MVC Frameworks for WPF - wpf

Are there any MVC frameworks available for WPF other than Caliburn (which looks awesome btw)?

Both Caliburn and PRISM are very nice. However if you go down the path of MVC you will miss out on the powerful 2 way binding. Consider MVVM, it's a very clean and practical approach for WPF. This is the pattern Microsoft used for their expression blend.

There is also Magellan, a port of ASP.NET MVC for WPF.

There is Composite WPF aka PRISM from Microsoft Pattern & Practices.

one additional possibility is pureMVC (
it seems well-proven, has good short doc/UML, and the project is responsive, and has been ported to .NET - there exists an WPF demo, it will be published soon but you also can contact the project owner about it.

A new MVC framework that works with practically and .net technology (WebForms, WinForms, WPF, Xamarin Forms) is SimpleMVC by Gateway Programming School. This link gives an overview and example usage.
A short example is to create a controller from SimpleControllerBase that has your business logic. This will depend on the SimpleModelBase implementations you provide. Implementations of ISimpleView are handled through WPF pages and controls. The derived controller only works with the interfaces that extend ISimpleView so that the WPF parts are abstracted away. You then use properties on the view to do two-way data-binding, just like MVVM, but with a proper layered architecture.


Silverlight MVVM framework

Just out of curiosity, wanted to know if there is a need to use any MVVM frame work available as third party installable or we can directly create and define different projects in our application and call them as Model, ViewModel and View, and also use them as per their definition.
Does the third party framework provide anything extra and can a application as mentioned in the above paragraph can be called as MVVM compliant.
No you don't have to use any third party framework, you can just follow the design pattern. You can follow this link to find out more.
If you're looking for an MVVM framework then I would suggest Catel
The approach which you're thinking of is not what I personally would call 'MVVM compliant' (altough it is only a pattern). Normally your Models are classes to describe and access your data (Linq2Sql entities), ViewModel are classes which drive the applications business logic and your Views are just windows/pages etc.
Normally I just create folders in my main project for all three of them and take it from there but sometimes it is a good idea to get the Models into a separate project if they are going to be used by other ones but I would normally call it something like MyProjectData
No, it's not necessary to use any of the available MVVM frameworks, you can create your own MVVM framework and use it. If you folllow the guidelines for MVVM patern and implement the framework correctly then the application would be MVVM compliant.
But yes MVVM frameworks have there advantages, they provide a lot of features/base classes out of the box which you will have to implement yourself in your custom MVVM implementation; for e.g. Prism provides a standard way of solving various problems/scenarios encountered in SL or WPF application (EventAggregator, Navigation framework, commanding etc.).
Have a look at this question which I had asked about Prism -
Custom MVVM implementation Vs. PRISM
No, you don't need to use third party framework for it. You just need to follow the architecture of MVVM and try to implement your code in that. Your can learn more about MVVM here enter link description here
Best for MVVM Architecture

Sharing Silverlight and WPF Models with MVVM Light

I have a Silverlight class library which is a model in my MVVM app. I am using MVVM Light. How easy is it reuse that model in a WPF app and use the MVVM Light framework. The framework has different dlls for WPF and Silverlight so I guess there is incompatability of sorts. I was wondering if anyone could talk me through the options. Cheers, Chris.
The suggested option is to use the Project Linker, this tool synchronizes code over multiple projects, allowing you to maintain a Silverlight and WPF dll with one codebase.
I hope you mean model means data in WPF and Silverlight. If that is the case, you can expose the data using a Service. It can be any service like web service, WCF service or WCF RIA service. Since a service can be multi tenented you can have a Silverlight as well as WPF client accessing the same service.
If you are trying to share the ViewModels between Silverlight and WPF using MVVM light, I would suggest you have a look at the MIX 2011 video of the presentation by the creator of MVVMLight library Laurent Bugnion. This is called Deep Dive MVVM and is a very good session. In short you can share ViewModels between WPF and Silverlight by adding the file from one project to another as a "LINK".
Hope this helps

What WPF frameworks should I use?

