How to figure the read/write ratio in Sql Server? - sql-server

How can I query the read/write ratio in Sql Server 2005? Are there any caveats I should be aware of?
Perhaps it can be found in a DMV query, a standard report, a custom report (i.e the Performance Dashboard), or examining a Sql Profiler trace. I'm not sure exactly.
Why do I care?
I'm taking time to improve the performance of my web app's data layer. It deals with millions of records and thousands of users.
One of the points I'm examining is database concurrency. Sql Server uses pessimistic concurrency by default--good for a write-heavy app. If my app is read-heavy, I might switch it to optimistic concurrency (isolation level: read committed snapshot) like Jeff Atwood did with StackOverflow.

All apps are heavy read only.
An UPDATE is a read for the WHERE clause followed by a write
An INSERT must check unique indexes and FKs, which are reads and why you index FK columns
At most you have 15% writes. I saw an article once discussing it, but can't find it again. More likely 1%.
I know that in our 6 million new rows per day DB, we still have a minimum of 95%+ reads (an estimate of course).
Why do you need to know?
Also: How to find out SQL Server table’s read/write statistics?
Edit, based on the question update...
I would leave DB concurrency until you need to change it. We've not change anything out of the box for our 6 million rows + heavy reads too
For tuning our web app, we designed it to reduce round trips (one call = one action, mutliple record sets per call etc)

Check out sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats:
seeks, scans, lookups are all reads
updates are writes
Keep in mind that the counters are reset with each server restart, you need to look at them only after a representative load was run.
There are also some performance counters that can help you:
Batch Requests/sec: number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second.
Write Transactions/sec: number of transactions that wrote to the database and committed
Transactions/sec: number of transactions started for the database
From these rates you can get a pretty good estimate of read:write ratio of your requests.
after your update
Turning on the version store is probably the best avenue for dealing with concurrency. Rather than using the snapshot isolation explicitly, I'd recommend turning on read committed snapshot:
alter database <dbname> set allow_snapshot_isolation on;
alter database <dbname> set read_committed_snapshot on;
this will make read committed reads (ie. the default ones) to use snapshot instead, so it literally doesn't require any change in the app and can be quickly tested.
You should also investigate if your reads don't get executed under serialization reads isolation level, which is what happens when a TransactionScope is used w/o explicitly specifying the isolation level.
One word of caution that the version store is not exactly free. See Row Versioning Resource Usage. And you should give a read to SQL Server 2005 Row Versioning-Based Transaction Isolation.

How about finding a ratio of num_of_writes & num_of_reads counters in sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats?

I did it using SQL Server Profiler. I just opened it before running application and tested what kind of queries are executed while I'm doing something in application. But I think it's better just for making sure that queries work, don't know if it is convenient for measuring server workload like this. Profiler can also save traced which you can analyse later, so it might work.


What is the proper way to run a long query against an active database?

