Web interface for Firebird database - database

I currently have a Firebird server on Windows and Windows desktop client applications for Firebird databases. I want to make a web interface for the existing databases (using Apache on Windows). What free instrumentation (server languages, libraries) is currently available for the purpose?

Check this for complete but most welknown are :

Its not web based, but it is quite useful. I use SquirelSQL


How can I connect to SQL Server directly from Android with an C++ Builder FMX application

I get the following error when I try to connect to SQL Server directly with a C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo application. I couldn't locate the library requested despite all my searching.
Can anyone help? I'm at a crossroad to decide to continue with C++Builder or Xamarin.
Do you have C++ Builder Enterprise or Architect edition? You need this to connect to SQL Server using FireDAC. C++ Builder Professional edition can only connect to local databases.
Looking at this page:
Embarcadero Microsoft SQL interface
suggests to me that Microsoft SQL with Android client is not supported.
FDConnection is FMX compatible, but the drivers for various OSes are not.
There's a company called Devart that develops direct access connectivity for RAD studio mobile devices; Not sure if this will work if you only have C++ builder; but worth a try;
I'm currently in the same pickle and I'm busy writing a tcpclient/server proxy fmx app that will run on a windows server[where the mssql driver will work]
The idea is to connect from mobile device with tcp client to tcp server component running on windows and have that app grab the info i need for mobile app. Not the fastest solution in long run as you have to do all your authentication and encryption yourself and not the cheapest either as it requires an online windows server or pc... but if you already have it, you might as well use it.
Will update if it succeeds or fails

what is the new approach to developing C# apps with a stand-alone database?

I'm looking into developing single deployment applications, traditional desktop applications with simple database(s) embedded. By my understanding Microsoft have removed support for MSSQL Compact Edition in the newer versions of Visual Studio.
I've read that the approach recommended by them is to use the Express version of MSSQL, however I'm failing to understand how an application with an Express SQL database embedded in it would be able to run on a machine without the SQL service installed and running.
Am I missing something here? I've hunted around Google for the last few hours, is the only solution to use a 3rd party technology like SQLite?

Using Mobilefirst database for jsonstore sync

We are developing an Hybrid application using IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 6.3.
We don't know if we can use the database that we installed during the MobileFirst installation.
It's a bad practice to use this database as a backend for our apps?
Will this generate a overhead?
The MobileFirst Server that is installed in the Development environment (the Eclipse plug-in) uses a filesystem-based database (HSQL) by default.
The MobileFirst Server that is installed in a QA/Production environment supports a database from these vendors: MySQL, Oracle, DB2.
In both cases the the database that is created for the use of the MobileFirst Server should be used solely by MobileFirst Server. It should not function as a backend to store other information in it for use by the applications, that are served by the MobileFirst Server.
It should be separately hosted databases - it can be on the same machine if it is able and has enough resources, but it should be different databases.

How to avoid ODBC driver installation for a Node.js application?

I'm using https://www.npmjs.org/package/odbc in an application targeting Windows.
Therefore it requires users to install Microsoft ODBC driver for SQL Server located here, which is a problem if the user doesn't have admin rights.
Any workaround?
You can use another system for databases, mongoDB, sqlite, etc. if your application is simply, i recommend sqlite

how to connect to Oracle application expres database

I've signed up into Oracle Application Express for my school education purposes (I need free Oracle db hosting). I am developing web application which I would like to be coonected to db which Oracle given me with App Express. My problem is that I don't know where to get connection string for this db or if it is even possible to get.
Thank you very much :)
Regards, bakua
If I understand your question, you're trying to use the database provided at apex.oracle.com as just a standard Oracle db and build your own independent web app using that as the backend db? If so, you can't. The apex.oracle.com setup is designed purely for learning and experimenting with apex.
This is confirmed here
If I understood your question!
I'm not aware of any free Oracle hosting other than downloading free versions from Oracle and hosting on your own computer.