I'm a newbie to WPF and I'm developing a brand new windows desktop application and I would like your opinion on what WPF framework I should use. I know this question has been asked before, but the last question was asked at least several months ago. A lot has changed since then.
Right now, I'm using MVVM Light which is more of a library than an actual framework, as the name suggests. I’m looking for something more comprehensive. I prefer a framework that I can use on future WPF projects. Consequently, it should be general purpose and productive.
Any insights or suggestions?
If you are a newby I would suggest that you try to use PLAIN WPF first to get a feeling for it instead of right away extending WPF with other frameworks.
Your title is a bit confusing. WPF is just a graphics/UI layer. WVVM is a Model View ViewModel framework, for implementing a MVVM pattern using WPF ( or Silverlight ).
So, are you asking what design pattern you should use for your WPF application? ( As in MVC, MVVW, MVP, etc... ) Or are you asking which MVVM frameworks are compatible with WPF?
Ugh, acronym soup.
As to my answer, if you are new to WPF and want to learn WPF, I would start with no framework, you can always refactor later once you have a good solid grasp of the underlying technology.
It's definitely on the heavy weight end, and plenty of people will warn you about it, but you seem to be asking for CAG
It's a pattern that comes with a sample implementation that you can bend into your own. For example, it comes with Unity for IoC, but you should be able to put in another IoC container.
The download comes with a lot of samples for both Silverlight and WPF.
Caliburn ( handles a lot of shortcomings of the WPF inherent model (like writing a ton ot stupid routing code for events) and introduces MVVM ;) My bet ;)
You might have a look at the WPF Application Framework (WAF). The sample applications show:
View composition
UI Workflow (Wizards)
Command binding / Shortcut Keys
MVVM pattern, Unit Testing
Entity Framework
Open/Save FileDialog
Print Preview / Print Dialog

UI Design Pattern for Windows Forms (like MVVM for WPF)