We are using SQL Server 2012 EE but currently do not have the option to run queries on a R/O mirror though that is my long term goal, though am concerned I may run into the below issue in that scenario as well since the mirror would also be updating data I am querying.
I have a view that joins across several tables from two databases and is used for invoicing from existing data. Three of these tables are also actively updated by ongoing transactions. Running a report that used this view did not used to be a problem but now our database is getting much larger and I have run into some timeout problems. First the query was timing out so I set command timeout to 0 and reran the query which pegged all 4 CPUs 100% for 90 minutes and then I killed it. There were no problems with active transactions during that time. I reviewed the query and found a field I was joining on that was not indexed so created an index on that field, reran the report, which then finished in three minutes and all the CPUs were busy but not at all pegged out. Same data amount queried both times. I figured problem solved. Of course later, my boss ran a similar query, perhaps with some more data but probably not a lot more, and our live transactions started timing out 100% while his query was running. I did not get a chance to see the CPU usage during that time.
So my questions are two:
Given I have to use the live and active database, what is the proper way to run a long R/O query so that active transactions can still continue? I am considering NO LOCK but am hoping there is a better standard practice.
And what might cause sqlserver to peg out 4 CPUs with 100% busy and not cause live transaction timeouts, yet when my boss ran his query, after I added the index and my query ran much better, the live update transactions start timing out 100%?
I know this is not a lot of info to go on. I'm not very familiar with sql profiling and performance monitoring yet this behavior seems rather odd and am hoping a best practice would be the correct workaround.
The default behavior of SELECT queries in the READ_COMMITTED transaction isolation level is to acquire shared locks during query execution to provide the requested data consistency (read committed data only). These locks are typically row-level and released quickly during query execution immediately after each row is read. There are also less granular intent locks at the page and table level prevent concurrent updates to data as it is being read. Depending on the particulars of the execution plan, there may even be shared locks held at the table level for the duration of the query, which will prevent updates to the table during query execution and result in readers blocking writers.
Setting the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option causes SQL Server to use row versioning instead of locking to provide the same read consistency. A row version store is maintained in tempdb so that when a row requested by the query has changed since the query began, the most recent committed row version is returned instead. This row-versioning behavior avoids locking and effectively provides a statement-level snapshot of the database at the time the query began. Readers do not block writers and writers do not block readers. Do not confuse the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option with the SNAPSHOT isolation level (a common mistake).
The downside of setting the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is additional resource usage. An additional 14 bytes of storage overhead for each row is incurred once the database option is enabled. Updates and deletes will generate row versions in tempdb. These versions require tempdb space for the duration of the longest running query and there is overhead in maintained the version store. Also consider whether you have existing applications that depend on readers-block-writers locking behavior. Despite this overhead, the concurrency benefits may yield better overall performance depending on your workload, while providing read integrity. See for more information.
Actually I decided to create a snapshot at the beginning of each month for reporting to run against. Then delete when no longer needed for reporting. This seems to work fine. I could do something similar with a database restore but slightly more work. This allows not needing a second SQL EE license, and lets me run reports w/o locking tables for live transactions.

Efficient use of SQL Transactions

My application currently needs to upload a large amount of data to a database server (SQL Server) and locally on a SQLite database (local cache).
I have always used Transactions when inserting data to a database for speed purposes. But now that I am working with something like 20k rows or more per insert batch, I am worried that Transactions might cause issues. Basically, what I don't know is if Transactions have a limit on how much data you can insert under them.
What is the correct way to use transactions with large amounts of rows to be inserted in a database? Do you for instance begin/commit every 1000 rows?
No there is no such limit. Contrary to what you might believe, SQLite writes pending transactions into the database file, not RAM. So you should not run into any limits on the amount of data you can write under a transaction.
See SQLite docs for these info:
Follow the link "Limits in SQLite" for implementation limits like these.
Follow the link "How SQLite Implements Atomic Commit" for how transactions work
I dont see any problems doing this but if there are any constraint/ referential integrity errors then probably you got insert them all again and also the table is locked till the time the transaction is commited. Breaking down into smaller portions while logging activity in each batch will help.
A better option would be to BCP insert them into the target while dealing with many rows or even an SSIS package to do this.

