VB.NET Application which can compile and run C programs - c

These days I'm working on a VB.NET application which can be used to edit, compile and run C programs. Can someone tell me how I can call a cl.exe process from within my VB program and also that how do I run the program in the console widow itself.
Presently I have only the editor ready. With that one can type in a program and save it with a ".c" extension. Now there are 2 buttons on my form - "Compile" and "Run". When the user clicks on the "Compile" button, the program should be passed to the cl.exe process and the errors should be displayed in another textbox or the DOS(black screen itself). And when the user clicks on the "Run" button, the ".exe" file which just got created should get executed.
Is there any way to attach some files along with my program so that the people who do not have "C" installed in their computers can also edit, compile and run C programs using my application?

You can use the System.Diagnostics.Process class to do this.
You can launch any executable using the Start method. You an pass arguments, etc, just like you would from the command line.
You can redirect the output of the program using the Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput property.
There are similar methods for redirecting errors, input, etc.

To capture the output of the compiler or the compiled and linked program, use the System.Diagnostics.Process.StandardOutput property to retrieve a System.IO.StreamReader instance.


How do i make my C program run in the background on windows?

I need my C program to run in the background, so without any open window or without blocking the terminal if run from there.
I can't find much info on how to do it online.
edit: To do what i needed, i just added -mwindows to the gcc command.
Windows supports two program types; GUI and console.
Console applications automatically get a console window if the parent process does not already have one.
GUI applications do not get a console and they can have 0, 1 or multiple windows. If you don't create a window your application is basically only visible in Task manager. GUI applications typically use WinMain as the startup function instead of main. Notepad.exe is a GUI application that creates a window.
You need to tell the compiler/linker that you are creating a GUI program. If you are using Visual Studio, it probably has a project template you can use.

How to start c app from desktop with double-click?

I have written one very simple app in C. I know how to run it through Visual studio, but i want to start it from desktop with a double-click. If I double-click on a .exe file made in folder, it does not start. How can I do this?
If you do not wish to modify your code so that it will wait for user input before closing (and there are many reasons that might be inappropriate), you could create a batch file wrapper:
Then either you can double click the batch file or create a shortcut to the batch file then edit the shortcut to set the path to the batch file and the path from which to run (so it can find the exe).
That pretty much emulates how Visual Studio runs your code without terminating the window.
Another method you might consider is a batch file such as:
Then you can drag-and-drop your executable onto the runner.bat icon to run it. The advantage being that you don't have to create a new batch file and/or shortcut for every new executable.
Really though this is not a C question, or even a programming question - it is most likely off topic. If your code is ever required to run to completion unattended in a batch file for example, you would not necessarily want to add any interactivity to the program itself.
Your problem is that double clicking on a console app will open a new console window, run the program and then close the window.
VS studio does a trick where it runs the app in a new console window but keeps it open till you press a key.
You can add that same thing yourself - put a getchar() call at the end
Or you can make a bat file to run the app as per Cliffords answer
1st open the code with visual studio code
Run or Build the program
then u will find an executable file where u have saved your code
Open that executable file
but you must have installed mingw installed in your environment
you must compile it first with mingw or like compiler. and start it with by code:
cmd> yourdirectory(e.g Desktop)/ gcc yourcodefile.c your question is available also internet => how-to-compile-c-program

codeblock exe keeps crashing instantly

I have made a c program with codeBlocks on windows 10, but the exe crashes as soon as I open it, actually it does not matter the program all exe produced by codeblocks won't run, maybe there are some problems with the settings? Cause if I run the program from inside codeBlocks it runs without problems, any suggestion?
You are compiling "command line programs", which don't open a window on their own. Since they apparently don't expect any user input they run to the end quite happily and quit.
If you want to run this type of programs, you need a shell, which provides a window.
This is a simple way to get one: Open a file explorer window and navigate to the directory containing your program. Click into the address bar so that it changes into a textual representation of the path. Replace all of it with the word cmd and press enter. Now the shell's window opens, commonly with white text on a black background. Enter the name of the program, and it will run.

Redirect programs directly to eclipse console

I am using eclipse cdt oxygen with mingw64 7.2.0 on windows 10 to write programs in c. Whenever I write programs that only outputs like:
The output got printed into the console. However when I write programs that asks for inputs, like:
c = getchar();
rather than going to the console, eclipse instead opens a terminal. I believe that is where you will type the input. This doesn't usually bother me, however my eyes are destroyed, I am using a screen reader and this terminal is somewhat inaccessible. It is usable, but can be very hard to use sometimes (E.G. my screen reader JAWS does not speak what I'm typing).
Is there a way for eclipse cdt to put all inputs and outputs directly to the console?
Unfortunately in this case eclipse console is read only. Better once compile and build your code go to the folder where it created your exe file and run that exe in command prompt and test.
open command prompt window (type cmd)
cd C:\path_to_your_exe\
This will also help you in case your program takes command line parameters.

Adding icon to gcc executable and opening in terminal

I made a program to connect to a device via Bluetooth and send the data to the web using pure C in gcc. I won't be able to implement any GUI portion in the code right now but I need to deploy it to test users for testing. I want to have the executable with an icon so that a user can click on the executable and the program starts in the terminal. How do I add an icon to the executable and start the program in the terminal?
Sorry I failed to mention before that its in Ubuntu Linux
This document explains how to add your program to the programs menu: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/.
If this is a Windows executable you're making, what you need to do is to use a resource compiler to make an object file that includes the resources you want (an icon in this case) which you can then link into your program as normal. The resource compiler I've used when building programs on Windows with gcc was called windres.
I found it to be very finicky when dealing with directories with spaces in the name. Beware!