MVVM is most commonly used with WPF because it is perfectly suited for it. But what about Windows Forms? Is there an established and commonly used approach / design pattern like this for Windows Forms too? One that works explicitly well with Windows Forms? Is there a book or an article that describes this well? Maybe MVP or MVC based?
I have tried MVP and it seems to work great with windows forms too.
This book has an example of windows forms with MVP pattern (sample payroll application). The application is not that complex but will give you an idea about how to go about creating it.
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#...
You can get the source code at
Source Code
There are two variations of the MVP pattern
(a) Passive view and (b) supervising controller
For complex databinding scenarios I prefer to go with the Supervising controller pattern.
In supervising controller pattern the databinding responsibility rest with the view. So,for treeview/datagrid this should be in the respective views, only view agnostic logic should moved on to the presenter.
I'll recommend having a look at the following MVP framework
MVC# - An MVP framework
Don't go by the name (it's an MVP framework).
Simple winforms MVP video
Winforms - MVP
An example of dealing with dropdown list
MVP - DropDownList
Simple treeview binding example (poor man's binding). You can add any treeview specific logic in BindTree().
Below is the code snippet.... not tested, directly keyed in from thought....
public interface IYourView
void BindTree(Model model);
public class YourView : System.Windows.Forms, IYourView
private Presenter presenter;
public YourView()
presenter = new YourPresenter(this);
public override OnLoad()
public void BindTree(Model model)
// Binding logic goes here....
public class YourPresenter
private IYourView view;
public YourPresenter(IYourView view)
this.view = view;
public void OnLoad()
// Get data from service.... or whatever soruce
Model model = service.GetData(...);
As it has already said, i always worked in a MVP pattern when using Winforms. But the design pattern you will use not mean you will use right. There is loads of anti-pattern attached to MVP.
If you want to starts everything in a good manner, you have to use the framework for building smart client. So i will recommend to use that design and practices: Smart Client Software Factory
You have a discussion here about the current smart client frameworks :
PS: I like this post on the MVP anti-patterns:
Hope this helps
The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern is a design pattern. Per definition a design pattern shows a common solution in the object-oriented world and this solution can be applied in various platforms (WPF, WinForms, Java Swing, etc.). I agree that MVVM is best used with WPF because it leverages the strong binding capabilities. However, Windows Forms supports data binding as well.
The WAF Windows Forms Adapter shows how to apply the MVVM Pattern in a Windows Forms application.
I have written about a variation of MVP/MVVM design patterns called MVP-VM, which is a tailor made solution for winforms applications that require full testing coverage and use data binding as main mechanism for keeping the presentation updated with model data.
MVVM for .NET Winforms
MVVM (Model View View Model)
introduces similar approach for
separating the presentation from the
data in an environment that empowers
data binding (WPF). Since .NET
framework 2.0 already offers advanced
data binding infrastructure that also
allows design time binding of
application objects - the ‘View Model’
entity can fit quite well in MVP based
I asked this same question to two of my techies co-workers: is MVVM for WindowsForms possible? Both gave me the exact same answer: "No way! WindowsForms is missing the rich bindings of WPF and Silverlight (OneTime, OneWay, TwoWay, OnewayToSource) and it is also missing the TypeConverters."
Screen Activator Pattern for WindowsForms - you can find it here, ported from Caliburn.Micro by jagui
Rich Bindings and TypeConverters - Truss by Kent Boogaart, does it in an UI independent way
Commands - WPF Application Framework (WAF) has a WafWinFormsAdapter project that takes care of some MVVM stuff namely commands
Again, can we have MVVM for WinForms?
Yes we can. We have all the pieces. We just have to glue them together.
I believe that MVP is a pattern well-suited to WinForms development - as is partly evidenced by it's use in CAB - Microsoft's framework for WinForms.
I use MVP in WinForms to extract code out of the View - because I can't test the View code. And also to enable code that needs to be reused (or is duplicated) to stay out of the View where it can't be shared.
I can refer to my own project where I use the MVP pattern ExceptionReporter.NET. Though I'm sure I don't use it perfectly.
You mentioned MVVM working for WPF - I think the reason for that is because of strong data-binding support. If you were not using data-binding in WPF (and it's certainly not compulsory) then you could choose MVP. The point being that MVP is a strong choice for any client-side application. And possibly a 'better' choice, even in WPF, if you plan on sharing code between projects that aren't WPF.
For more evidence of the value of using MVP in WinForms see Boodhoo's video presentation on using MVP:
And an MSDN article by the same author at
The BindTree method seems a little
flawed to me. Suddenly the the View
knows abou the Model. Is that a good
thing? There must be tons of poeple
being confronted with these kind of
problems. I am surprised that there
aren't any books about it. Since there
are books about everything in the .NET
These Design not about hiding the model rather precisely defining the interactions between the different layers of the applications. You can change the backend completely and as long as you pass a Model through Bindtree your UI will continue to work.
Now class Model may be a poor choice of a name in the example that Rajesh gives. It can be TreeData, or RecordsData. However you define it, it has what you need to using the binding mechanism of Winforms to bind a specific control to the underlying data.
The best site to browse for this kind of material is here. Martin Fowler has collected a variety of useful UI design pattern and enterprise design patterns.
Again the key to this is the use of interfaces to precisely define how each layer interact with each other.
In my own application (a CAD/CAM applications used to run metal cutting machines) my structure looks like this.
Forms implementing form interfaces
UIDLL with views implementing view
interfaces that interact with forms
through the form interface. The
specific views register themselves
with UIViewDLL Views executes Command Objects found
in command libraries that interact
with the Model.
Command libraries; lists of
commands implementing ICommand.
The command that interact with
views do so through the interfaces
exposed in UIViewDLL.
UIViewDLL; exposes the View Interfaces
used by the commands.
Model; the classes and collection that
make up core data structures of my
application. For me these are things
like material, cuttingpaths, shape,
sheets, torches, etc.
Utility; a DLL that has commonly used
utility classes used by my company
that span different application. For
example complex math functions.
You can use Enterprise Architecture, Patterns and Practices as the starting point, although they are slightly dated.
Under General Guidance there is Application Architecture for .NET: Designing Applications and Services, which is a good introduction to .NET ways and layered N-tier application.
alt text
For more formal "patterns", there is Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft .NET.
To name a few,
Intercepting Filter
Three-Layered Services Application
The first good explanation of UI design patterns I read was in Jeremy Miller's blog - Building Your Own CAB. It describes the common patterns - Passive View, MVP, etc. and addresses some of the ways you might implement them in C#.
You can try MugenMvvmToolkit that allows to use a "pure MVVM" for WinForms.
Due to the fact that it supports bindings on all platforms, all of the native binding features available for WPF platform available on all platforms (include WinForms).

Can A winform app be switched to a WPF one if MVC architecture is used?

If we develop a winform app using an MVC architecture, it should not be too hard to change over to WPF at a later date, correct?
Well designed WPF application heavily leverage data-binding. As such, you might consider using classes such as ObservableCollection and others and implement IPropertyNotify when designing your model.
Look up some references to the M-V-VM pattern advocated by Microsoft product groups (e.g., Blend) for more information.
It seems that in Codeplex there is an MVC winform open souce fmwk for developping winforms app
That framework is koossery.MVCwin, located on Codeplex at