Using a duplicate SQL Server database for queries

I have a very large (100+ gigs) SQL Server 2005 database that receives a large number of inserts and updates, with less frequent selects. The selects require a lot of indexes to keep them functioning well, but it appears the number of indexes is effecting the efficiency of the inserts and updates.
Question: Is there a method for keeping two copies of a database where one is used for the inserts and updates while the second is used for the selects? The second copy wouldn't need to be real-time updated, but shouldn't be more than an hour old. Is it possible to do this kind of replication while keeping different indexes on each database copy? Perhaps you have other solutions?
Your looking to setup a master/child database topology using replication. With SQL server you'll need to setup replication between two databases (preferrably on separate hardware). The Master DB you should use for inserts and updates. The Child will service all your select queries. You'll want to also optimize both database configuration settings for the type of work they will be performing. If you have heavy select queries on the child database you may also want to setup view's that will make the queries perform better than complex joins on tables.
Some reference material on replication:
Just google it and you'll find plenty of information on how to setup and configure:
Transactional replication can do this as the subscriber can have a number of aditional indexes compared with the publisher. But you have to bear in mind a simple fact: all inserts/updates/deletes are going to be replicated at the reporting copy (the subscriber) and the aditional indexes will... slow down replication. It is actually possible to slow down the replication to a rate at wich is unable to keep up, causing a swell of the distribution DB. But this is only when you have a constant high rate of updates. If the problems only occur durink spikes, then the distribution DB will act as a queue that absorbes the spikes and levels them off during off-peak hours.
I would not take this endevour without absolute, 100% proof evidence that it is the additional indexes that are slowing down the insert/updates/deletes, and w/o testing that the insert/updates/deletes are actually performing significantly better without the extra indexes. Specifically , ensure that the culprit is not the other usual suspect: lock contention.
Generally, all set-based operations (including updating indexes) are faster than non set-based ones
1,000 inserts will most probably be slower than one insert of 1,000 records.
You can batch the updates to the second database. This will, first, make the index updating more fast, and, second, smooth the peaks.
You could task schedule a bcp script to copy the data to the other DB.
You could also try transaction log shipping to update the read only db.
Don't forget to adjust the fill factor when you create your two databases. It should be low(er) on the database with frequent updates, and 100 on your "data warehouse"/read only database.

SQL Server 2000 Deadlock

We are experiencing some very annoying deadlock situations in a production SQL Server 2000 database.
The main setup is the following:
SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
Server is coded in C++ using ATL OLE Database.
All database objects are being accessed trough stored procedures.
All UPDATE/INSERT stored procedures wrap their internal operations in a BEGIN TRANS ... COMMIT TRANS block.
I collected some initial traces with SQL Profiler following several articles on the Internet like this one (ignore it is referring to SQL Server 2005 tools, the same principles apply). From the traces it appears to be a deadlock between two UPDATE queries.
We have taken some measures that may have reduced the likelihood of the problem from happening as:
SELECT WITH (NOLOCK). We have changed all the SELECT queries in the stored procedures to use WITH (NOLOCK). We understand the implications of having dirty reads but the data being queried is not that important since we do a lot of automatic refreshes and under normal conditions the UI will have the right values.
READ UNCOMMITTED. We have changed the transaction isolation level on the server code to be READ UNCOMMITED.
Reduced transaction scope. We have reduced the time a transaction is being held in order to minimize the probabilities of a database deadlock to take place.
We are also questioning the fact that we have a transaction inside the majority of the stored procedures (BEGIN TRANS ... COMMIT TRANS block). In this situation my guess is that the transaction isolation level is SERIALIZABLE, right? And what about if we also have a transaction isolation level specified in the source code that calls the stored procedure, which one applies?
This is a processing intensive application and we are hitting the database a lot for reads (bigger percentage) and some writes.
If this were a SQL Server 2005 database I could go with Geoff Dalgas answer on an deadlock issue concerning Stack Overflow, if that is even applicable for the issue I am running into. But upgrading to SQL Server 2005 is not, at the present time, a viable option.
As these initial attempts failed my question is: How would you go from here? What steps would you take to reduce or even avoid the deadlock from happening, or what commands/tools should I use to better expose the problem?
A few comments:
The isolation level explicitly specified in your stored procedure overrides isolatlation level of the caller.
If sp_getapplock is available on 2000, I'd use it:
In many cases serializable isolation level increases the chance you get a deadlock.
A good resource for 2000:
Also some of Bart Duncan's advice might be applicable:
In addition to Alex's answer:
Eyeball the code to see if tables are being accessed in the same order. We did this recently and reordered code to alway to parent then child. The system had grown, code and features were more complex, more user: we simply started getting deadlocks.
- See if transactions can be shortened (eg start later, finish earlier, less processing)
Identify which code you'd like not to fail and use SET DEADLOCK PRIORITY LOW in the other
We've used this (SQL 2005 has more options here) to make sure that some code will never be deadlocked and sacrificed other code.
If you have SELECT at the start of the transaction to prepare some stuff, consider HOLDLOCK (maybe UPDLOCK) to keep this locked for the duration. We use this occasionally so stop writes on this table by other processes.
The reason for the deadlocks in my setup scenario was after all the indexes. We were using (generated by default) non clustered indexes for the primary keys of the tables. Changing to clustered indexes fixed the problem.
My guess would be that you are experiencing deadlocks, either:
Because your DML(Updates probably) statements are getting escalations to table-locks, or
Different stored procedures are accessing the same tables in transactions but in a different order.
To address this, I would first examine the stored procedures, and make sure the the modifications statements have the indexes that they need.
Note: this applies to both the target tables and the source tables (despite NOLOCK, an UPDATE's source tables will get locks also. Check the query plans for scans on user stored procedures. Unlike batch or bulk operations, most user queries & DMLs work on a small subsets of the table rows and so should not be locking the entire table.
Then secondly, I would check the stored procedures to ensure that all data access in a stored procedure is being done in a consistent order (Parent -> Child is usually preferred).

