties. I am also getting the properties in intellisense but the same is not getting reflected/applied during design as well as run time.
I am not able to see the control in the properties window even after selecting it. I am just able to see WindowsFormsHost in the property window.
I am not able to find any sample project or explanation of this in code project. If there is any then please do let me know.
Also I am able to use this user control in a windows application very easily and it is working fine. Am i missing anything for wpf?
I can give the source code if required but i dont think it will be of much help as i have not done anything fancy.

Is the control project compiled or just added in the solution?
Is the control project compiled as Debug or Release?
What language is the control compiled in?
"Walkthrough: Hosting a Windows Forms Control in WPF"
Possible help:


Adding WPF Windows to an XNA Game Project

I'm creating an experimental game (which would eventually become a map editor for a game) and I'd like to include a WPF window in the same project which would communicate with the game logic. This is not another render-xna-game-in-wpf-window question, I've read tons of those, I want to spawn a seperate WPF window independent from the XNA game window, but in the same program, in the same project. When I click Add Item and select WPF, all it gives me as an option is a User Control, no window or any other options etc. I've tried referencing PresentationCore but no lock either, am I missing something? I am not super with interoperability, so forgive me if what I tried is stupid. I also don't want "hacky" solutions (like creating a window and a borderless control and setting their location same etc) if it can't be done just tell it so, but I'm sure there is a relatively "clean" way of doing it since they'll be completely seperate, think of it like a very simple MVC: M Game Logic, V XNA Window, C WPF Window. And don't offer me Forms, I know how to go with forms, but I want WPF, I just work with WPF/XAML and WPF style controls more easily.
Being able to add a Window from the Add Item menu is controlled by a Visual Studio project type GUID. Have you tried to create the window xaml and cs files manually (or create it in another, test solution and Add Existing file)? Or just create a Window instance in code and show that? Also, Window is in PresentationFramework, not PresentationCore.

WPF Component in Windows Application

i have created one component in WPF. its working fine with WPF but when i tried to use it in windows application i am getting one issue.
i have one textbox in that control so in when the control hosted in windows applicaion and i try to type something in that textbox its not working.
i tried to put some messageboxes in "KeyPreview", "KeyDown" and "Textxchanged" events any of these events have not been fired.
so is there any limitation for WPF usercontrols usage in windows application??
one more thing i have used Dispatcher timer in the usercontrol.
This MSDN walkthrough shows how to use a WPF user control in Windows Forms. It may help you in your query.

Using ActiveX control in WPF

I'm attempting to host an ActiveX control in a WPF app. After attempting to use existing info on the web and here, I've hit a dead-end.
I need to use an ActiveX control provided to communicate with a UV power meter. They provide an application that registers and uses the control and even includes some useful demo apps. I stripped out the OCX file and put it here if needed. You won't have the power meter to talk to, but the app and demos will still load the ActiveX control successfully.
I created a simple Windows Forms application. I was able to bring the ActiveX control into the toolbar, drop it into my form, and everything is fine. The demo apps they provide do this as well.
However, getting this to work in a WPF environment is another story. The control can't be added to the toolbox and "dragged" into the app.
So far I've tried two techniques:
Technique found here. I am able to add a reference to the control, but then I enter namespace hell. The xmlns:ax namespace it suggests making cannot find the information. Here's my attempt based on what the object viewer tells me: xmlns:ax="clr-namespace:OphirUsbXLib;assembly=Interop.OphirUsbXLib"
Technique found here. This is essentially to create a new project that creates a library based on Windows Forms, which contains the ActiveX control (yikes). I am able to add the Windows Forms Host, but I cannot get access to the ActiveX control within. I can make the control public, but I still cannot call methods etc. This doesn't look like the right solution.
In short, I have an ActiveX control that works beautifully in Forms, but is a real bitch to get working in WPF.
Any insight is appreciated!
In this situation I would consider making a WinForms usercontrol which wraps the ActiveX control you are trying to use.
You could make public properties and methods which expose each of the required properties and methods on the ActiveX control, and then host this WinForms UC on the in a WPF WinFormsHost control.
I have already done something similar to this, in reverse, hosting a WPF UserControl in a WinForms UserControl, then hosting that on a VB6 Form in a legacy application.

WPF how to integrate Ribbon in prism applications

I'm writing a prism application and would like to integrate Ribbon library in it. I want a Ribbon Window that would be used as a Shell with office-like tabs and tab groups. The modules should be loaded on demand depending on the tab selected by user. I don't want the tabs to be located in a region if this is avoidable. So I created a Ribbon window and some regions and get all kind of errors (cannot resolve dependency object, etc.). Is there somewhere a good example of such application or a tutorial? How to load the modules depending on the user's choice?
I started this thread but I didn't get an answer that could help me.
Thanks for any help and suggestions.
Have you implemented a RegionAdapter for the Ribbon? (I'm guessing you're trying to fill the Ribbon dynamically with a Region attached property)
See this link for details.
Make your shell a RibbonWindow and if you need commands over the whole application you can create applicationcommands.

block script debugging for wpf browser control

I have used browser control for my WPF browser application.I want to disable the script error message.Please let me know exactly as I am very new to this application.
Thanks in advance.
Answer other than disabling script message on advance tab of internet option.
The problem here is that the WPF WebBrowser did not implement this property as in the 2.0 control.
Your best bet is to use a WindowsFormsHost in your WPF application and use the 2.0's WebBrowser property: SuppressScriptErrors. Even then, you will need the application to be full trust in order to do this.
Not what one would call ideal, but it's pretty much the only option currently.
