What WPF frameworks should I use? - wpf

I'm a newbie to WPF and I'm developing a brand new windows desktop application and I would like your opinion on what WPF framework I should use. I know this question has been asked before, but the last question was asked at least several months ago. A lot has changed since then.
Right now, I'm using MVVM Light which is more of a library than an actual framework, as the name suggests. I’m looking for something more comprehensive. I prefer a framework that I can use on future WPF projects. Consequently, it should be general purpose and productive.
Any insights or suggestions?

If you are a newby I would suggest that you try to use PLAIN WPF first to get a feeling for it instead of right away extending WPF with other frameworks.

Your title is a bit confusing. WPF is just a graphics/UI layer. WVVM is a Model View ViewModel framework, for implementing a MVVM pattern using WPF ( or Silverlight ).
So, are you asking what design pattern you should use for your WPF application? ( As in MVC, MVVW, MVP, etc... ) Or are you asking which MVVM frameworks are compatible with WPF?
Ugh, acronym soup.
As to my answer, if you are new to WPF and want to learn WPF, I would start with no framework, you can always refactor later once you have a good solid grasp of the underlying technology.

It's definitely on the heavy weight end, and plenty of people will warn you about it, but you seem to be asking for CAG
It's a pattern that comes with a sample implementation that you can bend into your own. For example, it comes with Unity for IoC, but you should be able to put in another IoC container.
The download comes with a lot of samples for both Silverlight and WPF.

Caliburn (http://caliburn.codeplex.com/) handles a lot of shortcomings of the WPF inherent model (like writing a ton ot stupid routing code for events) and introduces MVVM ;) My bet ;)

You might have a look at the WPF Application Framework (WAF). The sample applications show:
View composition
UI Workflow (Wizards)
Command binding / Shortcut Keys
MVVM pattern, Unit Testing
Entity Framework
Open/Save FileDialog
Print Preview / Print Dialog


Why should I use a UI Pattern Framework for WPF, SL and WP7?

I've been learning SL over the past month and have now shifted my focus toward UI Pattern Frameworks such as Caliburn.Micro and MVVM-Light.
I recently attended a session at a conference on Using the MVVM Pattern with WPF and SL. The presenter demonstrated using the pattern plain, without any UI Frameworks -- very simple and straight forward. In the presentation he recommended that we create a base VM to be able to use some common functionality (wasn't able to get more specifics due to time -- please feel free to clarify). Is this a reason why I would want to use a UI Pattern Framework?
My understanding is that UI Pattern Frameworks help implement patterns like MVVM by convention, thus allowing devs to not have to worry about that. Why else would I use a UI Pattern Framework?
Thanks in advance!
For business app - your VM most likely going to need at least 2 interfaces:
INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyDataErrorInfo
Like Kieren said - implementing INotifyPropertyChanged is very easy, couple lines of code. INotifyDataErrorInfo is little more but not bad.
MVVM Light is so "light" I'm not even sure what's is the point :) To me - someone who understands what MVVM about doesn't need this. You can look at it's source code to see what it does because most likely you will need to expand on that base class.
Caliburn, OTOH, is a convention-based framework which allows you bind without specifying "Bindings" and other magic like this. You need to decide if you really need it...
If you are working on something heavy, like LOB application with lot's of forms and stuff - I strongly suggest looking into PRISM. It's not an MVVM framework, it's framework to build complex composite UI. Learning curve will be steep, not like MVVMLight :) But it will cover most bases in your business application.
The only reason to use a UI Pattern Framework is if it provides the functionality you need or want.
If you only need to use INotifyPropertyChanged and maybe a quick RelayCommand, write them yourself (since it's ~5 lines of code, a couple of classes, ~30 lines in all).
If you need more, use one of the pre-built frameworks.

Silverlight and MV(VM) Pattern - No Code-Behind - Is this possible?

I am working on Silverlight 3.0 and currently using code-behind in my Views. I would like to implement the MV(VM) pattern into my project as the project is growing. I have seen some WPF projects where the code-behind has NO CODE except for the InitializeComponent method, which I believe is the right way to go and just looks clean. Is this possible in Silverlight 3.0, that is, no code-behind?
Can anyone point me to some good Silverlight (3.0) MV(VM) tutorials / articles?
Without using some additional framework, Silverlight 3 does not support what you saw in WPF. Specifically, full Commanding support. Silverlight 4 has included Commanding for Buttons, which is a start.
You can look into other frameworks that provides this feature set, like Prism. This will get you along the right path, but I'm sure there are other options.
You can follow the MVVM pattern for Silverlight 3 applications without using a framework. However, it is much easier to use one of the many MVVM frameworks out there. Here are a few good ones:
MVVM Light
Simple MVVM
I'd recommend not using Prism as it is more complicated than it needs to be.
Other options include things like MVVM Light, which is lighter weight alternative to Prism for things like handling events and commands, however Prism does have a lot of functionality (and the Prism 4 talk has that sounding like a good option when it gets released).
One good community site to check out is the Composite Development Patterns Community, which was newly started but has an excellent goal of collecting articles and other help for working with development patterns like MVVM.
Lastly, John Papa gives a great overview of MVVM, limited to links so head to Google and look up "John Papa MVVM". :)
One thing to consider though, resources for SL3 aren't going to be as valuable as those for SL4, which opens up additional options for framework based commanding (ICommand that greglev mentioned), although it isn't still the full command support from WPF.
Jesse Liberty has a good primer on MVVM also using Behaviors for wiring events.
Silverlight and MV(VM) Pattern - No Code-Behind - Is this possible?