What is "with (nolock)" in SQL Server?

Can someone explain the implications of using with (nolock) on queries, when you should/shouldn't use it?
For example, if you have a banking application with high transaction rates and a lot of data in certain tables, in what types of queries would nolock be okay? Are there cases when you should always use it/never use it?
WITH (NOLOCK) is the equivalent of using READ UNCOMMITED as a transaction isolation level. So, you stand the risk of reading an uncommitted row that is subsequently rolled back, i.e. data that never made it into the database. So, while it can prevent reads being deadlocked by other operations, it comes with a risk. In a banking application with high transaction rates, it's probably not going to be the right solution to whatever problem you're trying to solve with it IMHO.
The question is what is worse:
a deadlock, or
a wrong value?
For financial databases, deadlocks are far worse than wrong values. I know that sounds backwards, but hear me out. The traditional example of DB transactions is you update two rows, subtracting from one and adding to another. That is wrong.
In a financial database you use business transactions. That means adding one row to each account. It is of utmost importance that these transactions complete and the rows are successfully written.
Getting the account balance temporarily wrong isn't a big deal, that is what the end of day reconciliation is for. And an overdraft from an account is far more likely to occur because two ATMs are being used at once than because of a uncommitted read from a database.
That said, SQL Server 2005 fixed most of the bugs that made NOLOCK necessary. So unless you are using SQL Server 2000 or earlier, you shouldn't need it.
Further Reading
Row-Level Versioning
Unfortunately it's not just about reading uncommitted data. In the background you may end up reading pages twice (in the case of a page split), or you may miss the pages altogether. So your results may be grossly skewed.
Check out Itzik Ben-Gan's article. Here's an excerpt:
" With the NOLOCK hint (or setting the
isolation level of the session to READ
UNCOMMITTED) you tell SQL Server that
you don't expect consistency, so there
are no guarantees. Bear in mind though
that "inconsistent data" does not only
mean that you might see uncommitted
changes that were later rolled back,
or data changes in an intermediate
state of the transaction. It also
means that in a simple query that
scans all table/index data SQL Server
may lose the scan position, or you
might end up getting the same row
twice. "
The text book example for legitimate usage of the nolock hint is report sampling against a high update OLTP database.
To take a topical example. If a large US high street bank wanted to run an hourly report looking for the first signs of a city level run on the bank, a nolock query could scan transaction tables summing cash deposits and cash withdrawals per city. For such a report the tiny percentage of error caused by rolled back update transactions would not reduce the value of the report.
Not sure why you are not wrapping financial transactions in database transactions (as when you transfer funds from one account to another - you don't commit one side of the transaction at-a-time - this is why explicit transactions exist). Even if your code is braindead to business transactions as it sounds like it is, all transactional databases have the potential to do implicit rollbacks in the event of errors or failure. I think this discussion is way over your head.
If you are having locking problems, implement versioning and clean up your code.
No lock not only returns wrong values it returns phantom records and duplicates.
It is a common misconception that it always makes queries run faster. If there are no write locks on a table, it does not make any difference. If there are locks on the table, it may make the query faster, but there is a reason locks were invented in the first place.
In fairness, here are two special scenarios where a nolock hint may provide utility
1) Pre-2005 sql server database that needs to run long query against live OLTP database this may be the only way
2) Poorly written application that locks records and returns control to the UI and readers are indefinitely blocked. Nolock can be helpful here if application cannot be fixed (third party etc) and database is either pre-2005 or versioning cannot be turned on.
NOLOCK is equivalent to READ UNCOMMITTED, however Microsoft says you should not use it for UPDATE or DELETE statements:
For UPDATE or DELETE statements: This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.
This article applies to SQL Server 2005, so the support for NOLOCK exists if you are using that version. In order to future-proof you code (assuming you've decided to use dirty reads) you could use this in your stored procedures:
