I have checked out the cookbook web site of cakephp that there are four types Model relationship:
Since the one I am more familiar with is belongsTo,
I am not sure when I need to use hasManay and HABTM.
What will be the result to my web site if I used a wrong Model relationship type?
Please advise.
belongsTo and hasMany are a pair and express a one-to-many relationship. One model belongs to another (i.e. it has a other_model_id field), while the other way around that other model has many records in the model that belongs to it. It's two sides of the same coin.
hasAndBelongsToMany is Cake's term for a many-to-many relationship. Here's a primer on this type of relationship. You use this when both models can have many of the other model, e.g. People-People friend relationships. A many-to-many relationship between two models entails three tables: model_a, model_b and model_a_model_b. If you're trying to use this type of relationship without the third table, you'll probably just get a bunch of errors.
can we have some thing like following ER?
Is it a technical fault or not?
To define a relationship there should be entity by the help of them you can show relation. so it is impossible to make relation without entity.
In your case if you want to use 2 relationship there should be 1 entity between them.
Example of real life
suppose you have two relation teacher and student. you can not say like i am teacher and student of XYZ.
But you can say like i am teacher of Xyz and student of abc.
Typr of relationship
One-to-many relationships
The most common relationship used when creating relational databases. A row in a table in a database can be associated with one or (likely) more rows in another table. An example of a one-to-many relationship is a single order has many items on that order. And since relationships work both ways it is not uncommon to hear reference to many-to-one-relationships as well.
One-to-one relationship
A row in a table is associated to one and only one row in another table. An example of a one-to-one relationship is a person can have one social security number and a social security number can only be assigned to one person.
In most cases there is no need for a one-to-one relationship as the contents of the two tables can be combined into one table.
Many-to-many relationships
When one or more rows in a table are associated with one or more rows in another table. An example of a many-to-many relationship is a table of customers who can purchase many different products and a table of products that can be purchased by many different customers.
Is there such a thing? I'm not implementing anything, I'm just creating an E-R Diagram from it. Here is a simple example:
ENT(Ent_ID, Group_IDs)
GROUP(Group_ID, Att)
The attribute Group_ID would have an one-to-many relationship with different instances of GROUP. (Is the word instance correct here?)
P.s: I know I could create a third entity with Ent_ID and Group_ID as attributes to make the relations if I was implementing it, but I don't know if this has to be specified in the diagram.
The way I understand your example, you have a one-to-many relation:
Each GROUP instance can have many ENT instances related, but every ENT instance is related to one and only one GROUP instance.
From my understanding, cakephp doesn't support database inheritance relationship. However, I want to create a database with different type of Users.
In this case, there are three types of Users: Seller, Customer, and Administrator. Every users should have basic User information such as password, username, etc.
However, each types of users will have its own unique set of datas. For example, seller may have inventory_id while customer may have something like delivery_address, etc.
I have been thinking of creating a workaround to this problem without destroying cakephp convention. I was going to create three additional foreign keys, admin_id, seller_id and customer_id, inside User table, which links to other table. However, knowing that this is an IS-A relationship not HAS-A, I would have to make sure that two of the ids are NULL value. Therefore, this workaround seems ugly to me..
Is there any other simpler, better approach?
For this type of database structure I would probably look at adopting an Entity-Attribute-Value model. This would mean your customer may have a delivery_address and your user may have an inventory_id but as far as your relationship in Cake is concerned your both your user and customer would just have an attribute_id ... you can then create another table that stores what type of attributes are available.
It it's simplest form, your user and customer would be attached to an *attribute_lookup* or *attribute_link* table by a hasMany (probably) relationship. That attribute_lookup/link table would be connected by a belongsTo/hasOne relationship to the actual Attribute Type and Attribute Value models.
Providing that you normalise your tables correctly, you can stick well within Cake relationship conventions.
You can read more about EAV here.
I have been thinking about this problem for some time now, and I have eventually got around to build a solution for it. What I came up with is a new ORM that can be used on top of CakePHP.
It sort of works as CakePHP 3.0 with entities that represent an id/model, but it is much more advanced and supports multi table inheritance and single table inheritance.
Check it out: https://github.com/erobwen/Cream
I just started with the Entity Framework and started to design the model first. So in my model there is a Person who can have a PrivateTelephone, so I created an 0..1 to 1 association. As the picture below shows.
So far so good. But when I generate the database the [PrivateTelephone] is set to NOT NULL. Why can't this be just NULL?
It is becauser your relations are defined in reverse order. You should have 1 on Person and 0..1 on Telecom to specify that Person is the principal which can have one or zero phones. In your mapping you say that Telecom is principal which can have one or zero persons but person must have Telecom. It will also lead to reverse problem due to your incorrect mapping. You have six one-to-one relations to Telecom but if you reverse them as you demand you will say that all six relations (all six FKs in Telecom) will be NOT NULL = each record will have to participate in all six relations.
One-to-one relation is very special and should be used rarely. You should instead have one-to-many relation from Person to Telecom with a new column in Telecom specifying the type.
When using one-to-one relation you must have FK in dependent table configured with unique index. EF doesn't support unique indices so when you model one-to-one relation in model first it is still one-to-many in database and if database is used by another application it can break your application.
Also avoid unnecessary inheritance. Do you need Person as separate entity? = is there any instance which is only person and not employee? Are there more derived types from person? If not you don't need person and if yes it still doesn't mean that base person is a good idea. The same is true with employee. Inheritance has its own rules in EF and when using model first it will by default creates TPT inheritance = the worst one because it results in very complex and slow database queries.
For my recipe-sharing website, I want to create a database and CakePHP models for the recipes and their ingredients.
I created two tables: recipes and ingredients. The third table is a HABTM table for ingredients_recipes, which also stores the amount of ingredients needed for the recipes. How do I create a model for the third table?
The third table would look something like this:
I also thought of adding another table for measurement_units to store all possible units (ex. tablespoon, tea spoon, cup, etc.). Would that be too much?
HABTM, within Cake's ORM, is actually an abstraction of the following two model association structures (using your example):
-> hasMany IngredientsRecipe
-> belongsTo Ingredient
-> hasMany IngredientsRecipe
-> belongsTo Recipe
The IngredientsRecipe model is inferred, and used only to link the two first-class models, Ingredient and Recipe.
However, in your case, you actually want IngredientsRecipe to be a first-class model, which breaks the HABTM abstraction. In fact, what you need to do is explicitly define the two association structures above, so that Cake treats the IngredientsRecipe model as a first-class citizen, allowing you to query against it, save records to it, etc.
Also, no, I don't think it's too much to create an additional MeasurementUnit model. It will provide you much more flexibility down the line.
Think of it like this then treat it one chunk at a time:
`Recipe` (1)--(n) IngredientsRecipe (n)--(1) Ingredient
In Recipe, create the association to IngredientsRecipe
In Ingredient, create the association to IngredientsRecipe
In IngredientsRecipe create the association to Recipe
Still in IngredientsRecipe create the association to Ingredient
While you're doing it, forget about HABTM and think instead about hasMany and belongsTo
Incidentally, you are not bound to call the model IngredientsRecipe, that is just the default/convention.
When you're done, treat it like hasMany, belongsTo or HABTM as appropriate.