MVVM for winforms [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
UI Design Pattern for Windows Forms (like MVVM for WPF)
Should MVVM be used for WinForms? If so, what is the advantage over using MVP?
I think that there are two answers here... really just one answer to "Should I" and one answer to "Could I".
As far as "Could I", it is certainly possible. MVVM really just relies on a view that can bind to a view model. Since WinForms supports binding, this certainly is possible. You may need to write some code to make that binding more useful in an MVVM world, but it is (at least) theoretically possible. If it worked well, the benefits would be pretty great, IMO. You could make sure that your WinForms "View" had no UI behavior, except for creating the visual objects and binding them (in code, not declarative like in XAML). WinForms objects are very difficult to test, where ViewModels are very easy to test.
As far as your real question: "Should I", that becomes much more of a project-level decision. What are your goals? If you are looking to make some rather complex UI logic testable, then you might at least look into it. Fortunately, though, there are other patterns (Model-View-Presenter, for instance) that have more community backing that also has you write a testable "presenter" class. I find ViewModels significantly easier to write unit tests against compared to Presenters, but I think that is a personal preference.
Just as an aside, the MVVM pattern is mostly another name for the "Presenter Model" pattern. You might look to see if anyone is having success with the "Presenter Model" against WinForms UIs.
Good luck!
The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern is a design pattern. Per definition a design pattern shows a common solution in the object-oriented world and this solution can be applied in various platforms (WPF, WinForms, Java Swing, etc.). I agree that MVVM is best used with WPF because it leverages the strong binding capabilities. However, Windows Forms supports data binding as well.
The WAF Windows Forms Adapter shows how to apply the MVVM Pattern in a Windows Forms application.
MVVM Specifically fits the markup + code and lookless model in WPF and silverlight. I would not suggest it to a winforms app as I believe it would be an overkill. I do not see any benefit over MVP in a winforms app. However in WPF and silverlight it is always the preferred than MVP.
Read up on the web what MVVM is and why it came to be. That should clear it up further.
I don't believe MVVM can be done in winforms(at least not without a lot of hacking). MVVM separates the view(your form) from the viewmodel(your logic).
The reason it can be done in WPF is because WPF allows loosely coupling the view from the viewmodel via databinding in xaml. This allows the ViewModel from not knowing anything about the view and still being able to function. This is a good article on MVVM basics, I believe that it will clear up several questions.
MVVM was specifically created for WPF, in order to take advantage of WPF features like bindings and commands. Windows Forms doesn't have these features(*), so it doesn't really make sense to try to apply the MVVM pattern to a Windows Forms application... You should probably use MVC or MVP instead.
(*) It actually has some basic support for data binding, but not as powerful as in WPF...

Should I use the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern in Silverlight projects?