You can use it when you're only reading data, and you don't really care about whether or not you might be getting back data that is not committed yet.
It can be faster on a read operation, but I cannot really say by how much.
In general, I recommend against using it - reading uncommitted data can be a bit confusing at best.
Another case where it's usually okay is in a reporting database, where data is perhaps already aged and writes just don't happen. In this case, though, the option should be set at the database or table level by the administrator by changing the default isolation level.
In the general case: you can use it when you are very sure that it's okay to read old data. The important thing to remember is that its very easy to get that wrong. For example, even if it's okay at the time you write the query, are you sure something won't change in the database in the future to make these updates more important?
I'll also 2nd the notion that it's probably not a good idea in banking app. Or inventory app. Or anywhere you're thinking about transactions.
Simple answer - whenever your SQL is not altering data, and you have a query that might interfere with other activity (via locking).
It's worth considering for any queries used for reports, especially if the query takes more than, say, 1 second.
It's especially useful if you have OLAP-type reports you're running against an OLTP database.
The first question to ask, though, is "why am I worrying about this?" ln my experience, fudging the default locking behavior often takes place when someone is in "try anything" mode and this is one case where unexpected consequences are not unlikely. Too often it's a case of premature optimization and can too easily get left embedded in an application "just in case." It's important to understand why you're doing it, what problem it solves, and whether you actually have the problem.
Short answer:
Only use WITH (NOLOCK) in SELECT statement on tables that have a clustered index.
Long answer:
WITH(NOLOCK) is often exploited as a magic way to speed up database reads.
The result set can contain rows that have not yet been committed, that are often later rolled back.
If WITH(NOLOCK) is applied to a table that has a non-clustered index then row-indexes can be changed by other transactions as the row data is being streamed into the result-table. This means that the result-set can be missing rows or display the same row multiple times.
READ COMMITTED adds an additional issue where data is corrupted within a single column where multiple users change the same cell simultaneously.
My 2 cents - it makes sense to use WITH (NOLOCK) when you need to generate reports. At this point, the data wouldn't change much & you wouldn't want to lock those records.
If you are handling finance transactions then you will never want to use nolock. nolock is best used to select from large tables that have lots updates and you don't care if the record you get could possibly be out of date.
For financial records (and almost all other records in most applications) nolock would wreak havoc as you could potentially read data back from a record that was being written to and not get the correct data.
I've used to retrieve a "next batch" for things to do. It doesn't matter in this case which exact item, and I have a lot of users running this same query.
Use nolock when you are okay with the "dirty" data. Which means nolock can also read data which is in the process of being modified and/or uncommitted data.
It's generally not a good idea to use it in high transaction environment and that is why it is not a default option on query.
I use with (nolock) hint particularly in SQLServer 2000 databases with high activity. I am not certain that it is needed in SQL Server 2005 however. I recently added that hint in a SQL Server 2000 at the request of the client's DBA, because he was noticing a lot of SPID record locks.
All I can say is that using the hint has NOT hurt us and appears to have made the locking problem solve itself. The DBA at that particular client basically insisted that we use the hint.
By the way, the databases I deal with are back-ends to enterprise medical claims systems, so we are talking about millions of records and 20+ tables in many joins. I typically add a WITH (nolock) hint for each table in the join (unless it is a derived table, in which case you can't use that particular hint)
The simplest answer is a simple question - do you need your results to be repeatable? If yes then NOLOCKS is not appropriate under any circumstances
If you don't need repeatability then nolocks may be useful, especially if you don't have control over all processes connecting to the target database.