One challenge with Silverlight controls is that when properties are bound to code, they're no longer really editable in Blend. For example, if you've got a ListView that's populated from a data feed, there are no elements visible when you edit the control in Blend.
I've heard that the MVVM pattern, originated by the WPF development community, can also help with keeping Silverlight controls "blendable". I'm still wrapping my head around it, but here are some explanations:
One potential downside is that the pattern requires additional classes, although not necessarily more code (as shown by the second link above). Thoughts?
I definitely think you should use the MVVM pattern for Silverlight applications - and one of the benefits of the pattern is that you can actually make your application really blendable through some simple techniques. I often refer to "blendability" as "design for designability" - that you use certain techniques to make sure your application looks great in Blend.
One of the techniques - like Torbjørn points out - is to use a dependency injection framework and supply different implementations of your external services depending on wether the code is being executed in Blend or in the Browser. So I configure my container to use a dummy data provider when the code is executing in Blend, and that way you get design time support for your list boxes, data grids etc.
The challenge is often how to set the DataContext declaratively - so I often end up using a service locator class a a "front end" to the IoC container. That way I can bind the data context to a property on the service locator.
Another technique is create some kind of ObjectDataSource control (non visual) that has two properties: Design Time DataContext and RunTime Data Context. The control does the job of detecting where is being executing, and then setting the Parent DataContext to the right object.
I'm not sure if I can answer your question, but I have foudn the article below very valuable. Jonas Follesø is using ninject to switch out his services when in design/blend mode. Very nice!
I also agree with Jonas regarding MVVM with Silverlight. I do believe that MVP is also a good choice, but recently I have had time to try both MVP and MVVM with Silverlight and I am much happier with the results from MVVM. (Yep, I changed my mind the more I used MVVM). The VM abstracts the binding of the Model from the View (obviously) in MVVM which allows for more binding scenarios (at least cleaner ways to do them) than with MVP. That's just one aspect, though.
I'll be posting some examples of both MVP and MVVM with Silverlight on my site.
I've tried a few options and I'm settling on MVVM as the best choice for me. Blendability is an important point, and I also find the VM aspect intuitive for rigging up dynamic behaviors and procedural effects and animations (like Nikhil's Silverlight.FX). At one point I tried to avoid Blend altogether through fluent interfaces but am finding the coupling between UI and behavior too painful in the long-run. I want to design my UI in Blend and then add effects and other behaviors in code, this is proving to be the best pattern for me to follow so far.
I think many of us are waiting for the trailblazers to go ahead and create really good sample apps using MVVM in Silverlight (and WPF for that matter). There are a number of tricky areas such as the lack of ICommand in Silverlight, or the difficulty of interacting with animations starting and stopping only using data binding.
Its definitely a pattern to watch for the future though, and is worth trying out if you don't mind 'cheating' occasionally in the places where you can't quite figure it out.
I love the ViewModel pattern and highly recommend it. I have a couple of "getting started with ViewModel" types of posts on my blog.
ViewModel Pattern
Binding Converts - VisibilityConverter
Silverlight Airlines with a ViewModel
I agree with Jonas. MVVM seems to be the model that works best for me (though John Papa thinks MVP makes more sense). I have an MSDN Article on this coming out in March that hopefully will answer the call for a good example.
BTW, I would like to see some cohesion in the MVVM Framework department. There isn't a good solution for a framework to follow yet. I like Jonas' (I think Jonas' is the FX Framework) but since its not WPF compatible it might not be the right choice for some.
I've been using MVVM lately on a couple of different Silverlight projects and it's been working really well, I would definitely recommend it. Jonas's post is a great place to start, I've recently blogged on my MVVM experiences too and created a really simple solution to demo the main touch points.
There's a very good Techdays 2010 video introduction to the MVVM pattern, clearly explained:
TechDays 2010: Understanding the Model-View-ViewModel pattern
Hanselminutes podcast by Laurent
For more complicated applications that require a higher degree of automated testing it definitely makes sense, and the move away from DependencyProperties to DataContext binding is a lot neater than it's ASP.NET counterpart.
The biggest challenge I've found with Silverlight is testing the actual UI (there's one commercial framework so far I think), and the huge tangle of event calls you get into when using WCF services (or the WebClient for that matter) with Silverlight.
I've always thought MVVM and PresntationModel http://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/PresentationModel.html are essentially the same thing. PresentationModel is a lot easier to say.
I've used it succesfully in java swing, windows forms, WPF and silverlight. If you think in terms of separation of concerns a Presentation Model makes a lot of sense. You have one class whose only concern is providing a Presentation friendly Model.It really doesn't matter what technology is used to show it on the screen. It might change some implementation details but splitting the concerns apart is a good idea no matter how you show the information.
Because of that separation you can easily write tests against your presentation model regardless of the view technology. So that's a plus.
With the Feb 2009 release of Prism v2 by P&P, even better support for MVVM now available for Silverlight and WPF. See microsoft.com/compositewpf for more details.
Take a look at my article about MVVM and Silverlight in real life projects and decide for yourself.

MVC Frameworks for WPF

Are there any MVC frameworks available for WPF other than Caliburn (which looks awesome btw)?
Both Caliburn and PRISM are very nice. However if you go down the path of MVC you will miss out on the powerful 2 way binding. Consider MVVM, it's a very clean and practical approach for WPF. This is the pattern Microsoft used for their expression blend.
There is also Magellan, a port of ASP.NET MVC for WPF.
There is Composite WPF aka PRISM from Microsoft Pattern & Practices.
one additional possibility is pureMVC (www.puremvc.org)
it seems well-proven, has good short doc/UML, and the project is responsive, and has been ported to .NET - there exists an WPF demo, it will be published soon but you also can contact the project owner about it.
A new MVC framework that works with practically and .net technology (WebForms, WinForms, WPF, Xamarin Forms) is SimpleMVC by Gateway Programming School. This link gives an overview and example usage.
A short example is to create a controller from SimpleControllerBase that has your business logic. This will depend on the SimpleModelBase implementations you provide. Implementations of ISimpleView are handled through WPF pages and controls. The derived controller only works with the interfaces that extend ISimpleView so that the WPF parts are abstracted away. You then use properties on the view to do two-way data-binding, just like MVVM, but with a proper layered architecture.
